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Workshop Day and Time: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Midsemester Test
13th September 2019

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks

This paper has 10 pages (not including the separate formula sheet )
The test is printed single-sided.

Authorised materials:
Only Casio FX-82 (any suffix) or Casio FX-100 (any suffix) electronic calculators are permitted.

Instruction to students:
Attempt ALL questions.
The questions carry weight in proportion to the marks in brackets after the question numbers.
These marks total 100 marks. You must show your work in order to receive credit!
Write your WORKSHOP DAY and TIME at the top right where indicated.
Use the back of the previous page if you need more space for writing your work.

For examiners’ use only.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 TOTAL
(/24) (/15) (/25) (/21) (/15) (/100)
ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks, 13th September 2019

Question 1 (24 marks = 8 + 8 + 8 marks)

Consider the breadboard circuit shown below with five resistors. Channel 1 of the DC power supply
is connected as labelled and set to a DC voltage of 12 V.

+ Ch1 Supply

_ Ch1 Supply
You are given that all five resistors are 200 Ω.

Two ideal multimeters are used to measure the circuit simultaneously as follows:

• A voltmeter is connected to the circuit as follows: The + terminal is connected at point A and
the − terminal at point B.

• An ammeter is connected to the circuit as follows: The + terminal is connected at point C

and the − terminal at point D.

(a) Draw the equivalent circuit schematic of the breadboard circuit. For the ammeter (AM) and
voltmeter (VM), include them in your schematic as circles with the appropriate acronym inside (i.e.,
VM or AM). Be sure to label the given polarities of the AM and VM as well.

ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks, 13th September 2019

Question 1 (Continued)

(b) Determine the readings on both the ammeter and voltmeter. Show all of your work.

(c) Consider the same breadboard circuit again from the previous parts, but now the ammeter
has been disconnected, while the voltmeter remains where it was previously. The ammeter is now
re-connected to the circuit as follows:

• The ammeter is connected to the circuit with the + terminal at point C and the − terminal
at point A.

Determine the readings on both the ammeter and voltmeter. Show all of your work.

ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks, 13th September 2019

Question 2 (15 marks)

For the above circuit, apply either Node Voltage Analysis (NVA) or Mesh Current Analysis (MCA).
You are to choose only one of the two methods, not both of them.

In the box on the bottom, write a system of equations that, if solved, would provide all numerical
node voltages (if applying NVA) or all numerical mesh currents (if applying MCA). Be sure to add
all appropriate labels to the circuit diagram above.

NOTE: You do NOT need to simplify your equations any further. You are NOT to solve
for the numerical node voltage or mesh current values.

Circle which method that you are using: NVA MCA

ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks, 13th September 2019

Question 3 (25 marks = 16 + 9 marks)

i1 (t)

75 ⌦

50 ⌦
vs (t) = 100 mH
20 µF

(a) Consider the circuit above operating at sinusoidal steady state. The source voltage is given as:

vs (t) = 6 cos(500t) V

Determine i1 (t). Show all of your work.

ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks, 13th September 2019

Question 3 (Continued)
(b) Consider the circuit below consisting of a 100 mH inductor connected to some unknown electrical
network. To the right of the circuit is a plot of the inductor’s current iL (t) versus time t.

Determine and list the time intervals when the inductor is absorbing energy from the network it is
connected to. You must show all of your work/reasoning that supports your answer. Unjustified
answers will not receive marks.

iL (t)

Network 100 mH

ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks, 13th September 2019

Question 4 (21 marks = 9 + 12 marks)

“Black Box”
40 mA

(a) A black box consisting of resistances and independent sources is shown above alongside a graph
of all possible current-voltage outputs.

The terminals of the black box are now connected to a resistor R as shown below. The value of R is
unknown value, but you are given that i = 16 mA when it is connected as shown.

“Black Box”
v R

Determine the value of R. Show all of your work and reasoning.

ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks, 13th September 2019

Question 4 (Continued)
(b) Find and draw the Thévenin equivalent circuit for the two-terminal circuit shown below.
Show all of your work.
10 ⌦ 15 ⌦

6V + 40 ⌦ 10 ⌦


ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks, 13th September 2019

Question 5 (15 marks = 5 + 5 + 5 marks)

(a) Consider the below circuit which contains a diode with the current-voltage characteristic plot
shown to the right of the circuit, where vD and iD are defined using the standard reference labelling
(anode to cathode) for a diode as discussed in lecture.

250 ⌦
+ _

iD in mA
3V =

vD in Volts
Estimate the voltage v that is labelled in the circuit.

(b) Consider the circuit below that contains one Zener diode that follows the simple piecewise-linear
shown to the right of the circuit, where vD and iD are defined using the standard reference labelling
(anode to cathode) for a diode as discussed in lecture.

Determine iD when (i) Vs = −2 V , and (ii) Vs = 6 V. Show your work.

1 k⌦

+ 5V
Vs = D1 vD

ELEN20005 Foundations of Electrical Networks, 13th September 2019

Question 5 (Continued)
(c) The below circuit contains two Zener diodes, D1 and D2 , which both follow the simple piecewise-
linear model shown to the right of the circuit, where vD and iD are defined using the standard
reference labelling (anode to cathode) for a diode as discussed in lecture.

Assuming the DC power supply vs can only take on values in the range of 0 V to 10 V, plot the
labelled current i versus vs . You must show work that supports your plot.

D1 1⌦ i

vs + vD
= 5⌦ 1V




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