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Strategic human resource

management: where have

June 2000
we come from and where
should we be going?
Peter Boxall and John Purcell

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) implies a concern with the ways in which HRM
is critical to organizational effectiveness. This straightforward assertion is examined in theory
and through research evidence to reveal high levels of complexity in relation to how, when and
why the interconnection between HRM and organizational outcomes is achieved. The two
dominant normative models of `best fit' and `best practice' are considered. The paper
concludes that the HR strategies of firms are heavily shaped by contextual contingencies,
including national, sectoral and organizational factors. However, such a conclusion does not
invalidate all `best-practice' thinking. Although constrained in certain ways, underpinning
principles of labour management still have relevance to practice as essential attributes of a
firm's ability to compete in its chosen markets. The paper then considers the resource-based
view (RBV) of the firm and asks whether this provides a better basis for the development of
Peter Boxall is from the theory in SHRM and in understanding the contribution of HRM to the achievement of
Department of sustained competitive advantage. While limits to the utility of RBV in respect of SHRM theory
Management and are identified, important implications for research are signalled. Trends in the RBV literature
Employment Relations, are pushing all those interested in strategy towards studies of intellectual capital, learning
University of Auckland, processes and organizational adaptability. Researchers in HRM could, if they wished, play a
Private Bag 92019,
central role in these developments because questions of how to attract, motivate and develop
Auckland, New Zealand,
and John Purcell is from
workers with critical and scarce abilities, and develop effective processes of work organization,
the School of must be fundamental to any model of knowledge-based competition. Greater progress will be
Management, University made when organizations are studied in a much more interdisciplinary or systemic way.
of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY,

grown steadily since the mid-1980s. Business

executives, students and academics have been
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000, As a sphere of management practice and a site debating what it might mean to take a
108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4
1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, of business school studies, the field of strategic ‘strategic approach’ to human resource
Malden, MA 02148, USA human resource management (SHRM) has management (HRM). The purpose of this

International Journal of Management Reviews Volume 2 Issue 2 pp. 183–203 183

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Strategic human paper is to evaluate theoretical development many cases, including a large number of
resource and research progress in the field of SHRM. textbooks, it means nothing at all.1 If,
management: We begin by discussing definitional issues and however, we aim to be careful about words,
then analyse major areas of theory and the application of the adjective strategic must
where have we
research in SHRM up to the present time. imply a concern with the ways in which HRM
come from and The areas we discuss include the debate is critical to organizational effectiveness.
where should we between ‘best-fit’ and ‘best-practice’ models, There are always strategic choices associated
be going? and the application to HRM of the resource- with labour processes in the firm – whether
based view of the firm. These areas account highly planned or largely emergent in
for the vast majority of theoretical work in the management behaviour – and these choices
field. The paper concludes with our assessment are inevitably connected to the firm’s per-
of how research should be developed from this formance (Child 1972, 1997; Dyer 1984;
point forward. Mintzberg 1978; Purcell and Ahlstrand 1994,
37–42). It is helpful to think of strategic
choices on two levels: they either play a vital
Strategic Human Resource Management:
role in underpinning the firm’s viability
what do we mean?
(make-or-break choices) or they account for
There is still significant diversity in the major, ongoing differences in business
literature over the meaning of ‘strategic performance (Boxall and Steeneveld 1999).
human resource management’ and its com- In adopting this understanding, it is
panion term, ‘human resource strategy’. It is convenient to refer to a firm’s pattern of
vital that we take time to clarify our terms, strategic choices in labour management
because the definitions we adopt colour the (including critical ends and means) as its
way we think about the key theoretical ‘human resource (HR) strategy’ (Dyer 1984).
problems associated with the subject. To illustrate what we mean about strategic
To begin with, what do we mean by ‘HRM’ choices in HRM, take the case of a
and by that overworked word ‘strategic’? Our management consulting firm that aims to join
preference is for a broad, inclusive definition the élite cluster of firms that are transnational,
of HRM. HRM includes anything and if not ‘global’ in their reach (firms such as
everything associated with the management McKinsey, PricewaterhouseCoopers and
of employment relations in the firm. We do Anderson Consulting). There is no doubt that
not associate HRM solely with a high-com- such a firm must have highly selective
mitment model of labour management or with recruitment and strong development of staff
any particular ideology or style of manage- to ensure it can consistently offer clients high-
ment. High-commitment strategies do exist, quality service on complex business problems.
but we are also concerned with the many cases In this élite ‘strategic group’,2 a synergistic
in which management is pursuing perform- blend of certain human resource policies –
ance goals through lower levels of attachment such as proactive recruitment channels, high
or is seeking to manage a complex, segmented entry standards, high pay, employee ownership
workforce through variable levels of commit- and extensive professional education – are
ment (Boxall 1996; Purcell 1996, 1999a). To critical prerequisites to a firm’s credibility in
produce better theory and enable better its sectoral labour market. On the other hand, it
practice, the academic discipline of HRM is unlikely that there is much hanging on the
should identify and evaluate the variety of firm’s choice of job evaluation systems. If any
management styles that exist in contemporary one of a range of such systems supports its
workplaces. remuneration goals in recruiting and retaining
What difference does it make, then, when highly qualified consultants, or doesn’t
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 we apply the adjective strategic to HRM? In perversely undermine them, then the choice

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among different systems is not critical. of the departments in a business – which
Similarly, the contracting out of payroll or threatens historical budgets and jobs – will
benefits administration in such a firm is not a typically challenge stakeholder interests,
strategic dimension of its HRM. It is not including those of managers whose own
difficult to meet the requirements of employ- interests create ‘agency’ problems for the firm
ment contracts in these areas and élite firms (Jensen and Meckling 1976). And while
are not differentiated from lesser firms on this political negotiation is an important charac-
basis. What is critical, however, is that the teristic of strategic management, we should
firm’s leaders put together and apply the also acknowledge the ongoing problem of
system of broad-based HR policies that will imperfect information – about both present
help the firm to join the élite group of and future – and cognitive limitations in the June 2000
professional firms in its sector – although it management of complexity (Child 1997).
would be unwise to think that this will happen Through such things as better environmental
quickly or be achieved solely through HR scanning, more rigorous debate in the top
strategy (Mueller 1996; Boxall and Steeneveld management team, and more extensive
1999). employee involvement in the planning
This illustration of strategic choice-making process, some firms are better prepared for
is a very simple one, and we should pause to the future than others (Boxall 1996).
explain what we are implying about concepts Recognizing the political and cognitive
of effectiveness in firms and the management complexities involved, we understand
process involved in forming and reaching strategic HRM as concerned with the strategic
them. We do not want to conjure up a picture choices associated with the use of labour in
of the firm as a ‘production function’ in which firms and with explaining why some firms
management has perfect information about manage them more effectively than others. It
markets and technological options and simply is helpful to spell this definition out in a very
configures human and non-human resources in practical manner. Suppose an HR Director or
the best way to meet desired financial consultant is asked by a chief executive to
objectives (as is still argued in foundation conduct a review of the quality of HR strategy
texts in microeconomics). Effectiveness is a in a firm. What should such a review entail?
multidimensional concept which is subject to We suggest the following broad questions:
paradox (Cameron 1986). While firms are
economic entities – with shareholders who • What strategic choices in HRM (includ-
expect adequate financial returns – they are ing key HR policies, practices, and
dependent on the services of a network of investments and the overall system of
different members of society, including these choices) are critical to the firm’s
employees and agencies of the state. Not only performance?
must managers try to reach the economic • How are actors in the firm making these
goals desired by shareholders, but they must choices (what processes are involved,
also try to deal with the drivers of employee including analytical and political pro-
satisfaction and with broad notions of social cesses, and how are strategic HR choices
legitimacy (see, for example, Granovetter connected to other strategic choices in
1985; Kochan 1999; Lees 1997; Oliver the firm)?
1997). To hold the firm together, management • How could the firm’s HRM become
must secure adequate levels of common more effective (what could be done in
interest but trade-offs are typically involved HRM to improve the firm’s relative
across some stakeholder objectives (Hill and performance in its industry, perhaps even
Jones 1992). Major change often throws these to the extent of generating some form of
trade-offs into sharper relief. A restructuring sustained competitive advantage)? ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000

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Strategic human As these three questions make clear, this kind (Boxall 1999). Reality, however, is much
resource of analysis is far from straightforward. In more complicated. Difficulties arise with
management: many firms, significant data gathering would multi-product and multidivisional firms, some
be needed to answer the first two questions. A of which are based on related diversification
where have we
study of these two questions nearly always and others on unrelated diversification. Is
come from and demonstrates the need for better systems for there a role for corporate HR strategy in such
where should we measuring HR performance in the firm, as firms and, if so, what should it be (Purcell and
be going? advocates of the ‘balanced scorecard’ have Ahlstrand 1994)? Can corporate HR strategy
noted (Kaplan and Norton 1996, 144–145). provide some form of ‘parenting advantage’
There is still a marked tendency in firms to which adds value to what business units could
treat HR practices as ends in themselves, and a achieve without corporate influence? A third
major effort is usually needed to map their complication arises with international firms
links to one another, to other management (as many multidivisional firms are). Where
activities and to important performance firms compete across national boundaries, in
variables. The third question involves not what ways should they adapt their employ-
only data analysis but some kind of theory ment practices to local conditions? This is the
about how to make HRM more effective in the concern of the fields of international and
firm, about how to improve the strategic comparative HRM (see, for example, Brewster
management of human resources in it. What 1999; Boxall 1995). The sort of questions we
theories are on offer? have raised about HR strategy give rise to the
The rest of the paper is concerned with this concept of ‘strategic international HRM’ (De
question but we must – again – pause for Cieri and Dowling 1999). With these
clarification. Before proceeding, we should add difficulties in mind, it is little wonder that
three further complications to our conception of theory-building in strategic HRM is such a
strategic HRM. First, we must be careful not to daunting prospect. In what ways can we
assume that HR strategies are uniform within usefully map such a complex terrain?
firms. It is wrong to conjure up the image of a
single set of critical practices for managing
Strategic Human Resource Management:
people in the firm. The vast bulk of evidence
`best fit' or `best practice'?
suggests otherwise: firms rarely adopt a single
style of management for all their employee Complexities aside, most research and
groups. The HR strategies of firms typically theoretical debate in strategic HRM has been
include somewhat different styles for different consumed with a contest between two
occupational groups: ‘internal labour markets’ normative models of how firms should make
are strongly segmented (Osterman 1987; strategic choices in labour management. One
Pinfield and Berner 1994; Purcell 1987), not model – the ‘best-fit’ school – argues that HR
least between management and non-managerial strategy will be more effective when it is
labour (Boxall 1992). In a nutshell, the pattern appropriately integrated with its specific
of strategic choices in a firm’s employment organizational and environmental context.
relations is variegated (Purcell 1996, 1999a). As This begs a string of questions about which
we argue later in this paper, the causes and are the most critical contingencies in this
consequences of this variegation should be complex context and how they are best
pursued more strenuously in SHRM research. connected. The other model advocates
Secondly, we have been talking as if the universalism, arguing that all firms will be
firm is a single business unit. The easiest way better off if they identify and adopt ‘best
to develop theory in strategic HRM is, in fact, practice’ in the way they manage people. This
to assume that the firm is a single business sounds more simple but begs questions about
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 unit operating in a discrete industry sector how ‘best practice’ is defined and about why

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we see such limited diffusion of most of the competitive strategy. First, such a model fails
‘best-practice’ models that are currently to recognize the need to align employee
advocated, both within complex firms and interests with the firm or comply with pre-
across sectors of the economy. Let us explore vailing social norms and legal requirements
each model more fully and then examine what (e.g. Boxall 1996; Lees 1997; Schein 1977) in
the research has to say. the course of this process. Although the
employer typically enjoys superior bargaining
power, managers in firms must give some
The `Best-Fit' School
thought to how they can meet the baseline
In one of the most widely cited sources, Baird needs of employees whose skills are crucial to
and Meshoulam (1988) argue that HR the firm’s survival (Boxall 1998; Coff 1997). June 2000
activities, like structure and systems, must fit This is especially so in highly competitive
the organization’s stage of development – labour markets, such as contemporary markets
something they call ‘external fit’ (otherwise for IT skills. Secondly, the model has been
called ‘vertical fit’). This implies informal, criticized for its lack of sophistication in
more flexible styles of HRM among start-up describing competitive strategy. Research by
firms and more formal, professionalized styles Danny Miller (1992), for example, suggests
as firms become more mature and increase the that competitive strategy is often multi-
number and range of employees. It implies the dimensional and subject to important variations
need to cope with complex tensions between across industries. It would be extremely unwise
decentralization and co-ordination when large if HR strategists devised behavioural
firms diversify. They also argue for ‘internal implications and HR policies from a typology
fit’, for the need to ensure that individual HR of competitive strategy that may be misleading
policies are designed to ‘fit with and support in their specific context. Thirdly, the model
each other’ (p. 122) (otherwise called lacks sufficient attention to dynamics. While it
‘horizontal fit’). Most models of ‘best fit’ is obviously important for firms to implement
are concerned with what is meant by ‘external the human dimensions of any competitive
fit’ and with how to achieve it. There are then strategy, ongoing environmental change
flow-on implications for internal fit, a point to implies they should do more than this (Boxall
which we will return. 1992). A more helpful model for practice is one
The most influential ‘best-fit’ model, in which fit with existing competitive strategy
however, has been one in which external fit is developed simultaneously with flexibility in
is defined by the firm’s competitive strategy3 the range of skills and behaviours that may be
rather than its stage of development. In this needed to cope with exogenous shocks and
model, the basic recipe for strategic HRM different competitive scenarios in the future
involves bringing HR strategy into line with (see, for example, the framework developed by
business needs so defined. In Schuler and Wright and Snell 1998). HR strategy should
Jackson’s (1987) widely cited formulation, it give effect to the firm’s current competitive
is argued that HR practices should be designed goals, by recruiting and motivating people with
to reinforce the behavioural implications of the sort of skills and motivations needed in the
the various ‘generic strategies’ defined by firm’s competitive sector. However, it is also
Porter (1985). Thus, it is implied, firm highly desirable that it encourages staff to think
performance will improve when HR practices ‘outside the square’, and helps to build the sort
mutually reinforce the firm’s (predetermined) of skills needed for new business capabilities,
choice of cost leadership, differentiation or technological advances or changes to customer
focus as its competitive posture. expectations. Change, we are often reminded,
Some major criticisms have been made of is one of the few certainties of modern
the idea that HR practices should be driven by capitalism. ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000

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Strategic human This last criticism helps us to refine the management from seeking higher involvement
resource companion notion to ‘external fit’ – ‘internal from the remaining workforce. Here is a
management: fit’ or internal coherence of HR policies and critical tension: between needing more skilful,
practices around what might be called ‘the more creative work while not being able to
where have we
desirable theme’. Clearly, firms should aim hold traditional staffing levels and offer
come from and for positive ‘bundling’ (MacDuffie 1995) – traditional levels of employment security. As
where should we like our earlier example of élite management Walton et al. (1994) put it, management
be going? consulting firms. They should try to avoid increasingly needs a blend of ‘forcing’ and
‘deadly combinations’: policies that work in ‘fostering’ behaviour as it wrestles with the
directly opposite directions such as strong problem of renewing the firm. We must
training for teamwork but appraisal that only understand ‘internal fit’, then, as a process
rewards highly individualistic behaviour that involves some tension among competing
(Delery 1998, 294). They should also try to objectives in management and inevitably
avoid costly duplication of practices, such as implies tensions among competing interests.
over-designed selection systems where extra These sorts of criticisms are not fatal to
‘hurdles’ add no further predictive power to contingency models of strategic HRM but can
the process4 (Delery 1998, 293). However, the be used to strengthen them. Much of the
full portfolio of HRM is implicated in a range problem with contingency theorizing in
of strategic tensions in the firm, such as those strategic HRM stems from the tendency of
we have just discussed between short- and researchers to look for correlations between
long-run goals, and structural tensions two variables, such as competitive strategy
between central co-ordination and managerial and HR strategy, occasionally moderated by a
autonomy (Boxall 1999). Even in small firms, third variable. Such models are ‘too thin’,
more than one desirable theme will need to be missing much of the interactive, multivariate
transmitted through the firm’s HR policies and complexity of strategic management in the
practices: a blend of messages about desirable real world. While we should try to avoid
skills and behaviour is needed (Wright and contingency models that are ‘too thick’ –
Snell 1998). Evans and Genadry (1999) have throwing in everything plus the kitchen sink –
developed this point further through ‘duality we do need to evolve models that explain most
theory’ in which they emphasize the value of of the important connections.
‘constructive tension’ to organizational In this regard, a more sophisticated
development. approach to contingency theory involves
As an illustration, consider work by Pil and taking a ‘configurational’ perspective (Boxall
MacDuffie (1996), which forms part of a 1996, 1999): one in which business strategy is
stream of research on automobile manufac- seen as a ‘Gestalt’ of critical, interdependent
turing: arguably the best longitudinal, elements. These elements include such vital
industry-based study of changes in work and areas as sectoral choice, competitive strategy,
employment practices available anywhere in suitable technology, structure and necessary
the world. They find a general increase in the levels of finance and human capital. A
use of high-involvement practices in the superior business strategy is one that links
industry (which in this case extends well all of these pieces in a more effective
beyond the Anglo-American world). configuration or gestalt (Miller 1981; Veliyath
However, at the same time, firms have had and Srinavasan 1995). Taking such a view, we
to pursue downsizing, often of major are more likely to uncover some of the subtle
proportions, the kind of action that reduces interactions among strategic variables. For
trust in the workplace and undermines example, we are likely to find that the effect of
employee commitment. This climate of competitive strategy on HR strategy, at least
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 insecurity, however, has not prevented in manufacturing, is affected by the dominant

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technology used in the firm (Boxall 1999; (1998) has now summarized these down to
Purcell 1999b; Snell and Dean 1992; Youndt seven:
et al. 1996). When a firm adopts advanced
manufacturing technology, it may pursue up- • employment security
skilling and quality management rather than • selective hiring
the kind of de-skilling and task specialization • self-managed teams or teamworking
more appropriate to earlier technological • high pay contingent on company per-
forms, even if its competitive goal is to formance
achieve the lowest unit costs in the industry. • extensive training
As Koch and McGrath (1996, 351) demon- • reduction of status differences
strate, very careful planning for staff is often • sharing information. June 2000
valuable in capital intensive firms. Getting
workers who ‘love the gear’ and can make it Definitions of ‘best practice’ are nearly
reach its productivity specifications is the always drawn from research on the four
priority in such cases. Even better, if workers favourite sub-functions of undergraduate
can take the machinery beyond its produc- personnel psychology: selection, training,
tivity specifications (for an interesting illustra- appraisal and pay. Most of this research is
tion, see Leonard’s discussion of Chaparral silo-based and aggregated by researchers who
Steel (1998, Ch. 1)). fail to identify their values or broader
In summary, then, ‘best-fit’ models argue theoretical framework. Lists of best practices
that HR strategy becomes more effective are often weak or silent on issues concerning
when it is designed to fit certain critical work organization and employee voice
contingencies in the firm’s specific context. (Marchington and Grugulis 2000). However,
After some early, fairly ‘thin’ contingency it must be recognized that aspects of ‘best
models, there may now be trends towards practice’ are widely acknowledged by
configurational models that are more capable researchers and practitioners (Delery and Doty
of identifying the complex interactions 1996, 806). In selection, for example, hardly
involved in business strategy and towards anyone would advocate unstructured inter-
more dynamic theory. viewing over interviews carefully designed
around job relevant factors. Similarly, no one
would advocate trait-based performance
The `Best-practice' School
appraisal over processes that examine key
Standing against contingency thinking are job behaviours or outcomes. But beyond these
those writers who argue that organizations sorts of straightforward prescriptions, we enter
should adopt ‘best practice’ irrespective of into much more difficult terrain.
context. In very simple terms, all firms will Not only do lists of desirable practices vary
see performance improvements if only they significantly (Becker and Gerhart 1996; Dyer
identify and implement ‘best practice’. We and Reeves 1995), but advocates of ‘best
should, of course, remember that the idea of practice’ continue to fudge the question of
‘best practice’ is not new. It was a major goals and interests, long identified by Legge
theme in the personnel management literature (1978) as a problem with this genre of
(Legge 1978) and remains as troublesome as business literature. What goals are being
ever. served by ‘best practice’? Taking the distinc-
Most enthusiasm for ‘best practice’ origi- tion we made earlier between viability and
nates in the USA. Arguably, the most influen- sustained advantage, does ‘best practice’ serve
tial set of definitions at the present time is one or the other? If it is the former, all firms in
associated with Jeffrey Pfeffer’s (1994) a sector need to implement it to remain viable
sixteen practices. More conveniently, Pfeffer (something, we might note, which will be ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000

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Strategic human logically impossible if one of the policy-sticks management, if not to the ultimate goals of
resource in the bundle of best practices is ‘high pay’, employers for productivity and profit. Take,
management: often expressed as ‘pay in the upper quartile’). for example, Wever’s (1995) study of the
If, however, ‘best practice’ is about creating different approaches to workforce governance
where have we
sustained advantage, only limited numbers of in the US and Germany and their relative
come from and firms can achieve it and others will be impacts on competitiveness. For her, the ‘task
where should we disadvantaged accordingly (as we discuss in facing German employers is to adapt some of
be going? the section on the resource-based view of the the organizational lessons to be learned from
firm). And then there is the problem of the United States without sacrificing the
interests or whose goals are being served. If strengths of the negotiated model’ (p. 17).
‘best practice’ serves both shareholder5 and She does not counsel German firms to
worker interests, we can hardly object to it. abandon their commitment to collectivism in
Similarly, we agree some practice is bad for pursuit of the kind of more individualistic,
both parties and should be avoided. But what more flexible labour market implicit in much
if a practice is good for corporate returns but US ‘best-practice’ thinking. On a more micro
bad for workers? Do workers get a real voice level, take Wood’s study of performance-
in deciding the issue (Marchington and related pay in which he finds that American
Grugulis 2000)? And what if a practice is notions of contingent pay7 may be treated
good for executives but not good for either quite circumspectly in the UK, at least below
shareholders or waged workers?6 Pursuing the executive level. British manufacturing
these sorts of questions inevitably leads us firms pursuing what Wood (1996) calls
into a position where the idea of ‘best ‘high-commitment management’ are not
practice’ must be heavily qualified. But let’s likely to adopt this part of the typical
not take this step right away. Let’s pause to American prescription,8 finding that salaried
reflect on the research about ‘best fit’ and pay, rather than bonus and piece-rate systems,
‘best practice’. better serves their objectives for high levels of
employee involvement over time. Much more
research could be cited, but there is no need to
Assessing the Research Evidence
be pedantic about such an obvious point.
In assessing the research evidence, we must While capitalist firms share very similar goals
remember the critical distinction between around the world, they do make a significant
studies that examine what firms actually do amount of adaptation to local beliefs, customs
(descriptive research) and models of how and laws in their pursuit of shareholder
firms can do it better (normative or prescrip- wealth. How on earth could it be otherwise?
tive theory). In this section, we review the Diversity in HR practices based on societal
body of descriptive research before tackling effects is one thing, but we discover increasing
the more difficult question of what kind of diversity when we examine research on the
normative model should be advocated. The diffusion of ‘best practice’ in any major
second step involves difficult judgements capitalist society. Let’s take the United States
about appropriate values in business (Legge because so much of the current debate turns on
1978), as we have already indicated. how we interpret certain key US studies. Why
First and most obviously, there is over- is there a ‘diffusion problem’ if there are
whelming evidence against a universal set of certain well-known, highly productive work
HR practices based on national variations in and employment practices (such as broadly
culture, market regulation and traditions of defined jobs, teamwork and worker-driven
management. Cultural norms and the unique problem solving)? If there are certain ‘best HR
history of different societies always make practices’ out there, why don’t more firms
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 some difference to the methods of labour adopt them? In the most comprehensive and

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careful survey to date, involving a cross- if investment in the comprehensive ‘technical
industry sample of 694 business units, and human system’ it represents is not deemed
Osterman (1994) finds some 35% of US worthwhile (see also Snell and Dean 1992,
private sector establishments with 50 or more 492).
workers have adopted such forms of work Overall, the US research suggests that high-
organization. But he points out that sectoral commitment practices are most popular in
and organizational variables are important in those sectors where the firm competes through
explaining why some firms have adopted quality and service,9 and can only remain
more of these practices than others have. viable through exploiting advanced tech-
The sort of employers most likely to adopt nology (as in complex manufacturing) or
innovative work organization are engaged in through a highly skilled interaction with June 2000
sectors exposed to international competition, clients (as in professional services). In sectors
employ more advanced technology and pursue where these conditions are not met, firms have
competitive strategies, which include a blend adopted more modest employment policies,
of quality and service dimensions as well as the kind of policies that are consistent with
cost. Expert reviews, which stand back from a recruiting and retaining sufficient workers in
range of sectoral and organizational studies the relevant labour markets (Nord 1999).
and assess the overall picture, reach the same Where labour markets are still very loose,
conclusion. As Weinstein and Kochan (1995, this means that working conditions have
24) put it: remained static or deteriorated. (Anyone who
looks at the broader social picture – in any of
. . . the overriding conclusion based on available the ‘Anglo-Saxon’ economies – over the last
evidence is that innovations are partially 20 years can see that this is obviously the
diffused across . . . industries and across the case.)
economy. Innovations are more widely diffused In effect, there is not much research that can
in (1) greenfield sites than in existing facilities, be used to support a universalist case for any
(2) in larger firms than in midsize and smaller of the lists of best practices currently
firms, and (3) in high value-added industries advocated in the USA or elsewhere. A
such as autos, telecommunications, and searching examination by Wood (1999) of
computers than in clothing, finance, and health the concepts, measures and interpretations of
universalist studies in the HRM literature
argues for a lot of caution. We agree, noting
In-depth research that examines the whole two points in particular. First, most sectoral
framework of business strategy – and not studies that show higher performance resulting
simply the HR elements – helps to explain from high-commitment HR practices, such as
why. Apparel manufacturing is an interesting Arthur’s (1994) study of steel minimills or
case, one in which academics often upbraid Delery and Doty’s (1996) study of bank loan
management for not being more progressive. officers, cannot be pressed beyond their
Sectoral research, however, shows that best sectoral boundaries, as the authors are usually
practice (in this case, teamworking or careful to note. Secondly, those who believe
‘modular manufacturing’) does not diffuse Huselid’s (1995) survey of 968 US firms
unless firms can afford, and benefit from, the provides support for his definition of ‘high-
related investments in on-line retail informa- performance work practices’, must admit that
tion systems and the extra machinery implied there are methodological grounds for heavily
by team-based production (Berg et al. 1996; discounting his finding that greater adoption
Boxall 1999). The fact that an HR or IR expert of such practices would be economically
might label teamworking as ‘best practice’ rational for all firms (Purcell 1999b). He uses
doesn’t mean that clothing firms will adopt it single respondents in firms, senior HR ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000

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Strategic human managers, to provide some questionable data. principles (Youndt et al. 1996, 837). The
resource A moment’s reflection tells us that questions most fundamental principle in labour
management: such as ‘What is the proportion of the management is the ongoing need to align
workforce whose job has been subjected to a management and worker interests in firms, at
where have we
formal job analysis?’ are going to reveal very least at the level of a contract that meets the
come from and little about the quality of management. base-line requirements of both parties. In any
where should we Similarly, the question about the proportion context where workers have some labour
be going? of the workforce who underwent ‘an employ- market choice or develop powerful
ment test’ before hiring tells us nothing about organization or enjoy strongly enforced labour
the validity and reliability of the testing. Nor market standards, this principle becomes more
does finding out what proportion of the apparent – but it is always there (Boxall 1999;
workforce have access to grievance machinery Coff 1997). Furthermore, we can be confident
tell us anything about whether management that organizational processes that build trust
works with such procedures in ways that between management and labour will
improve trust levels. At the end of the day, ultimately deliver better outcomes for both
snap-shot surveys of single respondents which parties – as Fox (1974) convincingly argued
produce sophisticated statistics – but only by and as current studies of psychological
glossing over the segmentation of internal contracting continue to attest (e.g. Robinson
labour markets and the complexity of and Rousseau 1994). As a general rule, it is
management processes in firms – have to be much better to involve people in developing
treated very circumspectly (Lowe et al. 1996; policies that affect them, than leave them out,
Marchington and Grugulis 2000; Purcell as research on pay policies has long testified
1999b). (Purcell 1999b). And it is always helpful if
management delivers on its promises: any
major gap between HR policy and HR practice
Academic and Managerial Implications
will eventually demoralize, if not antagonize,
What, then, shall we conclude about the the workforce (e.g. Grant 1999).
debate between ‘best fit’ and ‘best practice’? However, experience teaches us that the
While descriptive research demonstrates that general principles and processes of ‘good
the methods of labour management are HRM’ can rarely be sustained indefinitely or
inevitably contingent on context, including applied as favourably to all occupational
social, sectoral and organizational factors, groups. Sectoral disturbances, such as
does this invalidate all ‘best-practice’ increasing competitive pressure, typically
thinking? Is there some way in which notions force trade-offs between management and
of ‘best practice’ might still lay a basis for labour, damaging trust relations (Fox 1974)
prescriptive theory? and further segmenting the workforce
On this question, it helps if we make a between a core with critical skills and a
distinction between the top layer of policy and periphery engaged on less important and
practice and the underpinning layer of more insecure work (Purcell 1996, 1999a). In
principle and process (Becker and Gerhart less skilled, labour-intensive sectors where
1996; Purcell 1999b). We are most unlikely to firms enter into a cycle of competition based
find that any theorist’s selection of best on low-priced, standard levels of service, we
practices will have universal relevance, but can expect to see continuing patterns of low
principles and processes are a different matter. wages, part-time labour and limited career
When we stand back and consider the broad development (Marchington and Grugulis
tradition of research on employment relations, 2000). As recent American research
there is no doubt that, ceteris paribus, all firms demonstrates, there is little ‘trickle down’
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 are better off when they pursue certain of productivity-driven wage inflation from a

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growing, knowledge-driven economy to the Theoretical Focus of the Resource-based
lowest skilled workers (Nord 1999). The View
same conclusion can be reached about
The RBV owes much of its genesis to a
experience in the UK and other parts of the
pathbreaking book on the growth of firms by
Anglo-American world.
Edith Penrose (1959). Arguing that her
In summary, there are certain broadly
theoretical purpose was different from that
applicable principles and processes of good
of neo-classical price theory, Penrose (1959,
labour management but the methods firms
31) conceptualized the firm as ‘an admini-
adopt to reach their performance goals are
strative organization and a collection of
inevitably affected by societal, sectoral and
productive resources’. She distinguished
organizational factors. The sort of practices
between ‘physical’ and ‘human resources’ June 2000
that are more desirable to employees – such as
(ibid., 24), with the latter including the
high levels of pay, training and security – are
knowledge and experience of the management
not cost-effective across all sectors or, indeed,
team. Rather than subscribing to the neo-
across all types of labour in a single firm. As
classical position of firm homogeneity within
Kochan (1999) and Wever (1995) emphasize,
industries, the resource-based perspective
we must look for a system of changes at levels
works from the premise that competition does
beyond the firm, involving the state and wider
not eliminate all ‘differences among firms in
patterns of economic and social development,
the same line of business’ (Nelson 1991, 61).
if we are to grapple more effectively with the
By defining firms as unique bundles of
issues ultimately raised by the wide variation
resources, it emphasizes the imperfection of
in contemporary employment practices.
‘factor markets’: some factors needed by firms
can be traded in markets but there are various
Application to Human Resource productive capabilities which can only be
Management of the Resource-based internally developed (Wernerfelt 1984;
View of the Firm Dierickx and Cool 1989; Teece et al. 1997).
As factors of production become customized
The second major area of theoretical develop-
and expanded in distinctive ways, firms
ment in strategic HRM is associated with the
acquire characteristics – both good and bad
resource-based view (RBV) of the firm.
– that are difficult for other firms to replicate.
Discussion of the RBV is now a central
For strategy researchers, then, the main
dimension of any major review of the field of
issue in the resource-based perspective is how
strategic management (see, for example,
firms can build unique, enviable clusters of
Conner 1991; Hoskisson et al. 1999; Mahoney
human and technical ‘assets’ (i.e. resources or
and Pandian 1992). The theory of strategic
assets are not simply understood in an
management was dominated in the 1980s by
accounting sense but include any feature of
‘positioning models’ of the strategic problem,
the firm with value-creating properties).
which tend to overemphasize the importance
Resources are valuable when they enable the
of selecting attractive industry positions and
firm to take advantage of market opportunities
competitive postures. It is now a more
or deal particularly well with market threats in
balanced body of thought in which analysis
a way that competitors are not currently able
of the internal characteristics of firms
to (Barney 1991; Porter 1991). The task is to
occupies an equally important role (Boxall
manage these scarce resources in such a way
1996). Compared with the debate between
that rivals are frustrated in their efforts to
‘best fit’ and ‘best practice’, this area is much
eliminate or duplicate the advantage they
less well developed in the literature on stra-
provide. Nothing, of course, is immune to
tegic HRM. However, existing developments
‘Schumpeterian shocks’ (radical break-
do suggest important lines for future enquiry. ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000

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Strategic human throughs that disturb technologies or basic compensating the historical owners for the
resource concepts of business in the sector) (Barney specialized network and know-how they have
management: 1991). However, there is scope for firms to developed over time. (And, in some cases, the
differentiate themselves in ways that are premium is such that the firm is never so
where have we
relatively sustainable in a given competitive profitable again.)
come from and context. Relating the perspective to our
where should we previous section, we might say that resource- Social complexity. The phenomenon of ‘path
be going? based models are mainly concerned with how dependence’ is intimately, and obviously,
to achieve ‘unique fit’ or ‘exclusive practice’. linked to a second barrier to imitation, ‘social
The issue is one of how to build valuable, complexity’ (Barney 1991; Wright et al.
firm-specific characteristics and ‘barriers to 1994). As firms grow, they inevitably become
imitation’ of them (Reed and deFillippi 1990; characterized by complex co-ordination
Rumelt 1997). systems and various types of teamwork. The
Much of the attention in the RBV, then, is embeddedness of the firm’s strengths in
focused on how firms might isolate scarce complex teamwork and connections is a kind
resources from the process of erosion that of natural barrier to imitation by rivals, a
characterizes competition in capitalist prime reason why firms in some sectors (e.g.
economies. The following processes and advertising, pharmaceutical research) will
features are seen as particularly important. sometimes try to recruit an entire team of
employees. Retaining an advantage through
Unique timing and learning. Models proposed this organizational feature is inevitably a
in the RBV are sensitive to history: to ‘unique question of human resource strategy, of how
historical conditions’ (Barney 1991, 107), well the firm aligns its interests with talented
‘first mover advantages’ (Wernerfelt 1984, individuals and groups and extends their
173) and ‘path dependency’ (Leonard 1998, talents over time (Boxall 1996, 1998; Leonard
35). Writers emphasize the way in which 1998).
valuable, specialized resources (‘asset
specificity’) are developed over time through Causal ambiguity. As with social complexity,
opportunities that do not necessarily repeat ambiguity about the cause/effect relationships
themselves, through clever people who get involved in the firm’s performance is an
together and combine their talents with other inevitable outcome of firm growth (Barney
key resources and address these to important 1991; Reed and deFillippi 1990). However,
business opportunities at the time they the degree of causal ambiguity is obviously
emerge. It is not going too far to say that a variable. While there is typically more
combination of unique timing and learning is ambiguity about the causes of high
the fundamental ‘barrier to imitation’ or performance in the minds of competitors,
‘isolating mechanism’. The reality of this McWilliams and Smart (1995) argue that it
phenomenon is widely understood in the is probably overstated in respect of managers
business community. The difficulty of within the superior firm. Rationality is
escalating a firm’s learning in an area where bounded and certain aspects of knowledge
it has no experience is often a reason for are always tacit, to be sure, but if one pushes
takeovers. Acquiring firms often feel they the notion of causal ambiguity too far,
cannot make a mark in a new sector (or a new management is virtually meaningless. Given
region) without buying an established player enough research effort and internal debate, it
who has built up the necessary client base, must be possible within business units to plot
‘tacit knowledge’ and operating systems. Very a broad theory of how the business works, as
often, of course, acquiring firms are forced to advocates of the ‘balanced scorecard’ argue
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 pay a premium to buy such a business, (Kaplan and Norton 1996).

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Resource-based theorists, then, assert that petitive advantage, over the long run, stems
high levels of idiosyncrasy among firms create from building ‘core competencies’ in a firm,
possibilities for sustained competitive which are superior to those of rivals. Their
advantage. They also create the basis for writings constitute one of the more concrete,
competitive disadvantage (Purcell 1999a). ‘how to do it’ models within the RBV, and are
However, a word of caution is needed before particularly important for leaders of
we get too carried away with the idea of multidivisional and international firms. CEOs
differentiation. It is easy under the RBV to of these firms are encouraged to identify the
exaggerate the differences between firms in underlying clusters of know-how in their
the same sector. All viable firms in a sector companies that transcend the artificial
need some similar resources in order to divisions of ‘strategic business units’ or might June 2000
establish their identity and secure some do so if they were appropriately managed.
legitimacy (Carroll and Hannan 1995; Sony’s ‘unrelenting pursuit of leadership in
Deephouse 1999; Peteraf and Shanley 1997). miniaturization’ – manifesting itself in various
For example, banks must ‘look like’ banks products over time – is one of Hamel and
(having the requisite information technology, Prahalad’s standard examples (Hamel and
for instance) and must satisfy investors and Prahalad 1994, 119).
regulators that they can behave as responsible A similar analysis is advanced by Leonard
repositories and lenders of funds. These ‘table (1992, 1998) whose framework helps
stakes’ (Boxall 1998; Hamel and Prahalad executives to identify the distinctive or ‘core
1994) or ‘enabling capabilities’ (Leonard capabilities’ underpinning their products or
1992, 1998) include the minimum HR policies services. In her framework, core capabilities
and practices required by each firm to play the are ‘knowledge sets’ composed of four
competitive game, as in our example of dimensions: the ‘content’ dimensions, which
consulting companies earlier. The type of include the relevant employee skills and
minimum HR system varies by sector. knowledge and technical systems, and the
Compare, for example, what might be needed ‘process’ dimensions, which include mana-
by a software house with what is required in a gerial systems, and values and norms. Her
fast food outlet or a car assembly plant. ‘Table framework is perhaps the most helpful from
stakes’ are not simply examples of iso- an HR perspective. Managerial systems
morphism, although there may well be include the critical HR policies needed to
elements of normative and mimetic practice, recruit, develop and motivate employees with
and customers might have power to coerce the relevant skills and aptitudes. She also
supply firms to adopt certain HR policies. The emphasizes the interlocking, systemic nature
key point is that viable firms are partially of the four dimensions and the resulting
rather than totally idiosyncratic. In HR terms, tendency of core capabilities to become ‘core
the task is to explain both similarities and rigidities’ over time, unless firms learn to
differences, and, strategically speaking, to practise continuous renewal.
identify which features help a firm gain The models advanced by writers such as
sustained competitive advantage over others, Hamel and Prahalad (1994) and Leonard
and how, and why some firms fail while others (1998) inevitably lead to the conclusion that
succeed. it is a firm’s ability to learn faster than its
The discussion so far of the RBV might rivals – and adapt its behaviour more
convince us that it contains some important productively – that gives it competitive
truths but leave us wondering what we can do advantage. The RBV encourages researchers
about it. A popular expression of the RBV is to focus on knowledge and its creation and
associated with the work of Hamel and exploitation within firms (see, for example,
Prahalad (1993, 1994) who argue that com- Hedlund 1994; Hoskisson et al. 1999; Nonaka ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000

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Strategic human and Takeuchi 1995). On a practical level, positions are unlikely sources of advantage
resource executive interest in the area is increasingly because of their public visibility. Furthermore,
management: dominated by models of knowledge manage- he sees little enduring value accruing to the
ment, of how to identify, protect and enlarge a firm from highly mobile, self-serving senior
where have we
firm’s ‘intellectual capital’ (Edvinsson and managers. More likely to lead to sustained
come from and Malone 1997). In his model, Zack (1999) has advantage are the subtle changes to routines
where should we coined the term ‘knowledge strategy’ to cover deeply embedded in the firm’s ‘social
be going? the activities of acquiring, integrating, storing, architecture’ (a term which, unlike ‘culture’,
sharing and applying knowledge in firms. It is allows for ‘the constructive role of deviancy’)
not hard to see that the resource-based (Mueller 1996, 774). Mueller identifies a set
perspective leads to questions about the ways of ‘resource mobility barriers’ (RMBs) that
in which human abilities, motives and make it difficult for rivals to imitate such
interactions can be used to make organizations organizational behaviours. These can be sum-
better at learning and more adaptable in marized as a persistent, patient management
changing markets. process that generates valuable new skills
within the firm’s interdependent resource
bundle. While Mueller explores this process
The Resource-based View and Questions
more fully than other theorists in his ‘outline
of Strategic Human Resource
of an evolutionary theory’, he does not lay the
same stress as Wright et al. (1994) on the
Influenced by the explosion of interest in the quality of the human capital pool.
RBV, strategic HRM theorists have tried to Boxall (1998, 1999) makes a distinction
address the question of how HR policies and between ‘human capital advantage’ and
practices might contribute some idiosyncrasy ‘organizational process advantage’ in a
to firms. Wright et al. (1994), drawing on framework that builds on the work of Wright
Barney (1991), develop the argument that et al. (1994), Mueller (1996) and others.
while a firm’s human resource pool may be a Human capital advantage is possible if firms
source of sustained competitive advantage, ‘it employ people with valuable but rare
is virtually impossible for HR practices to be knowledge and skills, which are embedded
rare, inimitable and non-substitutable’ (Wright by being to some extent firm-specific.
et al. 1994, 318). The role that HR practices Organizational process advantage, on the
may play is that of building the human capital other hand, is a function of hard-to-imitate,
pool and stimulating the kinds of human highly evolved processes within the firm, such
behaviour that actually constitute an as cross-functional learning and labour–
advantage. Other firms may copy the practices management co-operation. Accordingly,
but, if they lack the quality of employee talent, ‘human resource advantage’, the superiority
they will not compete away the advantage. of one firm’s labour management over
The leading firm has, in effect, obtained a another’s, can be thought of as the product
prime mover advantage in HRM (Wright et al. of its human capital and organizational
1994, 319). As Kamoche (1996) and Coff process advantages. To achieve sustained
(1997) emphasize, it then becomes critical for advantage through people, Boxall (1998)
the leading firm to retain its high-performing argues that management must nurture
workers if it is to sustain an advantage and resources and processes that bring about high
deal successfully with the ‘appropriability’ mutuality with talented workers and must
problem: that of obtaining a worthwhile return similarly invest in employee and team
to the firm from its employment contracts. development. This is a tall order for under-
Like Wright et al. (1994), Mueller (1996) capitalized or financially vulnerable firms
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 argues that top management’s codified policy (such as small, young firms trying to compete

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against better-funded rivals) and for any firms Assessing the Value of the Resource-
with a heritage of labour-management based View in Strategic Human Resource
mistrust (see also Ichniowski et al. 1997). Management
Historical factors are very important with
Coming through existing work on the RBV,
firms facing different managerial challenges
then, are strong concerns with the manage-
in HR strategy across the phases of the
ment of knowledge and with organizational
industry life cycle (Boxall 1998).
adaptability, issues which mean that HR
As yet, there are very few field studies
researchers could, if they wished, play a major
exploring the RBV in strategic HRM. In the
role in developing this body of theory.
only case-based, longitudinal study so far,
Managing knowledge inevitably means
Boxall and Steeneveld (1999) explore the
managing both the company’s proprietary June 2000
RBV in a sample of engineering consultancies.
technologies and systems (which don’t walk
They examine whether any firms in the sample
out of the door at the end of the day) and the
have established any form of sustained
people (who do). It must imply management
advantage over rivals through superior HR
of the ongoing interaction between these two
strategy. The study reinforces the point noted
aspects of a firm’s knowledge system
earlier that firms need certain kinds of similar
(Cutcher-Gershenfeld et al. 1998; Nonaka
human resources simply to become and remain
and Takeuchi 1995). This means that the
viable in their competitive sector. Engineering
fundamental issues of how to recruit, develop
consultancy firms need a critical mass of
and motivate key people must be central to
contract-winning engineers (‘rainmakers’),
any RBV model (see, for example, Leonard
something they cannot achieve without the
1998, 13–16). What is vital now is that HR
time-honoured incentive of employee
researchers approach these questions with a
ownership and related HR practices, such as
better focus on the important dependent
selective staffing and internal development.
variables involved. In other words, how
They also need to construct and renew an
should HR activities be carried out if con-
astute leadership group, capable of steering the
tinuous knowledge creation and organizational
firm through business cycles and new
renewal are the desired outcomes? This focus
competitive challenges. The study shows that
suggests a couple of key concerns.
without timely and effective leadership
succession, these firms are most unlikely to
Building human capital structures. If better
survive major crises. In effect, there are certain
management of the human capital associated
critical human resources and capabilities that
with the firm’s capabilities is desired, in what
form part of a firm’s ‘table stakes’: ‘strategic
ways should firms build their employment
assets’ required by all viable firms. The path to
structures? As practitioners readily attest,
sustained advantage, however, lies beyond
there is increasing competition for key
these common resource bundles. In order to
knowledge workers. At the same time, even
leapfrog other firms, leaders of professional
the best-funded firms can rarely afford to
service firms may increasingly be drawn to
‘throw heaps of money’ at all possible
mergers which greatly enlarge the stock of
workers or maintain expensive, inflexible
human capital associated with a firm –
promises of job security for all those who
although post-merger relations have to be
provide labour services of some kind (Boxall
managed very carefully if process advantages
1996). Decisions about how best to segment
are to be achieved. The study confirms
and co-ordinate the internal labour market are
Mueller’s (1996) view that it takes significant
becoming increasingly crucial to firms. How
time and ‘enlightened energy’ to develop
should firms identify, attract, motivate and
organizational routines that deliver sustained
develop ‘core’ workers (Lepak and Snell
levels of superior performance. ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000

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Strategic human 1999; Purcell 1996, 1999a)? What types of ment. Before moving on, we should note that
resource work should be allocated to the ‘periphery’ both areas of interest can, and should, be
management: where services are likely to be contracted in extended from the firm-level of analysis to
much more transactional terms? Overall, what broader models of the role of industry clusters
where have we
are the risks or tensions that need to be and the state in fostering a knowledge
come from and managed in core/periphery strategies if firms economy and society (see, for example, Porter
where should we want to build and renew valuable capabilities 1990).
be going? over time? In summary, we should encourage both of
these (interrelated) concerns, while remaining
Fostering learning and organizational agility. alert to limitations in the RBV paradigm. As
The first area of interest leads naturally to a noted earlier, much of the RBV literature
broader concern with the quality of learning overemphasizes the concept of ‘competitive
processes developed in the firm over time advantage’. It needs to be balanced by a range
(Kamoche and Mueller 1998), and with the of other theoretical traditions – including
general problem of adaptability. What are the schools of organization theory which empha-
characteristics that make organizations more size legitimation processes and models of
agile in knowledge-dynamic environments interest alignment in various schools of
(Dyer and Shafer 1999; Teece et al. 1997)? employment relations (Boxall and Steeneveld
What is the impact of different types and 1999; Purcell 1999a; Deephouse 1999; Oliver
blends of HR policy on the tensions that need 1997). Overall, the RBV is a valuable ally for
to be managed as organizations wrestle with theorists in strategic HRM and its growing
achieving favourable returns in the current emphasis on knowledge management and
context while preparing appropriately for the organizational agility provide key signals to
challenges of the next one (Evans and HR researchers who want to be relevant to the
Genadry 1999)? This set of concerns implies strategic management debate. However, the
that HR researchers need to think more RBV is not a sufficient basis for the broad
systemically, to consider the configurational conceptual framework HR researchers need in
or gestalt qualities required of HR strategy to fieldwork and executives need in HR
contribute to sustained competitive advantage planning.
(Boxall 1999; Purcell 1999b). Rather than a
narrow focus on a limited set of tired con-
structs from personnel psychology, we need a
broad conception of HR strategy which Analysis in strategic HRM is concerned with
embraces the full implications of work and identifying the strategic choices associated
employment systems. HR strategy must be with the use of labour in firms and with
linked to other key dimensions of manage- explaining why some firms manage them
ment and be understood dynamically (Boxall more effectively than others. Strategic choices
1998; Kamoche and Mueller 1998). As a in HRM involve political compromises as well
result, this area of interest challenges HR as serious cognitive challenges. Theory in
researchers to work more collaboratively with strategic HRM is made more complex by a
other business academics. In our view, this range of factors, including the segmentation of
means particularly specialists in IT and opera- internal labour markets, the influence of
tions management as well as organization diverse contexts, and the interdependencies
behaviourists, all of whom have a stake in of strategic management in firms, among
issues associated with knowledge, learning others. As a field, strategic HRM is important
and the management of change. to researchers and students who want to
Both of these points have been expressed in understand business strategy better and of
ß Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 terms of the firm and its strategic manage- great practical significance to executives –

14682370, 2000, 2, Downloaded from by University Of Malta, Wiley Online Library on [18/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
particularly to those executive teams that want Our discussion of the best-fit/best-practice
to stand back from the detail of labour debate does imply a bigger set of questions for
management and review the firm’s perform- those who want to see them. If we are
ance as an employer. concerned about major social and economic
In this paper, we have explored two major issues, debates in strategic HRM should be
areas of research and theoretical development related to questions that extend well beyond
in strategic HRM: the debate between ‘best- the firm-level of analysis. Along with several
fit’ and ‘best-practice’ models and the others, we take the view that theory in
spillover into HRM of ideas associated with strategic HRM should link to debates about
the RBV of the firm. the kinds of market regulation and social
Existing descriptive research illustrates the capital that are needed to offer more secure, June 2000
ways in which the HR policies and practices more rewarding work for a larger section of
of firms are heavily shaped by contextual our society. This is becoming a more critical
contingencies, including national, sectoral nexus of academic work in the social sciences
and organizational factors. The diffusion generally because of the widespread concern
debate – in the USA (and, indeed, elsewhere) over income inequalities, worklife balance,
– shows that the more desirable employment and social fragility in the ‘knowledge
conditions (such as high pay, good security economy’.
and strong internal development) are limited The second body of work we discussed, the
to jobs and sectors where firms are trying to RBV of the firm, does not provide a sufficient
exploit advanced technology or have needs basis for the theory of strategic HRM but does
for high levels of employee know-how. offer some useful signals on how to carry
However, the fact that diffusion of these sorts forward research on HR strategy. Trends in
of practices is limited does not invalidate the RBV literature are pushing all those
what most researchers and practitioners interested in strategy towards studies of
would recognize as the general principles intellectual capital, learning processes and
and processes of ‘good HRM’. Any kind of organizational adaptability. Researchers in
ongoing employment relationship depends on HRM could, if they wished, play a central
an adequate alignment of interests between role in these developments. Questions of how
the parties. Very weak alignments between to attract, motivate and develop workers with
employers and employees usually critical skills and aptitudes must be funda-
compromise the viability of the firm through mental to any model of knowledge-based
debilitating turnover and low productivity. competition. One line of enquiry for HR
Having said this, we must recognize that researchers involves deeper exploration of
adequate alignment in many sectors of the the links between business capabilities and
modern economy, and in low-skilled core/periphery models of employment. This is
occupations in nearly all sectors, is achieved important to firms, many of which may be
with modest levels of wages, training and managing the tensions involved poorly, and
security. In these situations, employers often thus compromising their chances of long-run
regard high-skill, high-commitment strategies survival. Another line of enquiry involves
as uneconomic in relation to the benefits. examining the role of HR strategy in the
While all employers will benefit from dynamics of adaptation (including both
avoiding the real ‘howlers’ of HRM – innovation and imitation). This implies a need
practices that are well-known for their to study organizations in a much more
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