History&Civics 2021

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ICSE Board Class X History and Civics H.C.G - Paper 1 Board Paper - 2021-2022 Time: 1 hr Total Marks: 40 You will not be allowed to write doing the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. ALL QUESTIONS ARE COMPULSORY The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ Select the correct option for each of the following questions. Question 1 The Lok Sabha session which is conducted in the months of November and December is the —— (1 (a) Summer Session (b) Monsoon Session (c) Winter Session (A) Budget Session Question 2 The motion allows the house to take up a definite matter of urgent importance. (a) No Confidence (b) Adjournment (0 Censure (4) Prorogation Question 3 Which of these denotes the correct composition of the Rajya Sabha? (1) (a) 232 elected + 2 nominated (b) 238 elected + 12 nominated (c) 238 elected +2 nominated (d) 250 elected + 12 nominated Question 4 What is the quorum of the Indian Parliament? i (a) 1/3 (b) 1/2 (91/10 (4% Question 5, Which of these statements regarding the Speaker is false? rea (a) He/She is the presiding officer of the Lok Sabha, (b) Elected from among the members of the Lok Sabha, ( Elected when the newly elected house meets for the first time. (d) The members of both the houses vote to choose the Speaker. Question 6 The Rajya Sabha is called a Permanent house because 1/3 members retire every —___ iba) (a) ewo years (b) one year (0) three years (@) sixyears Question 7 Which of these is considered to be an exclusive power of the Rajya Sabha? ie] (a) Itcan approve an Ordinary Bill, (b) It can make amendments to the Constitution. (c) It can empower the Parliament to make laws on the State list. (@) It can make laws on subjects in the Union List. Question 8 In case of a conflict between the Centre and the State with reference to a subject in the Concurrent list. . ( (a) Each follow their own law. (b) The State law will prevail. (c) The President is empowered to decide. (@) The Union law will prevail. Question 9 The right of the members to is known as interpellation. rea] (a) Ask question. (b) Introduce motions. (©) Adjourn the house. (4) Interrupt the proceedings. Question 10 Which of the following statements about Ordinances is false? (a) Promulgated by the President. (b) Issued when the Parliament is not in session. (0) Has to be approved within six months from the re-assembly of the Parliament. (4) Has to be approved by both the houses of the Parliament. Question 11 Which of these is NOT a qualification required to be a member of the Rajya Sabha? (a) Should be a citizen of India (b) Should not be an insolvent. (0) Should be at least 30 years of age. (d) Should be a graduate from any university in India. Question 12 Complete the given analogy. Election of Lok Sabha member: Citizens of India Election of Rajya Sabha member: (a) Members of the Legislative Assembly, (b) Members of the Legislative Council. (©) Members of the Lok Sabha. (4) Members of the Cabinet, Question 13 Lok Sabha members from States 530 Lok Sabha members from Union territories 2 ih ea Question 16 Who was the founder of the Indian National Congress? (a) A.0. Hume (b) W.C. Banerjee (0 Dadabhai Naoroji (4) Gopal Krishna Gokhale Question 17 Complete the analogy, Non Cooperation Movement 1920: : Civil Disobedience Movement (a) 1919 (b) 1932 (9 1931 (a) 1930 Question 18 Which of these statements is NOT associated with Jyotiba Phule? (a) He established schools for (b) He established the Bramho Samaj (0) He established the Satya Shodak Samaj (4) He was against the caste system Question 19 Which of the following statements about Early Nationalists is false? (a) Their leaders were Dadabhai Naoroji and Gopal Krishna Gokhale (b) They believed in constitutional means of protest. (© They wanted self-government under British rule (4) They wanted to launch violent agitations against the British Question 20 Who was Bengal partitioned? (a) 1905 (b) 1907 (0 1906 (a1911 Question 21 Which of the following was a nationalist perspective of the partition of Bengal? (a) There was only Hindus in West Bengal. (b) To divide the Hindus and Muslims. (©) There were many riots in Bengal. (a) It was an administrative necessity as Bengal was a large territory. {1] 1) iba) Question 22 From the given list, identify the objective of the Muslim league. rea] (a) To train and organise public opinion in the country. (b) To promote friendly relation between nationalist political workers. (0 To promote among Muslims of India support for the British Government. (d) To agitate through constitutional means. Question 23 Repalce the underline word and correct the statement. (1) Surendranath Banerjee presided over the second session of the Indian National Congress. (a) Dadabhai Naoroji (b) W.C. Bonnerjee (0 Rashbehri Ghosh (@) Badruddin Tyabji Question 24 Which of these statement is NOT associated with the Jallianwala Bagh m: (a) Ithappened in the year 1919 (b) General Dyer was responsible for the massacre. (c) Itbecame cause for the Non-Cooperation movement. (a) It became cause for the Civil Disobedience movement. sacre? (1 Question 25 The Khilafat movement was started under the leadership a (a) Ali Brothers (b) Dr. Saifuddin Kitchulu (© Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (@) Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan Question 26 What was the cause for the sudden suspension of the Non-Cooperation Movement? [1] (a) Repressive measures of the British (b) The Chauri-Chaura incident (c) The Gandhi - Irwin pact (4) The Jallianwala Bagh massacre Question 27 How did the Lahore session of 1929 lead to the Civil Disobedience movement? (1 (a) The Declaration of Poorna Swaraj was passed (b) Subash Chandra Bose was made the President of the Congress () Simon Commission recommendations were accepted (a) Congress passed a resolution to begin the Civil Disobedience movement Question 28 What were the causes of the Quit India Movement? (a) Failure of Simon Commission and Rowlatt Act. (b) Failure of the Cripps mission and Declaration of Poorna Swaraj. (¢) Growing unemployment and Jallianwala Bagh massacre. (A) Failure of Cripps Mission and Japanese threat. Question 29 Which of the following is NOT a clause of the Indian Independence Act 1947? (a) All treaties made with the British would lapse. (b) The army and assets would belong only to India. () The constituent Assemblies would serve as Central Legislatures. (d) The Princely States were free to associate themselves with either dominion. Question 30 Identify the famous slogan of Subash Chandra Bose, (@) Give me blood and | shall give you freedom (b) Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it. (0 Door die (4) Vande Mataram Question 31 Which of the following was a reason for the acceptance of the Mountbatten plan (a) The British forced the congress to accept the plan. (b) The Muslim league cooperate in the governance. (©) The only alternative to partition was a Federation with a weak Centre. (d) The Princely States wanted to accept the plan. Question 32 Which of the following was an objective of the Indian National Army? (a) To formulate and present the demand to the government. (b) To make the world aware of the true nature of British rule in India. (©) Total mobilization of Indian manpower and money for a total war. (d) To establish Home Rule in India. Question 33 Read the passage given and answer the questions that follow: (1) (a (1) India’s first war of independence, better known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857, began on May 10 in the year 1857, The first martyr of the revolt was Mangal Pandey and the war was result of accumulation of many factors over time. The rebellion of 1857 is considered the first blow that came to shatter the British rule in India. Some epicenters of the revolt were ~ Kanpur, Lucknow, Aligarh, Agra, Delhi, and Jhansi. Due to all the epicenters being far from the each other, there was a communication gap between the leaders of different part of India. Due to the rebellion having no central leadership, it got limited to some parts of India only. Rebels did not have enough weapons and finance whereas British people had advanced weapons and enough finance. - India Today (i) Identify the immediate cause of the above revolt a (a) The general Service Enlistment Act. (b) The inhuman treatment of indigo cultivators. (c) The subsidiary alliance. (d) The incident of greased cartridges. (i) Which policy of expansion led to the annexation of Awadh? rey] (a) Subsidiary alliance (b) Doctrine of Lapse (c) Pretext of alleged misrule (4) Outright wars (iii) Which of these is a socio - religious cause of the revolt? (] (a) Taxing religious places. (b) Decay of cottage industries. (c) Drain of wealth (d) Exploitation of economic resources. (iv) The British showed total disregard towards the soldiers. In this context, which of the following statement is NOT true? (4) (a) They were deprived of allowances. (b) They were forced to go overseas on duty. (c) They were given the same salaries as that of the British soldiers. (4) The chances of promotion were very bleak. Question 34 Look at the picture given below and answer the questions that follow: (i Identify the leaders in the picture ty {a) Surendranath Banerjee, Dadabhai Naoroji, Gopal Krishna Gokhale (b) Dadabhai Naoroji, Lala Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra pal (c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Dadabhai Naoroji (4) Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal (ii) Which group of Congress did they belong to? (1) (a) Early Nationalist (b) Assertive Nationalist (© Revolutionaries (a) Swarajists (iii) What was there main objective? a (a) Attainment of Poorna Swaraj (b) Self-Government under British Rule (Abolition of Indian Council (@) Demand for Provincial Government for Indians. (iv) What are the methods associated with them? (1) (a) Prayers and protest (b) Swadeshi and Boycott (c) Sending Deputations of Indian leaders to Britain, (a) Sending petitions to the British government. Solutions Answer 1 Answer Z (b) Adjournment Answer 3 (b) 238+12 nominated Answer 4 (91/10 Answer 5. (d) The members of both the houses vote to choose the Speaker. Answer 6 (d) Six years Answer 7 (0) It can empower the Parliament to make laws on the State list Answer 8 (A) The Union law will prevail Answer 9 (a) Ask questions Answer 10 (d) Has to be approved by both the houses of the Parliament. Answer 11 (d) Should be a graduate from any university in India, Answer 12 (a) Members of the Legislative Assembly Answer 13 (920 Answer 14 (b) Proclamation of a National Emergency Answer 15 (b) Amendment of Constitution Answer 16 (a) A.0. Hume Answer 17 (a) 1930 Answer 18 (b) He established the Brahmo Samaj Answer 19 (d) They wanted to launch violent agitations against the British Answer 20 (a) 1905 Answer 21 (b) To divide the Hindus and Muslims. Answer 22 (c) To promote among Muslims of India support for the British Government. Answer 23 (a) Dadabhai Naoroji Answer 24 (a) It became a cause for the Civil Disobedience Movement Answer 25 (a) Ali Brothers Answer 26 (b) The Chauri-Chaura Incident Answer 27 (a) The Declaration of Poorna Swaraj was passed Answer 28 (A) Failure of Cripps Mission and Japanese threat Answer 29 (b) The army and assets would belong only to India. Answer 30 (a) Give me blood and | shall give you freedom Answer 31 (©) The only alternative to partition was a Federation with a weak Centre. Answer 32 (¢) Total mobilization of Indian manpower and money for a total war Answer 33 () — (@) The incident of greased cartridges (i) (6) Pretext of alleged misrule (iii) (a) Taxing religious places (iv) (©) They were given the same salaries as that of the British soldiers. Answer 34 (i) (4) Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal (ii) (b) Assertive Nationalists (iii) (a) Attainment of Poorna Swaraj (iv) (b) Swadeshi and Boycott

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