BA Chart Symbols

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PN Ie Nae Symbols and Abbreviations used on ADMIRALTY Paper Charts @) BS TT 10 United Kingdom Canela Hydrographic Office viel NP5O11 (INT 4 Format) Edition 6 - March 2016 SYMBOLS and ABBREVIATIONS used on ADMIRALTY Paper Charts CONTENTS System for Updating Inside front cover Introduction and Schematic Layout 2 GENERAL A Chart Number, Title, Marginal Notes 4 | B Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass 6 | TOPOGRAPHY C Natural Features 8 D Cultural Features 12 E Landmarks 14 F Ports 16 G Not currently used HYDROGRAPHY H Tides, Currents 20 1 Depths 23 J Nature of the Seabed 25 K Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions, Aquaculture 28 L_ Offshore installations 3t M Tracks, Routes 3 N Areas, Limits 36 Not currently used | AIDS TO NAVIGATION AND SERVICES P Lights 39 Q Buoys, Beacons 45 R__ Fog Signals 5t S Radar, Radio, Satellite Navigation Systems 52 T Services 54 U Small Craft (Leisure) Facities 56 ALPHABETICAL INDEXES Abbreviations of Principal Non-English Terms 58 Abbreviations of Principal English Terms 62 Index + 65 Cerificate of Authenticity Last page Contents Key Inside back cover PUBLISHED BY THE UNITED KINGDOM HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE {©Crown Copyigh 2016.A pt reseed INTRODUCTION General NPS011 primary key to sents and abbreviation usec on ADMARALTY and Iterations pape’ an rasier charts and Stour lols compled by he Unies Kngcem rycograpi Ofte (UKHO) Vanaions may occur on chars adopted ino he ADMIRALTY Series hat were oiginaly produces by ance! yatographeoftoe. hae those syroots and avbroviahons tre easly understoog they wil note Included es examples n tte publaton, Symbols ane abbrevilons shown on Eucvone Chant Display ane ntomaton Systems (ECOIS) may citer fom tees dosctbed inne documort kay fo 0uch Sbsos avalable NESOT2 Schema This econ of NSO11 ised on the “Chart Specicallons he IM (rerntonal Hycrograchic Oigarization) adopted lipeurot #4082 with later adcibone and update, The layet and numbering accords wih te oftcal IO veroee INT 1 noi Boon” verson produced by Gemma. i @ @ Tracks, Routes M Tracks Marked by Lights —> P Leading Beacons > a @— Tracks ror a 1. 2a 2205 ain 20) 2 Lan 2705 os Laaaing in (he frm ine the aewsrms | Maat betalowed) ® seston ® ® ®© sectoncesignation.n some nautical pubicaons, tis reerence is preted "fr intmatonal) @ swosectin (Crose-rforence fo tems in other sections. Column 1: Numbering flowing he Intemational ‘Chart Spectcations of te IHO™ A letter in tis column, eg. indicates a supplementary national symbol for which there's no International equivalent ‘areahonn, Column 3: Term and explanation i English Column 4: Other syrbol or abbreviation used on ADMIRALTY paper chars, if iferent om Column 2. May be obsolescent or ‘on: International @® ® © Cot 2 tnteratonal (INT symbos used on ADVIPALTY paper charts. Thue io scale represeratons ae 0 he let of snd, where bath ® ® ® Column §: Not navigational sigticant. Cross references tothe “Chart Specifications ofthe IHO", S-4 (Part B, unless a reference fter tw ancther partis given). ‘The mark + indicates that hs representation or usage is obsoiescent ‘The mark # in Colurms 2, and 4 indicates tha ths symbo! will only be found on paper charts adopted info the ADMIRALTY chart ‘series. However users should note that an such charts adational or different symboks not Isto inthis publeation may be used. Where ‘ot easly understood, such symbols wll be explained an those charts ‘Metric Charts & Metric units are ittoduced an ADMIRALTY chars as they are modernised (except for chars of the waters around the United Fashoms Charts. States of Americ, where fathoms oF feet continue tobe used). Fathom andjor feet chars can be distinguishes rem matic (Chart Datum Depths Drying heights tenants by the use of grey for lend areas, a rote inthe tile block and in some cases by @ prominent legend inthe margin. On metric charts, the reference level for soundings is glven under the char tle. On fathoms charts, the reference level for soundings may be given under the tte nat, it can be deduced trom the Ndal information panel. ‘The units used are given under the til ofthe chart. The positon ofa sounding isthe centre of the area covered by the figures. ‘On metric charts, depths of less then 21m are generally expressed in metres and decimetres. Where source information is sufficiently precise, depths between 21m and 31m may be given in half-metres. All other depths are rounded down to ‘whole metres. (On fathom charts, depths are generally expressed in fathoms and feet whore jess than 11 fms, and in fathoms elsowhere, Where source information is sufficiently precise. depths between 11 and 15 fms may be given in fathoms and feet. Older charts may show fractions of fathoms in depths af 10 fathoms or less, and some large-scale charts show all depths in feet. (On adopted or co-produced charts these ranges may vary. Underlined figures on rocks and banks which uncover indicate heights above chart datum. They are given in metres and ecimoies or feet a6 appropriate, Heights Bearings Names hort Catalogues The Mariner's Handbook fond other Publicaions How Keep Your ADMIRALTY Products Upto-Date Consright Heights aro gon in metres or in feat above the charted nsight datum; details are given in the Explanatory Notes under the chart tle. The pasiien ofa height is normally that ofthe do alongside, thus 7p. Patertheses are used wen the figure expressing height is set apar from the object (eg when shoning the height ofa small islet), Clearance heights, ‘may be refrred io a higher Gatum than other heights. In such cases this wll bs stated inthe Explanatory Notes, Bearings are given trom seaward and refer tothe true compass: Names on ADMIRALTY charts are spelt in accordance wit the principles and systems approved by the Permanent Commitee on Geographical Names for Bitch Ofieal Use ‘A second narne may be given, usualy in parentheses in the folowing circumstances: 2. It the retention of a superseded rendering wil faciltate cross-reference 1o related publications b. iin the case ofa name that has changed racicaly, the retention of he formar one wil zid recognition; ©: Ifitie decided to retain en English conventonal name in adaton tothe present oficial rendering, Details of ADMIRALTY charts are given in tho “Catalogue of ADMIRALTY Charis and Publications” (NP131), and regional catalogue “North West Europe” (NP 108), both published annually, and in he ADMIRALTY online Catalogu. Tho Mariners Handbodk (NP100) ineludes information on the following The use of charts and the degree of aliance that may be placed on them chart supply and updating; deoth and height ‘datums; names; related publications: navigation (including reguions, rousing, hazards and aids to navigation) es and currents; general marine meteorology. A glossary of terme used on ADMIRALTY charts i also given, Information about features presented on chars can also be found inte folowing publications or heir dgtal equivalents; ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions: ADMIRALTY List of Lights and Fog Signals; ADMIRALTY Tide Tables and Tidal Seam ‘Alasce; ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals; Annual Notices fo Manners IALA Maritime Buoyage System. How to Keep Your ADMIRALTY Products Up-o-Date (NP234) provdas comprehensive guidance on how to update both paper and digital ADMIRALTY chars and publications, ADMIRALTY charts ar publications (including this one) are protected by Crown Copyright. They are derived ram (Crown Copyright information and trom copyright formation published by other organisations, They may not be reproduced it any material fom (inclucing photocopying or storing by electronic means) wtneut prior permission the copyright owners, which may be sought by applying, inthe frst instance, to the Copyigh! Manager, The Untad Kingdom Hydrographic Ofice, Admially Way, Taunton, Somerset TAI 2DN, UK TO A Chart Number, Title, Marginal Notes ‘Schema Layout ofan ADMIRALTY INT erat recede) @APPROACHES 10 NEWMOUTH ax EXHAVEN ® NEWNOUTH Chart Number, Title, Marginal Notes A Magnetic Features —> 8 Tidal Data —* Satelite Navigation Systems +8 Q crwinmoer nine ADMIRALTY srs. @ curt rueberin ne hereto! NT) Chas sis. @ oe o1ma804 peodete reterece sate Arfeence othe dn uns maybe sown ® Prostar noe mpi) stoning nde of .ecaton ana How at © Fevvarcten ans Copy acknowedzonen oe. AU ADMIRALTY charts are ste! o Coun Copy esctens. © castor nomaton Eaton Mame and Date (Chars revised pio May 2000 ve Naw Eton dt ctor rt chat) © Noes nar 0 yar ce nd rare of Noes o Maer ard) te dts ua aca) rire pce Ince voit tatty posted aoane ano todo pang 66, tate tveed lo Wy eb Pete gerd 'Sl oneconey cnr yb ota ra tas ina char ken te: Sana atten ue sc tn crsanre coed 6 GOeD Ba) © canercooranaes ® om @ cola rte on chr corto: tbe en befor using the char Tie shou be qutod in adeion tote chart umber when araering achat ‘Seals. hare an ADVIRALTY cart the amatonal Chat sere, the sal of he intarnaonal Hycrgraphic Organization (IHD) s 'shown in adoinon fo he natoral seal Reproductons of wteationa charts of cher natonsacsmmis) ave the Seas oe orga produce (et), publaner (centre) ard the IMO (right) Repreductons of ther certs have tne seas of original reduce (it and ubisher rig chars whch are coproducions cary ve Seals ena vowed i ha production @ sone oon on Moca orgecton a ted te @ now sets ere scale cen @ row bec scaes eves). On arate scale chats he iad ac stukd be ted to eaee Sa Mesa Cable. @ causonery noes pany) on erates cera tobe reed befor using the chart @ see ior sy) 2 Sorc Diagram a chow, dt oe sowces zon ihe complain ab cart ae ‘play nos (00011 Te Souree Dlg or note shoul be stile cre) before wins the cart rset oasas iteretaihy ofthe sour @ eco sng scarp th rc tf mars on sae chan @ Poteonce wan aig cht tsa. @ noe roman THE USE OF ADUARALTY CHARTS: ferences he puoicatons. is. Toalow approximate conversions between metic ard fates and fee uns. On older chars conversion abies @ Copyigh nosce © auck Response (OR) cove B Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass Geographical Positions 7 - io & Leng Longitude : eee : = = 7 ™ mama be [as 8 0 Reston dosed peretinaios | iy |, wo Re a ; rs 7 Z — fs = =o ‘s = aa ie = a Control Points, Distance Marks eo] ra = 21 | nes , vom [aa =e 2 [CED |e ea 2 [SETTER | mere (Lal be a ce 25 ES mene meyer ran ie a ee a ‘ — —— ea ‘Symbolised Positions (Examples) ee > ale ff [SNe ee = ee Bi wf) emma = 6 Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass B Unis 2 z oe = 2 = crore % . eae = = 2 meet me 2 : = = (Ee = = % |, 2 es Magnetic Camas = =: = a wae = : mate = 64 decreasing ‘deer 6 vag = ei enti a oma fe ed ec Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass ce is SUT nw 2 area ee ence, = ions a SB yuu P82 ey "Pg dnd 3 = 8 3 tek i 71 aS so 7 a SESS pore eee mane keorrrse a oO Zo Seo uy Siena rece ESS ; _ aS — oe oa (08 Nee) sae eas (seo Note) Natural Features c Foreshore — I,J Coastiine 1 Coase, suveyed 02 Constine, unsuneyed Steep coast, cite F oe —__ - i pial aa a Fane sence Pes Fate aegacateal ie pio 2 es st fees! = c Natural Features 2G : D Se > 2 SS wee e ez anand a 7 = oe p=, est ne a : — = os = . Ports F Pablic Buildings 60 Havou Masters ofce 8 caste otice Heath ofoe, Quarantine bulaing sia! : se Postotice H_ Tides, Currents Terms Relating to Tidal Levels rar Datum 1 ° Batu sounding reduction 2 uo ous: ssvonorical Te was 3 vr apest Aromocl Te 4 va ean Low Water 5 so Nn Hon vier 6 vs sen Sen Loves 7 ard sey san 8 Nan Low at Sorrge 9 ms ean gh Vater Sonos 10 sam Mean Low Wate Neos 1" ssn Nan gn Nace 12 ox Aeon tower ton Wer 13 ss oon Haters ner 14 seen Mean prow tor 18 sn ean Lower gh Water 16 % Sg toe te 7 ese 38 a ton wer 0 . Low ter we c ean Te Loe) on q Ordnnce Dati 2 2 Tides, Currents H | clearance —> D Tide Gauge — T Tidal Levels and Charted Data NOTE: Planes of reference are et entey ae shown below ora cnat. Tay are Laud defied in note und chart es am, vars one cable cranes ia aero Pryce venca ear 8H) neeorangecise Tide Tables: ea aor = “Tidal Levels roforedto Datum of Soundegs a eae 7 ial NS | ew [Mews | MHWN | MLN | MLW: me Tidal steam tabie wz psec e sian | OR | |_| ® % © ® ® ie : T T ie CHEE | rz % : ae Maya iE 2 H Tides, Currents Tidal Streams and Currents Beales Kido Gage 7 [a0 Td ren anata Zenner soua conn 2e] s 7 A en as ig fa ame, Boe wae wesanigem meanigrho ate) | ——+ (ear we 2 ea aa a eos ~ a 45 giteeaeee eee aces 23 “6 ® ae | 6 o © a ae pe a ° rs mw . ee 1 Sa oe Depths | General ® a; ; o ss =o Sounding of doves dope a ip Reported, but rot cantina . ena ts ecar ‘trod. in ar orn. . recor i ee reanger on svat cae chars cry) Ey recaried ees of Reference for Depine—- Plane of Reference for Heights =H Soundings and Drying Heights @ Serer eee aoe aaa = @xwrsy | torre to sand a teoston |) ge“ te & 2 |B Loot narra a ootim td at eho 2a ‘Sanndigs wich ae lab (ap tar ae itomald or amar cal sources) shown a4 inuprgnt rane fiwes. Drying hight ane contours above Natural watercourse (n intertidal roa) waa ‘of Reference for Depths — H Depths in Channels and Areas, — | kit or areciged cnanne\ or ea {maior ancrino) Dredged ctarrelor area mh minimuen | Depths may shown a 3.5 3c sore ‘spin regular martaned erecta Th rab +cat bread chara! or aes wih minum Tmmgony | 82m 2000) opt ret regulary maintained ard as oar oftatetsuvoy 24 ‘Area swept by we rag. The cept is Shown at Char Datum (The es ct of ‘uegpng may be shawn n partes) 25 LUneurvoyed or nadoquatey surveyed ‘rom ean naceauate eat ‘nrmabon| Dies contr ow Water L0Line, Chart Datu (CD) ‘Bue in, none or mote states, and Inte accaaing oe sea are urpose ona chat and the rare et the banat (On some chars the stance sett contours is avgmertoa by eactoral nurs in ode fo doit paris fsatymorn features oro Ps Bans of parteutr catego of png. Fowever i some netances where he preuieion of adationa! sous would bo helt the survey data avaianie does rotor | Con enans which ae mere comers Dttahome crate there wil bs a ‘on standard serge of corours (On seme ers contour are pints bus (On charts showing cepts in ttbomsseet, the folowing contours ae usec (ft sa af (On same receny-conectea chars, contre ‘may be shown by contrucis ines EER ESE gsssess 0. 3t ‘Aporoxnate dec conus engin ot ‘asnes may vay) Nature of the Seabed J ee ‘Types of Seabed 4 1 s sina , 7 = 2 ” ‘aad . : | 3 o cay |. o 4 8 sn 3 2 Sones , * 6 6 Grave! . z 7 ’ ebien , e 4 8 @ cobies fe 4 * Fock Rocky |, : if = sets) a r = = 1 = a 7" = rete , * = 4 uw The jes o9 Sandon Md WSIS Sch ee (ohne of etace ayer in meres) Wied ie seabed Soares ‘Emuuroo mera no rah onentoe cen et, ‘gre Sandhu Md anc Shs eusn Weed (nctuang Keb) Kee J Nature of the Seabed n Manganese F rs = ° Gaucore . oe P Onno , o ” q sae , me - r seorge , * 3 “goo . * t Forint , f te u lbigerne , @ v Die , 2 w acre I, 7 = x acess L, m y Poyace , ® rl Intertidal Areas Jr ofan ard rd with Qualifying Terms 30 7 rm) at = edu } Sirsa aon 32 © conse } 33 oi Boker FE wt 34 ” soy, FE 5 35 = sn = 36 7 ey FE st 37 . vocanic , vol 38 7 cacaoue , ot 39 * Hart ra Nature of the Seabed J =| ‘Sra! | Large 5 = isc . * ox K_ Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions, Aquaculture General (Barger: A canger ne crane atorton | 2 aangor wn wudnt stand out ary Snough #roresoted soa by fe oym fg ‘soated rch) or dsionts bern orang remerus dangers frou ‘esos unsafe onevigate z, [Bop cleared by wie crag auson examina by ever The yma my be xed wih cer sma og. wrecks, obsmuctors wale Ste ciewance dep Onsiucton over sien mo enact depth urkrcun, but iene estmated have a sale Pearance ate dept shown The yma! ray be used wit ota symoo, 2g. weeks, wal, bine = Covers = 5 2 ‘of Reference for Heights —> H Plane of Reference for Depths —- H Fock st nie sees et over, height w wh Go BB | a, " KeSe= height above Chart Datum. where andl * Ee | 12 SSS=—— Rock swash at the level of Chart Datum a2) 3 [fe ® rere ee 4 ‘krown diet: it tf 14.1 | com ol i inside the corresponding depin area 42 | tage | ee ee angerous osurface navigator Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions, Aquaculture K ‘Underwater ook ofan da, et cangeros To sae navigation 6 28 Pr 6 Cora rotation vay coveea as Benes wae Discourse water Disco! + Deco as Hulk > F Plane of Reference for Depts —> H Historic Wieck —>N. Wrecks and Fouls ou Wreck ral never covers, on large-scale 224 a tek rl ovr and uncovers on an maniacs Ou ee Fn Suomerged wise, depth unknown. on Gm laige-seale nares bad insck showing any of lo ‘uporotur athe oro Cnet Daten aa ast 1.2) coi eck of whion the mast) ony ae view Chart Dar z eck ov whi the depth hes been am ‘tans by snag tt nt Oy re was ‘seep : me eck lnast dep obtsines by wie ® ‘steep oraher Weck, avr 20m depth uninaen thie sconsideod not cangereus . ‘Rrfacenevgaton Forivormaon about we ‘ptm enter, eh may vary, S00 NPTCD, The Mariner's Hancock e ‘Submerged wreck, dct unknown en K Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions, Aquaculture 30 Tirack over which te exact agin att 2) Fad oan ret canoer 9 sce snctorg, ing tg roranact Foul oes wth th 31.2 Now Obstructions and Aquaculture Plane of Reference for Depins > H Kelp, Seaweed Underwater installations —> |. J 4} easy A | cei tatre otnncn cot apoctod or xn jgjoum | Cestucton, doin stared by 4 6 6 sounding tu ror esr a] ge Fagen | Seton et cen irs 31] Qo roy | Sumotgot rnin wy 43.2 r Sermo eas poser) 444 a sha states eee 442 an va, fh wo: ty rete It 48 || revvae Temyroe | | Ranrapore,unnynets ee a re 46.2 a et) | rannaven, wt minum cect) a |e Sheen beds ; it 48.1 a Aerie amon lrge-scale charts) 48.2 = = Ma ar (on sr scl chars) Offshore Installations L wail Combined symbols — K (General) Areas, Limits — General EROFISK , ies | 1 eae eft ont fw Plat wit desirationname ft to aes Lint of sly so aca ore i ‘ta iB Lint ot amet ws? We uti fog wind str at és ‘tratwoie wm vaca eararce fee wind tm fer wind a aig) QD, __| wave Remus ony ooves sie Patiorms and Moorings oer Pato = is ¢ reste * " ane Fetch to) wwe z iad Spe Pa icna rere = am Sige acer tag cog (SAA ei nts Coady Cour atc) bsanatn oso tem a fe nane) te a ‘ied porn nin ipo fe és ramon nd na a sg She Pa eg, a my onal Ante Lag Want OAL toe Sagi By coon (SH ood ae thar ntang FSO FSU ae & tn Go, corto ett = Moxa grind cer ng arg %. Pr Pane of Rofrence for Dopths HH Obstructions — K Underwater Installations Producten wal, wan dep where known rcs as) GAT (oO TE rocco toe aad ose ws Seo seriou 3 dime ‘Sispende nel omic an a Span ual win ict wetead ane 3 sore ato E =n at L Offshore Installations 22 2 Ste of cead ptiom “a ey ai rand go F ; hing heigt a hart obore us OS cokes cated eo Ss Pasnew | undervter tine pe 241 @ nee 5 ‘ Subsutce Onaan (or ceanograone) 25 Soe Bia Aoiton yse (OO) “ Submarine Cabies, 204] Skeraaiwaneeeas | anmeaus 4 62) ee eee = 31.1 | Seeaecoeancapaecaaret | drat pooweane 1 a2) en] sean pmercate ae a El ieee 1 ‘Submarine Pipelines 404 one comes, waa we Sp) pana ws: seceto. t “si 402 ove homes wae a a4 Seve sat ee it a2 sto ovr outa na Br: ‘irene /ppe wn ron: 424 ‘ep bani boned) 42.2 Pine ut iia eb od iad (nature of obstruction be stated) 4a ted one 0 ad L Offshore Installations 22 # Site of cleared platiorm 4“ ar =| Ae naar ora OR | nkabmrssnrter 24 © tute Se Babar | unceraternrcine wa 25 Boos Ba Aeiston Sysem (OOS " Submarine Gables 30. Sara a a m2| TT ee a qu] -ececeieee | aren Q ams Leading ina masrs nie" tho zomezams: | SOmmous ie i he rack tobe foowed) Taste an a ne) ws Ceamngine S aa Pecammanded ack bas an aston rom pt ecommerce tack sed ona a) : St ted ars So ne.nay rac ard OW rack based on yet Sedma i One-way nck and OW rack ot based a chasjsometfsed rane — econmanaed ack win mesin a Shou aap cod Routeing Measures - Basic Symbols Ectalshad (manaator)avecton of vali fow ~ ecormended direction of vale _| tow io Separaten ino = (lrgescale smatscale) m8 ‘Separaten zone Sa (Unit of anced raeig measure 351 (eg. incre Tate Zar, Ara 0 ‘Soe beaded) ba Limit ofouteing measure a | Procastonary ar08 wa Archipetagi Se Lane ans ine ars lit oajana whch esses stat ao aveate Faiway deserted by reputoy autor ‘sth miner gp vith maximum autared draught i sual 0y aaa arent bit ay be stashed by precacert erm Yecermendedin connection wah tacks and outeng measures doesnot imply recommen by the Unied Kingdom Hycographic Ofico 7 M Tracks, Routes Examples of Routeing Measures f (Gee Note) ‘SAFETY FAIRWAY Tracks, Routes M Examples of Routeing Measures (see diagram on page 34) ©) Tote separate sone (155) rake separated by sacra zone st © atc sapraten sree. ale seer ty nar bsnetons os ©) Tae sept shoe win oe septaton zr. epttrrlicg Stare tan afi ots “s © tate seeratn sche, ndtout asi © Tate seperation saree wih cessing ges" asi © Toe opwaton schemes cose, wou! cena mrecasorar see “ Prcaitonan ace wee DD re ete chats 7 row zone, wit deed ond inte “ I). Recormenced econ cc ow between rae seperation sche ass BG) Recormenced deco fate ow, eo ecing a eep wat ose sas ©) Dove wats cue (01,8 pat of one-way atc are wa 16) Tvosey coop vate rate, wih mmm doh sted os oop water te cent ine sown a8 econerded onemay OF honey rack os beep teieiege eee a © Wwowey ote wih onouny sectors se ) ‘rato vo ace ATOA) erie to revigaton «st ‘rato be vote, becaoe of danger rending sr | Eieeres [Determ rocommanded i cormection wi racks and routing measures das not ply ecormendson bythe Unie Kingdon Hycographic fice [es usualy bya vopltory authory ul my bo esablared by precede Radar Surveillance System acer Susan Stoo Fadia surveitance station = erage wea Fada terence ine “ada reference ine covctang witha ‘eaaig ine Radio Reporting =aees = + Radio eparing ine (ith designation, ifanp showing deco) of e580! ss ies ony Rate 01 Cate Fey Route wae 6 N Areas, Limits General Dredged and Swept Areas — | ‘Submarine Cables, Submarine Pipelines — | __ Tracks Routes —> M 14 t (lerorptasis) Manto itn genera usayimoing ‘permanent phys! cestuctons Marte int general usualy mpying 12 ' ‘no permanent physical abstructions ! (erenorase) oa | { peneeeeenmnnennss | Unter wae ‘i (lrorghass) Se proseseees@r creer | sims mesino nen anys fee 2210 £4 | pombe : LF fy Pad tet: Onmuncacaed Sars ese rice ray ben goo wro eect vont eee ‘Anchorages, Anchorage Areas apo ara 10 + end , L * wl @ & anor owe , & 2 & & pce bee sng fc Arceage aes goer 124 ‘Greater sate char, he its LS | mar Beemiea 122 mbes erchnage sea ae 12.3 Named anchorage area aap ar acioape a 124 rchorage aor op ‘see Taker ache wa Tha sb ray 125 tase tobe pono oe Somat oat ie cane an ea. ya7] | 128 unane acrrage son 420) 7 recone schrage ma sa] i Saco coat mea - 14 arcoage fr snp : I % Areas, Limits N Restricted Areas PT ary poy | gis * Ef | Ancreng ponies i! pe RT ery k ESE | nna cronies ee ame g FT| | avin poneies Eriioantaly Sone Sea How {Goeurmay bo gon magerts) “ent resale romepecte are resnve ‘Bic sarc, Sal sarctany (ater - ‘rma nave may use me ‘Sesto eras) oe e a) Parsculary Sense Sea rea , {Gooured stan may vay wh einen tana) explesves deeig pound. {enemescunong | Inada mine cr expose Il oa: 1 | aes Explosives dumping ground (toused) | ne, ' a ! ‘burcing ground or cnomica waste = + 0 ge wa Dogaussng noe pry Dore an Mexrin soe, Speed rt 22 Seabed operations dengerouspronibited: i to Lee Miltary Practice Areas Feng practice area a3 tary rind ase no one, perce i ey cites i ad o Bien and cower mess) aia Susman rane near onrcine was f tated rete r seg we rE t N Areas, Limits International Boundaries and National Limits 40 ‘rereatonas bounasry en ana a reratonal martes boundary i Sri rte base win 43 Seaway tt o Tortora Sea 44 “Seaways mt of Comgueus Zane 45 ona ner nes 46 Lint of Continent She a7 Lint ol Exclusive Economie Zone eames 48 cuss ime 49 arbor ot Various Limits ot (00) Tee | Lint ot tari, eo tant wit dato) Lint of ea ce (pack ce) seasonal aa 2 (ih te + ting bane, icing og ponds + 6 ‘ecunlybarirs te boo ak rats Z e241 Spal ground 622 Spo ground used) 6 | | racine ‘Buracton (hedging) ace f Dcpng ms es} | © | cargo vanetipment ares | | Irons Ae Ineneraton aes f ‘ae - a ke! Lights P Light Structures, Major Floating Lights Pastan of navigation ight ze and eyo ? ear may vay), ie, hgnouse ‘Stnicant ecard it an mutcooued charts gareray fr oer navigator) ‘Oh muticaeured chars, he Nave ates te ‘ect are no oraried Ts gue shows sancard magenta ares with (Oh standard chars, postions oft ave highighted by one regents fae eau fo Agi except or muitcobwed sect lighs where a magenta Hare may be us he exanpls of matcoecred oepeten ners eencary aterent é True Bearings of Sgat Mr Light Fissi2mzam igi eee im i Ve tee, abe “ap |S aes ve | Grameen eerie | pa le oh ok Boren tear | A od, t | Ss ‘ ae a eee = aaASER oad ‘ P ined , 8 = 7 eee cia a ok kg eee nL ee Bearings of Light Off Chart Lina P Lights Light Characters. Light Characters on Light Buoys > Q. ang , 10.4 . fs 102 | aay nav arnera ww os havi a a =e a 2 oatg | corsa npoeerg 10.3 | teapnace curaon and aan equa) 10.4 | _Fasnng (otal araton of ign sare than tl duration of dakrass) = pone Groups bon = Composite grounttashing 108 wn Laven pat Bs rem) 10.6 | _auexmpertan rate o 5010 79- usualy ier ° oe Continue au canoe Sra Grew ack 10.7 | vevaucr vor aly eter 100 120: fashos permit) 0 ew Inerupted vor F108 | ie ack epenion ae of 10 or me =a 40 0 300 Rashes permite) 10 CConinuous uta quick 10.9 in Nerse Code anole / perma ho] ne Lights P Colours of Lights and Marks a Scr a see Bae int R ea ma 6 Green oar m ae I; : 2 Yalow eaeger [paces = FE ° Caos igh sewn on ' Starts e 1 ¥ enmilared orate oe Secorigte Period =e Podin cose arte taccind |, com 7 of Reference for Heights —> H Tidal Lovels — Elevation = ieaawian tare Dears ce pean Ta (hare argn rari arose en oe es Range a ai ae we aren ange ‘sou es, Univ tooo mo argse , ‘sora Disposition = Toten dosed L ots om vate good , ts @ 7 She deposed shape tage Example of a full Light Description «719 Pay ‘Example o 2 sont aesenpton ona mate cnart using mematera) ‘Sdbeorators #Pa)WRG ttn? aU Case cr harstr of hgh ine example 2 rouptasing Tight regulary repeating a group of te Pass, Colours fight white, ed and green, exhising the ‘fern cours m dined sectors Prod of lon in seconds, La, the tne taken @ eine tne ul sequence of fastes and ecipses 1 secon etaton of focal plare above height datum: {8 mates. Luminous range in sea ples: the citance at whch & light of partar veer can be seen ear teil tating no account of eats cea In those Counties (e9 United Kingdon) where the ar ‘leas ‘ftnad ws 9 meteoric! vb of 19 sea mle. te fango may bo formed "omen his exam he ‘anges ofthe cours ae, whe 7 mies gran & es Example of aight descrpion ona aor chart using interational ‘bbevaters 4 AFR ost oz322M tate or cnaracer ot grt nine exarpie moana Sige ashes of aifrng caus ateraal ‘Goours of ight shown atest: whe and red around fi, ro a sete vod of gt seconde, he time takon to ait to Sequence af va ashes and tne ecieses 4 secarcs Elation of focal lane above height dat 110 fet Range in 288 is. Unt 1971 the lseer of geographical ange (Oased Ona nego! Bye of 15 fe) a arin ‘ange tae charted Now when tna cars sre coecte, {imvrous (or romnal) tango ive. this exam the limnous ranges of te colours are white 22 mis, ed 22 ‘mvs. The geographical ange canbe fund ram ne table Ie ADMIRALTY List of Lights ar the ovation of 0 feet, tould be 16 res) 4" P Lights Lights marking Fairways Note: Quoted bearings are always rom seaward Leading Lights and Lights in ine 20.1 Leading Yore wi eaang tne fhe em ines he rack te okowec) find ace or sy eacing lane (= means nine’ the fe no's a rack be flowed: te fg cecerptons wit Gea ei ars aang in, ret urvaly Do). Leading igs on sma scae chars | | Lignin fer ona a mann mess oa chama) 2 22 feettotipert ero poet i ome 23 pert otomrit Front erowr it . I Direction Lights pias | teton wih crow nor 30.1] +. = 2 and course fo be followed, flanked Det rece Sronestoramnranecign |, rector grin career 302 ‘towed Scag as "Rance lt eee eee a ints oc by treason 3 cen 903) a haracivs Ss ars a Seer 304 | Si ig charactors on muticooured chars ore testi (iy acre, 3 ‘rane ana kee Sow hon course aerator raeded Lights P Sector Lights ‘Sector ight on stand charts Fina acim Sector Kght on muticaouredenarts ‘Sector sgn on etna oars, te ne sector ils mang he Ce Sh emrae atric soreorsaais Saas eS eer - f : SE oe nt or ‘on standard enarts iw Main nt vise acura with ea substation seen over danger nmutoocuree care Alcon ight wih sewed sect Light min arco vty aesbertey eign wa tat actor ra 6 enter f fe i fern \g | tensane e on wth wnrensted sector / oe a é Lights with limited Times of Exhibition a Lipid np war pacity 50 ae SS, 1 Sees eed aiid a Priouanara ‘rwact sn yoy sor fnswonmn 4 — itaonet [a ea Aeaganancee tae sea 7 tomes characte res ne) , stag ‘a aOR RE ~ 5 Fr ana or rarer wang ; = ae i tm 14 a ae Be om Special Lights Fare Stack (at Sea) > Flare Stack (on Land) —> € Signal Satons —= 7 60 Prcoariorssim Aeronautica ight (may be unetabie) oa oi Perens, pose itl aro Sc ronnie nae fa vole egonradoras) hb 2 iets rine 4 Se ee a ee te 4 oo | aS Dose & piv) 7 Pivate fait after than one Pr aaa 65 ‘exhibited occasionally t 66 tome} or (syne) ‘Synchronized (synchronous or sequential) 703] Buoys, Beacons Q Marie Euoyage System, which includes Beacons —> Q 130 Buoys and Beacons General 2 Pater yor eaan = viations for colours (lights) —+ P11 Colour of Buoys and Beacons 4d ed | sr00ccanceenounscnne |e 2 i Shoe cote ae tan poe and eee B49 Ge bh [mice | * #8 is ‘Mate colours ha haan bana: ioe Pas erases | ll #4 [2 ae ata healer dapaal # tipo ocara coageeti = e £2 i J |seeeeeeese aaad¢4 Si yo) I: een rar 29 ge ‘Stow Black bance wil pcr darn U0 fa naar gi lr ShoU cb er han gum adack a. @ = romain su wile gertO : “ weap om genom fom Wreck buoy not used the ALA System) t 4 dl heres eeeid with Fog Signals — R Lighted Marks > ] ae nn | epitome ] ry er | eet | ££ fi ff |e, nA 0 Lighted marks on matticoloured = ® Bs chars exares) Posicaton of Tgrakswitin te ALA Syston —> @ 13) ‘Ratarveteci > 8 Topmarke and Radar Reflectors Tin ala Sow eee JALA System buoy topmarks: 463. Sec | eree preeoromre eT rei ri ten |S on Beam wih pra, cx xt — = ine | oo ‘Secvavamgononay | Te Tuas | game | Bs q = 7 | eye cter dr eimai ae ‘ene ‘eteclrand espe np) renee | 83 a meccicormenmam” | dy dus | ame | Be Selon seroaae fi Q Buoys, Beacons Buoys: Features Common to Beacons and Buoys —> Q 1-19 Shapes 20 a “ Cones omanrancomney | a kaa 24 5 ~ Can by oer ey fey eerie eae 22. o a Spherical buoy ee a aoe 23 4 4 4 ter boy ee 4 24 1 Sar oc by Pe ea eg 25 2 Z aot uy ‘Superuny Supers ae vey age Inns. an aus ragaon aed 26 = Git or gas instalation buoys (16) ana a OAS buoys (088) eV emir ee ray ‘be enoun by Varatons one sucereaty Syn I Light Vessels and Minor Light Floats 30 an Light fot as part of ALA System 31 agra Lop eoipe ot WA Sn ee ' j Z 32 a ee J & fw & Mooring Buoys Oiler Gas Installation Bucy —> L Visitors' (Small rat) Mocring —> U | 40) & 2h a em | ring duoy om 9d a ta | ow at are sesmeceng uy (oxanpe) | a t 3 x 4 Zi 42] 0-0 k | eto dae dO | Se e y Fea 4 \ a = esi Day ih ego os aa] | ures moorings sare) of 45 o eters mooeng oe Buoys, Beacons Q symbols shown below are examples: shapes of buoys may difle, lateral or cardinal ay be used in some situations; the use ofthe X topmark is optional ‘Special Purpose Buoys 4a ing nga ere arg Za by wd Bw Tage Samersne eter sop Samm 00 Degaussing Range buoy aaa2 cat abe ny Bowe ws qi 6 Spot our by ff a ‘Buoy marking outta aan? = ons | Scam(or domme) Dt Ace = “es oe a Syste (0088) by Data colectn by =. = Seana arcaape boy 21oy mag at opaton snore soy ating cent one Ahoenes Emergency wreck marking buoy so) Siem Buoy privately maintained (example) Seat frets torre wan ee Semon Serer arse é ‘ en fond Cache fcroran a7 eee = Q Buoys, Beacons Beacons Lighted Beacons —> P Features Common o Beacons and Buoys —> 1-11 General 80 1 a town car cous oo erat 1 15 on caer wih cola 0 tte a 81 a ‘opmar exami) ‘ea oe | ; 7 33 season on aurened ck 83 S pewtondcoa pei i oe ° aa eu Tiinor Impermanent Marks usualy in Drying Areas 7 (Lateral Mark for Minor Channel) Minor Pile — F 90 1 roe 1 a le Pa 1 t Perch, withy , qT a 92 i : way It |: Minor Marks, usually on Land Landmarks —> E 100 & Cai °Cam 162) a a nt what ei = 102.4 4 1 tran) ei ton fe boaean : i f ct Pa a ict I con Beacon Towers tol ga § 4 b | Serre, $2. paBoe | waa wt a * “Lattice beacon 08 Buoys, Beacons Q “Leading Lines, Clearing Lines — M ‘Special Purpose Beacons "Note: Topmarks and colours are shown where scale permits Lsading beacons fie femtne isthe tack be ofovad) a tomar | ‘Beacons making @ clearing ine Beacons mating messed ‘datanoe we qed beaos. - Sho ack snow ae afm iat {istobe flowed precisely ‘can ancing beacon (oxo) i ‘ep beacon exe rng practos re beacons , tc bas ‘0 wee IALA Maritime Buoyage System Xovoatonsrctpnnase iportes__NP73S hrvin oe, Pe ALA Som apptes a ect andfoing mans ce ada igs eaing hts and marks, ected ight anaajfotng fons The standard buoy shapes are cyinaic (can) fx, conca’ ,scherical © it Ll, anc soar J. put variations may accu for exam: mine ht fests x Prescot net page any io Sandan acy sage av od Me case eed beaars (ru any the share oe Ware = Raion) oniconc LALA Buoyage Regions A ans 8 Tov ara wa otarmtona sua ins wher oa mak cer Fipeats onarly comonscd eve wate suranang ceenare Fuses Aca Austata and Asa fexct fo Sep, he Repu of Kore arte Pipes). Peden sorrel comonsed ihe woe saroundng Norn and Sou Aratcs, Japan the Papi Roea ands Phipps ee Sato”) Q Buoys, Beacons 130.1 130.2 “w Spt atoingdrcton of uoane ‘A preered crane! by may lobe» il cra spa Al peterad chemi have tes hon oana ef ekur ” 190.3 Cardinal Marks inicary amiga wate he nanec 808 are Carsnalmarhs have he sane ‘moana Ropers Aan ‘Syreo shningaroston a bug where rot fbvou. an masored chars 0 ard oe) les awe as anropate oregon Lateral marks are gereaty waited charms, Toe ae to nation! Bvyage Regions A and whee Lateral mars ater a ! UNIT MARKS LIGHTED MARKS Tork 2c core a "\ adttbo eon NE i : wer 7, fe 7 N WW i i — Pont iis L ! ee | ow ch toe ax A ——— : Hite aden SE | Remasiranreraivaree erage a0 ni iro gr nb na oo gerne } fm ly me i308 Se koaacaS mite dg ff add b Bee eee 1306 pec Ma ira oat av baw neat pec ses png) stow Ss vetow ine eae aD aa tk 1907 ann Now Danger nowaton acon romps i- Emergency Wreck Blue and Yellow tireSey Ancona Fog Signals R Fog Detector Light > P Fog Light — P General 4 Postion of fog signa. Type of fog signa Si. ve & © |e tra S Types of Fog Signals, Abbreviations 4 ot Bette ton mf " . ators mi 4 - ca a 4 a am rte, may) a fuses eal lea 14 ie os 7 15 = wae = 16 Gong Gong as27 Examples of Fog Signal Descripti sour tet gga eg bat - Ses Sener rte at neces i = oem | ances operons pee nding 7 ipvaeaeecnations a wl ated utgianc arate baer Gras no lemven net fowunrse ght buoy, wn ham giving a single aoe 2] oh erionmn , bit ry ance nconion St +The Fog Signa symoo (A) usvalyomned when associated win another navigation ai (eg ight or buoy) when descr othe signals gen 51 S Radar, Radio, Satellite Navigation Systems Redar__ Rada Sucre Forcing Lanrake-7E Radar Svan Sema 1] @- = 7 (Onn ‘amar ace beacon raring 4 al Quon One ; s paaae ee eee nO) ee ss] Ome fu zona ben win eno somes @ Pesan fier mcr Sac ; On Se ee ee % ai Z mo [semana ee Cr ae 35 oa ese nes we aes a 36 Sloaing marks (exampies) aa a ‘ 4 an aetnd an = rear 3 Facer conspicues eatre Radar, Radio, Satellite Navigation Systems S$ aco Secures Forming Landa —=€‘RadeReporng (Calogino Way) Pots Medio 10 or Noncretona ming 2, . Ox Saeens = Gav mt [one aemacnum ann t ; " ie are (aes ta 2 a fad ca z : 13 aoe a ' 14 Rado dector-fnding stator Over = cata rite _ . 8 eee © = : : | 16 Awronauialadcbescon Z , im es i | m| @®«= «x See. “ | wil Ques eae aes pesos a2 = venus aig EA 4 aoe @ ® og = vas as ‘Virtual AIS aid to navigation with IALA - 13; ©) © ence = epee . 184 ® aoa 185 © ieee ia eens 136 © eee ; aaa clears A 187 O- nee Satlie Navigation Sysims a a ee = tom hepa Seer oraca ete cine pam no oom semimeni ram aromas | wa Se ae ae ee oe ewes isear 51 O= ‘Stain provaing Diferenial Gaba coe =e 53 T Services Piotage er towrarg pace positon of po ae 4 ® pot a vse! es er bowara ace postoneh 12 Orme pt xs vss win are feo Gere Foy ot bowdrg pace poatan 1.3, Om pletexisng ee! itn oto {26 ‘anes Dasa) 14 oO Plots ranstored by heliccoter ‘ot oice win Prawn Coastguard, Rescue a ==—— | a = Services T ‘Stations * Seay eee — ———— or Ssxoae ieee cre “ Sosspon conta Port canal signal station 4361 Sossieny Lock signal station 4952 Sessanne) ‘Bridge passage signal station 253 Nionesa Bridge ints nchng atc sigrals 7 os — rand fee eye ay en eicoae “" =a aaa =] usb — aa areas oo peepee 7 Son alm ta = ae coe tton 7 oe =e o 55 U_ Small Craft (Leisure) Facilities ‘Small Craft (Leisure) Facilities. ZasPat eaten, Bridges picts, Coastguard, Rescue, Signal Siaions —>T 1 y cet harbour Mana 2 2 12 a act bee win totes 2 ° vistors tar 3 to nooing a lt 4 , Yor" lb Sang co 5 Pabiesipnay = Ie 7 Ale andra, toe Laer . 10 ee nae nn > i Pecarant * a + 3 7 tert x I. 18 Ft eaion eto! ese) b 19 city s Small Craft (Leisure) Facilities U aT 2 tarot f 2 2 rete i - 24 Post box a lt 25 Pb leptons i a 26 ote in n 27 ete carpat h 28 rene a rate , a oa is carag se a WARINA FACILITIES tng aang ONS mam SSN Qa FRINGOTH ana ato Ra an “2 tae SSS ati eee seein |+ [HELFORD = Hela Moengs Oicer fe es Sisisi +44 0) 1326 |250749| wo rr ser en AOMRALTY cars Usa acorn cra! he Me. wba, ens ‘Ramm Cota toa on a i | Abbreviations of Principal Non-English Terms Glossaries of non-English terms wil be found in the volumes of ADMIRALTY Saling Directions. (On matic ADMIRALTY charts, non-Engish terms are generally given in full wherever space a ‘ised on metne charts they accord wih the folowing ist spart rom those. on charts, publish ed bots 1900 ‘Oesolescent for of abbrevations may algo be found on these charts and on reproductions of other nations’ char. sapere 8 ganas ogggeg i ‘ssouesceNt Fons) Deb. 01 e San a Set oo Ges. ce, Fig. Hn i (ne, 0°, One,» Se eo Ener chan et.ot re Ft Sm seis" 4g0 re Kor Koo jee abet ‘stata, Jobe Saari Jaa daze Sete Sesret iar ne Sa Wis, wa excuse NEN Srats) Fock, Reet Fock), consent fom GREEK faa Me Ay Reva sé ‘ssonescent Fons) ren Fir, Russa Race Senn Sane Sonnet Vn, Vi, at Bogha Eilean, Eonar rues, Ser ee Grund tes Sohoes igs rae i, a Srmichos Bros, Ores Potwnee Protea Shapes, Skate racers, “rasrone es ace, acre! Yials. Ya ts, Where abbreviations here ful tops re excuse ean ———e— geen osssscon Sa" Pos at ONES ot MALAY n fe Oy Be Be wo Be eB ee Se irae fon ae c $s atm a fe ae tn ae te Shite fee RE omen men 7 PrP sae, & 8S * ORR wn oo ORG rau Ke 8 Bra, 8% ol 22s a a Ss Se a ofp , st hOB tats ie ‘Mido, Mad, Mad, a : Be fs rm ‘ £ fn Eeiccwe aa Benes frm m tere 7 va, vie owes. . Be 5 - eo ma Abbreviations of Principal Non-English Terms rea ‘lo Aye eke Batang Bandat Bendar Besar unt {Goseng, Gosuna ‘Gusong, Gusing ‘aunong. Ganong ra roeg,Krveng Krona, Kampung avon o Kepulovan hi Ket, Ku Kooi ku {aboan, Labbe Mave Pt, Pu Pus Pegurungen| Pettuan,Plabunan Puu-palaw Pat Sungai, Sungs! Set Tardong Tanding. “raion. Trkng Tani Tale Telok, Tuk sj, Uiing wa allen excuse we Fock, Roots) Fags gros ‘reohwater seats) interment sroam cueNT —opsotescenr Fm” FOAMS) LIRPANESE (continues) 4 oe x Kae Fe, Ko, te M wa awe s a8 Sh 85° as" Sos su Bio, se mr ae z 2 m "MALAY (g08 INDONESIAN) NORWEGIAN 8 3" Ba Fe Fri Fe AL no, FP oe cone, ee mH, Hn, He x int tp tw x 6 ° o 0 % 8 cs Re § Ss Se Serie & Sito, Se" & o™m “eae ve Mee we ¥ Pensa Se Jee aah J? oust se r wv ye Wa, BA PORTUGUESE too wo ae 8 Sine Be BB Bao o 6 Tem yous eau ima sata eyo Seat Mai Cape Maa’ Mage Mache Tew Sa Cape, Poin ‘Shima ‘are ‘San Mountan Se Seat Sone Chama! Tse Fit Moun Yar Moura 2ast (Capa, Pot fan Meurian ae, gut ‘Bay. B Berg Seg Berg Moura, Ha Ferd Fewer Ford Fal rete Fld, curtain Felaet frurFu,luen, ——Bolow water rock’) Fusne, Fun ‘cram Giunnen, Shoat) ‘Gruman ain Hormen, 8) Heme evn tour Indeineirste nner tert Ute Le Lagine goon Nera, Nore ar, Note Ost osva, Ost Enel, Eastern 6 aint Shr Sor Short Sijrane Skawrene Rocks above water Str Sora Sore Groat Toren Bobo water rock est vesue West Vag, igen Bey. Cove vans take Wie Vika vken Bay. net ene, va take Yire'ter vine Outer Banca aru Sata Pour Ht ‘eaten fang, Penna iow see Chane i! Baer esi Lake aa’ Grane! Matana ‘Sto! fone ver Wyspe. ‘ane 2atoa Gui Bay poweracouro svcrerage quelago ‘eneetogo Bale oy Barco ‘Bare Bano, Bava, Basia, Shot ‘eno cate cane Abbreviations of Principal Non-English Terms cunment —ossouescewt Tena Fou FORUS PORTUGUESE fontruea) can, cana Er erat ex ee Et, Esreto EER Es? Fe. Fone Fre, Fa Fee Fone Fundeadouo 6, oH More, Metanha 3 ESREESTT iif ass 30 gez 3g233 Pal Pala Pat z Y Sa con” Bro Sr Brats (Sep, Cau, Ca Do. ‘Beni Dea Beata ‘ealurie ua mie nat outa {eae Lac me rte, Mun, un ur otro Gatos, ‘stow ‘ted, Sica Stet, Sit Stret, Store se Srimtoore, ‘Sumas ea, 0, Bt, 8, 6.02.6 é geee 8 22 3 2 pe aust mer omar to one om RE as ows Atget te aoe ee eee eae ee se = Ee ee Bh & » EF i. : eS zon = = me Bac & = a es Ber a Be ie = = Secs = z = ° & = = nee ee 2 & i = is fe @ oe £ Sus. = S = Sy = = eS z Es = a — s = os. = ees = ze = a nore Be crams = = > & = om sero a 5 ‘ge a oe = ae a — . we eee a Be : Brn ae 3 eo Rhee Ee a ie ees ne = : ie é to = E a ‘asec 2 = aint ba . & — x rion te % ; ae z . a le Pim fer ay Poa ae Bs ge 2 q" tHZaEORe } casouescent Ten Abbreviations of Principal Non-English Terms ens ROA Ccunmenr osouescent TERM evaust Pom Fons ean ‘do, rcs Abbreviations of Principal English Terms (Note: INT abbreviations are in bold type) ‘umrent opsouescent Fon FOS) a ‘net ‘net Boe! nn Apr, et oho, At? ot tl Aa! ne bye 2s Ban, Gay, Ba ee Boo atom enTower Tew ‘ecommedaton Voss ‘erorausea ‘tomate denaton System apie fitted Can Cou abun tatohcgs meg Saree Acta Batt Rec Sepals ante freee” Aa Senay ot oMIRALTY Notes to Siarore sonia ‘epranens ‘procs aon Aerostce ASUIRALTY Siig Drechors Sicuree ‘Ne oe foes AOWIRAGTY Tse eos aided ‘enue By Bok Baca Baten Ban” Breen Buin Bench lak Beacons) same sa Ee ctie, pts, belek enepisoue entructen Covers Grose Steele iy Doxtt Bare Become Decesend Bestoyen {gee Fg Det egaueing nerERENCES #02 58 cunsen Fora Fors) oie oe Oru Bue ‘Seoore, ascent Ost o o rr 5 (>). €0) EF Han EriemEr* Eau Esta! (ona) go 6, or sa Sol He, Gov He Foo. poze Goce GL6n.G.Gt ae oro Diterental lta! Sawee Bees Brecon ont Bicortruad Deter Dose Becmors( Boon Deep-

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