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Para 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 BRd 45(1) CHAPTER 14 ANCHORING CONTENTS, Introduction and Scope of Chapter Formation and Multiple Ship Anchorages SECTION 1 —- ANCHORING A SINGLE SHIP Selection of the Anchor Berth Amount of Cable to Use and Holding Power of Anchors Planning Distances from Other Ships in the Anchorage Planning the Track to the Anchor Berth Planning Speed Reductions Executing a Routine Anchorage Plan Role of AIS and Above Water Sensors/Anti-Collision Organisation during Anchorage Anchoring in Deep Water Anchoring in Moderate/Strong Winds and/or Tidal Streams Anchoring in Heavy Weather and/or Dragging Anchoring in Emergencies Weighing Anchor Legacy Techniques SECTION 2 - BERTHING WITH ANCHORS Planning a Mediterranean Moor (Stern-to with Anchors) Approaching a Med Moor with a Twin Propeller Ship (No Bow Dome) Approaching a Med Moor with a Twin Propeller Ship and a Bow Dome Approaching a Med Moor with a Single Propeller Ship (No Bow Dome) Departing Using an Anchor to Assist in Berthing and Unberthing 14-1 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(8) CHAPTER 14 ANCHORING 1401. Introduction and Scope of Chapter This chapter covers the use of the ship’s anchor(s) to anchor at sea and as an aid to manoeuvring and berthing. A successful anchorage requires both good navigation and sound seamanship skills, and readers should familiarise themselves with BRd 67 Admiralty Manual of Seamanship which covers the seamanship aspects of anchoring. It will be assumed throughout this chapter that readers are familiar with RN terminology for anchoring and seamanship evolutions. RN anchoring techniques make use of a number of different circles and radii, which equate to specific functions in WECDIS but by different names. The standard RN terms are used in this chapter, with appropriate reminders of the WECDIS terms, but for full details readers must refer to BRd 45(8) which is the authority on the use of WECDIS. Other ECDIS software may use different terminology and the navigators MUST ensure that they understand precisely how the ECDIS in their ship operators. Use of the anchor in an emergency is also covered. 1402. Formation and Multiple Ship Anchorages This chapter covers the case where a single ship is anchoring or manoeuvring. In practice, RN warships and RFAs may from time to time need to plan or participate in more complicated multi-ship evolutions such as formation or multiple ship anchorages. This is a specialist subject, which is not covered here, although the basic principles for planning and executing the anchorage remain valid for each individual ship in the formation anchorage etc. For instruction and guidance on the planning and execution of formation and multiple ship anchorages, refer to BRd 45(4) Conduct of Ships at Sea, BRd 45(9) Operational Navigation Techniques, and ATP 1. 14-2 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) SECTION 1 - ANCHORING A SINGLE SHIP 1403. Selection of the Anchor Berth In many ports, harbours or roadsteads, the relevant authority (such as QHM for Portsmouth and Spithead) will allocate specific anchor berths to ships. In other cases, there may be no specific berth allocated, or the ship may require to anchor at a location other than a port or roadstead, for any number of purposes. In these cases, the NO, with the approval of the CO, must select a suitable anchorage position. a. Choosing a Position in Which to Anchor. When considering where to anchor, the NO must weigh up and potentially balance a number of factors. All other things being equal, the primary concem will largely be safety, but administrative or operational factors may also need to be taken into account. These include (but are not necessarily limited to): The depth of water and degree of navigational difficulty involved. The length and draught of the vessel. The minimum LDL (see below) and tidal range. The amount of cable available. The type of holding ground. The proximity of dangers (shoal water, rocks, underwater cables etc). The scale of the ENC/RNC available. The strength and direction of the tidal stream. The strength and direction of the prevailing or forecast wind. The shelter from weather afforded by the surrounding land (if any). The proximity of adjacent ships at anchor, and their likely movements. The proximity of landing places. Any limits or requirements imposed by the ship's machinery. a ey b. The ‘Minimum’ LDL. The ship must have sufficient water under the keel at all times; thus, for all but the briefest of stays (i.e. more than a few hours), the safe depth must be calculated at all stages of the tide. Therefore, before selecting an anchorage position, and the track(s) to it, the NO should calculate and draw a ‘minimum’ LDL taking into account the lowest height of tide expected during the tide. If the stay is of unknown duration, apply a suitable margin of error. The underkeel Clearance necessary should be decided using the standard criteria at Para 1206, Paying particular attention to the following considerations: * The reliability of the bathymetric data (CATZOC) The accuracy of the HOT predictions Accuracy of knowledge of the ship's draught (especially for variable draught vessels) The nature of the seabed Proximity of adjacent hazards/shoals Any scend or swell in the anchorage Do not forget that the departure route must be safe as well as the anchorage itself. This minimum or ‘most restrictive’ LDL should be used as the basis for subsequent planning and briefing. Note also guidance in BRd 45(4) on consultation with Fleet Navigator whenever underkeel clearances less than 2 metres are Proposed; they may be acceptable at anchor but units should not routinely plan for them. 14-3 August 2018 Version 4 BRd 45(8) c. Swinging Room at Anchor. A ship at anchor swings. As a matter of basic ‘safety therefore the planning process must ensure that there is sufficient sea room for the ship to swing safely throughout the period it is at anchor. (1) Charted Dangers. To be safe from charted dangers, the anchorage must be chosen such that the safety swinging circle (defined below) is clear of the minimum LDL. (2) Other Ships. The anchorage position must also provide room to swing clear of adjacent ships at anchor which are also swinging. Ideally, the swinging circle should not allow the ship to swing across a channel or other traffic route. d. Keeping Clear of Charted Dangers - the Safety Swinging Circle. The radius of the safety swinging circle (SSC) is independent of the minimum swinging radius (Para 1405) and may be obtained as follows. In RN WECDIS, the safety swinging circle is represented by the ‘swing circle radius’. For an anchorage to be safe, when planning the anchorage the safety swinging circle must be clear of the minimum LDL at all times as in Fig 14-1 below. The SSC is a planning tool; when the anchorage is executed, a ‘revised swinging circle (revised SC)’ is plotted in WECDIS. (1) Maximum Usable Cable. ADD the maximum usable cable which can be veered on the selected anchor (the last shackle will normally be inboard of the hawse pipe but this may vary in different ships). This allows for additional cable to be veered if the weather deteriorates whilst still maintaining an adequate safety margin. (2) Length of the Vessel. ADD the length overall of the vessel. (3) Safety Margin. ADD a suitable safety margin. The precise safety margin required is somewhat subjective, and will vary with the circumstances of each individual anchorage, but as a starting point for a single anchor it is usual to allow at least one cable, increased as necessary. Factors which should be considered when determining the safety margin are listed in Table 14-1 below. 14-4 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) Table 14-1. Factors to Consider When Determining Safety Swinging Circle Safety Margin FACTOR CONSIDERATION Navigational inaccuracy | The possibility that the ship does not let go the anchor in the planned position Time inaccuracy A short but noticeable amount of time will elapse between the order ‘LET GO’ on the bridge and the anchor hitting the bottom, especially if anchoring in deep water. An anchor should take about three seconds to reach the bottom in 30m of water; if time from the LET GO order to the anchor hitting the bottom is six seconds, a ship moving at 2 kn will travel six metres in that time. Holding inaccuracy The anchor may drag before digging-in and holding Dragging Factors listed below may increase the likelihood of dragging; a fouled anchor may also result in dragging Example. What is the safety swinging circle radius for a ship of LOA 155m, with ten shackles (275m) of usable cable and a 1.5 cable (275m) safety margin? Safety swinging circle = 155m + 275m + 275m = 705m (770yds or 3.85 cables) Fig 14-1. A Safe Anchorage - Safety Swinging Circle is Clear of the Minimum LDL Minimum LDL. ‘Safety ‘Swinging Circle & Maximum Usable Amount of Cable Length of Ship’ Note. The LDL is shown in RED above for clarity but would not normally be drawn like that in WECDIS. The above anchorage position is safe from the point of view of charted dangers, as the safety swinging circle does not cross the LDL at any points; tangential contact is acceptable. 14-5 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(8) e. Reduced Safety Margins and Practical Anchorage Plotting. As shown in the example above, application of the full safety swinging circle values produces a circle with a relatively large radius, especially for large vessels. Rigid application of the considerations above would therefore preclude some anchorages which would otherwise be perfectly safe in benign weather or for short durations (or both). In such circumstances, the CO may decide it is appropriate to accept a reduced safety margin, so far as is prudent to do so. For example, it may be possible to plan to use less than the maximum usable amount of cable provided it is understood and accepted that it will not be safe to veer all the cable in the event it becomes necessary, so that the ship will need to sail instead. (1) Revised Swinging Circle (Revised SC). After anchoring, the revised SC is to be plotted in WECDIS. The revised SCC does not include the safety margin for navigational error, as the anchoring position should be known; it does include a small error allowance (to distinguish it from the safety margin) Which is required to prevent the drag circle becoming larger than the swing circle should maximum available cable be paid out. The revised SC is therefore calculated thus: Revised SC = Maximum useable cable + length of ship + error margin (eg 50 yards) The choice of error margin will be a Command decision based on the circumstances of the anchorage. The revised SC allows the CO/NO to check immediately that the ship will remain clear of the worst case LDL even if the maximum useable cable is paid out, as shown in Fig 14-2 below. Fig 14-2. Plotting the Revised Swinging Circle on Anchoring (2) Plotting the Safety Margin. When planning the anchorage, a manual correction circle of radius equal to the planned safety swinging circle safety margin should be plotted centre on the planned anchorage position. By definition, as long as the anchor position is inside the safety margin circle then the revised SC will fall within the SSC and the anchorage will be safe. The revised SC is still to be plotted (see Para 1408) on anchoring. 14-6 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) (3) Safety. Notwithstanding the above, if after plotting the revised SC or even the full safety swinging circle is close to the LDL, then great care should be taken. This is especially the case if the precise anchoring position is not certain. If there is any doubt, then the full safety swinging circle should be plotted, and if necessary the ship repositioned. WARNING GREAT CARE MUST BE TAKEN IF THE REVISED SC OR SAFETY SWINGING CIRCLE ARE CLOSE TO THE WORST CASE LDL. IF NECESSARY THE SHIP MUST BE REPOSITIONED. f. Anchorages of Varying Navigational Difficulty. Not all anchorages are created equal, although WECDIS has greatly improved the quality of the navigational picture available to the Command. Anchoring by day in perfect visibility and flat calm with a conspicuous headmark and two clear beam marks should be relatively straightforward even for a relatively inexperienced officer. On the other hand, achieving the planned position at night, in a gale, with obscure marks, with a final run-in of only a few cables, is a much more challenging task. These factors must all be accounted for when determining the anchor position. g. Dragging. The likelihood of dragging the anchor is dependent on a number of factors. This is discussed in more detail in Para 1404 below. (1) Weather and Shelter. The prevailing wind strength and direction, along with the degree of any shelter afforded by the anchorage. (2) Tidal Stream. The strength and direction of the tidal stream. (3) Sea Bed. The nature of the sea bed is a major factor; rocky bottoms provide much less holding power than mud. (4) Anchor. Different anchors have different characteristics and degrees of holding power, and the amount of cable veered is a critical factor (and one of the easiest things to change in many cases). 1404. Amount of Cable to be Used and Holding Power of Anchors The amount of cable to be used, as opposed to the amount available, will depend on @ number of factors, including the types of cable and anchor, the windage of the vessel, the holding ground and the strength and direction of the wind and tidal stream. The majority of RN warships are fitted with forged steel cable and one or two AC 14 anchors, although mine- clearance vessels are usually fitted with aluminium silicon bronze anchors and cable. See BRd 67 for full details of RN and RFA anchors and cables. Studded chain cable is provided in lengths of 27.5m and 13.75m, known as a shackle and half-shackle respectively. a. Forged Steel Cables. Assuming the maximum HOT expected during the time the vessel is at anchor, the amount of forged steel cable required for various depths (based on a fine-hulled vessel in calm conditions experiencing up to Skn of tidal stream or current) may be calculated by the following approximate formula which allows for a very slight safety margin over the actual minimum necessary. In strong winds or in very strong tidal streams, more cable will usually be required. 14-7 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(8) 14-8 Amount of cable required in shackles = 1.5Vdepth of water in metres b. Aluminium Bronze Cables. Aluminium bronze cables are heavier, and thus require less cable for the same depth of water. Amount of cable required in shackles = depth of water in metres c. Safety Factor. Analysis suggests that when employing the formulae above, the cable length could be reduced by some 60% and still be effective in holding the vessel at anchor in 15-20 knots of wind when tidal stream/current are less than 2 knots. Thereafter, the safety margin reduces rapidly. d. Holding Power of the AC 14 Anchor. In ‘good’ holding ground such as clay, soft chalk, sand or sand and shingle, the holding power of the AC 14 anchor is approximately 10 times its own weight (often expressed as the ratio 10:1). In very good holding ground such as a mixture of sand, shingle and clay or very heavy mud, the holding power may be as much as 12.5:1. In poor ground such as soft silty mud, or shingle and shell, holding power may be as little as 6:1. Rock, coral and weed and especially poor holding ground. e. How an Anchor Holds. The ideal anchor situation would be to have the anchor well bedded into the bottom, with a length of cable lying flat on the seabed next to it, providing a horizontal pull on the anchor and thus bedding it in even deeper. Provided the combined holding power of the anchor and short length of cable exceeds the loads imparted by the combine effects of tidal stream/current on the underwater hull and the wind on the hull/superstructure, then the vessel should not drag. The cable nearer the ship also provides a catenary which damps out movement of the ship and prevents sudden loads being applied to the anchor itself. The desired result is that the cable near the anchor lies flat on the seabed, preventing the anchor stock being twisted or lifted, either of which will likely cause it to break out and drag. Thus, rather than swing about the anchor per se, there will be a length of cable immediately adjacent the anchor which hardly moves, and it is that length of cable about which the vessel swings. f. Movement of the Cable. If a vessel experiences a 180° change in the direction of tidal stream/current, or if the wind predominates over water motion and changes direction markedly, the cable will be moved across the seabed and will probably slowly reposition the anchor. At this stage, particularly if the tidal stream/current or wind are strong, some dragging of the anchor will probably occur before the anchor beds in again. Thus, when anchored for prolonged periods, during a swing or any significant change in the prevailing conditions, the safety limits and state of the cable should be monitored very closely. August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) 1405. Planning Distances from Other Ships in the Anchorage a. Anchorage Planning Criteria. distances from other ships in an anchora: Several methods may be used to plan ge. (1) Allocated Anchor Berths. Ships of all i . es fe harbours and roadsteads as a mat ina. theta cere eta ' iter of routine. In these cases, the local harbour authority may allocate suitable charted anchorage positions or areas in order to achieve adequate separation between ships. Regardless, the actual Positions of other ships at anchor must be Positively confirmed before anchoring, and the separation between anchor berths Proven safe. (2) Standard Distance. Anchoring warships and RFAs at the NATO standard distance is convenient when ships are operating in formation. The corollary is that standard distances (500 yards for ships under 450ft in length and 1000 yards for larger ships) require large areas for all but the smallest groups of ships. (3) Fleet Reviews and Ceremonial/Operational Events. Fleet reviews and other ceremonial or operational events attended by large groups of ships which must be anchored in close proximity and in confined areas are specialist evolutions which are outwith the scope of this book. Such events would almost always be planned by a specialist navigator; see BRd 45(9) for more details. (4) Minimum Swinging Radius (MSR) Variants. There are several different ways to calculate the minimum swinging radius (MSR) for working out the distance between ships in an anchorage. The MSR variants are summarised in Table 14-2 below, and details of the calculations follow. Table 14-2. Minimum Swinging Radius Variants MSR VARIANT DESCRIPTION Double normal MSR Ships spaced at the total distance of both normal MSRs added together; minimises risks of ships fouling each other Single normal MSR Ships spaced a distance of one normal MSR apart; increases risk of fouling but reduces area required Double reduced MSR Ships spaced at the total distance of two reduced MSRs added together; reduces area required but at cost of increased risk of fouling Single reduced MSR Ships space a distance of one reduced MSR; reduces area requirement to the minimum with greatest risk of fouling Mooring MSR NOT USED WITHIN RN Risk of Ships Swinging towards Each Other. Irrespective of the distance apart, unless they have a vastly, radically different amount of windage, then it is most unlikely that two adjacent ships at anchor will swing towards each other and, at the same time, have their cables drawn out to their fullest extent. If there is strong wind or tidal stream/current, the ships will normally lie parallel to one another and lay their cables out in the same direction; if the wind is light and, at the same time, the 14-9 August 2018 Version 4 BRd 45(8) tidal stream turns and becomes almost slack, ships may swing towards each other, but their cables are unlikely to be laid out towards one another. c. Normal MSR. The normal MSR is calculated thus: Normal MSR = length of ship + length of cable veered In RN WECDIS (Outfit 4LAA) this is to be represented by the ‘drag circle’ and for practical purposes is to be calculated as above with an additional error value (normally 50 yards); thus, for planning an anchorage in WECDIS: Drag circle = normal MSR = length of ship + length of cable veered + error d. Double Normal MSR. To minimise the risk that ships foul one another as they swing on their anchors, ships may be anchored at double normal MSR distance apart (i.e. the distance between anchors is the sum of each ship's MSR). This has the following specific advantages, at the cost of requiring a much larger total area for the anchorage, and the situation is illustrated in Fig 14-2 below. (1) A ship may approach and anchor without finding an adjacent ship has ‘swung over the point where its anchor should be let go. (2) An anchored ship may weight anchor alone without fouling other ships. (3) Two adjacent ships may swing towards each other and at the same time have their cables drawn out to the fullest extending (notwithstanding that this is most unlikely). 14-10 August 2018 Version 4 BRd 45(1) Fig 14-3. Ships Anchored at Double Normal MSR Apart AB: Minimum Swinging Radius ofA ): inging Radius of A + Minimum Swinging Ra BC: Minimum Swinging Radius of B + Minimum Swinging Radius ¢ : Minimum Swinging Radius of A+ Minimum ‘Swinging Radius C Minimum LOL, A's Safety B's Safoty_—” Swinging Cicle Swinging Ciclo C's Swinging Circle Length of Additional Cable Plus Safety Margin—>\, e. Calculating Double Normal MSR. The distance apart of ships when using double normal MSR is calculated simply thus: Double normal MSR = normal MSR for Ship 1 + normal MSR for Ship 2 f, Single Normal MSR. Space in harbours and busy anchorages has always been at a premium, and, unless carrying out stern-to berthing it is usual to anchor ships at single normal MSR i.e. ships will be one single MSR apart. Where ships are dissimilar, this should be the largest normal MSR of the two. Although the risks are generally small, ships should be wary of swings towards another ship. 14-11 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(8) Fig 14-4. Ships Anchored at Single Normal MSR Apart ir AB: Minimum Swinging Radius of A or B (whichever Is greater) BC: Minimum Swinging Radius of B or C (whichever is greater) AG: Minimum Swinging Radius of A or C (whichever is greater) Length of Additional Cable Plus Safety Margin—>1 1 ‘Swinging Circle MSR is calculated, but they are drawn centred on the new anchor positions — © Note. The radii of the safety swinging circles are unaffected by the way the compare the image above with Fig 14-3. g. Calculating the Reduced MSR. If space is particularly restricted, the distance apart of ships may be calculated using a reduced MSR. Reduced MSR is calculated thus: Reduced MSR = length of ship + 45 metres (or 50 yards) The distance of 45 metres (50 yards) equates to just under two shackles of cable. h. Double Reduced MSR. With a double reduced MSR, care must be taken to ensure that the anchor cables of adjacent ships do not foul each other (see Fig 14-4 below). If they do, a figure greater than 45m may have to be used or even a normal MSR instead. Comparisons between double reduced MSR and other MSR variants are as follows. (1) Double Reduced MSR v Double Normal MSR. Double reduced MSR significantly reduces the space needed for ships to anchor as compared with double normal MSR. 14-12 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) (2) Double Reduced MSR v Single Normal MSR. Double reduced MSR is roughly comparable to single normal MSR with up to about three and a half shackles of cable veered. With more than that, double reduced MSR progressively reduces the space needed. (3) Double Reduced MSR v Single Reduced MSR. Single reduced MSR significantly reduces the space needed to the absolute minimum, compared to double reduced MSR. Fig 14-5. Ships at Anchor at Double Reduced MSR Apart KEY AB: Reduced Swinging Radius of A+ Reduced Swinging Radius B BC: Reduced Swinging Radius of B+ Reduced Swinging Radius C AC: Reduced Swinging Radius of A + Reduced Swinging Radius C Minimum LDL A's Safety B's Safety ‘Swinging Circle Swinging Circle” Minimum LDL . Length of Additional Cable Plus Safety Margin—> C's Safety Swinging Circle i. Calculating Double Reduced MSR. The distance aparts of ships using double reduced MSR is calculated thus: Reduced MSR = length of ship + 45 metres (or 50 yards) Double reduced MSR = reduced MSR for Ship 1 + reduced MSR for Ship 2 j. Single Reduced MSR. In order to reduce the distance between anchor berths to the absolute minimum, ships may be anchored at single reduced MSR i.e. at one reduced MSR apart. Where ships are dissimilar, the largest individual reduced MSR should be used. This will very much reduce the amount of space required, at the cost of increased risk of the ships fouling each other. 14-13 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(8) Fig 14-6. Ships at Anchor at Single Reduced MSR Apart KEY AB: Reduced Swinging Radius of A or B (whichever is greater) BC: Reduced Swinging Radius of B or C (whichever is greater) AG: Reduced Swinging Radius of A or C (whichever is greater) Minimum LDL Minimum Length of Additional Cable Plus Safety Margin —>i LOL 1 C's Safety Swinging Circle | Note. The radii of the safety swinging circles are unaffected by the way the MSR is calculated, but they are drawn centred on the new anchor positions — 7 | compare the image above with Fig 14-3. 1406. Planning the Track to the Anchor Berth A planned anchorage of the ship is a special form of pilotage, in which pilotage techniques are used to position the ship as accurately as possible over a pre-planned Position on the seabed. This Chapter must be read in conjunction with Chapter 14 on pilotage in order to build a full appreciation of the techniques to be used; basic pilotage terms and techniques are not explained below. a, Anchorage Planning Procedures. An anchorage should be planned in exactly the same way as any other piece of pilotage, with an additional layer of detail used to address the anchoring phase at the end of the final leg. b. Specifics of Anchorage Planning. The following specific elements must form part of the anchorage plan. (1) LDL. Before choosing the position in which to anchor the vessel, the minimum (most restrictive) LDL should be plotted around the anchorage area. The approach track must show the actual LDL for the planned time of anchoring. This is straightforward to achieve in WECDIS switching on and off the appropriate manual correction(s). 14-14 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) ©) yanchorage Position Taking into account the factors listed in Para 1405 eee Ne a 'orage position, with its safety swinging circle clear of all ae are Hal be chosen and the anchorage plan prepared. Use the ‘set heey Zone alarm in WECDIS to mark the anchor Position; the NO will to lay back the stem to standard distance to determine the position of the pelorus at the time of letting go, which should be the final waypoint on the approach track. The swing circle radius in WECDIS should be set to the radius of the safety swinging circle. Plot a manual correction centred on the anchorage positon (s) of radius equal to the safety swinging circle. (3) Clearing Lines. Appropriately constructed clearing bearings should be constructed to box in the approach track and the anchorage position (4) Headmark. Select a headmark and an approach track to the chosen anchorage position, clear of all dangers; transits are preferable to single marks. Ideally, the approach leg should be at least one mile in length, but do not allow the choice of a conspicuous headmark to override other factors, in particular the need for a safe approach track. (5) Approach Track. The approach track should be long enough in order to allow plenty of time to get onto the correct line, and to reduce speed. For a frigate or destroyer this may be as short as a few cables, but in general at least one mile is preferable. Generate wheel-over positions in WECDIS and select wheel-over marks. (6) Beam Marks. Select beam marks to establish the distance to run. At least two sets of beam marks are required, a minimum of one on each side of the ship, especially when it comes to the final ‘let go’ position. In practice, an ideally placed beam mark may be difficult to identify and a less than ideal beam mark may be conspicuous; by tabulating the bearings of both, when on track the bearing of the conspicuous mark can be used to help spot and identify the less conspicuous mark. (7) Courses to Steer. Generate courses to steer in WECDIS in the usual manner. (8) Alternative Approach Track/Anchorage. The ideal ‘full’ anchorage plan should include an alternative approach track to the anchorage, in case the first approach is fouled. Moreover, it should also include an alternative anchorage in case the primary anchorage is fouled, and the alternative anchorage should have two approaches prepared. In practice, it may not be necessary or possible to prepared all these alternatives, but if alternatives are not available then every opportunity must be taken (VTS, radar, AIS etc) to determine the positions of other ships early and make the GO/NO GO decision. 14-15, August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(8) 14-16 (9) Stem to Standard Distance. The set anchor position zone alarm is used to mark the position of the anchor itself on the seabed. That is not the position that the NO will be monitoring, as the NO is at the pelorus or other compass position which will be a meaningful distance aft of the anchor. This, from the position of the anchor, the NO must lay back (along the approach course) the stem to standard distance to establish the position at which the anchor should be let go. This position will be the position of the final waypoint on the leg. In the RN/RFA the stem to standard distance should be available from the Navigation Data Book, and should be included in the NO’s Workbook and the NO's pilotage notebook (10) Distance to Run. The distance to run should be marked off for every cable on the final leg, with the final cable further subdivided into 0.5 and 0.25 cables to run. Positions at which speed should be reduced should be determined, and they can be marked in WECDIS as mariner’s notes or action points as preferred in order to allow the WPSO to support the NO. One of the most common mistakes during anchorages, especially for inexperienced officers, is to forget to reduce speed, resulting in an overshooting of the anchorage position or worse. (11) Pre-planned Anchor Fix. Select suitable marks for the anchorage fix and ensure they are injected into WECDIS as reference points. (12) Minimum Depths. Calculate the minimum expected depths (or soundings) on each leg and at the anchorage position. (13) Choice of Anchor. If a choice exists in ships with sided hawsepipes, decide which anchor to use and what length of cable is likely to be required. It is normal to plan to use the weather anchor, but in some circumstances (see details at Para 1411) it may be better to use the leeward anchor. The amount of cable which can be veered is generally about one shackle less than that fitted. (14) Anchoring in a Poorly Charted Area. If it is necessary to anchor in a poorly charted area, such as when conducting HDR operations for example, use boats to sound ahead of the ship. After anchoring, take careful soundings within a radius of at least three cables around the ship to make certain there are no uncharted rocks or dangers. Consider a formal minor survey if necessary (see Chapter 18). (15) Briefings. Brief the CO and subsequently the entire team in the same way as for pilotage. (16) NO’s Pilotage Notebook. The NO’s pilotage notebook should be prepared in the same way as for normal pilotage, the primary difference being the requirement to annotate speed reductions at the appropriate points. A template anchorage leg page for a notebook is provided, but NO’s should feel free to use any format which works for them, within the general remarks in Chapter 13. August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) Fig 14-7. Example Anchorage Plan changed from their usual appearance in WECDIS. No alternative approach or © Note. Some details omitted for clarity, and some colours etc have been anchorage is shown above but they should usually be included. 1407. Planning Speed Reductions a. Dropping Anchorages. The ‘dropping anchorage’ technique involves stopping the vessel in or just beyond the anchor berth, letting go the anchor and then making gentle sternway to lay out the cable. This method is the one usually adopted by merchant ships, and by all warships with bow domes. 14-17 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(8) b. Running Anchorages. The ‘running anchorage’ technique involves maintaining steerage way up to the moment at which the anchor is let go; speed at the moment of letting go should not normally be more than 2 or 3 knots over the ground. Running anchorages CANNOT be undertaken by ships with bow domes. c. Speed Reduction Tables. A generic table of speed reductions is given below, but NOs should refer to class specific guidance in BRd 45(7) and the Navigation Data Book for their own ship. The table below is illustrative and NOs must refer to the specific guidance for their ship. Table 14-3. Generic Anchorage Speed Reductions DISTANCE TO LPD DD FF MCMV RUN (CABLES) 10 10 knots 10 knots 10 knots 10 knots 6 3 knots 6 knots 6 knots 6 knots, 3 ALL STOP 2 = 3 knots az ALL STOP ALL STOP. ALL STOP 0.75 HALF HALF HALF - ASTERN ASTERN 30 ASTERN 50 05 - = c HALF ASTERN 0 ALL STOP ONCE SLIGHT STERNWAY EVIDENT — LET GO. the ship (i.e. using astern propulsion), and should be read as issuing the ) Note. The term ‘ALL STOP’ is used above to avoid confusion with stopping 14-18 appropriate engine order to apply zero propulsion power (i.e. STOP ENGINES, LEVER ZERO etc). d. Advantages and Disadvantages. Warships fitted with a bow dome effectively do not have a choice as to which technique to adopt, but in other ships there is a choice to be made. The comparative advantages and disadvantages are listed in Table 14-4 below. August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) Table 14-4, Anchorages and Disadvantages of Anchoring Techniques ITEM DROPPING ANCHORAGE RUNNING ANCHORAGE Direction of | The cable is laid out downwind or | The cable is laid out into the wind the cable downstream. This is optimal for | and/or tidal stream and can modern anchors and cables, and | absorb the strain gradually as the there is less risk of damage to ship falls back on its cable; anti-fouling paint and underwater | cannot be carried out by ships fittings. with bow domes. Anchor There is less risk of tumbling or —_| There is more risk of tumbling or tumbling slewing the anchor as the ship slewing the anchor. Risk is lays back to the wind and/or tidal | reduced if the wind and/or tidal stream after letting go. ‘stream are broad on the bow as this will widen the bight of cable. ‘Snubbing | There is less risk of dragging There is greater risk of dragging after letting go due to premature _| after letting go due to premature snubbing by the cable officer. snubbing by the cable officer. Wear There is less wear on the There is more wear on the hawsepipe and cable and less _| hawsepipe and cable, and more chance of damage, as the cable | chance of damage. does not turn so sharply at the bottom of the hawsepipe. Precision Shiphandling is less precise in Shiphandling is more precise in the final stages because way is the final stages; it is easier for taken off the ship in the last part | ships to maintain station for of the approach. formation anchorages. Time Manoeuvring to let go takes Manoeuvring to let go takes less longer. It may not look as smart _| time and it looks smart. However as a briskly executed running the vessel usually settles to its anchorage. The vessel usually | cable more slowly. settles to the cable more quickly. 1408. Executing a Routine Anchorage Plan a. General Procedures. As with planning, so when it comes to executing an anchorage plan standard pilotage procedures should be used, with some additional tasks. b. Tasks Specific to Anchorages. Much of the detail will be addressed at the planning stages but should be reviewed once the evolution is underway. Anchoring is a dynamic situation and the NO should not simply follow the plan slavishly if there is evidence to suggest it should be changed. (1) Clear Berth. Use every method to obtain the position of other ships, both at anchor and underway, and to plot them on WECDIS. This should include radar (ARPA and non-ARPA), AIS, VTS, and a general listening watch on the appropriate VHF channels. Once plotted, the anchorage approach track(s) and the anchor berths themselves must be checked clear of other ships. A formal report to this effect should be made, and will probably form part of the GO/NO GO decisions. 14-19 August 2018 Version 1 14-20 (2) Bubble Times. Use pre-planned bubble times, and the WECDIS time/distance to go functions, to keep a constant check on the speed required to make good the ETA. This will usually be the time of anchoring. (3) Courses to Steer. Adjust the pre-planned course to steer as required based on the true conditions. Note that in the final stages the ship may need to steer significantly ‘high’ or ‘low’ in order to make good the planned track as steerage way is lost. (4) Approach Track. If possible, anchor into the wind or tidal stream; if a choice of approach tracks is possible, select the track which best meets these requirements without compromising safety or the other elements of the plan. (5) Choice of Anchor. If other ships are already at anchor, it is usually Possible to see which is the best anchor to use by observing their cables. (6) Canting the Bow. If anchoring with the wind abeam, it is often useful to ‘swing the bow into the wind using the maximum rudder just before reaching the anchorage position. (7) Anchor and Amount of Cable. The choice of anchor and amount of cable should be planned beforehand, however this decision must be reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted based on the actual Prevailing conditions. (8) Conning Orders. When on the final approach to the anchorage, it is usually better to give the helmsman the course to steer as early as possible, to leave more time for observing marks, other ships etc. (9) Sun’s Bearing. The bearing and elevation of the Sun may make observation of some marks difficult. (10) NO’s Anchorage Commentary. The NO should conduct a standard anchorage commentary, using essentially the same gun drill, with additional comments on the depth of water and the nature of the bottom, the state of the tidal and tidal stream on anchoring, the forecast and actual wind direction and elative bearing on anchoring, and the intended anchor and amount of cable to veer. It is traditional to brief the anchorage at a suitable point on the anchorage leg. When conducting the anchorage commentary, the NO is NEVER to utter the words ‘LET GO’, ‘LETTING GO’, or any possible combination thereof. This is to avoid the risk of the XO or anybody else mishearing (for example) the commentary ‘three cables to run to the let go position’ and accidently ordering let go when the ship is in the wrong place. It is usual instead to refer to the ‘anchorage position’ and, when the countdown reaches zero, to announce ‘IN POSITION’. (11) Anchor Fix. Once the anchor has been let go, fix the ship; take beam bearings first for accuracy, obtain a sounding, and note the ship's head and time. Check also WECDIS primary position source position and RIO lock; all should tie-in. The sounding provides a check that sufficient cable has in fact been veered. August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) (12) Anchor Flags/Lights. Where ships do not have enclosed focsles, the CO normally works the red and green anchor flags (by day) or coloured light-wands by night Personally, to denote the port or starboard anchor respectively. TO avoid prematurely letting go the anchor, the flagilight should only be exhibited steadily from a prominent position at ‘STAND BY’ for a few seconds before ‘LET GO’, when it should be dropped smartly. Ships which have enclosed focsles will use stop/go lights instead. (13) Ship’s Movements after Anchoring. As the way is taken off the ship and stern way develops, the NO should observe the ship's movement over the ground, either by beam bearings or by objects in transit, and report this to the co. (14) Ship's Log. The position entered in the ship's log should be that of the anchor not the bridge. The anchorage should be entered in the Ship's Log using the following format: “Came to the [port/starboard] anchor with [xxx] shackles, in food metres in position [lat/long, range and bearing or named anchor berth (eg Spithead No 1)] (15) Zone Alarms. RN WECDIS has several ‘zone alarm’ functions which are useful for both planning an anchorage and monitoring it once the ship has anchored, together with an ‘anchor electronic bearing line’ (EBL) which is used to plot the position of the anchor. They should be used as a matter of course; see BRd 45(8) for details on their use along with the ECPINS handbook. The WECDIS ‘swing circle’ equates to the RN safety swinging circle, and WECDIS will issue an alarm if another contact enters any part of the swing circle. The ircle equates to the minimum swinging radius, and WECDIS will issue an alarm if any part of own ship leaves the drag circle, or if there is a hazard detected within the circle. (16) Actions on Anchoring. Full details of the actions to take are in BRd 45(8) including the WECDIS drill; they are given in outline form below in system agnostic form to enable use in ships without WECDIS. Essentially, the NO must take a fix at the moment the anchor is let go, and the WPSO drops an anchor EBL (F9 in WECDIS), which measures the range and bearing of the anchor Position to a defined offset in the vessel shape (which should be changed by the NO to be the pelorus prior to first anchoring). The planned anchorage placeholder is then deleted, and a new one dropped by inspection against the origin of the anchor EBL. The drag and swing circles are then re-entered as required (using the revised SC). Subsequent actions will depend on whether or not GPS and RIO lock are available; see Para 1408 sub para c below. If the anchor position falls within the safety margin circle plotted around the planned anchorage position then by definition the anchorage will be safe, but the revised SC is still to be plotted. 14-21 August 2018 Version 4 BRd 45(8) c. Monitoring after Anchoring. Once the ship has anchored, the immediate check is that the ship has anchored in the correct place and is thus safe by first principles. Re-plotting the anchorage placeholder per the above instructions and redrawing the swing and drag circles (using the revised SC) will determine this, which will thus lead to the CO making the decision to stay or, in some cases, to weigh and re-anchor. Regardless, once the ship is anchored in a position and the decision is made to stay for all but the briefest periods of time, then a monitoring regime is required, primarily to ensure that the ship does not drag. Full details are in BRd 45(8) Chapter 7, but the major principles are summarised in the sub-paras below. (1) dGPSIGPS Available. When at anchor with the primary position source selected to dGPS/GPS, all anti-grounding cone values should be set to zero, and the RIO turned ON. With a known datum and GPS available, there is no requirement to plan or take anchor bearings (see below) and/or plan or monitor the bridge swinging circle (see below). The OOW or QM (depending on the ordered anchor state) should make checks (at the interval ordered by the CO in standing orders/the sea order book) that WECDIS is correct by confirmation of the ship's position within the drag circle, and by confirmation of RIO lock. (2) dGPSIGPS Unavailable or Unknown Datum. If GPS is denied or degraded, or the ship is operating in an area of unknown horizontal datum (which means that satellite-derived positions cannot be used), then RELNAV positions must be used to ensure ship safety; an inertial navigation system (INS), if fitted and available, may be of use but is likely to generate frequent alarms and should not be relied upon at anchor. (3) RELNAV Techniques - Anchor Bearings. A manually constructed ‘bridge swinging circle’ should be plotted, and then enclosed by an additional clearing line set of anchor bearings. The bridge swinging circle is the circle around the anchor position that the bridge (i.e. pelorus) will swing along, and hence what will be monitored by operator fixes; the drag circle should still be used. The bridge swinging circle is calculated thus: Bridge swinging circle = cable veered + stem to standard distance Anchor bearings should ideally be constructed as pairs of ‘no more than’/'no less than’ bearings of known reference points, which will box in the bridge swinging circle. Usually three pairs will suffice, depending on the geometry of available reference points; where possible, select lights or other marks conspicuous by day and night to prevent having to change over at dawn/dusk. An example (not to scale) of using anchor bearings is shown below in Fig 14-8. 14-22 August 2018 Version 1 BRd 45(1) Fig 14-8. Anchor Bearings Note. Scales and angles are exaggerated in the above drawing, and other details omitted, but the principle of boxing in the bridge swinging circle (inner black circle) is clear; the drag circle (outer black circle) should still be plotted in WECDIS and monitored. In order to prevent excessive alarms caused by bumping up against the clearing lines, the CO may, in exceptional circumstances, allow the audible alarm to be switched OFF but this must be explicitly ordered by the CO (the visual alarm will still flash RED and any such alarms must immediately be reported to the OOW and the ship’s position checked). In these circumstances, the CO should review the ordered anchor state carefully, as it may be inappropriate to relax the requirement for the OOW to remain on the bridge, but the decision should always be made on the basis of all the prevailing circumstances and conditions. Anchor bearings enable easy monitoring of the ship’s position without needing to fix per se, as provided they remain in the acceptable range of values for each reference point, the ship must remain within the bridge swinging circle. 14-23 August 2018 Version 1 ey (4) WECDIS Primary Position Source (GPS Denied/Unknown Datum). Set the primary position source to Fix + DR, with ordered set and drift of 000 at 0 knots, and ordered course and speed the same. This prevents own ship's vessel shape moving between fixes outside the drag circle under the influence of log and gyro inputs. (5) Fix Interval. The fix interval is to be ordered in the sea order book or Standing orders, and even when GPS is available periodic operator fixes should be made by an OOW to ensure ship safety. (6) Monitoring Procedure. The OOW or QM (depending on anchor state) should monitor the specified fix reference points used in the anchor bearings at an ordered frequency, and note the bearings on a locally produced tote (old Navigation Record Books are ideal if still held on board). (7) Actions on Dragging or Suspected Dragging. Regardless of the availability or not of GPS, any indications of dragging must be checked immediately by a qualified individual and the ship's position confirmed by RELNAV operator fix. The anchor position should subsequently be monitored for indications that the ship is anchored, and the additional checks detailed in BRd 67 (vibrating cable etc) should be made as well. If the OOW is in any doubt whatsoever, the CO is to be called IMMEDIATELY. In extremis, the OOW should not wait for the CO before taking steps such as closing up the cable party, starting machinery etc. (8) Stern Swinging Circle. In addition to the bridge swinging circle, it may from time to time be appropriate to calculate the stern swinging circle, which is the path the ster will take when swinging around the anchor position. The stern swinging circle is straightforwardly calculated thus: Stern swinging circle = cable veered + ship's length Example. A vessel of 120 yds length overall, with a stem to standard distance of 45 yards, anchors with five shackles of cable veered and a further seven shackles of cable remaining. Assuming a safety margin of one cable, what are the radii of the safety, stern and bridge swinging circles? The answers are shown in Fig 14-9 below. 14-24 August 2018 Version 1

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