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D e f i n i t i o n : a condition that is slowly rising in cases

across all countries. Every age and every stage can be
affected by anemia, and though others may consider this
as a simple condition, it could blow out of proportion if
left untreated.

Etiologic Origin Nursing Management

A lack of iron in your body is the main cause of The management of anemia by nurses should be
this type of anemia. To produce hemoglo bin, your accurate and appropriate so that objectives and goals
bone marrow needs iron. Your body can't make would be achieved.
enough hemoglobin for red blood cells without
enough iron. ▪ Health history and physical exam
▪ Medication history
▪ History of alcohol intake
▪ Family history
Pathophysiology ▪ Nutritional assessment

The pathoph ysio logy of anem ia v ar ies

gr eatly d ep end ing o n the primar y cau se.
For in stance, in acute h emo rrh agic
anem ia, it is the restor ation o f b lood
vo lum e with intracellu lar and
extracellular flu id th at dilu tes the
r em ain ing red b lood cells ( RBCs), wh ich
results in an em ia.
Medical Management
The goal of treating anemia is to
eliminate or minimize its underlying
▪ Nutritional add -ons. The patient
Signs and Symptoms and family should be properly
instructed on how to use
Dep end ing on the cau se and exten t o f anem ia, there
nutritional supplements because
are differen t ind icatio ns and sy mptom s. Yo ur anem ia excessive intake will not help
with anemia.
m ay n ot create any sym ptom s at all, dep end ing on th e
▪ Transfusion of blood. Blood
un der ly ing causes. transfusions would be required
for patients who had experienced
• Sign s and sy mp tom s, if th ey d o occur, m igh t
acute blood loss or severe
includ e: hemolysis since these patients
✓ Fatigue , Weak ness may have had diminished tissue
perfusion due to decreased blood
✓ Pale or yellowish skin , Ir regu lar h ear tb eats volume or reduced circulating
✓ Shortn ess of br eath , Dizzin ess or erythrocytes.
▪ Intravenous liquids to replenish
lig hth eadedn ess lost blood or electrolyte
✓ Ch est pain , Co ld h and s and feet quantities and return them to
normal levels, intravenous fluids
✓ Headaches are given.

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