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Ectopic Pregnancy

Definition: occurs when the fertilized

egg implants itself outside of the
uterus. The implantation might take
place in the fallopian tube, the cervix,
the abdomen, or the surface of the

Etiologic Origin Nursing Management

occurs when a fertilized egg becomes impaled Nurses must also have their own function when it
while traveling to the uterus, frequently as a result comes to ectopic pregnancy, even without a direct
of inflammation or an abnormal fallopian tube. order from the physician.
Unbalanced hormone levels or irregular follicle ▪ No unusual symptoms are usually present at
growth could possibly be at play. the time of implantation of an ectopic
▪ The usual signs of pregnancy would occur,
such as a positive pregnancy test, nausea
Pathophysiology and vomiting, and amenorrhea.
▪ At 6-12 weeks of pregnancy, the trophoblast
A fallop ian tub e is the mo st typ ical would be large enough to rupture the
location for ectopic imp lantation , fallopian tube.
fo llo wed by th e u ter in e cor nea (r ef err ed ▪ Upon arrival at the hospital, a woman who
to as a co rnual or an in ter stitial has a ruptured ectopic pregnancy might
pr egn ancy). Rarely do pregnan cies occur present signs of shock such as rapid, thread
in the cerv ix, a scar f rom a cesar ean pulse, rapid respirations, and decreased
d eliv ery, an ov ary, or the ab dom en. blood pressure.
Medical Management
As soon as a woman with an ectopic
pregnancy is taken to the emergency
room, medical management should
begin. Even a brief window of time
Signs and Symptoms would make a significant impact in the
patient's safety.
The symp tom s of an ectop ic pr egnancy sometim es
✓ Administration of methot rexate
r esem ble tho se of an ear ly pregnan cy, it can b e ✓ Administration of mifepristone
✓ Intravenous therapy
challeng ing to iden tify. Missed p er iod s, br east
✓ Withdrawing of blood sample
d isco mfort, mo tion sick ness, exhaustion, or frequent
ur in ation are a few examp les (peeing) . Often,
d isco mfort or v ag inal b leed ing ar e the f ir st indication s
of an ectopic p regn an cy.

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