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CH2M HILL Oil, Gas & Chemicals Revision: 2 Number: EC-PI-P004

Date: 24 April 2015

Discipline: Piping (PI) Procedure Owner: Charles Funk Page: 1 of 5

Discipline Procedure Name: Piping Checking

Rev. Procedure Best Practice

Rev. Date Revision Description
No. Owner Leader
0 04/29/2010 Initial Release P. Garnett P. Garnett
1 03/17/2011 Content review and revisions, per February 2011 BP Team P. Garnett P. Garnett
Review Meeting
2 04/24/2015 Triennial review: technical content reviewed and updated; C. Funk C. Funk
formatting updated to current standard and references to BG
updated; Procedure Owner / Best Practice Leader updated

© 2024 CH2M HILL Always refer to CH2M HILL VO site for current version.
CH2M HILL Oil, Gas & Chemicals Revision: 2 Number: EC-PI-P004
Date: 24 April 2015
Discipline: Piping (PI) Procedure Owner: Charles Funk Page: 2 of 5

Discipline Procedure Name: Piping Checking


The purpose of this procedure is to define a minimum level of checking to be done for the documents listed.


1. This procedure is applicable to all projects prepared by CH2M HILL Oil, Gas, and Chemicals (OG&C)
Business Group. Exceptions \ revisions to this procedure, or the checklists (EC-PI-P004-T01 through –T10)
are to be documented in writing to the Technical Discipline Lead (TDL) prior to implementing on a project.
2. Implementation of this checking procedure will help ensure that all project requirements have been
adhered to, and incorporated in the design and final documents and drawings issued for the project.


1. Project Design criteria

D. DEFINED TERMS (Refer to QMS Glossary on MyPortal)

1. Isometric (ISO)
2. Oil, Gas, and Chemicals (OG&C)
3. Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
4. Technical Discipline Lead (TDL)




1. Checking Set Up
Project Piping Lead and Team:
 Prior to the drawings being issued for checking, the responsible Piping Designer is to review and initial
the associated designer section of the checklist to ensure all applicable items have been addressed.
 No other activity is to take place in the associated design (modeling, drafting, etc.) while the area is in
checking, unless both the Lead and Checker are notified prior to the activity.
 A Checking Package is assembled by the Piping Designer, or designate. All necessary data, materials,
and design parameters are to be included, such as: certified correct vendor drawings, field notes,
Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), Line List, Tie-in List, 3D reference model, specs, design
criteria, standard drawings, stamped and dated copies of drawings to be checked, etc.
 Drawing tracking documents (Tracker, Drawing Tracking Sheet, etc.) are to be updated by the Piping
Designer to include the status of the drawings included in the Checking Package.
© 2024 CH2M HILL Always refer to CH2M HILL VO site for current version.
CH2M HILL Oil, Gas & Chemicals Revision: 2 Number: EC-PI-P004
Date: 24 April 2015
Discipline: Piping (PI) Procedure Owner: Charles Funk Page: 3 of 5

Discipline Procedure Name: Piping Checking

 The Piping Lead shall review the Checking Package and confirm the area is ready for checking.
 The Piping Lead assigns a Piping Checker for the area to be checked.
 The assigned Piping Checker shall generally be a Senior Designer, or Piping Lead who has not been
directly involved in producing the design or drawings for the area.
 The Piping Lead is responsible for the traceability of the checklists for the documents being
checked. In other words, if at a later date an auditor wishes to see the checklist for a particular
Isometric (ISO), then the Piping Lead can produce it. Typically, this is done by either attaching a
copy of the checklist to each check print, or by including a checklist for a group of ISOs.
2. Checking
Project Piping Lead / Piping Checker / Piping Drafter:
 The Piping Checker shall receive a Checking Package with all relative reference information and the
drawings to be checked.
 The Piping Checker shall not change the design, or layout unless the current one is not functional,
is unsafe, does not meet project requirements, or lacks basic good design.
 The Piping Checker is not to redesign because of personal preference or opinion. Any changes of
this type may lead to expensive drafting costs and material discrepancies.
 NOTE: all vendor data should be “Certified” correct prior to checking. If not, the Piping Checker
shall note this variance on the Check Print.
 The Piping Checker will show all additions and changes in sufficient detail for the Backdrafter’s
complete understanding.
 Avoid verbal instructions.
 If reasons for errors are not clearly apparent, consult the Designer in charge of the area before
making changes.
 The Piping Checker is responsible for assuring the items on the checklist have been checked and
verified prior to initialing the Check Print. The Piping Checker’s signature on the deliverable means, in
addition to the verification of the checklist items, the following steps have been taken:
 That the deliverable has been checked against the latest data available on the project.
 That the Piping Checker has marked all Reference Drawings for any changes made that will affect
work already completed or in progress, and has informed the Piping Lead, or designate. This
reference material will usually consist of (but not be limited to) other design section work,
adjacent areas, specifications, and vendor drawings. The Piping Lead, or designate is responsible
for communicating these changes to the proper parties through the proper procedural channels.
 Check Package shall go back to the responsible Designer for review.

© 2024 CH2M HILL Always refer to CH2M HILL VO site for current version.
CH2M HILL Oil, Gas & Chemicals Revision: 2 Number: EC-PI-P004
Date: 24 April 2015
Discipline: Piping (PI) Procedure Owner: Charles Funk Page: 4 of 5

Discipline Procedure Name: Piping Checking

 Checking Colors
 Red Pencil – Add
 The Piping Checker uses this when there is something to be added, such as notes and changes
in dimensions. When a Backdrafter sees this, they are required to transfer these marks on the
original drawings. If the marks cannot be understood, the Drafter must go to the Piping
Checker for clarification. Never make a change or correction without fully understanding the
Piping Checker's intention.
 Green Pencil – Delete
 This is used by the Piping Checker to indicate that an item, such as notes and symbols are to
be removed. When a Backdrafter sees this on a drawing, they are required to erase what is
marked in green pencil.
 Yellow Pencil – Correct: Do Not Change
 The Piping Checker uses yellow during all phases of checking. When a Backdrafter sees this, it
indicates that the item is correct and should not be removed from the drawing. If yellowed-off
notes, dimensions, and other similar features must be moved for clarity of presentation, use
care that they are rewritten correctly and circle the moved information in orange.
 Blue Pencil – Backdrafted
 Blue circles around Piping Checker marks (red or green) on a drawing indicate that the
Backdrafter has incorporated all the changes requested by the Piping Checker.
 Purple Pencil – Blue Backdraft Marks Incorporated
 May be used by the Piping Checker, Mechanical / Piping Engineer, or Piping Lead to mark all
blue backdraft marks to signify that all the requested changes have, in fact, been properly
 Black Pencil – Note from Piping Checker
 Items in pencil are used as notes to Backdrafter by the Piping Checker. The Backdrafter should
read the notes and follow the Piping Checker's instructions. Comments to the Draftsman
dealing with checking decisions, or clarification of any other information shall be in black
pencil only. These comments should not be backdrafted onto the original.
3. Markup Review and Backdrafting
Project Piping Lead and Team / Mechanical-Piping Engineer:
 After drawings have been checked, signed, and dated by Piping Checker, return the Check Prints to
the Piping Lead, or designate for the review of mark-ups and comments.
 When looking over the ISO Check Prints, the Piping Lead focuses on the documentation information
on the drawing (such as initials, revision, etc.). The Piping Lead also focuses on consistency in design
and presentation across multiple Designers and Piping Checkers.

© 2024 CH2M HILL Always refer to CH2M HILL VO site for current version.
CH2M HILL Oil, Gas & Chemicals Revision: 2 Number: EC-PI-P004
Date: 24 April 2015
Discipline: Piping (PI) Procedure Owner: Charles Funk Page: 5 of 5

Discipline Procedure Name: Piping Checking

 When all the ISO Check Prints have been reviewed, the Piping Lead, or designate shall assign a
Designer / Drafter for backcheck and corrections.
 The Designer / Drafter shall sign and date the drawings as backdrafted.
 Clean (backdrafted) Check Prints shall be returned to the Piping Checker for final checking and
initialing of the check print stamp, indicating the drawings have been backdrafted correctly.
 The responsible Mechanical / Piping Engineer will review and approve the backdrafted ISOs prints
(using standard color codes marks listed above) after the Piping Checker has verified the comments
have been incorporated.
 Any comments from the Mechanical / Piping Engineer’s review must be addressed and incorporated
in the drawings, and back-checked for completeness by the Piping Checker.
 The Check Prints shall then be filed by the Project Piping Lead, or designate, as per the project-specific


1. Drawing Tracking Sheet, or software routines


1. Check prints
2. Checklists
3. Approved-for-issue drawings


1. EC-PI-P004-T01 Checklist for Checking Plot Plans

2. EC-PI-P004-T02 Checklist for Equipment Arrangements
3. EC-PI-P004-T03 Checklist for Piping Orthographics
4. EC-PI-P004-T04 Checklist for Isometrics on 2D Projects
5. EC-PI-P004-T05 Checklist for Isometrics on 3D Projects
6. EC-PI-P004-T07 Checklist for 3D Piping Models
7. EC-PI-P004-T08 Checklist for Stress Calculations
8. EC-PI-P004-T09 Checklist for 3D Equipment Model
9. EC-PI-P004-T10 Checklist for Pipe Specifications

© 2024 CH2M HILL Always refer to CH2M HILL VO site for current version.

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