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Abuyog , Leyte


Worksheet No. 4
Indigenous Science & Technology in the Philippines

Name :_______________________________ Course & Section : _______________

Instructor :___________________________ Date
Submitted :________________

Direction :

Please answer the following question concisely and completely .Refrain from copying answers of your
classmates .Copied answers are automatic got a zero grade.
1. a. Define Indigenous Science
b. Indigenous Technology

2. Why do some people believe in Indigenous Science ? Elaborate your answer.


3. Distinguish some of the Filipino indigenous knowledge that is practiced up to this present time and explain its
relevance to our life .
4. How do society and culture influence the development of science and technology ?

5. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of science and technology in the Philippines ?

1. Science education deals with the teaching and learning of science and helping the public develop science literacy. Thus ,
this is important in the promotion and development of the country. What can you say about the Filipino regarding science
literacy. Are they equipped with knowledge that will improve our country ?.Explain.

2. Read the given scenario below, then answer the question that follows. Be guided with the given aspect of evaluation as
to how your answer will be graded.
Scenario :
Born in a family who are good in science .If you have your siblings who are excellent in science and always top on
his class and currently finishing his grade six in elementary .If you will be ask of him of what school is best for his
expertise, which will enhance his knowledge and skills in science school .What school will you recommend to him and
why ?

Aspect of Equiva Earne

Evaluation lent d
Points Points
Relevance 40
Language 30
Impact 30
TOTAL 100 %

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