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Social responsibility

English VI
EJE 2 - WEEK 4
Dear student, make sure to follow the steps indicated in this activity, it is important for any concern:
1. Check your recordings, remember that they explain in detail the topics that will help you to
develop the activity proposed here.
2. Contact your tutor, do it before the delivery date of your assignments arranged in MOODLE,
do not forget that no activity will be received or graded by mail.
3. Attend the tutoring sessions through the "Tutoring help" button that you will find in the
recordings section.

- Students will be able to identify the different types of Social Responsibility and will be
familiarized with different expressions and terminology

According of types of social responsibility you have learnt, design one of the following options:
- Concept map.
- Mind map.
- A conceptual diagram
- A visual metaphor
Explain differences and definitions.

Social responsibility
English VI

Record a 2 mins video where you explain what social responsibility is and mention at least three
examples of it.
Tips for good video and audio quality:
- Record in a quiet place.
- Speak clearly.
- Use your hands-free device when recording.
- You need to appear on the video, don’t wear a mask, hats, or elements that can cover your face.
- Don’t read!
Social responsibility
English VI
- To record your video, you can use your cell phone, a computer, or a camera. Please check that the
video you have can be played on a computer; try to use wma. or mp4 format.
- Then upload your video on YouTube and paste the link of your video in this workshop to allow your
tutor to assess it.
Important conditions

✔ At the beginning of the video, greet and introduce yourself (name, age, and city). Remember

that YOU must be talking to the camera. You can use visual aids, but I want to see your face
while you talk.

✔ Remember to use the vocabulary you learned throughout the course or vocabulary you are

familiar with.

✔ Pronunciation is very important; I need to understand and hear what you are saying.

✔ Check the volume of your recording and make sure there is no noise around.

✔ The length of the video must be minimum 2 minutes, maximum 3 minutes; longer or shorter

videos will be strongly penalized.

✔ The sound has to be good. Make sure I can clearly hear you.

Link video:

Social responsibility

Social responsibility is an ethical framework in which individuals or companies are responsible for
fulfilling their civic duty and taking actions that benefit society. If a company or person considers
taking actions that could harm the environment or society, those actions are considered socially
irresponsible. According to this concept, managers must make decisions that maximize profits and
protect the interests of the community and society as a whole.

For example
Social responsibility
English VI
Charitable giving and volunteer efforts in which companies give employees time off to volunteer
each year and donate part of the profits to a charity.

There are also changes in company policies to improve or benefit the environment where it is
common to see companies organizing events to plant trees, minimize paper waste, switch to
energy-efficient light bulbs, install recycling bins and allow remote work to reduce the negative
impact of commuter traffic.

and finally, the improvement of labor policies and the adoption of fair trade where brands strive to
improve working conditions and employee well-being, also offering parents important periods of
paid leave, unlimited vacation time, more natural lighting, soft seats and plants to boost energy and


Llorca, J. S. [@j.s.llorca0226]. (2022, octubre 10). Types of CSR. Youtube.

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