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Instructions for use

Software version 3.4

EUROIMMUN Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG · Seekamp 31 · 23560 Lübeck (Germany) · Phone. +49 451 2032 0
Copyright and trademark
All contents of this document, images in particular, are protected by copy-
right. The copyright owner is EUROIMMUN, unless otherwise specified.
This document may not be duplicated, printed, copied or reproduced in any
other way, and not given to a third party unless explicitly authorised in writ-
Trademarks or product names mentioned in this document refer to compa-
nies that are laying claim to those trademarks and product names. The
trademarks or product names which do not belong to EUROIMMUN are ex-
clusively used in the context of the description of this product.
The descriptions and other information, the images and drawings are con-
stantly revised and adjusted. In some details, the images may differ slightly
from the product (e.g. from the actual design). However, these differences
have no influence on the safe use of the product.
Product version
Software version ...................................................................................... 3.4
Document information
Document number ............................................. YG_0006_A_UK_C11.docx
Last revised ................................................................................ 12/05/2021
Print format ........................................................................................ DIN A4
Translation of the original instructions for use

Modifications to the former version are marked in grey

Published by:

EUROIMMUN Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG

Seekamp 31
23560 Lübeck
Phone: +49 451 2032 0
Fax: +49 451 2032 100

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 3

4 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 9
About these instructions for use ....................................................................................... 9
Explanation of symbols..................................................................................................... 9
Typographic conventions................................................................................................ 10
Warranty and liability ...................................................................................................... 10
Dealing with software errors ........................................................................................... 11
Licence restriction .......................................................................................................... 11
Technical support ........................................................................................................... 11
2 Safety .................................................................................................................................... 12
Intended use .................................................................................................................. 12
Features of EUROLineScan ........................................................................................... 12
System requirements ..................................................................................................... 13
General safety instructions ............................................................................................. 13
User qualification ............................................................................................................ 13
3 Scope of delivery and accessories ..................................................................................... 14
4 Installation ............................................................................................................................ 15
Program installation/update ............................................................................................ 15
Scanner installation ........................................................................................................ 17
Open scanner calibration function .................................................................................. 21
Calibration of the scanner............................................................................................... 21
Installation of the barcode scanner ................................................................................. 22
Symbol DS6707 / Zebra DS8108 ............................................................................. 23
Honeywell Xenon 1900 ............................................................................................ 25
5 The program ......................................................................................................................... 28
Reading in the template.................................................................................................. 29
Scanning the template ............................................................................................. 29
Scanning the barcode .............................................................................................. 30
Download from the internet ...................................................................................... 30
Scan validation lot .......................................................................................................... 30
Lot administration ........................................................................................................... 31
New protocol .................................................................................................................. 32
Standard protocol .................................................................................................... 32 Calculation of the dilution proposal ................................................................... 36 Reagent management ...................................................................................... 37
Allergy EUROASSAY protocol ................................................................................. 38
Select protocol ............................................................................................................... 39

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 5

Display/edit protocol ....................................................................................................... 39
Test strip analysis........................................................................................................... 40
Reading in the strips ................................................................................................ 40
Evaluate the strips ................................................................................................... 42
Results .................................................................................................................... 42
Details ..................................................................................................................... 44
Export values ........................................................................................................... 46
Export to file............................................................................................................. 47 Export to .zip file ............................................................................................... 47 Upload .............................................................................................................. 48
CCD inhibition .......................................................................................................... 49
Print evaluation results............................................................................................. 50 Overview printout .............................................................................................. 51 Single sheets .................................................................................................... 53 Consolidated single sheets ............................................................................... 56
Quantitative evaluation ............................................................................................ 59
Validation protocol ................................................................................................... 59
Patient search .......................................................................................................... 60
EUROLINE Food patient report ...................................................................................... 61
Settings .......................................................................................................................... 63
Program ................................................................................................................... 63
Database ................................................................................................................. 65
Print ......................................................................................................................... 66
Protocol printout....................................................................................................... 66
Overview printout ..................................................................................................... 67
Single-sheet printout ................................................................................................ 68 Single sheets, Colours ...................................................................................... 69 Single sheet printout, layout .............................................................................. 70
Address ................................................................................................................... 70
FastReport ............................................................................................................... 70
PDF export .............................................................................................................. 71
Connection .............................................................................................................. 73
Protocol ................................................................................................................... 73
Scan ........................................................................................................................ 74 Calibration history (flatbed scanner).................................................................. 76
Detail ....................................................................................................................... 76
EUROBlotOne ......................................................................................................... 77

6 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

EUROLINE FOOD ................................................................................................... 78
CCD inhibition .......................................................................................................... 78
Validation strip list .......................................................................................................... 80
Info ................................................................................................................................. 80
Tests .............................................................................................................................. 80
6 User administration ............................................................................................................. 82
Configuration .................................................................................................................. 82
Login .............................................................................................................................. 84
User account settings ..................................................................................................... 85
User administration ........................................................................................................ 86
Add / edit user accounts .......................................................................................... 86
Add / edit user roles ................................................................................................. 88
Viewing the activity protocol ..................................................................................... 89
User management settings ...................................................................................... 89
7 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................... 91
Installation/Update.......................................................................................................... 91
Program startup.............................................................................................................. 91
Protocol creation ............................................................................................................ 91
Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 92
8 List of figures ....................................................................................................................... 93
9 List of tables......................................................................................................................... 95

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 7

8 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan
1 Introduction
These instructions for use are intended for the user and to aid the safe and
efficient operation of the EUROLineScan software.
This document constitutes an essential feature of the device and must
therefore be kept in its working environment for the user.
The knowledge of these instructions for use is necessary for the operation
of the software. Read these instructions for use carefully and make sure
that you have understood everything. Follow the safety instructions for your
safety and for the safety of your environment. Additional information is
available from the Technical Service of the EUROIMMUN AG.

About these instructions for use

All information and instructions in this document have been compiled taking
into account the applicable standards and regulations, the best available
technology and our many years of experience.
This manual describes the usage of EUROLineScan. The requirements for
using the software are:
The user is familiar with the contents of these instructions for use and
has fully understood them.
The user is qualified to carry out the operation instructions described in
these instructions for use.
The user has fundamental knowledge of the use of a computer running
the operating system Microsoft Windows XP or higher.
These instructions for use must be stored near the EUROLineScan work-
place to ensure that it is accessible for the user anytime.
The following instructions are additionally available for the product:
EUROLineScan Quick guide database installation .... YG_0006_A_UK_TXX
Network installation EUROLineScan.......................... YG_0006_A_UK_UXX
Quick guide EUROLineScan calibration ..................... YG_0006_A_UK_V01
Quick Guide ImpEx Software ..................................... YG_0006_A_UK_XXX
EUROLineScan: Step-by-step application ................. YG_0006_A_UK_YXX
Addendum EUROLineScan ....................................... YG_0006_A_DE_ZXX

Explanation of symbols
Symbol Explanation

Refer to user manual


Note, safety information

EUROIMMUN recommendation

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 9

Symbol Explanation

Highlights important information

“Please note …”

Identification of required user privileges

Identification of a command cascade

“Actuate one after the other...”

Table 1 Explanation of symbols

Typographic conventions
Some term categories are highlighted in these instructions for use so that
they can be better recognised.
Operating element…………………………………………..……… ON/OFF , File
Window, Register ………………………………………………………“protocol”

Warranty and liability

EUROLineScan must only be used for its intended purpose (see Chap-
ter 2.1)
In general, the statutory warranty rights of the Federal Republic of
Germany (primarily the German Civil Code and Commercial Code) ap-
ply subject to the following provisions, which may differ:
The EUROLineScan Software must be inspected for defects immedi-
ately upon receipt. Discernible defects must be reported immediately. If
a defect does not become apparent until later, it must be reported im-
mediately after discovery. If notice of defect is delayed, the good is
considered as approved.
The EUROIMMUN AG is generally liable for breaches of contractual
obligations of its legal representatives or vicarious agents and for tort
only for its own intentional or grossly negligent actions, and otherwise
only in the event of breach of an essential contractual obligation but
limited in amount to damages foreseeable at the time of conclusion of
the agreement and typical for the agreement.
This liability limitation does not apply to damages arising from death,
physical injury or damage to health, if a defect is fraudulently con-
cealed, if a guarantee of quality is not observed, or to liability according
to the Product Liability Act.
Within the scope of section 4) EUROIMMUN AG is not liable for dam-
age compensation claims due to a defect in material and also conse-
quential damages, lost profit, interruption of operation or loss of pro-
grams or electronic data.
Furthermore, within the scope of section 4), EUROIMMUN AG accepts
no liability for damages due to
 failure to follow these instructions for use,
 use other than the intended use,
 natural wear and tear,
 deployment of unqualified staff,

10 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

 independent interventions such as conversions or technical
modifications by the user,
 deactivation of safety equipment without permission,
 use of reagents of other manufacturers,
 use of spare parts or accessories items of other manufacturers,
 use of hardware or software configurations of other manufacturers,
i.e. lack of compatibility of the EUROIMMUN software with third par-
ty configurations.
Claims for subsequent performance become time-barred 12 months af-
ter the date of installation. The same applies to withdrawal and
This period shall not apply if longer periods are prescribed by law
pursuant to §§ 438 para. 1 no. 2 (buildings and objects for buildings),
479 para. 1 (right of recourse) and 634a ABs. 1 no. 2 BGB (Construc-
tion defects), in the event of intent, fraudulent concealment of the de-
fect and non-compliance with a quality guarantee. The statutory provi-
sions on suspension of expiry, suspension and recommencement of
periods remain unaffected.
Within the scope of supplementary performance, EUROIMMUN AG has
the right to choose rectification (repair) or subsequent delivery.
Assumption of liability presupposes that protocols processed with
EUROLineScan have been compiled and always checked for
correctness by the user.
In addition, the General Terms and Conditions of EUROIMMUN AG

Dealing with software errors

Only a reproducible deviation from the software description is considered a
software error. If there is an obligation to correct a software error,
EUROIMMUN AG shall meet this obligation by updating the existing
software. Until the software is updated, EUROIMMUN AG must provide an
interim workaround solution if this is possible within a reasonable amount of
time and if the customer is otherwise unable to continue working on tasks
which cannot be postponed. EUROIMMUN AG shall receive all documents,
information and network access from the customer as needed to remedy
software errors.

Licence restriction
The licensee is not permitted to make changes to the software directly or
via a third party, conduct reverse engineering, decompile or disassemble
the EUROIMMUN software or attempt to identify the source code using a
different method.

Technical support
In case of problems, please contact your local distribution partners.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 11

2 Safety

Intended use
EUROLineScan is designed for digital evaluation of EUROLINE test strips
from EUROIMMUN for the diagnosis of allergies, autoimmune diseases
and infectious diseases. As well as evaluating and printing results, EURO-
LineScan also automatically establishes a patient archive.
Results obtained with the EUROLineScan program must be checked for
their accuracy. EUROIMMUN AG is only liable for the results obtained with
EUROLineScan in accordance with the German Medical Device Act. Both
clinical and serological parameters should be taken into account when
making a diagnosis.
The personnel operating the program are required to compare the patterns
of the bands of every stripe to the reactions shown on the evaluation result
screen to assure the identity of the results.

Features of EUROLineScan
Automated evaluation of membrane-based test systems with
For autoimmune diagnostics, infectious serology and allergy (incl.
EUROBlotCamera: digitisation of strips while in the incubation tray
EUROBlotScanner: digitisation of strips using flatbed scanner
EUROBlotOne: Fully automated handling of immunoblot tests
Fully automated identification, quantitation and assignment of bands
Option to modify results (Changes are automatically documented)
Complete results obtained just a few minutes after finishing the
Fully automated administration and documentation of extensive
individual data
Electronic archiving of all images and data (no need to store potentially
infectious blot strips)
EUROLineScan has been developed by EUROIMMUN to allow fully
automated, quantitative evaluation of membrane-based test systems, to
facilitate administration of extensive individual data and to provide detailed
documentation of results – tasks which previously took a lot of time. The
incubated membrane strips are either scanned onto a protocol sheet using
a flatbed scanner (EUROBlotScanner) or photographed directly in the
incubation tray using a camera system (EUROBlotCamera or
EUROLineScan recognises the position of the strips, automatically
correcting minor errors resulting from inaccurate manual placement of the
strips. It then identifies the bands and measures their intensity.

12 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

The automated evaluation can be monitored and the data modified
manually, whereby all changes are automatically documented. The results
are then saved together with the image data.
It is no longer necessary to archive (potentially infectious) incubated test
strips. A separate results sheet can be produced for each patient. EURO-
IMMUN will help integrate EUROLineScan into an already existing software

System requirements
Computer: Pentium of at least 350 MHz or compatible with Windows XP,
Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10, 512 MB RAM,
around 1 GB disc space (around 120 MB for installation, the rest for
graphics and patient files), graphic resolution 1024 x 768 or higher.
Flatbed scanner: CanoScan LiDE series, at least 300 dpi (recommended:
600 dpi);
Camera system: to photograph the membrane strips directly in the
incubation tray, only available from EUROIMMUN.
Printer: a simple commercial printer is sufficient (for results and
Barcode scanner: Symbol DS6707, Zebra DS8108, Honeywell Xenon
1900 (only for allergy EUROASSAY).

General safety instructions

EUROLineScan has been developed and manufactured in accordance
with the best currently available technology in compliance with the re-
quirements of the EC “Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 27th October on in vitro diagnostic medical devic-
The software may only be used in accordance with its intended pur-
Please observe all the safety instructions, warning instructions and pre-
cautionary measures included in these instructions for use.
The software may only be operated by trained specialist staff.
Familiarise yourself with the software before using it.
Keep these instructions for use near to the software workplace, so that
they are accessible at all times.
The protective measures for the device may become ineffective if the
software is incorrectly operated.
Configurations may only be performed by trained and authorised EU-
ROIMMUN technicians.
If the PC that EUROLineScan is installed on is connected to your net-
work, we recommend installing an antivirus software and updating it
In order to protect the program database, it is strongly recommended to
change the default password for the Firebird database administrator
“SYSDBA” Please make sure that this change will not affect any other
programs that might be installed on the PC.

User qualification
The software may be used only by trained personnel who have been
trained in its use and in the relevant areas of application.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 13

3 Scope of delivery and accessories
The actual delivery contents can deviate from the information described
here in the case of special models, additional ordering options or due to re-
cent technical changes.
Number Explanation Order number
1x Installation CD EUROLineScan YG 0006-0101
1x Calibration template for flatbed scanner YG 0006-0101-1
Table 2 Scope of delivery

14 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

4 Installation

Program installation/update
When inserting the EUROLineScan CD, a menu will appear allowing you to
choose between Install and Perform update. The EUROLineScan setup
recognises automatically if the program EUROLineScan has already been
installed on the system and suggests the appropriate option.
In case the menu does not open automatically, start the program “Splash”
on the EUROLineScan CD.
If the automatic recognition of the installation status fails, the update or in-
stallation program can also be started manually by the user. To perform the
installation, start the “Setup” program in the homonymous subfolder “Setup”
on the EUROLineScan CD. Accordingly, if you wish to perform an update,
select the program “Update” from the “Update” directory.
When updating from EUROLineScan version 3.1.24 or lower, it is neces-
sary to uninstall the previously used interbase database system and re-
place it with a Firebird database server. In order to do this, use the option
“Exchange databases” in the start menu of the EUROLineScan CD. How-
ever, the update program will indicate if it is necessary to perform this func-
Local administrator rights are required in order to perform the installation
and to swap database systems. If you do not have the appropriate rights,
an error message will appear. In this case, please contact your administra-
New installation:

To perform the installation, click on the button Install and follow the instruc-
tions of the installation program. If you do not wish to install EUROLine-
Scan under the default installation path, you can select a new location.
During the installation process, the Firebird database system is installed
simultaneously. If Firebird is already installed on your system, a warning
message may appear. EUROLineScan will try to use the Firebird installa-
tion which is already available.

To update an existing EUROLineScan installation, click on the Perform

Update button. The following window opens:

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 15

Figure 1 Updating the EUROLineScan software

Number Description

The input field “EUROLineScan installation path” contains the

directory that EUROLineScan is installed in, as determined by
the update program. If an incorrect path was determined, correct
the entry before proceeding with the installation.

The entries in the “System status” field can usually be ignored.

However, if you wish to update a different database than the one
currently selected in EUROLineScan, you need to select the
desired database from the drop-down menu “Database connec-

Under “Install options”, check the box “Install components for

allergy EUROASSAY evaluation” if you are planning to evaluate
these tests and the necessary components have not yet been
installed. Additionally, select the barcode reader that will be used
to read the EUROASSAY slides.

Table 3 Explanation – Updating EUROLineScan Software


If EUROASSAYs have already been evaluated before the update, you do

not need to reinstall these components.

Then proceed with Next.

Please note that the update may take several minutes to complete.

16 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan


 In version 3.4.6 or higher the EUROLineScan software uses a new pro-

gram database.
 If you are upgrading from an earlier EUROLineScan version, the pro-
gram will create a new, empty database.
 Any previously created protocols will be retained. To open these proto-
cols, select the database “euroscan_345” under “File -> Databases” in
the EUROLineScan program.

Scanner installation
It is recommended to first install the ScanGear software and then to
connect the scanner with the computer. In case there was another scanner
model installed on the computer, uninstall the old scanner drivers first.
Install the ScanGear software from the enclosed CD. All other software
included with the scanner is not necessary. The steps required for the
installation are illustrated below (using the example of the CanoScan LiDE
200; the procedure may differ when other scanner types are used).

Figure 2 Scanner installation select region

 Select Region.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 17

Figure 3 Scanner installation Select “Custom Install”

Select Custom Install.

Figure 4 Scanner installation – selection of the components to be installed

Only the option “ScanGear” should be activated.

18 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 5 Scanner installation – licence agreement

 Click on Yes to accept the licence agreement. The installation will

start automatically.

Figure 6 Scanner installation completed

Confirm with Next.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 19

Figure 7 Scanner installation customer survey

 A participation in the above customer survey is not required in order

to use EUROLineScan software. You may close this window with
Do not agree.

Figure 8 Scanner installation completed

 Activate the Restart the system now (recommended) option and

click on the Restart button. Your computer will perform a restart.

20 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Open scanner calibration function
The internal scanner calibration is triggered automatically when performing
the EUROLineScan calibration (see Chapter 4.4).

Calibration of the scanner

After installing or updating the EUROLineScan software and after changes
to the scanner used (e.g. replacement of the device or a changed driver
software), a scanner validation must be performed.
During validation, the supplied calibration template is used to determine
whether the scanner used delivers brightness values that lie within the
range expected by the EUROLineScan software.
You can access the corresponding function in the menu under ”Calibration”.
To validate the scanner, place the calibration card onto the scanner and
close the cover.
Check if the correct scan source is selected by clicking on the button
Select scanner.
Click on Scan.
The scanning interface which the calibration target can be scanned by
opens automatically. The scanned image should include only the tem-
plate itself and have a resolution of 600 dpi (at least 300 dpi)
If no scanner is connected to the computer, a previously saved image can
also be loaded for the calibration.

Figure 9 Scanning the calibration card

After scanning the image click on Continue and then on Evaluate.

EUROLineScan will now evaluate the brightness values and compare
them with the target brightness.
Values which are within the permitted range are displayed in green. All
other values are displayed in red.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 21

Figure 10 Evaluating the calibration card

If all brightness levels are within the specified range, the scanner is
considered valid and can be used with the EUROLineScan software.
For archiving purposes, you now have the option of printing a calibra-
tion protocol.
In this case, close the window by clicking on Exit.


If you receive an error message when evaluating the template, compare

the view of the image on the left side with the small sample image on the
right side. When scanning, the area should be limited to the calibration
template, whereby the lower area with the grey wedge and the black bar
must be completely contained.
 This calibration must be performed before starting the first measurement
and repeated at regular intervals (3 months recommended).
 If the scanner settings have been changed (e.g. by using it in
conjunction with another program), the calibration must be carried out

Installation of the barcode scanner

If allergy EUROASSAY slides are to be evaluated with EUROLineScan, a
barcode scanner (Symbol DS6707 or Honeywell Xenon 1900) is required in
order to read the two-dimensional barcodes affixed to the slides. Installing
the scanner driver is necessary for your system to be able to communicate
with the device.
If you selected the option “Install components for allergy EUROASSAY
evaluation” during setup or update, the driver setup will be started automat-

22 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Symbol DS6707 / Zebra DS8108

Figure 11 Installation of the barcode scanner Symbol DS6707

Click Next to proceed.

Figure 12 Installation of the barcode scanner Symbol DS6707 – licence agreement

Click Yes.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 23

Figure 13 Installation of the barcode scanner Symbol DS6707 – selection of the
destination folder

Click Next to start the installation

Figure 14 Installation of the barcode scanner Symbol DS6707 – installation completed

Uncheck “I would like to view the README file” and click finish.

24 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Honeywell Xenon 1900

Figure 15 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900

Click Next.

Figure 16 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900 – licence


Select the option “I accept the terms in the licence agreement” and click

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 25

Figure 17 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900, target directory

Click Next.

Figure 18 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900, installation type

Click Next.

26 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 19 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900 – start of the

Click Install and wait until the installation process is completed.

Figure 20 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900 –

installation completed

Click Finish.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 27

5 The program
The usual workflow in EUROLineScan software consists of three steps:
Scan the evaluation matrix (Called “Template” in EUROLineScan
software) – only applies to Westernblot and EUROLINE-WB
Scan protocol
Evaluation of protocol
These functions can easily be accessed by using the designated buttons in
the main menu. A description of each button can be viewed when holding
the cursor for a few seconds on the button.
These and other functions can be found in the main menu.

Figure 21 EUROLineScan main screen

The program is a MDI application (MDI = Multiple Document Interface).

This means that all windows are displayed in the main menu (with only a
few exceptions). The individual windows can be administered with the op-
tion “Window”.

Figure 22 Window menu

28 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Reading in the template
For the evaluation of Westernblot strips, the template of a lot (i.e. the
evaluation matrix) must first be read into the program. This can be achieved
by scanning the template (see Chapter 5.1.1) using a flatbed scanner (see
Chapter 5.1.2), by reading it in with a barcode scanner (see Chapter 5.1.2)
or via download from the internet (see Chapter 5.1.3).
After this, save the data using Save. Otherwise all changes will be lost
when the window is closed.
Scanning the template

Figure 23 Scanning a Westernblot evaluation matrix (flatbed scanner)

First scan the image of the template with a flatbed scanner by clicking
on the button Scan picture.
Should you find the wrong scanner is being used, you can select
another device by clicking on Select scanner.
If the template is only available as an image file, it can be read in by
clicking on Load image. If prompted, specify how many DPI the
scanned picture will have.
The picture should only contain the template and have 600 DPI (at least
300 DPI). The preview image in the menu bar illustrates the correct ori-
entation of the template on the scanner (strip is horizontal, text box on
the right side).
After this, start the measuring of the band positions using Evaluate.
In case of an error message, check if the template is positioned
correctly and enter the strip position manually. To do this, first activate
the manual mode by clicking on Manual. Then click in the picture on the
left and right part of the strip box. The measuring of the band positions
starts automatically.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 29

If the process was completed successfully, the selection field “Test”
should contain the test in question. Select the desired test and enter the
lot number of the Westernblot test strip (see text box on the evaluation
matrix) and the number of test strips contained in the test kit into the
fields “Lot” and “Number”.

Scanning the barcode

For this step you require a barcode hand scanner.
Click into the input field “Barcode" on the Barcode tab.
Use the hand scanner to read all barcodes on the template in any order.
If the barcode was read correctly, the lot is displayed on the left side.
When all barcodes on the template were scanned successfully, the writ-
ing on the left will be displayed in green and the input fields below will
become editable.
Please check if the entries in the test, lot and number fields are correct.
Download from the internet
If you have a PC with internet access, click onto the "Download" tab.
Enter the complete lot name into the “Lot” text field.
Make sure to enter the lot name correctly. Otherwise you will not be
able to exit the input field.
When you click on Download, the program downloads the required data
for this lot. The process only takes seconds.
In case of problems, a message will appear. Otherwise the test, lot and
number fields will be automatically filled with the respective data.
Please check if these are correct.

Scan validation lot

Before using a EUROLINE validation strip (DL 0160-1601 G), it is neces-
sary to scan the certificate that can be found in the test kit. This can be
done via the menu item “Scan validation lot”:

Figure 24 Scanning validation strip lot

In this window, scan the barcodes that are printed on the certificate (in any
order). The information field on the left-hand side of the window will display
the content of the most recently scanned barcode.

30 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan


If there is no barcode reader available, it is also possible to manually

enter the lot data. The contents of each barcode are printed on the cer-
tificate below the code itself. Type each of these into the field Barcode
and press the Return key after each code.

Once all barcodes have been successfully scanned, the name of the newly
acquired lot will be displayed in the information field at the bottom of the
window. Enter the number of available strips in the Number field and con-
firm with the button Save.

Figure 25 Successful scan of a validation lot

Lot administration

Figure 26 Lot administration

The lots can be viewed, edited and deleted in this menu. The table in the
middle contains the list of lots, which can be filtered using the settings on
the right side.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 31

Number Explanation
The difference between “Available lots” and “Lots not available” is
the present stock value larger than zero (“Available strips”,
“Str_Cur“). “Default lots” are special lots that are only used for
EUROLINE tests, for which the amount does not change (Allergy,
Autoantibodies and Infection serology).
The order of the list can be changed by clicking the head of each
column. A second click reverses the sorting order. The column
width can be altered by placing the cursor on the bordering line in
the head. Press and hold the left mouse button simultaneously
pulling the line to the required width.
If an entered lot does not appear in the selection of a new protocol,
the number of available strips must then be set at 0.
The number of used lots is automatically subtracted from the stock
when entering into the new protocol. If a lot number is to be
changed select the correct number out of the list and click Change.
The amount for the starting stock “Number of strips” and the
present stock “Available strips” can now be changed. By clicking
Accept the new values are put into the data base, whereas clicking
on Cancel will delete these values.
If a lot has not been used in a protocol yet, it can be deleted via
Delete lot.

Table 4 Explanation of the Lot administration

New protocol

Figure 27 Creating a new protocol

First, select a name for the new protocol. This name must not previously
have been used for another protocol and have a maximal length of 64
Moreover, the protocol type has to be selected. For Westernblot and
EUROLINE strips, use “Standard protocol”, for evaluation of
EUROASSAY slides, select “Allergy EUROASSAY”.
Standard protocol
A window will open for entering the data of the protocol:

32 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 28 Entering a new protocol

Number Description
In the upper area “Category” can be entered or selected from the
list. This will help to retrieve the protocol at a later date.
If the user administration function is activated (Cf. chapter 6.4), the
entry “Editor” is pre-filled with the display name of the user
currently logged in. Otherwise, the name of the currently logged-in
Windows user is used.
In both cases, the default name can be changed by the user if
The incubation date of the strip can be entered as well and defaults
to the current date.
The table lists the mandatory fields for each strip of the protocol.
Any text can be entered into the column “Patient ID”. The column
“Examination”, “Order number” and “Lot”, select the test you wish
to perform. In the column “Lot”, all lots matching the chosen test
are available. Westernblot and Euroline-WB strip lot numbers must
have a stock value larger than zero (see Column "Available strips”
in the lot administration).
The column “Order number” can be shown and hidden via the
settings menu (Cf. Chapter 5.9.10).
Table 5 Explanation of protocol input

Any strip which is missing required information will be highlighted in red. In

this case, select the row in question and the program will display a
message outlining the error in the upper right corner of the window.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 33

In case serveral errors occur for that particular strip, a text indicating “X
more errors” will appear. Hover your mouse over it to see a complete list of
all errors.

Figure 29 Display of errors during protocol entry


If the list of analyses to be selected is too unclear, hide some analyses by

unchecking the checkbox on the right side under “Selection” for some
examination groups.

Number Description
The optional data for each strip can be entered here. Only the data
for the currently selected strip is displayed.
Use the “Up” or “Down” buttons to change the position of the
currently selected strip in the protocol.
You can add a new strip to the protocol via Append or by pressing
the down arrow key in the last line of the table.
To insert another strip between two strips in the table, use the
Insert button. This creates a new strip in front of the current
Table 6 Explanation – Explanation Error during protocol input part I


A newly added strip by default uses the same test as the one before it. If,
however, the option “Class change” is activated, the software will auto-
matically switch between the Ig classes of a test (e.g. IgG and IgM).

Number Description

Delete will remove the selected strip from the protocol.

To simplify entering long protocols, the settings of the last strip
can be repeated by using Copy.
Use the Apply button to transfer individual data fields of a strip
(e.g. only certain patient or analysis data) to other strips.
The Swap Strips button can be used to swap any two strips in
the protocol.

34 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Number Description
The Dilution button is only available for Borrelia CSF Diagnostics
and allows the automatic calculation of the serum dilution.
Via the menu item Reagents, the batches and expiry dates of
the reagents used for incubation (Conjugate, buffer, etc.) can be
specified for quality control purposes.

Once the protocol has been completed, it can be transferred to the

green sheet with the Print button. Additionally, you can view the
printout on your screen with the button Show preview .

Table 7 Explanation – Error during protocol input part II

After printing, the incubated strips can be fixed on this green paper by
applying the adhesive foil to the sheet, placing the strips on it and waiting
for them to dry.

Figure 30 Incubated strips on green paper


The strips can be placed anywhere within the box and do not need to be
aligned perfectly, as long as they are applied face up and with the label
pointing toward the left side. Slightly slanted strips (as shown in the ex-
ample above) will also not cause problems.

When using a EUROBlotOne device, click the button Send in order to

transmit the protocol to the device for incubation and scanning.
In the following window, you have the option to select a EUROBlotOne
device to transmit the protocol to (in case multiple machines are connected
to the same PC) as well as to designate whether a EUROTray system well
will be used for this incubation.

Figure 31 EUROBlotOne device selection

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 35


Before closing the window, you should save the data in the database.
Otherwise, all entered data will be lost after closing the window. Calculation of the dilution proposal

When evaluating serum/CSF pairs, the necessary serum dilution must be
calculated (see test instructions).

Figure 32 Creating a protocol with serum/CSF pair

After selecting a neuroborreliosis analysis, the Dilution button on the right

side of the window becomes active.

36 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 33 Calculation of serum dilution

After entering the necessary data (see test instructions), click on the
Calculate button to determine the serum dilution.
In the section Dilution suggestion , a suggestion for the practical execution of
this dilution is also displayed. Reagent management

For documentation purposes, it is possible to store information on the rea-
gents used during incubation. This is done using the Reagents button on
the right-hand side of the window:

Figure 34 Reagent management

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 37

For each of the reagents used, the batch as well as the expiry date can be
specified here. This can be done by manual entry or by scanning the data
matrix codes on the reagent labels (see Chapter 2.3 for a list of supported
barcode readers).
If the option All reagents from the same test kit is activated, entered batches
and expiry dates are automatically taken over for all other reagents for
which no information has yet been entered.
Please note that the reagent types displayed depend on the respective
The reagent information entered here can be viewed in the detailed view af-
ter the evaluation (see Chapter 5.7.4) and appears on the single sheet and
overview printout (see Chapters 5.9.5 and 5.9.6).
Allergy EUROASSAY protocol
In order to evaluate EUROASSAY slides, select “Allergy EUROASSAY” as
the protocol type when creating a new protocol.

Figure 35 Entering a EUROASSAY protocol

The protocol creation form looks very similar to the one for standard proto-
cols (see Figure 28), the main difference being that the test cannot be se-
lected manually. Instead, use the barcode scanner to capture the barcode
attached to each slide.
A new strip will automatically be appended to the protocol and the infor-
mation contained in the barcode will be entered into the form. The patient
ID has to be filled in manually.
Scanning the same slide a second time will not cause another strip to be
appended; instead, the program will highlight the row in the table associat-
ed with the strip in question.
Once all slides have been scanned, click Save to save the protocol to
the database.
Afterwards, prepare the slides for evaluation by inserting them into the
green plastic tray. The order and orientation of the slides is irrelevant here.

38 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

If the barcode scanner does not work correctly or error messages appear,
please refer to Chapter 7.

Select protocol
All protocols are saved and listed in this database. The sorting order can be
changed by clicking the column headers. By clicking several times, the
order can be changed from ascending to descending and vice versa.

Figure 36 Protocol selection


If the list is too extensive, the list of displayed protocols can be shortened
by applying several filter criteria. Clicking Additional options toggles the
filter options panel.

By default, only the protocols created during the last seven days will be
displayed. In order to view all protocols, simply uncheck the box “Only
within period”.
To select a protocol mark and confirm with OK or with double click.

Display/edit protocol
You can use this function to view and edit the data of a work log that has
already been entered.
First, all change options are locked in the protocol.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 39

Figure 37 Editing a protocol (locked state)

Number Explanation
If you would like to alter the protocol, select Change. For
further information on how to edit a protocol, please refer to the
chapter “New protocol”. Any changes made here need to be
saved before closing the protocol; otherwise, they will be
Using the button Copy, you can create a duplicate of the
current protocol with a name of your choice. Any evaluation
results, however, will not be copied.
To remove the protocol from the database use Delete. When
deleting a protocol, you are also given the option to free the
lots that have been used in the protocol, thus increasing the
number of available strips for the lots in question.
Table 8 Explanation – locked protocol


When editing data that directly affects the evaluation (test, lot, number and
order of strips), any existing evaluation results will be discarded.

Test strip analysis

This window is used to evaluate protocols and review previously evaluated
ones. The two tabs on top of the screen allow you to easily switch between
image scanning (“Picture” tab) and result overview mode (“Result” tab).
Reading in the strips
The strip pictures can be scanned either with a flatbed scanner, the
EUROBlotCamera system or a EUROBlotOne.

40 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Flatbed scanner
If you are using a flatbed scanner, place the green sheet with the strips (cf.
Chapter 4.3 “New protocol”) on the scanner.

For a EUROBlotCamera system, leave the strips in the incubation tray and
put the tray into the Camera’s loading drawer after aspirating the liquid from
each channel.

Transfer the protocol created in the EUROLineScan software to the device,
if this has not yet been done within the protocol input.
Click on Scan picture to send the protocol to the device afterwards.
The further procedure for reading in the strips is always the same, regard-
less of the image acquisition method (flatbed scanner, EUROBlotCamera
or EUROBlotOne).

Figure 38 Scanned worksheet picture (flatbed scanner)

The picture can be scanned in with Scan picture or can be loaded from
a file in BMP or PNG format by clicking Load picture . If the wrong
scanner has been chosen, select the correct scanner or, if available, the
EUROBlotCamera or EUROBlotOne with Select scanner .


When the picture is read in with a flatbed scanner, note that the area to
be scanned in should be restricted to the strips without cutting the any
part of the strips out. The resolution should be 600 DPI (minimum of 300

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 41


A scanned picture can be stored on your hard drive by clicking

Save picture. While this is not necessary for the evaluation itself, it is
recommended to do so before contacting the EUROIMMUN Software
support (Chapter 1.7) in case of an unclear or failed evaluation.

When loading a picture from the file system, you may be prompted for the
image source and resolution value of the picture.
It is possible to scan multiple images for a protocol (e.g. in case of a proto-
col with more than 40 strips). In order to do so, simply click on Scan picture
or Load picture a second time. Now you will be asked whether the previ-
ously scanned image should be discarded. In order to combine both pic-
tures, select No.

Evaluate the strips

If the picture was correctly scanned the automatic evaluation can be started
by clicking Evaluate. This procedure may take several minutes depending
on the capacity of the computer. The present stage of the evaluation can be
monitored on the progress bar. When the evaluation procedure is
completed the program automatically switches to the “Results” template.
On this page can you see the results from the protocol in the table.

Figure 39 Results of a successful evaluation

Number Explanation
The menu bar above the table is highlighted in green if the
evaluation was carried out without errors; otherwise it is coloured
red. In this case, you can display all problems found during the
evaluation by clicking on Display errors.
In the result table, the image of the strip is shown on the left-hand
side. The individual bands are marked above the strip image. You
can get more information about the respective band by placing the
mouse arrow over the band. In the right column of the table, you
will find a list of the patient data and overall results of the strip.

42 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Number Explanation
The result can be edited directly in the table if the option “Edit
results” has been checked. By clicking on the individual bands
several times, you can cycle through all possible results for the
band. An edited band will be highlighted in blue. If the result
“Discrepant” appears on the right side, this must be evaluated by
manually selecting the total result (negative, borderline or
positive), otherwise the protocol cannot be saved.
Table 9 Explanation – successfully evaluated protocol part I


Incorrect evaluation
 If an error occurred during the evaluation of a strip, the corresponding
strip is highlighted in red and an error message appears.
 The log cannot be saved, printed or exported until all errors that have
occurred have been corrected. You also have the option of locking a
faulty strip by marking it in the table and then clicking the Lock strip
button. The strip is now highlighted in yellow.
 The EUROLineScan software does not output any results for a locked
strip − only a note appears on the printout that the strip has been
locked and it is not part of any export to a laboratory software.
 If all faulty strips have been blocked, the protocol can be saved as

Number Explanation
If the option “Additional information” is activated, further
information on the expected and actual position of the band is
displayed when the cursor is moved over a band.
By selecting a test strip and clicking on Details you can display
further information on the selected strip in a separate window
(also accessible by right-clicking on a strip).
To print the results, select Print. This will take you to the print
menu, which is described in more detail in Chapter 5.7.8.

All results and changes are not written to the database until you
press the Verify & Save button. This is only activated when
changes have been made to the protocol.

The Close Window button closes the currently open protocol. Any
unsaved changes are lost.
If errors or warnings occurred during the evaluation of a protocol,
they can be displayed again using the Show errors button.
If an LIS connection has been configured (cf. Chapter 5.9.9), the
results of an evaluated protocol can be transferred to the LIS
using the Export button.
If the protocol contains food intolerance strips, an extended
printout can be created using the Patient Report button (cf.
Chapter 5.8).

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 43

Number Explanation
If the protocol contains a validation strip, a detailed view of the
validation results can be viewed using the Validation protocol
button (cf. Chapter 5.7.8).
Right-clicking on the table and selecting Export values opens a
window that allows you to write the evaluation result to a text file
for import into a third-party program (e.g. MS Excel). You can find
more information on this in
chapter 5.7.5 “Export values”.
Table 10 Explanation – successfully evaluated protocol part II

In this window all information on a strip is summarised again.

Figure 40 Detail view of an evaluated strip

Using the navigation arrows at the top of the window, you can switch
between all strips in the protocol. Below this, the picture of the strip and the
intensity curve are displayed. You can adjust the size of the strip picture
using the “Zoom” slider:

44 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 41 Using the zoom function

By ticking the boxes below the image, you can determine which data is to
be displayed:

Parameter Explanation
Refers to the brightness curve for the complete test strip
Displays the intensity curve, which takes into accout the
“Normalised background brightness (which, in turn, is charted as the
intensity” “negative control zone”). This curve is used to determine
the intensity of the bands.
With the checkbox “Band”, the plotting function of the
bands can be turned on or off.
If a band has not been assigned to a near peak in the
“Peak search” curve, place a check in “Peak search” to display the area
around the band that is being viewed.
The cut-off is only available for infection serology and
autoantibody tests. If this option is checked, the intensity
Cut-off area for a borderline result is marked in yellow. All
intensities above the cut-off value will lead to a positive
band result.
The position of the alignment bar for Westernblot and
EUROLINE-WB (also called Positioning mark in
EUROLineScan) can be adjusted. In order to do so, click
correction on Positioning mark correction and then click on the new
position in the graph. A second click on the same button
cancels the procedure.
Table 11 Explanation – Detail view and using the zoom function

For EUROLINE tests, each band can be moved separately by right-clicking

the band in question and dragging it to the desired position.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 45

These functions can be used if the evaluation performed by the software
does not match your interpretation of the results. After moving a band or
the positioning mark, all band results and, if applicable, the total result of
the strip will be automatically re-calculated.
On the left side of the detail view, you will also find a table listing all strip
and patient data as well as a text field in which you can enter
an additional comment concerning the current strip.
For certain tests, this also displays additional information gen-
erated by the software; these comments cannot be changed
by the user.
As in the results overview, you can edit the results of individu-
al bands by clicking once or several times on the band in the
strip image or (for overall results) by selecting another result in
the results list at the bottom right. Changes are marked in
blue. You can discard all changes in the displayed strip by
Resetting results .
Furthermore, the intensity limits for the individual band results are displayed
in the upper image window (in the example on the left, negative 0 - 11, bor-
derline 12 - 18, positive 19 to 256).
Please be aware that the threshold values vary depending on the selected
test and the image acquisition device.
Export values
For statistical purposes, it is possible to export the evaluation results into a
text file that can later be read with a third-party software (e.g. Excel).
This function is not intended to establish a connection to a laboratory infor-
mation system (LIS). For this, EUROLineScan offers several different con-
nection formats which are available via the “Connection” section of the set-
tings menu.
Before writing the results into a text file, the format must first be set. On the
left side you can choose between a user-defined output format, which is set
on the right side, and predefined formats. In the middle you can define
which strips of the protocol are to be exported. Under “Contents” you select
which data records from the detailed view of a strip are to be written into
the file to be created. The “Arrangement of values” refers to the view of the
data in a spreadsheet program. In addition, you can select the “Separator”
between the individual data records in order to better adapt the output
format to another program.
If you have made all the desired settings for the export, click on Save to
write the data to a new file.

46 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 42 Export values

Export to file
Using this option, you have the possibility to transmit an evaluated protocol
to EUROIMMUN Support for further evaluation. There are two transmission
options to choose from: Export to .zip file

With this function, a protocol can be exported into a compressed .zip ar-
chive, which can then be sent by email, for example.
Parameter Explanation
Specifies where the exported file is to be stored. (Default:
“Target file”:
“Export If the scanned worksheet image has been saved (cf.
worksheet Chapter 5.7.1), you can also include it in the exported file
image”: by activating this option.
For data protection reasons, the exported file does not
contain any personal data by default.
By activating this option, this data can also be included in
the exported file.
“Export patient
If this option has been activated, make sure that the
exported file does not leave your organisation.
Please note that exported files containing personal data
must not be sent to EUROIMMUN Support without being

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 47

Parameter Explanation
This field can be used to provide additional information that
“Comment”: may be helpful in interpreting the results or identifying any
Table 12 Settings for export to file

Figure 43 Export in .zip file Upload
With this function, a protocol can be stored directly on the EUROIMMUN
customer portal, so that a subsequent dispatch via email is no longer nec-
An active internet connection is required to use this function.
Parameter Explanation
“Sender The name of the laboratory or processor who sent in this
name”: protocol.
“Export If the scanned worksheet image has been saved (cf.
worksheet Chapter 5.7.1), you can also include it in the exported file
picture”: by activating this option.
“Export patient data”: For data protection reasons, the
exported file does not contain any personal data by default.
By activating this option, this data can also be included in
the exported file.
“Export patient
If this option has been activated, make sure that the
exported file does not leave your organisation.
Please note that exported files containing personal data
must not be sent to EUROIMMUN Support without being
requested to do so.

48 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Parameter Explanation
In this field, additional information can be entered that
“Contact could be helpful in the interpretation of the results or the
Information / identification of possible errors.
Comment”: In addition, please enter a telephone number or email
address where the EUROIMMUN Support can contact you.
Table 13 File upload settings

Figure 44 File upload

CCD inhibition
When using the EUROIMMUN Anti-CCD Absorbent (ZD 3001), you can
use this function to compare inhibited and non-inhibited strips in order to
display the effect of the anti-CCD antibodies on the evaluation results in a
clear form.
To do this, click on one of the strips involved in the results overview with
the right mouse button and select the function CCD inhibition.
EUROLineScan then shows you all the strips with which the comparison
can be made:

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 49

Figure 45 CCD inhibition, strip selection


Only strips whose patient ID and analysis exactly match that of the se-
lected strip appear.

After the desired strips have been selected, the inhibition report can be
generated by clicking on the Print button:

Figure 46 CCD inhibition report, excerpt

Print evaluation results

For archiving purposes, you have the option to print your evaluation results.
EUROLineScan offers three different printout formats that can be accessed
via the tabs on the top of the print form:

50 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 47 Selecting the printout format

For every printout, the right side of the window contains a preview that dis-
plays a thumbnail version of the printed page which you can use to deter-
mine the effects of the print settings. By clicking and holding the left mouse
button, you can move the section of the image that is displayed, while you
can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
The preview function can be deactivated by clicking the button Dynamic
preview in the bottom left corner of the window.
Via the bottom menu bar, you can access the following functions:

Parameter Explanation
Should the available print settings not suffice to adjust
the printout to your liking, you can use the template
“Design report”: editor to freely customise the printout. Please contact
EUROIMMUN support for further information on this

“Show preview”: A full screen version of the print preview.

Starts the print process. First, this will display the print
menu that you can use to select the desired printer and
“Print”: set print and page settings (depending on the printer in
question). Afterwards, the actual print process will be
As an alternative to printing on paper, you can also
export the printout into a PDF document. The contents
“PDF export”: of this export are identical to the printed version. The
settings menu (section “PDF export”) offers various
options for automating this export.
Table 14 Explanation – Selection of format

You can also choose between different print templates for each print for-
mat. These are pre-defined printouts which cover the most common re-
quirements for the presentation of the results and between which you can
easily switch back and forth by selecting the corresponding list entry. You
can find an explanation of the available templates in the following sections
of this manual. Overview printout

The overview printout offers a tabular display of all strips in the protocol.
However, using the fields “Include strips from / to”, you can limit the range
of strips being printed.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 51

The following print templates are available for this printout:

Parameter Explanation
“Custom Select this template if you used the template editor
template”: (“Design report”) to create a customised printout.
A flexible multi-purpose template that will suffice for
“Standard”: most situations. This template closely resembles to the
printouts in older EUROLineScan versions.
Instead of the overview table listing all bands and their
“With list of respective results and intensities, this printout contains
positive bands”: a comma-separated list of all bands with a positive
result. Negative and borderline bands are not listed.
Table 15 Overview printout templates

The following settings are available for the overview printout:

Parameter Explanation
If this option is selected, the band table will also
“With intensities”: contain the intensity of each band; otherwise, only the
result level will be displayed.
Specifies whether the image of a strip is to be
“With picture”:
displayed on the printout.
If the result of a band has been manually changed
after the evaluation, EUROLineScan will still display
the original
intensity by default. If, however, this option has been
checked, the software will instead print an intensity that
is in the middle of the intensity range for the newly
selected result.
If this option is selected, the address stored in the
“Print address”:
settings menu (see Chapter 5.9.7) is printed out.
If this option is activated, the software version with
“Print software
which the printout was created is printed on the
overview printout.
“Print Indicates whether the concentration values of the
concentrations individual bands should be listed instead of the
instead of intensity values.
"Print indicator Indicates whether indicator and control bands should
bands”: appear on the printout.
Specifies whether non-specific bands that have no
"Print bands not influence on the overall result of the strip should be
relevant for strip printed.
result”: For strips without an overall result, this setting has no
With this option you can switch to an alternative
“Old format for display format for Westernblot strips: Instead of the
Westernblot”: band table, a comma-separated list of positive bands
will be displayed.

52 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Parameter Explanation
If this option is set, the strip picture will also contain the
“With grade in
result level for each band (as opposed to the band
name only).
“Print page If this option is selected, page numbers are output at
numbers”: the top of each page.
If reagent information is available for the protocol, it
“Print reagent list”:
can be added to the printout with this option.
“With signature Specifies whether the printout should be provided with
field” a signature field at the end of the last page.
You can use this list to specify which strip and patient
“Data fields”: data is to be displayed on the leftmost column of the
overview table.
Determines the format in which date and time values
are printed. Placeholders are used which are replaced
with the actual values during printing:

d Day
dd Day with leading 0 if applicable
“Date Format”: M Month
MM Month with leading 0 if applicable
yy Year in two-digit format
yyyy Year in four-digit format
hh Hour
mm Minute
ss Second
Table 16 Overview printout Settings

Figure 48 Old format for westernblot Single sheets

The single-sheet printout offers detailed information pertaining to a single
strip. This involves the picture of the strip, a list of all bands on it, band and
strip results and, depending on the test that has been performed, also addi-
tional information concerning the interpretation of results, additional com-
ments by the user and a breakdown of allergen mixes.
The following print templates are available for the single-sheet printout:

Parameter Explanation
A print template freely configurable by the user using
“Custom template”:
the FastReport editor.
A flexible multi-purpose template that will suffice for
“Standard”: most situations. This template closely resembles to
the printouts in older EUROLineScan versions.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 53

Parameter Explanation
This template can be used in order to split the results
of one strip into several printouts. Before printing, you
“Split report”: will be prompted for the desired number of bands on
each page; the software then automatically
determines the number of printouts required.
In this template, the results are quantified as a
positivity ratio (= multiple of the intensity value
required for a positive result, cf. Chapter 5.7.9.
“Allergy Only for allergy DPA-Dx profiles: In addition to the
interpretation actual evaluation results, detailed information on the
aids”: individual allergens tested is output.
Table 17 Print templates – single-sheet printout

The following settings are available for the overview printout:

Parameter Explanation
“Print logo”: Specifies whether the selected logo should be printed
at the beginning of the page.
“Logo”: Here you can enter the full path (including file name) to
an image file that is to be used as a logo. Alternatively,
you can use the button “…” to open an image
selection dialog.
The supported picture formats are PNG, GIF, JPG and
“Logo size”: This slider can be used to set the size of the logo on
the printout.
“Without For some tests (mainly allergy diagnostics), a
concentrations”: concentration value will be displayed by default
instead of the band intensity. If this setting is enabled,
intensities will always be printed, even if a
concentration is available.
“Intensity graph for If this option is checked, an intensity curve will be
EUROLINE”: drawn above the strip picture for EUROLINE strips.
Please note that this will significantly enlarge the page
header, which might cause the printout to require
multiple pages.
“Print with legend”: For certain tests, you have the option to print a so-
called legend, i.e. a table explaining all possible band
results and their clinical significance. Use this setting
to specify whether this table should be printed or not.
“Header on Should a printout comprise multiple pages, this setting
every page”: determines whether the page header (logo, lab name
and address) will be printed only on the first page or
on all of them.
“Patient data on If this setting is activated, the patient data is repeated
every page”: on each page for multi-page printouts.
This setting only has an effect if the option “Header on
each page” is also activated.

54 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Parameter Explanation
“Print address”: If you specified a lab name and/or address in the
settings menu, use this setting to include it in the
“Print reagent list”: If reagent information is available for the protocol, it
can be added to the printout with this option.
“Print software If this option is activated, the software version with
version”: which the printout was created is output on the single
sheet printout.
“Print indicator If this setting is active, control and indicator bands will
bands“ be listed on the printout; otherwise they will be
“Negative control When activated, the negative control zone (cf. Chapter
zone”: 5.7.4 “Details”) will be included in the printout. For
EUROLINE tests, this setting is only available if the
option “Intensity graph for EUROLINE” is active as
“Signature at Moves the signature field to the bottom of the page;
bottom”: otherwise, it will be printed right below the band table.
“Also print short By default, only the full names of the bands are
band names”: printed. If this setting is active, the software will also
print the short name (antigen/allergen code) in
“Print page If this option is selected, page numbers are output in
numbers”: the header of each page.
“Band names in Specifies whether the abbreviations of the bands are
picture”: to be drawn in the strip image.
“Round intensity Specifies whether the intensity values of the individual
values”: bands are output with or without decimal places.
“Data fields”: You can use this list to specify which strip and patient
data is to be displayed on top of the page.
“Scaling of the Defines the rules according to which the intensity bar
intensity bar”: is to be drawn:
Equidistant: Each of the result levels occupies the
same place in the intensity bar.
Linear: Each intensity level occupies the same place in
the intensity bar (default).
Logarithmic: The intensity bar is scaled logarithmically
so that the user can better recognise differences in the
low response range.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 55

Parameter Explanation
“Date format”: Determines in which format date and time values are
printed on the printout. Placeholders are used here,
which are replaced with the actual values during

d Day
dd Day with leading 0 if
M Month
MM Month with leading 0 if
yy Year in two-digits format
yyyy Year in four-digit format
hh Hour
mm Minute
ss Second

Table 18 Overview printouts - Settings Consolidated single sheets

The consolidated single-sheet printout allows you to combine the results of
multiple strips into a single printout. Use the selection list on the bottom left
to specify which bands should appear on the printout.
Only strips belonging to the same patient can be selected, i.e. strips with
the same patient ID.

Figure 49 Selecting the bands to be printed

It is possible to select an either strip for the printout (to do this, mark the se-
lection field in front of the corresponding strip) as well as to restrict the se-
lection to individual strips.
To do this, open the band list of a strip by clicking on the white arrow point-
ing to the right next to the respective strip. Now you can select any entries
from the band list.

56 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Three different print templates are available for the consolidated single
sheet printout:

Parameter Explanation
With this template, all selected bands will be collected
”Grouped by
in a single printout, but the bands for each strip are
separated from the others by a table header.

Figure 50 Consolidated single-sheet printout, grouped by strip

Parameter Explanation
This template comes without the intensity bar; instead
“Dual-column”: a second column of band information is displayed,
making for a very compact printout.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 57

Figure 51 Single-sheet printout – dual column

Parameter Explanation
This template resembles the setting “Grouped by strip”
“With intensity
with the header bars between the individual strips
“Custom A print template freely configurable by the user by
template”: means of the FastReport editor.
Table 19 Print templates – Consolidated cut sheet printout

All other settings available for consolidated cut sheet printing correspond to
the options for regular cut sheet printing described in the previous section
and are therefore not listed separately here.

58 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Quantitative evaluation
From version 3.4.10 on, EUROLineScan supports a quantitative evaluation
of test strips. In order to access this function, use the single-sheet print
template “Quantitative evaluation”.

The quantitative result is represented by the ratio, which is calculated as

the quotient of the band intensity and the minimal intensity required for a
positive band result.

Figure 52 Example for the qualitative evaluation printout

Validation protocol
If the protocol contains a validation strip (DL 0160 G), the intensity of the
reference bands on this strip will be compared with pre-defined target val-
ues in order to ensure the correctness of the incubation and the scan. A
large deviation indicates an error during the incubation; a warning message
will inform the user about this.
Via the button Validation protocol, the user can access a detailed protocol
which displays the target values and tolerance ranges for all reference
bands as well as the measured intensity values.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 59

Figure 53 Validation protocol

Please note that a strip is only used to validate the results if it is at the first
position in the log. Any additional validation strips are not taken into
Patient search
This template enables a flexible search for results of evaluations in the

Figure 54 Results of patient search

The search function allows you to filter all evaluated strips by a variety of
search criteria. For example, if a search for all test results regarding one
patient is required, select Details, Patient ID.

60 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

The selection field for details will appear on the right, in which the required
patient information can entered. Each entry can be removed from the list by
clicking on Delete beside each entry field. To restore original view click De-
lete all, this will remove all preferences. Additional preferences can also be
added to restrict the search even more.
In order to speed up the search process, the maximum number of results is
restricted to 50 by default. Any further matches will be discarded and you
will see a message advising you to refine your search criteria. If desired,
this number can be adjusted using the dropdown list “Maximum number of
search results”.
To start the search press Search .
In the lower table you will see a list of the test strips corresponding to the
preferences. This is set up similar to the test strip analysis, however, the
values cannot be edited. A detailed view can be achieved using the button
Details or by clicking with the right mouse button on the table selecting
Details in the menu.
To print single sheets, click with the right mouse button on the test strip and
select Print .

EUROLINE Food patient report

After evaluating EUROLINE FOOD strips, you can use this function to gen-
erate a patient report based on the evaluation results.

Figure 55 Food intolerance report, strip selection

First, enter the ID of the patient whose report you want to generate and
click the Search button. All food intolerance strips for this patient will be
displayed in the main panel of the window.
Next, select which strips the patient report should be based on by clicking
the checkmark icons on the left side of the window. By default, the newest
strip is selected for each of the food intolerance profiles (“FOOD strip 1”
through “FOOD strip 4”).
Once the desired strips have been selected, click the button >>Next to con-

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 61

Figure 56 Food intolerance report, print options

The following settings are available for the patient report:

Parameter Explanation
“Print logo”: Determines whether a logo should be printed on top
of the report pages. Select the logo in the text field
below (supported formats: .bmp, .png, .jpg, gif).
“Logo size”: Use this slider to change the size of the logo on the
“Print strip If checked, the pictures of the strips will appear on the
pictures”: first results page of the patient report.
“Band names in If the strip pictures are being printed, check this
picture”: option if you want the names of the individual bands
to be listed in the printout as well.
“Round intensity If the option to display intensity values with decimal
values”: places is activated (cf. Chapter 5.9.1), you can use
this setting to determine whether the intensity values
should be rounded for output on the patient report.
"Print address": If checked, the address of the lab (as specified in the
settings menu) will appear on the printout.
"Print with legend": If checked, a legend will be printed that lists the
intensity thresholds for the result classes.
“Also print short Specifies whether the respective allergen
band names”: abbreviation should also appear on the printout in
addition to the name of the food.

62 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Parameter Explanation
“Address / Title”: The salutation to be used in the introductory text on
the first page of the patient report.
“Last name of The name of the patient will be used on in the
patient”: introduction text on the first page of the patient report
“First name of as well as in the page header of the results pages.
“Date of birth”: The patient’s date of birth is displayed in the page
header of the results pages.
“Report signed by”: The name that will be used to sign the introduction
page of the report.
“Print food items With this setting, you can specify whether all tested
starting from result food items should be listed on the report or only items
level”: that have shown a certain reaction strength (e.g. only
positive reactions).
“Date Format”: Determines the format in which date and time values
are printed. Placeholders are used which are
replaced with the actual values during printing:
d Day
dd Day with leading 0 if applicable
M Month
MM Month with leading 0 if applicable
yy Year in two-digit representation
yyyy Year with four digits
hh Hour
mm Minute
ss Second
Table 20 Settings – patient report

This menu allows you to customise many aspects of the program to suit
your needs.
The available setting options are divided into categories, which are ex-
plained in more detail below.
After all corresponding settings have been made, you can accept them with
the OK button; by clicking Cancel , all changes are undone.
This section contains general program settings.

Parameter Explanation
“Language”: The language in which program texts are displayed
“Picture of strips”, These values depend on the selected data source
“Protocol pictures”, and are displayed only for information purposes.
“Template pictures”:
“Number of decimal Defines how many decimal places are to be taken
places for intensity into account when determining intensity values. The
values”: default value of 0 means that the intensity values are
rounded to whole numbers.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 63

Parameter Explanation
“Preferred image Indicates the graphic format used by EUROLineScan
format”: to save scanned images. The recommended format
is PNG.
“Data folder”: Here you can define in which directory the
EUROLineScan software stores settings and log files.
Please note that the user account used to work with
EUROLineScan requires write access to the directory
selected here.
“Check for updates If this option is activated, EUROLineScan connects to
on program startup”: the EUROIMMUN server when the program is started
and informs the user if an update is available (active
internet connection required).
“Restore default If errors occur during the configuration of the
settings”: program, you can use this button to restore the
default settings.
“Export settings” For data backup purposes or to migrate of
EUROLineScan to another system, you have the
option to export all program settings to a .zip archive
with this button.
Similarly, you can use the “Import settings” button to
load the program configuration from such an archive.
Table 21 General program settings

Figure 57 Settings menu – section “Program”

64 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

This section allows you to perform database-specific settings.

Parameter Explanation
“Database”: The database connection used by EUROLineScan.
The configuration file, from which the available
database connections will be loaded.
By default, a database connection chosen via quick
selection (“File” -> “Database”) will only be used for
“Save quick data
the current program session and reset when
source changes”:
restarting the software. If this option is checked, the
selection will remain.
When active, pictures of the individual test strips will
“Load strip pictures be loaded from (and saved to) the program
from database”: database. Otherwise, the “strip path” associated with
the current data source will be used.
In the database configuration file, validity date can be
set for each data source. If this setting is activated,
“Use newest valid EUROLineScan will automatically use the newest
data source”: valid data source. For further information concerning
this configuration, please contact EUROIMMUN
support or your administrator.
“Check database EUROLineScan uses several control mechanisms to
version on startup”: ensure the selected database is valid. By
deactivating this setting, you can disable these
Table 22 Database-specific settings


 Only change this setting if requested to do so by

 Otherwise data may be lost due to faulty databases.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 65

Figure 58 Settings menu – section “Database”

In this section you can select between the available print components
(“FastReport” or “Native”). “FastReport” is a collection of customisable print
routines as described in section 5.7.8. “Native”, on the other hand, refers to
the printout function as used in older EUROLineScan versions.


Unless otherwise instructed by EUROIMMUN support, you should use

the option “FastReport”.

Protocol printout
Here, settings for the printout of protocols that have not yet been evaluated
are made.
Parameter Explanation
By default the protocol printout contains an empty space
“Without space
for incubated strips to be placed. Activate this option if
for strips”:
you wish to prevent this.
Only for print component “Native”: If this box is checked,
the printout will contain a section listing all distinct tests
“Print band list”:
in the protocol as well as the bands (allergens/antigens)
on each strip.

66 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Parameter Explanation
Only for print component “Native”: Use this list to
“Protocol printout
determine which strip and patient data should appear on
must contain”:
the printout.
If this option is activated, the software version with which
“Print software
the printout was created is printed on the protocol
Table 23 Settings – not evaluated protocols

Figure 59 Settings menu – section “Protocol”

Overview printout
Here, the print settings for evaluated protocols can be defined.
All settings available in this section are identical to the ones described in
chapter “Overview printout”.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 67

Figure 60 Settings menu – section “Overview”

Single-sheet printout
In addition to the overview printout, EUROLineScan software offers the
possibility to create individual sheets with detailed information on the indi-
vidual strips. This section contains the settings for these single sheets.

The settings available here are largely identical to the options presented in
chapter “Single sheets”. In addition, the following options are avail-
able for single sheet printing:

Parameter Explanation

“with column Only if print component “Native” is used: Specifies

intensitiy/ whether intensity or concentration values are to be
concentrations”: output on the single sheet printout. Otherwise, only
the qualitative band result is displayed.
Only if print component “Native” is used: Reduces
“Small table size”: the font size and line height in the band list, allow-
ing more strips to be printed on a page.

“Document name”: Only if print component “Native” is used: The doc-

ument name used by default for cut sheet printing.
Table 24 Settings – Single Sheet Print

68 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 61 Settings menu – section “Single sheet” Single sheets, Colours

For quick identification of positive band results or (in the case of western-
blot strips) specific bands, it is possible to define the colour of the intensity
bar on the single sheet printout depending on the band result. By default,
the result is represented by greyscale (the darker, the stronger the re-
sponse of the band); in this window you can adjust the colours used to your
You can reset the program to the default colours by clicking Restore default

Figure 62 Example of a colour-coded single-sheet printout

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 69 Single sheet printout, layout
This section is only available if the print component “Native” is used. In this
menu you can select a graphic file which will be added to the printout as a
logo. In addition, the size of the page margins (in mm) can be set here.
On the single sheet printout you can optionally display the name and ad-
dress of the laboratory (see Chapter These can be defined here.

Figure 63 Settings menu – section “Address”

Only when using the print component “FastReport”: This menu contains a
list of all print templates available in the software.
Via the button “Import template” the selected print template can be taken
over as “Own print template” for the corresponding printout type. Use this
function to use one of the predefined print templates as a starting point for
your own adjustments to the printout.


Please note that importing a print template overwrites any changes you
may have made to your own print template.

70 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 64 Settings menu, “FastReport” section

PDF export
In addition to printing the results of a protocol, you also have the option of
exporting the printouts into a PDF document. This section provides various
options of automating this export.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 71

Figure 65 Settings menu – section “PDF export”

Parameter Explanation
Here you can specify where the exported printouts
are to be stored. If you use the automatic export
functions (see below), the generated PDF files are
“Default export
automatically saved in this directory. When exporting
manually, the value entered here is used as the
default path, which can, however, be changed
individually for each export.

Please note that the user account used to work with

EUROLineScan requires write access to the directory
selected here.

With these two settings you can determine whether

the single-sheet and/or overview printouts should
“Automatically automatically be exported when saving a protocol.
export In order to use this function, a valid directory must be
Single sheets / entered as the default export path. Moreover, it is
Overview”: necessary to specify a procedure for determining the
file name (see below).

Please keep in mind that the automatic export can

significantly increase the waiting time when saving a
protocol and that enough hard-drive space for the
PDF documents must be available.

72 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Parameter Explanation
Only for automatic export: Should the target file
already exist (e.g. because a protocol has been
“Overwrite existing saved multiple times), this setting determines
files”: whether the existing file will be overwritten. If not, a
sequential number will be added to the file name (e.g.
“Protocol_1.pdf”, “Protocol_2.pdf” etc.).
This setting determines how the exported PDF files
for the single sheets are to be named. You can
“Default name for choose from various combinations: If the setting “No
Single sheets”: default name” is selected, no automated export takes
place. With manual export, on the other hand, you
will be asked for the file name to be used in this case.
In the same way,, you can decide here according to
“Default name for
which scheme the exported overview printout should
be named.
Table 25 “PDF export” settings menu

Here you can define the settings for the data exchange with other programs
and file formats. For more information please refer to the Addendum to this
manual or contact the EUROIMMUN software support.

This section provides settings concerning the creation and selection of pro-

Figure 66 Settings menu – section “Protocol”

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 73

Parameter Explanation
When entering a new protocol, the field “PatientID” is
automatically filled for each strip depending on the
settings defined here. If “With patient name” is
selected, the entered name is automatically used as
patient ID. If the option “With patient name and lab
“Automatic patient no” is activated, the laboratory number is added as
ID apply”: well.
The option “Continuously” only applies if numerical
patient IDs are used. In this case, the patient ID for
the next strip will automatically be incremented by 1.
If you do not want the patient ID to be entered
automatically, select “Not”.
“Default state for Specifies whether the advanced filter criteria will be
protocol displayed or hidden by default when selecting a
selection window”: protocol.
“Available data EUROLineScan allows you to enter various
fields”: additional information to a strip. This list gives you
the option of filtering the text fields that will be
displayed when entering a protocol. You can use this
to hide unused data entry fields.
If this option is selected, the stock of Westernblot
strips will be tracked when entering a protocol. If the
selected lot is not in stock, this indicates an error
“Dynamically update
either in stock administration or in the protocol itself
lot count”:
(e.g. the wrong lot has been selected). In this case,
the strip will be marked as faulty and an error
message will be displayed.
If this option is activated, EUROLineScan prevents
“Enforce unique
the same patient ID from being used for several
patient IDs”:
strips when creating a new protocol.
Specifies whether the order number should be
displayed in the window for creating a new protocol.
“Display column for
If this is the case, the examination can be selected
order number”:
not only by the designation, but also by the order
Determines whether the short name, the full
“Name to be
examination name and/or the order number should
displayed in the test
be displayed in the window for creating a new
selection menu”:
Table 26 Settings menu, section “Protocol”

Here you can find the settings for image capture. As these settings have a
significant influence on scanning and evaluating your protocols, thoroughly
familiarise yourself with this manual before making any changes.

74 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 67 Settings menu – section “Scan”

Parameter Explanation
If this option is activated (recommended), the
“Use EUROLineScan
EUROLineScan form is used for image capture
instead of the scanner dialog.
This option should be selected when using a Canon
scanner. This disables various automatic corrections
“Use Canon-specific
(e.g. brightness adjustments) done by the scanner
which could otherwise influence the evaluation
If this option is activated (recommended), performing
“Force scanner the EUROLineScan scanner calibration will
calibration” automatically trigger the scanner’s internal calibration
If you use the EUROBlotCamera system from
EUROIMMUN, select this option to make the camera
available for the image capture process.
We recommend performing the scanner calibration at
regular intervals (3 months recommended) to ensure
correct scanning results. Here you can enter the
“Calibration interval
number of days after which EUROLineScan will
remind you to recalibrate before scanning a new
image. If you do not wish to be reminded by the
program, enter 0.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 75

Parameter Explanation
Displays the last calibration dates for all available
“Last calibration”:
image capture devices.
Determines how pictures will be transferred from the
“Transfer mode”: scanner to the software. This setting is only to be
changed after consulting EUROIMMUN support.
“Barcode scanner Here you can select the barcode reader model for
(EUROASSAY)”: scanning allergy EUROASSAY slides.
“EUROBlotCamera Depending on the EUROBlotCamera version you are
version”: using, you can select the way of communication
between the camera system and EUROLineScan.
This setting should only be determined by a
EUROIMMUN service technician.
“Start ScanGear”: Opens the manufacturer’s scanner interface. The
design and content of this interface depend on the
scanner type.
Table 27 Settings Menu, Scan Section Calibration history (flatbed scanner)

The History button allows you to view a list of all calibration procedures per-
formed so far:

Figure 68 Calibration history (flatbed scanner)

This list can also be printed out for archiving (Print button). It is also possi-
ble to export the list to a PDF file.

In this section you will find settings that affect the detailed view of an evalu-
ated strip:
Parameter Explanation
“Diagram colours”:
By clicking on the coloured fields you can select
the colours to be used for the different graphs in
the strip chart.

76 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Parameter Explanation
“Display If this option is activated, a column appears in the
ratio/concentration”: strip chart on the right-hand side of the detailed
view, indicating the positivity ration (for infec-
tion/AAC) or the concentration value (for allergy)
“Print intensity bar If activated, the band table in the detail view is re-
instead of band placed by a graphical representation of the reac-
table”: tion intensity, similar to the bar chart on the single
sheet printout.
“Display comment for If this option is selected, a comment explaining the
positive CCD band”: meaning and effect of CCD antibodies appears on
the single sheet printout of allergy strips with a
positive CCD band.
Table 28 Settings menu, “Details” section

Figure 69 Settings menu – section “Detail”

On this page, you can register new EUROBlotOne devices in the software
or edit existing devices.
A click on Add device will add a new entry to the device list. Enter the
IP address, the port to be used and the name to be used to identify the de-
To remove a EUROBlotOne from the list, select the corresponding entry in
the table and click on Remove device.
Since the EUROBlotOne cannot be used in the event of an incorrect con-
figuration changes to the device configuration should only be made in con-
sultation with EUROIMMUN support.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 77

EUROLineScan offers the possibility to generate the patient reports for food
intolerance strips automatically when saving the protocol.
On this page you can configure the behaviour of this export:
Parameter Explanation
“Generate reports”:
Specifies how and when the patient reports are
Manually: The generation of the patient report is
triggered by the user via the “Food intolerance”
function (cf. Chapter 5.8).
Automatic (print): When the protocol is saved, the
patient report is printed on the default printer set
under Windows.
Automatic (PDF export): When saving the proto-
col, the patient report is saved as a PDF in the
directory set under “Default path for export files”.
Automatic (XML export): The data contained on
the patient report is saved as a machine-readable
XML file in the directory set under “Default path for
export files”.
Automatic (XML export, compact): Similar to the
previous option, with redundant data swapped out
to a separate section at the beginning of the file.
This reduces the size of the file, but requires more
effort for machine processing.

“Naming scheme for

Defines how the automatically generated patient
export files”:
reports are to be named.

“Default path for

export files”:
Specifies the directory in which the automatically
generated patient reports are to be stored.

Table 29 Settings menu, section “EUROLINE-FOOD”

Please note that the automatic generation (and thus the entire saving pro-
cess) of patient reports can take a few minutes for extensive protocols.

CCD inhibition
In this window you can make settings for the CCD inhibition report (see
Chapter 5.7.7):
Parameter Explanation
“Match inhibited
Indicates which data field is used to identify strips
strips by”:
that belong to the same patient (Patient ID or La-
boratory number).

78 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Parameter Explanation
If the result level of a band was subsequently
changed, the originally measured intensity that
does not match the changed result is output by
default. If this option is activated, however, an
intensity is output instead that lies in the middle of
the intensity range stored for the respective result

Table 30 Settings menu, “CCD Inhibition” section

Figure 70 Settings menu, “CCD Inhibition” section

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 79

Validation strip list

Figure 71 Validation strip list

This function offers a calendar view displaying the results of all runs
containing validation strips (cf. Section 5.7.10). Use the list on the left-hand
side of the window or the buttons < and > to select the desired month.
The colour of each entry indicates the status of the validation strips evalu-
ated on that day:

White: No validation strips evaluated

Green: All validation strips valid
Red: All validation strips invalid
Yellow: Mix of valid and invalid strips
After selecting one of the calendar items, the list on the right will show all
protocols for the selected day which contain validation stripes. Use the but-
ton Validation protocol to view the validation results.

In the menu, click on “Help”. You will then find “Info”, making you infor-
mation on the program version accessible.

In “Help” you will also find the item “Tests”. This function contains a table
with all tests that can be evaluated with this program. The order of the list
can be changed by clicking on the head of each column. A second click will
reverse the sorting order.

80 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

The column width can be altered by placing the cursor on the bordering line
in the table head. Press and hold the left mouse button simultaneously
pulling the line to the required width.
This window can be left open for assistance (it will stay in the foreground)
when working in the program.
The column “Hidden” is available from EUROLineScan Version 3.2.1 and
can be used to hide tests that are not relevant for you. If you wish to do
this, activate the toggle field in the column “Hidden“ next to the correspond-
ing test and click on “Save”. The hidden test is only shown when a new pro-
tocol is entered, and no longer appears in the list of tests.
The column “Order no.“ shows the EUROIMMUN order number of the test
kit for the analysis.

Figure 72 Test list

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 81

6 User administration
Starting from version 3.4.25, the EUROLineScan software offers the possi-
bility to create and manage separate accounts for each user. This allows
you to assign individual privileges to users and enables the software to cre-
ate an audit trail documenting all activities pertaining to patient data.

EUROLineScan allows for several different user management configura-
tions to be customised in the “Access control” section of the settings menu.

Figure 73 Configuration of access control

Parameter Explanation
In this standard configuration, EUROLineScan
“No user behaves like in all previous versions. No
management” authentication is required and every user has full
access to all program functions.
In this setting, the user accounts and event logs are
stored in a database. For this, you can either use the
existing EUROLineScan database or a dedicated
security database file.
against user
If this option is selected, every user has to
authenticate when starting the software. The
administrator can assign specific privileges to each
individual user.

82 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Parameter Explanation
Similar to the previous option; however, the user
does not authenticate against a dedicated user
database, but EUROLineScan will revert to the
operating system login mechanism instead.
Use this option in order to integrate the
“Windows EUROLineScan account management into your
Authentication” existing directory service (e.g. Active Directory).
Please note that this option still requires setting up a
EUROLineScan user database as the directory
service is only used to authenticate users. User
privileges and event logs are still being stored in the
EUROLineScan database.
Table 31 Configuration of access control

If a user management is required, the next step is to configure the data-

base for the user accounts. For this, you can either use one of the existing
data sources or select the option “Custom database” to manually set up a
database connection.

Figure 74 Selection of user management data source

When setting up a custom database, the following configuration parameters

are available:
Parameter Explanation
Only when using Windows authentication. Specifies
“Domain”: the domain against which the users will be
The database system that will be used for storing the
“Database type”: user data. Currently, Firebird, Oracle and MySQL are
Only for Firebird databases; the name and location of
“Database file”:
the database file.
Only for Oracle databases; the TNS name of the
“TNS name”:
desired database.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 83

Parameter Explanation
Only for MySQL databases: the name of the desired
“MySQL database”:
Only for MySQL database: the host computer on
“MySQL host”:
which the database is stored.
The user name that will be used to access the user
“DB user”:
The password that will be used to access the user
“DB password”:
Table 32 Selection of user management data source

After you have selected the desired data source, use the OK button to ap-
ply the changes. The EUROLineScan software then checks the selected
database and, if necessary, fills it with the master data required for user
administration. This can take a few seconds.
The system then checks whether there is already a user account in the se-
lected database that has the right to manage users. If this is not the case,
you have the following opportunity to define an administrator access. The
user name and password of the administrator account can be freely cho-

Figure 75 Creating the administrator account

Please make sure to memorise the login data you have provided here.
Should these be lost before any other user accounts have been created, it
is no longer possible to use this installation of the EUROLineScan software.
After creating the administrator account, the configuration of the user man-
agement is finished. From now on; user authentication will be required in
order to use EUROLineScan software (see section 6.2).

If the user management function is activated, a window appears when the
EUROLineScan software is started, prompting you to enter a user name
and password:

84 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 76 User login

If the entered data are correct, the user is logged in and the main window of
the software appears. Otherwise a corresponding message appears and
the user must wait a few seconds before trying to log on again.

Figure 77 Failed user login

User account settings

Via the menu item Account settings you have the possibility to set a new
password for your own user account:

Figure 78 Changing account password

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 85

To avoid typing or similar errors, the selected password must be entered
twice. The complexity display below the input fields allows an approximate
assessment of the quality of the selected password.
If the administrator has set password policies, violations are displayed in
the information field in the lower half of the window.
After entering and confirming the new password, click the Save button to
accept the changes.

User administration
The menu item of the same name is available to users who have the right
to user administration. Here you can create and edit user accounts, assign
individual authorisations to individual users and view activity logs.
The individual functions are accessible via the toolbar at the top of the win-
Button Function

Add / edit user accounts

Add / edit user roles

View event log

Password and log settings

Table 33 Toolbar

Add / edit user accounts

You can use this window to view and edit the existing users as well as to
add new user accounts.

86 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Figure 79 User administration

All users known to the system are displayed in the selection list, including
the user roles assigned to them.
Use the New button to add a user account or the Edit button to modify an
existing account. The input fields on the right-hand side of the window are
then released for editing:
Parameter Explanation
The name used to log into EUROLineScan. This is
“User name”: only used in the login screen and only known to the
user himself and the administrator.
The name that the used to identify the user in the
“Display name”:
“Last password
Shows when this user’s password was changed.
In order to provide a full security history, it is not
possible to delete user accounts. Instead, this option
allows the administrator to deactivate an account,
preventing the user from accessing EUROLineScan
in the future.
This selection list allows you to assign one or more
roles (and the associated privileges) to the user.
Use this to reset the selected user password.
Afterwards, the administrator must assign a
“Reset password”:
temporary one-time password that has to be changed
after the first login.
Table 34 User administration

Then accept the changes with the Save button or click Cancel to discard
the changes made.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 87

Add / edit user roles
For easier administration of permissions, the individual permissions are not
directly assigned to specific users, but are grouped into roles. A role can
therefore be understood as a collection of authorisations.
Use this window to create, edit, or remove user roles.

Figure 80 Administration of user roles

Use the New button to add a user role or the Edit button to change an ex-
isting role. The list of permissions on the right side of the window is then re-
leased for editing:
Privilege Explanation
A user with this right can create new protocols or
“Modify protocols”: modify existing ones. Users lacking this privilege
have read-only access to all protocols.
Determines whether the user can view a patient’s
personal data. This includes:
 Age
 Name
“View patient data”:  Date of birth
 Birth name / Patient code
 Gender
If the user does not possess this right, all data listed
above will be anonymised.
“User Users with this right can create and edit user
administration”: accounts and roles.
Determines whether the user can scan, edit or
“Lot administration”:
delete Westernblot lots.
Users with this right are able to delete protocols from
“Delete protocols”:
the database.

88 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

Privilege Explanation
“Database A user with this right can configure the data source
administration”: for the user administration (see section 6.1)
Determines whether the user can export the
“LIS export”:
evaluation results to an external software (LIS).
Table 35 Administration of user roles

Viewing the activity protocol

The EUROLineScan software logs all relevant actions so that changes to
the database or the program configuration can be tracked transparently.
Use this window to view the activity log or export it for further processing.

Figure 81 Activity protocol

The options on the right side of the window can be used to filter the list of
entries. Use the button Export in order to export the entries into a tabulator-
separated list.
User management settings
In this window you have the possibility to configure the behaviour of the
user control according to your wishes.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 89

Figure 82 User management settings

Under “Password settings” you can define the guidelines according to

which newly entered passwords are checked for validity.
The options “Minimum length” and “Must be changed after” can be deac-
tivated by entering the value “0” - passwords can be of any length and are
valid indefinitely in this case.
Using the options under “Log settings” you can define which types of
events appear in the activity log. In addition, you have the option of auto-
matically deleting log entries after a definable period of time (the check is
performed by the EUROLineScan software at each start).
This check can also be deactivated by entering the value “0”, so that log
entries are retained for an unlimited period.
Afterwards, click the Save button to apply the changes.

90 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

7 Troubleshooting
This section outlines solutions to some of the problems that might arise
when working with EUROLineScan.

When installing or updating the EUROLineScan software, a message
appears, stating that administrator rights are required to continue.
This is indeed the case because the installation and update program must
access certain parts of the system that are not available to regular users.
Please log in as a user with administrator rights and repeat the process.
After updating the EUROLineScan software, the old protocols have
This impression can arise if version 3.1.28 (or older) has been updated. In
this case, the EUROLineScan software creates a new, empty database
which is used by the new program version. However, you can still access
all previously existing logs. To do this, select “File” -> “Databases” from the
EUROLineScan main menu. Several database connections are listed here.
By default, the new database is called “euroscan”, the “euroscan_old” used
before the update. You can switch between the databases by simply click-
ing on them.
Note that the data source “euroscan_old” can only be read. New protocols
must be created exclusively in the “euroscan” database.

Program startup
When starting the EUROLineScan software, the message “No configu-
ration data found in registry. Default values are used” appears.
This can occur after installing or updating the EUROLineScan software and
is not a reason for concern. This message usually only appears when the
program is started for the first time.
However, if this error message persists, please contact the EUROIMMUN

Protocol creation
When creating an allergy EUROASSAY protocol, the message “Error
while initialising the barcode scanner! No connection to the device”
Please ensure that the barcode scanner is correctly connected to the com-
puter and that the scanner driver is installed (see Section 4.5 “Installing the
Bar Code Scanner”). If this does not solve the problem, please open the
document “Symbol_DS6707_en.pdf”, which can be found on the EURO-
LineScan CD in the folder “doc”. This document contains various barcodes
that can be scanned in to configure the reader.
Print this document and scan the top barcode (“API mode”). Then restart
the EUROLineScan software and repeat the protocol generation.
The test I want to use does not appear in the dropdown list.
Please check first whether the desired test is included in the test list (EU-
ROLineScan main menu -> “Help” -> “Tests”). If the test does not appear in
this list, it is not part of your EUROLineScan installation.

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 91

However, if the test appears in the list, please check whether the “Invisible”
column is checked. If this is the case, remove it by simply clicking on it and
then click on “Save”. The test should now be selectable.
If the name of the examination is in italics, the test is obsolete. In this case,
please contact your contact person at EUROIMMUN.
Please also check the selection list in the lower right corner of the protocol
creation form (“Selection”). This list can be used to hide groups of examina-
tions. Make sure all boxes are checked.

Why does the EUROLineScan program not react during the evalua-

It is best to give the program more time. Pictures with a high resolution (DPI
value) are large files and can thus cause a delay in the evaluation if the
computer has too little random access memory (RAM). Close all other
unnecessary applications during the evaluation. Install additional memory.
Scan the picture with a lower resolution.
No strips were found:
If the image was loaded from another file, check if the correct DPI value
was entered when opening. Look at the picture closely. Is it in colour? Are
all the strips recognisable? Was the picture scanned with a zoom of 100%?
Some strips were not recognised. The number of recognised strips does
not correlate with the strips entered on the protocol.
Can all the strips be seen on the scanned picture? Make sure that all strips
can be completely seen on the picture. Putting the foil on the strips before
the evaluation usually disturbs the procedure and should be done after the
evaluation. If this has already taken place or cannot be avoided, be sure to
remove all bubbles in the foil.
Repeat the scan and select the area to be scanned as precisely as possible
without cutting off any part of the strips.
Sometimes it helps to change the scanning resolution or to re-position the
protocol on the scanner.
What can I do when a test strip on the protocol cannot be evaluated?

The protocol must be divided into two sections to enable saving of the rest
of the test strips. For this procedure copy the protocol and delete the upper
and lower half of the test strip. Then only scan the upper and lower part of
the page.

92 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

8 List of figures
Figure 1 Updating the EUROLineScan software ........................................................................... 16
Figure 2 Scanner installation select region .................................................................................... 17
Figure 3 Scanner installation Select “Custom Install” .................................................................... 18
Figure 4 Scanner installation – selection of the components to be installed .................................. 18
Figure 5 Scanner installation – licence agreement ........................................................................ 19
Figure 6 Scanner installation completed ....................................................................................... 19
Figure 7 Scanner installation customer survey .............................................................................. 20
Figure 8 Scanner installation completed ....................................................................................... 20
Figure 9 Scanning the calibration card .......................................................................................... 21
Figure 10 Evaluating the calibration card ...................................................................................... 22
Figure 11 Installation of the barcode scanner Symbol DS6707 ..................................................... 23
Figure 12 Installation of the barcode scanner Symbol DS6707 – licence agreement .................... 23
Figure 13 Installation of the barcode scanner Symbol DS6707 – selection of the destination folder
..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 14 Installation of the barcode scanner Symbol DS6707 – installation completed ............... 24
Figure 15 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900 .......................................... 25
Figure 16 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900 – licence agreement......... 25
Figure 17 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900, target directory ................. 26
Figure 18 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900, installation type ................ 26
Figure 19 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900 – start of the installation ... 27
Figure 20 Installation of the barcode scanner Honeywell Xenon 1900 – installation completed.... 27
Figure 21 EUROLineScan main screen ........................................................................................ 28
Figure 22 Window menu ............................................................................................................... 28
Figure 23 Scanning a Westernblot evaluation matrix (flatbed scanner) ......................................... 29
Figure 24 Scanning validation strip lot........................................................................................... 30
Figure 25 Successful scan of a validation lot................................................................................. 31
Figure 26 Lot administration .......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 27 Creating a new protocol ................................................................................................ 32
Figure 28 Entering a new protocol ................................................................................................ 33
Figure 29 Display of errors during protocol entry ........................................................................... 34
Figure 30 Incubated strips on green paper .................................................................................... 35
Figure 31 EUROBlotOne device selection .................................................................................... 35
Figure 32 Creating a protocol with serum/CSF pair ....................................................................... 36
Figure 33 Calculation of serum dilution ......................................................................................... 37
Figure 34 Reagent management................................................................................................... 37
Figure 35 Entering a EUROASSAY protocol ................................................................................. 38
Figure 36 Protocol selection .......................................................................................................... 39
Figure 37 Editing a protocol (locked state) .................................................................................... 40
Figure 38 Scanned worksheet picture (flatbed scanner)................................................................ 41
Figure 39 Results of a successful evaluation ................................................................................ 42
Figure 40 Detail view of an evaluated strip .................................................................................... 44
Figure 41 Using the zoom function ................................................................................................ 45
Figure 43 Export values ................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 43 Export in .zip file ............................................................................................................ 48
Figure 44 File upload .................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 45 CCD inhibition, strip selection ....................................................................................... 50
Figure 46 CCD inhibition report, excerpt ....................................................................................... 50

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 93

Figure 47 Selecting the printout format ......................................................................................... 51
Figure 48 Old format for westernblot ............................................................................................. 53
Figure 49 Selecting the bands to be printed .................................................................................. 56
Figure 50 Consolidated single-sheet printout, grouped by strip ..................................................... 57
Figure 51 Single-sheet printout – dual column .............................................................................. 58
Figure 52 Example for the qualitative evaluation printout .............................................................. 59
Figure 53 Validation protocol ........................................................................................................ 60
Figure 54 Results of patient search ............................................................................................... 60
Figure 55 Food intolerance report, strip selection.......................................................................... 61
Figure 56 Food intolerance report, print options ............................................................................ 62
Figure 57 Settings menu – section “Program” ............................................................................... 64
Figure 58 Settings menu – section “Database” ............................................................................. 66
Figure 59 Settings menu – section “Protocol”................................................................................ 67
Figure 60 Settings menu – section “Overview” .............................................................................. 68
Figure 61 Settings menu – section “Single sheet” ......................................................................... 69
Figure 62 Example of a colour-coded single-sheet printout ........................................................... 69
Figure 63 Settings menu – section “Address”................................................................................ 70
Figure 64 Settings menu, “FastReport” section ............................................................................. 71
Figure 65 Settings menu – section “PDF export” ........................................................................... 72
Figure 66 Settings menu – section “Protocol”................................................................................ 73
Figure 67 Settings menu – section “Scan” .................................................................................... 75
Figure 68 Calibration history (flatbed scanner) .............................................................................. 76
Figure 69 Settings menu – section “Detail”.................................................................................... 77
Figure 70 Settings menu, “CCD Inhibition” section ........................................................................ 79
Figure 71 Validation strip list ......................................................................................................... 80
Figure 72 Test list ......................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 73 Configuration of access control ..................................................................................... 82
Figure 74 Selection of user management data source .................................................................. 83
Figure 75 Creating the administrator account................................................................................ 84
Figure 76 User login...................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 77 Failed user login ............................................................................................................ 85
Figure 78 Changing account password ......................................................................................... 85
Figure 79 User administration ....................................................................................................... 87
Figure 80 Administration of user roles ........................................................................................... 88
Figure 81 Activity protocol ............................................................................................................. 89
Figure 82 User management settings ........................................................................................... 90

94 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan

9 List of tables
Table 1 Explanation of symbols .................................................................................................... 10
Table 2 Scope of delivery.............................................................................................................. 14
Table 3 Explanation – Updating EUROLineScan Software ........................................................... 16
Table 4 Explanation of the Lot administration................................................................................ 32
Table 5 Explanation of protocol input ............................................................................................ 33
Table 6 Explanation – Explanation Error during protocol input part I ............................................. 34
Table 7 Explanation – Error during protocol input part II................................................................ 35
Table 8 Explanation – locked protocol........................................................................................... 40
Table 9 Explanation – successfully evaluated protocol part I ........................................................ 43
Table 10 Explanation – successfully evaluated protocol part II...................................................... 44
Table 11 Explanation – Detail view and using the zoom function .................................................. 45
Table 12 Settings for export to file ................................................................................................. 48
Table 13 File upload settings ........................................................................................................ 49
Table 14 Explanation – Selection of format ................................................................................... 51
Table 15 Overview printout templates ........................................................................................... 52
Table 16 Overview printout Settings.............................................................................................. 53
Table 17 Print templates – single-sheet printout ........................................................................... 54
Table 18 Overview printouts - Settings.......................................................................................... 56
Table 19 Print templates – Consolidated cut sheet printout........................................................... 58
Table 20 Settings – patient report ................................................................................................. 63
Table 21 General program settings ............................................................................................... 64
Table 22 Database-specific settings.............................................................................................. 65
Table 23 Settings – not evaluated protocols.................................................................................. 67
Table 24 Settings – Single Sheet Print .......................................................................................... 68
Table 25 “PDF export” settings menu............................................................................................ 73
Table 26 Settings menu, section “Protocol” ................................................................................... 74
Table 27 Settings Menu, Scan Section ......................................................................................... 76
Table 28 Settings menu, “Details” section ..................................................................................... 77
Table 29 Settings menu, section “EUROLINE-FOOD” .................................................................. 78
Table 30 Settings menu, “CCD Inhibition” section ......................................................................... 79
Table 31 Configuration of access control ...................................................................................... 83
Table 32 Selection of user management data source ................................................................... 84
Table 33 Toolbar ........................................................................................................................... 86
Table 34 User administration ........................................................................................................ 87
Table 35 Administration of user roles ............................................................................................ 89

Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 95

96 Instructions for use • EUROLineScan
Instructions for use • EUROLineScan 97
Version: 12/05/2021

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