Dentist Check Up

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Dentist check up

Dentist: Good morning! How can I assist you today?

Patient: Buenos días, doctor. Vine para mi chequeo anual. Quisiera asegurarme de que todo esté
bien con mis dientes.

Dentist: Of course, I'll be happy to perform your checkup. Let's get started.

[Dentist examines the patient's teeth.]

Dentist: Your teeth and gums look healthy. I don't see any cavities or chipped teeth.

Patient: Eso es bueno de escuchar, doctor. ¿Necesitaré una limpieza dental?

Dentist: Yes, a dental cleaning is an important part of maintaining your oral health. It helps remove
plaque and tartar buildup, preventing cavities and gum disease. (Sí, una limpieza dental es una
parte importante para mantener su salud bucal. Ayuda a eliminar la placa y el sarro, previniendo
caries y enfermedades de las encías.)

Patient: ¿Tendré que usar frenillos dentales?

Dentist: Based on the alignment of your teeth, I don't see a need for braces. However, I'll monitor
their development during your future visits.

Patient: ¿A mi mama le pusieron unas coronas dental. Tiene eso alguna herencia familiar? (Will I
need any dental crowns?)

Dentist: No, the crown are only if a tooth becomes significantly damaged or decayed in the future,
we might consider a crown to restore its structure.

Patient: Y mis muelas del juicio? Que tal esas? Todavia no he sentido ningun dolor. Ay disculpe la

Dentist: Based on your X-rays, it seems that you have all your wisdom teeth. However, they are
currently positioned correctly and not causing any issues. We'll continue monitoring them during
your future checkups.

Patient: Ultima pregunta. Hay algo más que deba hacer para mantener mis dientes sanos?

Dentist: In addition to maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and using
dental floss daily, I would recommend rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash. Also,
make sure to use a fluoride toothpaste to strengthen your tooth enamel.

Patient: Entendido, doctor. Seguiré sus consejos para cuidar mis dientes.

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