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Case study reflection

This case study is about the change of BMCE bank from the public sector to the private one
and how this switch led them to also change their way of managing human resources. In fact,
BMCE was like any other public company that considers employees are just there to do their
job in a routine way and have limited information, so they can’t be really creative or think out
of the box; and it is the same thing for employers. But after switching to the private sector,
there were several modifications in the HR department, where they modified multiple rules
like leaves, formations, etc. Which I think is a good idea because it will allow workers to
learn and develop more skills, take responsibilities, and see their jobs from different angles.
That will make them work harder for the good of the company. As Yanis said : « très vite, la
fonction de RH sort de son rôle purement administratif et juridique ». They start focusing
more on the internal communication and how to have new solid communication system. In
addition, they had a new recruiting rhythm that was a challenge for them. It was at this point
where they really understand the importance of the human capital. To satisfy their employees
and make them have a better experience in their workplace, the HR administration
concentrated or built six pillars that would have a good impact on their staff. The first one is
loyalty, having an employee who feels loyal to the company is great since he will always
think of what is the best for the company and how he can improve it. The second pillar is
enhancing employees’ potentials; the third is internal mobility. I find this pillar quite
interesting because it will enhance that sense of trust between the manager and his employees,
as well as make them show off their abilities and motivates them. Especially when they
created several jobs of “Gestionnaires de Developpement RH” with a mission of knowing
more about employees and listen to their concerns, ideas, etc. The fourth pillar is developing
competences, then comes fair remuneration and finally personal development. By developing
themselves, employees will be more confident and will do their best. And I liked what the
company did regarding this last pillar when they gave access to facilities such as lodging,
sport activities, discounts in vacations, etc. What I found a bit absurd here is that they said at
first, they rely on six principles however while explaining they just mentioned five. What I
did not know is that there are some softwares and logiciels that can help in improving the HR
department like HR Access. Moreover, there is the e-RH that helps knowing more about what
is happening within the group. Finally, I find it interesting that they used innovation in
recruiting that manifest in e-recruiting by posting job offers via internet. They also recruited
young people which is good because sometimes companies need new blood to have a fresh
and modern vision.

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