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Ladies and gentlemen,

As we gather here today to debate the impact of technology on society and privacy, I stand firmly in
support of the motion, for it is evident that the rise of technology has unleashed a tidal wave of
consequences, many of which threaten the very fabric of our society and erode our fundamental
right to privacy. I stand before you not merely to argue, but to sound the alarm bell against the
unchecked onslaught of technology on our society and privacy. Make no mistake, the impact of
technology has been seismic, shaking the very foundations of our existence and threatening to
engulf us in a digital dystopia from which there may be no return.

Picture this a world where privacy is a relic of the past, where every aspect of our lives is laid bare for
the world to see, dissect, and exploit. From the moment we wake up to the time we lay our heads to
rest, we are under constant surveillance, tracked and monitored by the all-seeing eyes of Big Tech
and governments alike. Our every move, our every thought, our very essence reduced to mere data
points to be bought, sold, and manipulated for profit.

The strike on our privacy is just the beginning. The relentless march of technology has left a trail of
devastation in its wake, tearing apart communities, dismantling industries, and widening the chasm
of inequality that threatens to swallow us whole. Automation, driven by algorithms and artificial
intelligence, threatens to render millions of jobs obsolete, leaving behind a wasteland of economic
despair and social dislocation.

Let us not forget the corrosive impact of social media, where our worth is measured in likes, shares,
and retweets, and our self-esteem is tied to the whims of faceless algorithms designed to keep us
hooked and scrolling for hours on end. We have become slaves to our screens, prisoners of our own
making, sacrificing real human connection for the hollow validation of virtual applause. I would like
to quote “Technology improves the lives of people who can avoid being dominated by it and forced
into debilitating addictions to it”.

But it doesn't have to be this way. We have the power to reclaim control of our destiny, to chart a
different course for our future. We must demand transparency and accountability from those who
seek to profit off our data, and we must fight tooth and nail to preserve our right to privacy in the
face of relentless encroachment.

So, I urge you, my fellow debaters, to rise up and join me in saying "enough is enough." Let us
harness the power of technology for good, but let us also be vigilant in guarding against its darker
impulses. Our society, our privacy, and our very humanity hang in the balance. The time to act is
now. Before leaving this stage I would like to mention few words “If you think technology can solve
your security problems, then you don’t understand the problems and you don’t understand the

Thank you so much,

Have a wonderful day ahead.

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