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MKT 3303

Consumer Behavior: Final Project

Team members

Nouhaila Ejjoula

Houda Baladi

Fatima Ezzahra Tarib

Ilyas Elaorf

Dr. Bouhafra Mouncif

Date: 6/12/2021

 Introduction:

For a company to succeed in the long-term, it must always care about what their customers

desire and need. A company that does not engage with its buyers is doomed to fail. That’s

why marketing is a vital aspect for each enterprise that wish to keep a positive relationship

with their consumers. The utility of marketers can range from trying to understand the needs

of a consumer to maintaining a good reputation among its other competitors. All of this is

done for the sole reason to increase sale and make profit. So, understanding consumer

behavior is an important aspect of marketing given that a marketers would need to understand

the consumer behavior to know how it can attract them. Consumer behavior has always been

an important matter for marketers since it can be used to predict how the customer will

behave thanks to specific psychological processes.

How we select, buy, and use goods and services to satisfy our needs has produced many

psychological processes theories such as peer pressure, planned behavior or subliminal

message. Those psychological processes have managed to help marketers determine what

contributed the most for someone to purchase a specific product. Those purchases can range

from typical products to unusual ones. In our paper, we discussed different psychological

process and how it can affect us in real life while trying to give suitable reasons that can

demonstrate how each psychological process can have different effects depending on both the

individual and its environment.


Alcohol (Whiskey)

 About the psychological process: TPB (overview)

Concerning the alcohol purchase, we decided to adopt the expanded theory of plan behavior

(TPB) as a major psychological process to understand the reasons behind our alcohol


In the first place, the theory of planned behavior started as the theory of reasoned action to

predict the intention of an individual to engage in a behavior at a specific place and place. The

theory was meant to explain all the behaviors where people can apply self-control.

To begin, one of the most effective theories for predicting human behavior is the theory of

planned behavior. As stated in the TPB, attitudes, social norms, and perceived behavioral

intention all influence behavioral intention and behavior. The theory of planned behavior; for

example, has been used to better understand food choice and food waste behaviors. In

addition, the theory of planned behavior has also been used to analyze behavioral intention

and conduct relation to a variety of foods, including vegetables and fruits, nutritious food,

organic foods, fast food, and the good that are genetically modified.

First of all, we have attitudes which are further subdivided into behavioral intention and

attitudes towards beliefs. Behavioral intention can be defined as the factors that motivate and

influence a certain behavior where the behavior is more likely to be performed when the

intention to perform it is stronger. On the other hand, attitudes refer to the degree to which a

person evaluates the behavior of interest favorably or unfavorably. As for Social norms, it can

be classified as subjective norms and normative norms. The degree of social approval or

disapproval of the act is referred to as subjective norms. In other words, subjective norms

determine whether a particular behavior is socially acceptable or not based on people’s

perceptions. Normative norms are basically based on what other people habitually do,

providing information on what appears to be normal in the society and the most fitting

behavior. It can also be defined as what the majority of people do in a given situation and the

motivation for action happening by observing what others do. We can also define it as what

most people do in a specific situation and the motive for ction resulting from observing what

other people do.

Finally, perceived behavioral control can be explained as the ability of a person to

independently control their behavior. In other words, we can define it as the ability to buy that

specific product of not. We can also say that the concept of perceived behavioral control is

derived from self-efficacy, and it is related to it.

 How the theory of planned behavior work?

In summary, the TPB states that behavioral achievement is dependent on both motivation

which is intention and ability which is the behavioral control. The latter differentiates between

three types of beliefs which are, normative, behavioral, and control. Furthermore, the TPB is

made up of the five constructs mentioned above which together constitute people’ actual

control over their behavior.

 How the Theory of Planned Behavior Influence Consumer Behavior in General?

There is a noticeable relationship between the theory of planned behavior and the consumer

behavior. Basically, to understand the indicators of consumer behaviors, we use the theory of

planned behavior as a theoretical base because the latter proposes how individuals control

their social behaviors which are mainly driven by their intention to engage it.

 How is the theory of planned behavior applied to Alcohol consumption behavior?

The impact of subjective norms, normative norms, attitude, and perceived behavioral control

on purchase intention, as well as the potential mediating role of alcohol identity in the

interactions, were investigated. Because few studies have used the extended TPB to explain

alcohol consumption behavior, this research adds to the body of knowledge by looking at

Whiskey consumption from a TPB perspective. Subjective norms have a favorable effect on

alcohol identity, while normative norms have a positive effect on purchase intention,

according to empirical findings. Alcohol identification and buying intention are both

influenced by one's attitude. Perceived behavioral control increases purchase intention but

decreases alcohol identification. Alcohol identification influences purchasing intent in a

positive and significant way.

Alcohol identification and buying intention are both influenced by one's attitude. Perceived

behavioral control increases purchase intention but decreases alcohol identification. Alcohol

identification influences purchasing intent in a positive and significant way. Subjective norms,

on the other hand, have no effect on alcohol identity, while normative norms have no effect

on alcohol identity.

I consider purchasing alcohol items because I believe that drinking it is a fun activity. Alcohol

identity has a favorable impact on my purchase intent; for example, I believes that I am a

typical drinker, that is why I think that I am more likely to buy alcohol. The findings of the

study mentioned earlier revealed that subjective and normative norms have distinct effects on

drinking perceptions. Subjective norms have a beneficial impact on alcohol identity but have

no effect on purchase intent, whereas normative norms have an impact on buy intent but not

on alcohol identity. Personally, I I believe that many others drink Whiskey, so I am more

likely to purchase alcohol products in general.

Whisky, like everything else in life, should be used in moderation. However, you might be

surprised to learn that whiskey is more than just a pleasant drink to share with friends after

work or at a special occasion. In the end, I am very stratified with my purchases, and I intend

to keep purchasing from them until there is an adequate alternative with the same quality.

Running Shoes online (Nike)

For the second product we chose Nike sneakers that was bought from Nike’s site. This online

experience was a great one since the site was an interactive one that allowed us to look for the

product easily, fastly, and we were able to compare it with other products without any

frustration. Second thing is that the site or the brand has a sense of commitment because the

purchase was delivered exactly on time, and they were loyal to what they promised. It also

makes the consumer feel comfortable while navigating on the site more engaged, and

in addition there is space for consumers to share their ideas about products, interesting

information, and personal experiences.

 Murray’s psychogenic needs theory and how it affected my buying behavior:

Now regarding the theories that can be applied on this product or how it was purchased we

can start by Murray’s theory about the psychogenic needs. This theory divide people’s

needs into different categories starting with exhibition or materialistic who care

about luxurious products. Affiliate people who form strong relationship and get attached

easily to others. There are also power dominance people who like to control and lead others

through persuasion. People who like change more, are the ones who seek new experiences as

well as avoid routine. On the other hand, people who like order like keeping things neat and

organized. Last but not least, we have ambitious people who care about overcoming

challenges and want to be successful. Those types of consumers are the ones who prefer

athletes and aspire to be like them.

As a consumer I fall into the fourth and final category, since I am someone who seek change

always and feel good when overcoming problems. This is exactly what attracts me to Nike’s

products because it communicates exactly what I want and that shows in their motto: “Nike.

Just Do It”. Another thing that convinces me to purchase from Nike is seeing multiple ads

with my preferable celebrity, the football player, Cristiano Ronaldo.


 Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory and its impact on my buying behavior:

My buying decision was also affected by some psychological needs and self-fulfillment needs

that are part of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It is a motivational theory that places needs in

the following order: at the bottom of the pyramid, we have physiological needs (foods, water,

sleep, etc). Next, comes safety needs like personal security and health. After comes love and

belonging (intimacy, friendship, family), last but not least there is esteem that manifests into

respect, self-esteem, recognition. Finally, at the top of the pyramid we have self-actualization

which mean morality and reaching one’s potential. One of the main reasons that made me buy

Nike’s sneakers is not because they do not just serve my physiological needs by being a mean

to go from place to another. But I also feel a sense of belonging, confidence, they actually

go with most of my outfits as well as reflect more my personality, and I surely have a feeling

of accomplishment while wearing them.

 The Reasoned action theory and its influence on my buying behavior:

Finally, there is the reasoned action theory that had an impact on my buying decision. In fact,

this theory is an approach that explains how intentions affect a person’s behavior and how

attitudes towards behavior as well as behavioral beliefs that can be individual, social, or

information affect the buying decision of consumers. For example, I may be thing of buying

alcohol because I am in the mood, I have money and I am an adult; but my culture and

religion won’t allow it. However, for Nike’s sneakers I bought them because they are

fashionable, they match my personality and what I believe in. They also match my normative

beliefs because neither my religion nor culture prohibit it, they are also affordable and goes

well with 18-25 age range. On a last note, the site provides us, consumers, with the necessary

information and you will also find ads on their social media accounts. So, it was easy for me

to find exactly what I was looking for.


Cigarette (Camel)

 What the Process of peer pressure involve?

Peer behavior is a psychological process where an individual may feel pressured to adopt a

specific behavior that may not be compatible with his personality. This pressure can be

emitted by a group of people he hangs out with or the people that is surrounding him. Peer

pressure is divided into two distinct categories: the first one is called positive peer pressure

and the second one is negative peer pressure. It can influence your consumer behavior to

behave in a certain way that will be accepted by his friends. It can be considered as just

“following” what the crowd is doing to not be removed/ considered as a stranger within it. It

can be the result of a person that may not have much self-confidence or just do not have any

true principles he holds on to. The people that are the most easily affected by this type of peer

pressure are usually very young and by trying to impress their friends, they may suffer the

consequences. Peer pressure can have both positive and negative effect depending on the

person and the group that is emitting this pressure. For example, a group that is solely

composed of people who enjoy sport or reading can have a positive peer pressure on the

individual and “force” him to adopt this type of behavior. This “group” has to be composed

by people who share either the same age, social statue or hobbies. Peer pressure has to be

taken seriously since people can actually shunned by their colleagues/friends if they fail to

conform with their behavior. Peer pressure is not always black or white (Positive or negative)

since it can help people gain new experiences, learn to socialize and even change their

behavior for the better. It can also have its own drawback such as always having adapt

yourself for others and make you do things in which you are not comfortable with even if they

may seem to be positive. For example, a person may not enjoy sport because they simply are

not interested in. That’s why peer behavior can impact depending on the person and his

environment, either positively or negatively on our behavior. Peer behaviors is very important

for marketers since they can greatly benefit from it. Having a group of persons with same

interest can greatly increase the likelihood of them purchasing the same product, marketers

can classify those type of group by determining their age, social status and hobbies. For

example: the number of young smokers has greatly increased, this increase can mainly be

related to peer pressure.

 How peer pressure affected my life?

I have been affected by negative peer pressure who forced me to buy and consume cigarettes

in daily basis which made it one of my main expenditures during this last year. As a young

student in a university, finding that all my friends have been smoking cigarettes as a way to

pass time made me feel when we hang out as the sole stranger in this group. We had

approximately the same age and statue as students, so we immediately managed to form a

band. I have started being shunned by my group, most of them considered that smoking was a

sign of maturity and that not smoking just meant that I was not mature enough to hang out

with. As someone who have never smoked, I was at first against the fact of doing the same

thing as them and didn’t mind get ignored. But the loneliness was too much to handle, and I

started considering the fact that smoking was not such unhealthy as I though. I began

searching in the internet of the benefit of smoking to comfort myself in my decision. Finally, I

decided to buy Camel cigarettes. One of the main reasons I have bought this specific brand is

due to the fact of my friends advises. They started boasting about the how Camel cigarettes

were harmless for a beginner such as me. Smoking has now become both a hindrance and a

savior in my life. It had helped in my most difficult times such as exams or other stressful

events. It even helped when I had my first great depression and assisted me on surviving it

and finally, it made it easier for me to hang out my group and hang out with other fellow

smokers. But it had its own downsides, the main one was my huge expenditures, I managed to

buy more than 3 packets of Camel cigarettes each week. My health was also greatly affected,

I have observed during those last days how I couldn’t walk long distances without being out

of breath. Peer pressure has both affected me in a positive and negative way, I helped to solve

some of my problems but created new ones.

 Conclusion

To conclude, consumer behavior theories are used to explain and predict consumer behavior.

Marketers are interested in not only existing behavioral patterns that are influenced by known

regularities, but also how these patterns are influenced by other known regularities. Because

civilizations and cultures are evolving, consumers may exhibit new characteristics that impact

their behavior. A good buyer behavior hypothesis is one that focuses on new characteristics

that buyers may exhibit in the future. As mentioned, this paper took a psychological approach

to consumer behavior, creating a typology of consumer behaviors that includes norms, values,

and social organizations. Furthermore, the employment of theories aids marketers in better

understanding what motivates customers to do what they do. In the end, Theories are

conclusions or assumptions about a phenomenon. Consumer behavior theories are also

hypotheses or findings regarding how consumers act or might act. Marketers make

assumptions or draw conclusions about how consumers will react to their offers or how

potential buyers will act at every level. These assumptions or findings are, to put it bluntly,

consumer behavior theories. Consumer behavior theories, on the other hand, are produced in a

more formal and structured manner.

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