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J. Phycol.

35, 1162–1170 (1999)


Yolanda Del Amo2 and Mark A. Brzezinski

Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology and Marine Science Institute, University of California at Santa Barbara,
Santa Barbara, California 93106

Results of past studies of the pH-dependent Si of materials from the surface ocean to the deep sea
uptake kinetics of Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin (e.g. Honjo et al. 1995, Karl et al. 1996, Dugdale
suggested that the anion SiO(OH)23 is the chemical and Wilkerson 1998). A unique characteristic of di-
form of dissolved Si taken up by marine diatoms. atoms compared to other phytoplankton is that
We determined the chemical form of Si taken up by their cell walls are silicified forming a structure
three other marine diatom species and P. tricornutum called a frustule, which is composed of hydrated
by examining the kinetics of Si use under two dra- amorphous silica. The need to form the frustule is
matically different SiO(OH)23 :Si(OH)4 ratios in sea- absolute, causing Si availability to be a key factor in
water by varying pH from ø8 to ø9.6. Uptake rates the regulation of diatom growth in nature (e.g. Paas-
were determined using a precise and sensitive 32Si che 1980, Ragueneau et al. 1999). In turn, the bio-
tracer methodology. The pH-dependent uptake ki- geochemical cycle of Si in the ocean is controlled
netics obtained for all species except P. tricornutum mainly by diatom use (Tréguer et al. 1995). Numer-
suggest that marine diatoms transport Si(OH)4. The ous studies have focused on morphogenesis and
half-saturation constant (Km) varies strongly as a frustule formation during cell division (reviewed in
function of pH for all species when the substrate of Pickett-Heaps et al. 1990, Pickett-Heaps 1991, Gor-
transport is assumed to be SiO(OH)23 . Kinetic don and Drum 1994). However, studies on Si bio-
curves for Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle mineralization processes are not as extensive (Sul-
et Heimdal, Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G. livan and Volcani 1981, Volcani 1981, Sullivan
Fryxell et Hasle, and Cylindrotheca fusiformis Rei- 1986), and the biochemical pathways involved in si-
mann et Lewin have statistically identical values of licification and their regulation are still not well un-
Km at each pH when the substrate for transport is derstood.
assumed to be Si(OH)4 (T. pseudonana and T. weiss- The aim of this paper is to address the chemical
flogii) or total dissolved silicon (C. fusiformis). In con- form of Si that marine diatoms take up from sea-
trast, P. tricornutum exhibits unusual biphasic uptake water to construct their cell walls. The dependence
kinetics: uptake conforms to Michaelis–Menten ki- of the uptake rate of dissolved silicon (dSi) by dia-
netics up to 15 to 25 mM, above which uptake in- toms on the external dSi concentration has been
creases linearly. This enigmatic response may have described in many studies by hyperbolic saturation
biased conclusions drawn from past experiments us- kinetics (e.g. Sullivan 1976, Conway and Harrison
ing this species. However, based on the consistency 1977). Changes in the uptake rate (V ) with increas-
of the results for the three other species, a new ing [dSi] can be described by a rectangular hyper-
model of Si transport in marine diatoms is proposed bola, similar to the Michaelis–Menten equation (1)
on the basis of the direct formation of a complex for enzyme kinetics:
between the Si-transport protein and Si(OH)4.
Key index words: marine diatoms; pH; silicic acid V 5 Vmax · (1)
transport; silicon; substrate; uptake kinetics K m 1 [dSi]
where Vmax is the maximum uptake rate and Km is
Diatoms are the major component of phytoplank- the half-saturation constant for uptake defined as
ton in many aquatic ecosystems. At present, from the substrate concentration where V 5 ½ Vmax. The
12,000 (Werner 1977) to 60,000 (Gordon and Drum kinetics constants Vmax and Km are species specific.
1994) diatom species have been identified around More than one chemical form of dissolved silicon
the world. Diatoms are a major food source for pe- is available to diatoms in seawater because of the
lagic and benthic organisms and have seldom been hydrolysis of silicic acid, resulting in an equilibrium
found a source of ecological problems in nature between the nonionized form Si(OH)4 and anionic
(Officer and Ryther 1980). As a group, they account forms SiOx(OH)x422x. The chemical speciation of the
for 40% of total primary production of carbon in various interchangeable forms of dSi in seawater can
the marine environment (Nelson et al. 1995) and be calculated as a function of pH by using the ap-
are thought to contribute significantly to the export propriate dissociation constants (Sjöberg et al.
1981). At the natural pH of seawater (pH ø 8), un-
1Received 29 April 1999. Accepted 3 August 1999. dissociated silicic acid Si(OH)4 is the dominant form
2Author for reprint requests; e-mail delamo@lifesci.lscf.ucsb. (97% of total dSi), with the remainder being largely
edu. SiO(OH)23 .
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It has been implicitly assumed by most investiga- photon fluence rate of ø100 mE·m22·s21 at 178 C in nutrient-
tors that the entire pool of dissolved Si (often noted enriched f/2 seawater media with the [Si(OH)4]:[NO23 ] ratio tai-
lored for each species to cause preferential depletion of Si (see
as Si(OH)4) is indiscriminately taken up by diatoms. Brzezinski et al. 1990). The Si:N molar ratios used were 1:10 for
However, Riedel and Nelson (1985) obtained evi- T. weissflogii, 1:18 for T. pseudonana, 1:200 for C. fusiformis, and 1:
dence that SiO(OH)23 is the chemical species trans- 880 for P. tricornutum. The N:P ratios were held at 24:1 through-
ported across the membrane. They examined out. Cultures were sampled every day for [dSi] analysis. When
[dSi] was ,20 mM (ø4–8 days), a 20-mL aliquot of each culture
changes in the Si-uptake kinetics of Phaeodactylum was added to each of two larger polycarbonate flasks containing
tricornutum Bohlin (the only diatom with no known 1100 mL of Si-free f/2 seawater at 178 C. The pH of one of the
absolute requirement for Si) as a function of pH larger flasks had been previously adjusted to ø8.0 (7.98–8.45)
over a small pH range that alters the chemical spe- and the other to pH ø 9.6 (9.25–9.80) by using 10% HCl or 1-N
ciation of dissolved Si to a large degree. In their NaOH. The ratio of [Si(OH)4]:[SiO(OH)23 ] in each media, cal-
culated using the dissociation constants of Sjöberg et al. (1981),
study, P. tricornutum exhibited hyperbolic saturation is (97%:3%) 5 32.3 at pH 8.0 and (43%:57%) 5 0.75 at pH 9.6.
kinetics for Si uptake at both pH 8.6 and 9.5, but Each 1100-mL culture was then sampled in triplicate for liquid
the Km values obtained at the two pHs differed con- scintillation counting blanks (54 mL each), for biogenic silica
siderably when uptake was expressed as a function analysis (50 mL each), for cell counts, and for [NO23 1 NO222]
of total dissolved silicon concentration or the con- and [HPO242] analysis. In all experiments, nitrate 1 nitrite and
phosphate concentrations were kept higher than f/2 level (800
centration of Si(OH)4. In contrast, very similar Km mM nitrate and 20 mM phosphate) to guarantee that those nutri-
values were obtained at both pHs when SiO(OH)23 ents were not limiting during the time course of the experiments.
was assumed to be the substrate transported by the For each species, the two cultures (pH ø 8 and ø 9.6) were
cells. The pH-dependent uptake kinetics observed dispensed into a series of 60-mL polycarbonate incubation bottles.
by Riedel and Nelson (1985) suggest that diatoms Increasing volumes of 1-mM Si stock solutions of Na2SiO3-9H2O,
previously adjusted to pH ø 8 or ø 9.6, were then added to pro-
may not indiscriminately take up all forms of dis- duce a series of dSi concentrations ranging from 0 to 50 mM
solved silicon as widely presumed but transport the above ambient. For P. tricornutum, which has less efficient uptake
first conjugate base of silicic acid, SiO(OH)23 . kinetics (Riedel and Nelson 1985), pH-adjusted 10.6-mM Si stock
We reinvestigated this possibility by examining solutions were used to produce the three highest dSi concentra-
the pH dependence of Si-uptake kinetics using four tions, ranging from 50 to 300 mM above ambient. The dSi con-
centrations in the experimental flasks were well below the limit
marine diatoms, including three common species for Si polymerization (ø2 mM; Stumm and Morgan 1996). The
with known absolute Si requirements (Thalassiosira 1-mM Na2SiO3 stock solution used for the majority of Si additions
weissflogii (Grunow) G. Fryxell et Hasle, Thalassiosira is also below the concentration threshold for the formation of
pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal, and Cylin- colloidal or polymeric Si; however, the 10.6-mM Si stock solution
could theoretically polymerize spontaneously. Such a high con-
drotheca fusiformis Reimann et Lewin) and also P. tri- centration was required to prevent the additions of Si from de-
cornutum. Uptake rates were determined using a pre- creasing significantly the salinity of the media in the experimental
cise and sensitive 32Si tracer methodology (Tréguer flasks. The probability of polymerization was minimized by pre-
et al. 1991, Brzezinski and Phillips 1997). paring both the 1-mM and the 10.6-mM stock solutions just prior
to each experiment.
MATERIALS AND METHODS After the addition of Si to a 60-mL flask, a 6-mL volume was
withdrawn and filtered for dSi concentration analysis, and 250 to
Diatom cultures. Diatom species (Thalassiosira pseudonana, clone 446 mL of 32Si (830–1670 Bq as sodium silicate) were added im-
3H–CCMP 1335, and Phaeodactylum tricornutum, clone PETPD– mediately. All flasks were then incubated for 3 to 4 h at 178 C
CCMP 630) were obtained from the Provasoli-Guillard National with illumination provided continuously by cool-white fluorescent
Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton (CCMP) at the Big- lamps at a photon fluence rate of 133 mE·m22·s21.
elow Marine Laboratory for Ocean Sciences (Maine, U.S.A.). Cul- At the end of the incubation, the contents of each flask were
tures were unialgal and axenic. Thalassiosira weissflogii has been filtered in their entirety through a 0.6-mm Nuclepore filter. Each
maintained in culture at the University of California at Santa Bar- filter was placed in the bottom of a 20-mL plastic liquid scintil-
bara for several years. Cylindrotheca fusiformis was obtained from lation vial and dried overnight with the cap off in a closed cabinet.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography (San Diego) through the Then each filter was covered with 2.0 mL of 2.5-M HF to dissolve
courtesy of Dr. M. Hildebrand. All clones were maintained in f/ all biogenic silica, capped, and allowed to sit overnight. Finally,
2 enriched seawater medium with added dissolved silicon (Guil- after addition of 10 mL of HP Ultima Gold XR liquid scintillation
lard and Ryther 1962, Guillard 1975) at 178 C under a continuous cocktail, the activity of 32Si was assayed using liquid scintillation
photon fluence rate of ø100 mE·m22·s21. counting (Beckman LS 5000TA) following Brzezinski and Phillips
Si-free seawater. Filtered seawater from Santa Barbara Channel (1997).
(California) was used to produce Si-free seawater by growing T. The pH of the cultures was measured at the beginning and
weissflogii to remove dissolved Si. Forty liters of Santa Barbara end of the incubations. Increases in pH were minor for T. pseu-
Channel seawater were filtered through 0.6-mm polycarbonate fil- donana (0.003 and 0.04 pH units for both pH’s cultures) and for
ters, enriched to Guillard’s f/10 level of macronutrients (21.2 T. weissflogii (0.02 and 0.03 pH units). The two pH’s cultures of
mM-Si, 7.2 mM–P, 176 mM–N) and inoculated with a 1-L culture C. fusiformis showed increases of 0.2 pH units, and changes in P.
of T. weissflogii in f/2 medium. The 40-L culture was incubated tricornutum cultures were 0.3 and 0.3, 0.2 and 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5
at 178 C under continuous illumination, and the [dSi] was mon- during each of three experiments.
itored until Si depletion was reached ([dSi] , 0.5 mM). Seawater Specific Si-uptake rate and kinetic parameter calculations. To calcu-
was then filtered through 0.6-mm polycarbonate filters and stored late the specific uptake rates of dSi (V in h21) during the incu-
at 38 to 58 C in the dark. Final dSi concentration was 0.4 mM. bation time t, we used the formulation given in Brzezinski and
Aliquots of the Si-free seawater were filtered through 0.2-mm poly- Phillips (1997):
carbonate filters and autoclaved just prior to each kinetic exper-
1 2
[bSi]0 1 [bSi]N 1
Uptake experiments. Cultures (250-mL) of T. weissflogii, T. pseu- V 5 ln · , (2)
donana, C. fusiformis, and P. tricornutum were grown at a constant [bSi]0 t
15298817, 1999, 6, Downloaded from by CONICET Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones, Wiley Online Library on [07/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

FIG. 1. Si-uptake rates (V ) obtained at two different pHs as a function of the concentration of different forms of dissolved Si for
three diatom species: (A) Thalassiosira pseudonana, (B) Thalassiosira weissflogii, (C) Cylindrotheca fusiformis. (V) Low pH, corresponding to
7.98, 8.03, and 8.01 for (A), (B), and (C), respectively. (v) High pH, corresponding to 9.45, 9.47, and 9.25 for (A), (B), and (C),
respectively. Fitted curves are the Michaelis–Menten hyperbolas obtained by the nonlinear regression of Wilkinson (1961).

where [bSi]0 and [bSi]N are the biogenic silica concentration were calculated by using the dissociation constants of Sjöberg et
measured directly at the beginning of the incubation and the al. (1981) and the mean pH over the incubation period.
increase in biogenic silica concentration during incubation, re- Nitrate 1 nitrite (NO23 1 NO222) and phosphate (HPO242) con-
spectively; [bSi]N is given by: centrations were measured by flow injection analysis according to
Murphy and Riley (1962) using a Lachat Instruments Quikchem
[bSi]N 5 [dSi]BqCell/BqTotal (3) 8000 (precision 5%). Filters containing cells for biogenic silica
concentration analysis were dried for 24 h at 608 C and stored in
closed plastic petri dishes until analysis. Filters were then even-
where [dSi] is the concentration of total dissolved silicon in the tually measured using the method of Paasche (1973), modified
flask and BqCell and BqTotal are the disintegrations per second to use the reagent blank of Brzezinski and Nelson (1986).
(dps) of 32Si in cells at the end of the incubation and the total The activity of the 32Si stock solutions used were determined
activity added to the culture, respectively. This equation assumes by placing 20 mL of each solution into a scintillation vial contain-
that the distribution of 32Si remains in equilibrium among the ing 2 mL of 2.5-M HF, followed by the addition of 10 mL of liquid
various chemical forms of dSi during the incubation. For all ex- scintillation cocktail and measured by liquid scintillation as de-
periments, specific Si-uptake rates (V ) were plotted against the scribed previously. Samples for cell counts were preserved with a
corresponding total dissolved silicon, Si(OH)4, SiO(OH)23 , and diluted formaldehyde/nitric acid mix solution. Species were
SiO2(OH)222 concentrations for both pH treatments, and the ki- counted by microscopic examination using a Fuchs–Rosenthal he-
netic parameters, Vmax and Km, were calculated for each curve macytometer slide (Guillard 1978).
using the nonlinear regression technique of Wilkinson (1961).
Analytical methods. Except for dissolved silicon samples that
were immediately analyzed, nitrate 1 nitrite and phosphate sam- RESULTS
ples were stored at 48 C until analysis. Total dissolved silicon (dSi)
was analyzed according to Strickland and Parsons (1972) modi- For all species except P. tricornutum, uptake rates
fied to use the reagent blank of Brzezinski and Nelson (1986). exhibited hyperbolic saturation kinetics at both pHs
Concentrations of the various chemical forms of dSi in seawater for all presumed substrates (Fig. 1). The corre-
15298817, 1999, 6, Downloaded from by CONICET Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones, Wiley Online Library on [07/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

response. Controls for nonbiological uptake (ad-

sorption and precipitation; see Wollast et al. 1968,
Nelson et al. 1984) were conducted at the highest
dSi concentration, where precipitation or nonbio-
logical adsorption were most likely (Nelson et al.
1984). Two sets of controls consisting of formalde-
hyde-killed cells in the experimental media and cell-
free media were incubated alongside flasks contain-
ing living cells. All controls showed either nonexis-
tent 32Si uptake (#0.02% of total added 32Si) or no
precipitation of inorganic silica (particulate silica
concentration #0.05% of dSi concentration), indi-
cating that the biphasic kinetic response of P. tricor-
nutum was not due to an experimental artifact. In
addition, in all three experiments with P. tricornu-
tum, four to six data points out of 10 form the linear
part of the curve at high concentration. This dis-
cards an artifact due to the possible presence of col-
loidal Si introduced by 10.6-mM Si stock solution
used to create the highest three dSi concentrations
in each experiment (see Materials and Methods).
Estimation of the kinetic parameters for P. tricor-
nutum was performed by considering only the data
points from rate measurement conducted at dSi
concentrations ,30 mM. Linear regressions of S/V
versus S for those data points yielded correlation co-
efficients ranging from 0.757 to 0.999 (n 5 4–6).
Table 1 gives the Si-uptake kinetic parameters
(Vmax and Km) calculated for the four species at both
low (ø8.0) and high (ø9.6) pH. As expected, Km
and Vmax generally varied strongly with pH (Table
1). In the lower pH series, that is, the pH closest to
natural seawater pH, Km values are considerably low-
er for all three common diatom species, and Vmax is
higher, except for one experiment (#2) out of the
three with P. tricornutum (Table 1).
The half-saturation constants obtained for each
species at the two pHs are compared using t-tests
with pooled sample variances (Moore 1996) in Ta-
ble 2. For T. pseudonana and T. weissflogii, the Km
FIG. 2. Si-uptake rates (V ) obtained at two different pHs as a
function of the concentration of different forms of dissolved Si values at each pH are very similar in magnitude with
for Phaeodactylum tricornutum, experiment #3. (V) Low pH (8.12, Si(OH)4 as the presumed substrate (Table 1) and
8.16, and 8.45 for experiments #1, #2, and #3, respectively). (v) statistically indistinguishable (Table 2). For C. fusi-
High pH (9.43, 9.49, and 9.80 for experiments #1, #2, and #3, formis, Km values obtained at each pH are nearly
respectively). Fitted curves are the Michaelis–Menten hyperbolas equal when using total dSi or Si(OH)4 as the sub-
obtained by the nonlinear regression of Wilkinson (1961).
strate (Table 1) and statistically indistinguishable
when using total dSi (Table 2). The results for the
sponding statistical correlation coefficients (r2) ob- three experiments with P. tricornutum are inconsis-
tained by the linearized Woolf transformation of the tent (experiments #1, #2, and #3; Tables 1, 2). Sim-
Michaelis–Menten equation (S/V vs. S) are all ilar Km values at the two pHs are obtained only in
.0.98 (ranging from 0.982–0.999; n 5 9–10). experiment #1, in which Si(OH)4 is assumed to be
In contrast, P. tricornutum exhibited unusual up- the substrate. All other experiments show large dif-
take kinetics with a biphasic response where uptake ferences of Km values at the two pHs for all pre-
conformed to Michaelis–Menten kinetics up to 15 sumed substrates, and a high variability exists in the
to 25 mM total dSi, with uptake increasing linearly value of Km obtained among experiments. In exper-
at higher concentrations (Fig. 2). To confirm this iments #2 and #3, different values of Km were ob-
biphasic response, the pH-kinetic experiment for P. tained at the two pHs when using any form of Si as
tricornutum was repeated three times (experiments the substrate (Table 1), although the values in Table
denoted #1, #2, and #3), leading to highly variable 2 suggest that we cannot reject the null hypothesis
kinetic curves but with all three showing a biphasic that the Km are equal when Si(OH)4 is considered
15298817, 1999, 6, Downloaded from by CONICET Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones, Wiley Online Library on [07/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TABLE 1. Maximum uptake rates (Vmax) and half-saturation constants (Km) for Si uptake using the different chemical forms of dissolved
Si as the substrate (S) for each of the four diatom species studied. Values in parentheses represent 695% confidence limits determined
by the nonlinear regression method of Wilkinson (1961). Bold characters highlight overlapping confidence limits.

Vmax (h21) S 5 total dSi S 5 Si(OH)4 S 5 SiO(OH)23

Km (mM) Km (mM) Km 5 (mM)
Diatom species Low pH High pH Low pH High pH Low pH High pH Low pH

T. pseudonana 0.091 (60.002) 0.042 (60.002) 1.4 (60.1) 2.2 (60.4) 1.4 (60.1) 1.1 (60.2) 0.044 (60.003)
T. weissflogii 0.089 (60.004) 0.066 (60.004) 4.7 (60.5) 8.0 (61.1) 4.5 (60.5) 4.0 (60.5) 0.16 (60.02)
C. fusiformis 0.086 (60.002) 0.057 (60.001) 0.88 (60.09) 0.9 (60.1) 0.85 (60.09) 0.59 (60.06) 0.030 (60.003)
P. tricornutum,
exp. #1 0.015 (60.002) 0.0086 (60.0001) 4.2 (61.3) 6.19 (60.02) 4.0 (61.3) 3.24 (60.01) 0.2 (60.1)
P. tricornutum,
exp. #2 0.0346 (60.0005) 0.05 (60.02) 9.7 (60.3) 57 (623) 9.2 (60.3) 28 (611) 0.45 (60.02)
P. tricornutum,
exp. #3 0.238 (60.002) 0.075 (60.004) 6.9 (60.1) 3.9 (60.5) 6.3 (60.1) 1.2 (60.1) 0.60 (60.01)

the substrate transported in experiment #2. This re- concentrations in their pH series. Differences in
sult is due to the large confidence limit for Km ob- Vmax between our experiments and those of Riedel
tained at the higher pH. For all four species, when and Nelson (1985) are noteworthy (Table 3).
the substrate of transport is assumed to be It is interesting to note that the lowest total dSi
SiO(OH)23 or SiO2(OH)222 , Km is always statistically concentration used by Riedel and Nelson (1985)
different at both pHs. was ø15 mM, similar to our experiment #2, in which
Thus, P. tricornutum exhibited biphasic kinetics, the lowest concentration was ø10 mM of total dSi.
and the kinetic parameters for the low-concentra- Within our three experiments, experiment #2 gives
tion hyperbolic response region were highly variable the most pronounced differences between the ki-
among the three experiments conducted (Tables 1, netic parameters from the two pH series (Table 1).
2). However, the kinetic curves have statistically Given the biphasic kinetics observed for P. tricornu-
identical values of Km independent of pH when the tum, the lack of data in the low-concentration range,
substrate for transport is assumed to be Si(OH)4 for where the kinetic curve conforms to the Michaelis–
T. pseudonana and T. weissflogii and total dissolved Si Menten equation (Fig. 2), may bias the values of the
for C. fusiformis. kinetic parameters from these experiments.
The natural habitat of P. tricornutum may explain
DISCUSSION its variable response in our experiments. P. tricor-
Variable kinetics for P. tricornutum. None of the nutum has been found in coastal brackish waters and
three experiments performed with P. tricornutum commonly in small bodies of water (fishery tanks
shows the same pattern as in the previous study by and rock pools; Rushforth et al. 1988). Those can
Riedel and Nelson (1985). Both our study and that be high-pH environments where SiO(OH)23 would
of Riedel and Nelson used clone PETPD, but the be more abundant and where diatoms may be spe-
incubation temperature differed by 38 C (178 C here cifically adapted to extreme conditions. Further-
instead of 208 C in their study). It is known that for more, this diatom has been described as having
most enzymes, kinetic parameters change with tem- three possible morphotypes (with a possible nonsili-
perature, although they remain constant within a ceous morphology of the cells; Lewin 1958, Lewin
certain temperature range (e.g. Turner and Pollock et al. 1958, Gutenbrunner et al. 1994). Silicified
1993). P. tricornutum growth is sensitive to changes ovate cells represented .99.9% of all cells in each
in temperature from 158 to 208 C (Hayward 1968), of our three experiments, but the unusual plastic
which may cause our results to differ from those of morphology of P. tricornutum may be part of the ex-
Riedel and Nelson; however, incubation conditions planation for its unusual uptake kinetics.
did not differ among the three experiments per- Lomas and Glibert (1999) recently reported sim-
formed in our study, yet different kinetic responses ilar biphasic uptake kinetics for nitrate use by nat-
were observed in all three experiments. Thus, in- ural diatom populations. However, they interpret
cubation conditions are not likely to be the cause of that phenomenon as an adaptation to modulate the
the differences between our results and those of Rie- flow of photosynthetic electron energy via nitrate re-
del and Nelson (1985). duction during periods of imbalance between light
To better compare our data with those of Riedel energy harvesting and utilization. Here the unusual
and Nelson (1985), cellular uptake rates were cal- uptake kinetics for P. tricornutum could be related
culated in fmol·cell21·h21 (Table 3) to match the to the possible presence of two different transport
units that they reported. Because Vmax values are not systems with each induced at different external Si
specified in their paper, an approximation of Vmax concentrations. This hypothesis is consistent with re-
was derived from their graphical representations at cent observations that up to six different Si-transport
60 and 160 mM, that is, their maximum total dSi molecules may coexist within individual diatom cells
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TABLE 1. Extended. TABLE 3. Approximated maximum values of Si uptake rates (V,

in fmol·cell21·h21) for P. tricornutum at 60 and 160 mM of total
dSi, the highest concentrations used by Riedel and Nelson (1985)
in the high and low pH series, respectively. Values are deduced
S 5 SiO(OH)23 S 5 SiO2(OH)222 from figure 1A in Riedel and Nelson (1985). Values in parenthe-
Km (mM) Km (nM) ses are Vmax values.
High pH Low pH High pH
1.1 (60.2) 0.0011 (60.0001) 0.8 (60.1) and
4.0 (60.5) 0.004 (60.001) 3.0 (60.4) Nelson
0.35 (60.04) 0.0008 (60.0001) 0.16 (60.02) pH Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 (1985)

Low, V160 0.35 (0.38) 0.45 (0.50) 7.5 (15.84) 1.5

2.95 (60.01) 0.006 (60.002) 1.995 (60.005) High, V60 0.65 (1.29) 0.45 (1.07) 6 (31.81) 1.1
29 (612) 0.0164 (60.0006) 23 (69)

2.7 (60.3) 0.0425 (60.0009) 4.2 (60.5) perature, but they are also sensitive to pH (Vega-
Catalan 1990). The enzyme and the substrate exist
in many ionizable states, depending on the pH and
(Hildebrand et al. 1997, 1998) and observation of the Michaelis parameters (Km and Vmax), and thus
Si-starved cells of C. fusiformis, which showed similar uptake rates may vary with hydrogen ion concentra-
nonsaturated Si-uptake rates at high substrate con- tion. The protonation or deprotonation of the active
centrations (Del Amo et al., in prep.). sites is thought to be responsible for the modifica-
Those results strongly suggest that the absence of tion in uptake rate with pH (Vega-Catalan 1990).
low-concentration data points, the high variability in Indeed, Sullivan (1976) showed that Si-uptake rates
the response of this species, and the peculiarity of for Navicula pelliculosa are influenced by pH, with
the kinetic curves obtained for P. tricornutum may the optimum at pH 8.5. However, in nature, en-
have biased conclusions drawn from past experi- zymes are generally confined to a narrow pH range.
ments using this species. Thus, their activity is usually interpreted in terms of
Substrate for Si uptake. Riedel and Nelson (1985) simple kinetic models, where the Michaelis param-
suggested that SiO(OH)23 rather than Si(OH)4 is the eters are by definition constant and thus indepen-
chemical form transported across the membrane dent of pH. The entire pH range for all the exper-
during Si uptake by marine diatoms. This suggestion iments was from 7.98 to 9.80, but in a single exper-
was drawn from the near equality of Km values ob- iment the pH difference was always ,1.5 units pH
tained for P. tricornutum in kinetic experiments at and always around the natural pH of seawater.
pH 8.6 and 9.5 when SiO(OH)23 was used as the Whether the Si-transport system of the diatoms was
presumed substrate for Si uptake. We found that modified with that pH change is not known. How-
values of Km for the four diatoms that we examined ever, because of the small pH difference imposed in
were extremely different when Si(OH)23 was used as these experiments, we assume that the Km value was
the substrate. In contrast, the results for the three constant.
diatom species forming true siliceous frustules sug- On the basis of our results, we constructed a new
gest that Si(OH)4 is the substrate transported across formulation of the Michaelis–Menten function. As-
the cell membrane, with the caveat that for C. fusi- suming that Si(OH)4 is the substrate that binds to
formis the data also support the indiscriminant trans- the Si-transport protein (E) and is moved across the
port of all chemical species of dSi. Transport of the cell wall, we can write the following:
more abundant, undissociated silicic acid (97% of k1 k3
all dSi at pH 8.0) is consistent with the idea that E 1 Si(OH)4 o E 2 Si(OH)4 → E 1 Si 2 P (4)
marine diatoms would be adapted to transport the
most readily attainable form of Si in their environ- where Si-P is the intracellular form of Si and k1, k2,
ment. and k3 are the rate constants for each reaction. Such
As mentioned previously, it is known that the ki- a model follows a Michaelis–Menten law where the
netic parameters of enzymes are sensitive to tem- observed Km is a dimensionless quantity analogous

TABLE 2. t-values from two-sample t-tests for the equality of half-saturation constants obtained at the two pH values for each of the four
diatom species studied. df 5 degrees of freedom.

Diatom species S 5 total dSi S 5 Si(OH)4 S 5 SiO(OH)23 S 5 SiO2(OH)222

T. pseudonana (df 5 17) 2.19 1.18a 6.07 6.32

T. weissflogii (df 5 18) 2.95 0.66a 7.45 7.76
C. fusiformis (df 5 18) 0.45a 2.55 9.04 9.86
P. tricornutum, experiment 1 (df 5 8) 1.63a 0.68a 53.00 432.62
P. tricornutum, experiment 2 (df 5 9) 2.36 1.91a 2.80 2.84
P. tricornutum, experiment 3 (df 5 9) 6.89 28.01 7.35 9.41
a Cases in which the null hypothesis of equal Km values at the two pH values cannot be rejected at the 95% confidence level.
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to the Michaelis–Menten constant and is by defini- Biological transport of noncharged molecules

tion independent of pH: through membranes is possible by diffusion when
small polar or hydrophobic molecules are involved.
[Si(OH)4 ]
V 5 Vmax · (5) For large uncharged molecules, such as silicic acid,
K m 1 [Si(OH)4 ] the cells have developed specific transporters. For
By using the equilibrium relation between the Si- example, glucose is taken up by active transport (en-
species concentrations and the dissociation con- ergy-dependent pump) processes in some bacteria
stants of Sjöberg et al. (1981), we rearranged this (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and by phosphotrans-
equation in terms of [SiO(OH)23 ]. This gives a new ferase system in others (e.g. Escherichia coli). Trans-
expression that has an apparent half-saturation con- port of other uncharged molecules, such as sugars
centration that equals ‘‘1029.47·Km/[H1]’’ and de- or amino acids, can also be linked to electrical
creases with decreasing pH: charge differences: the symporter transports both
the substrate and one or more protons. It is known
[SiO(OH)23 ] that diatoms possess an inducible active transport
V 5 Vmax · 29.47
(6) system for Si transport (Azam and Volcani 1974,
10 · Km
1 [SiO(OH)23 ] Azam et al. 1974) that requires Na1 in the diatom
[H ] Nitzschia alba (Bhattacharyya and Volcani 1980).
The observed Km values in this study follow this pre- These authors also showed that symport is electro-
dicted trend, contrary to those of Riedel and Nelson genic, that is, that a net charge is transported across
(1985). the membrane. Because Na1 is already positively
An alternative model was proposed by Riedel and charged, these findings support the idea that undis-
Nelson (1985) on the basis of the formation of a sociated silicic acid is the chemical form of Si trans-
complex between the Si-transport protein and ported.
SiO(OH)23 : Recently, Hildebrand et al. (1997, 1998) isolated
and sequenced a family of silicon transporter (SIT)
E 1 Si(OH)4 o E 2 SiO(OH)23 1 [H]1 genes in C. fusiformis. Multiple SIT genes are present
in all diatoms examined to date, including T. pseu-
k3 donana and P. tricornutum, and the transporters re-
→ E 1 Si 2 P (7) quire Na1 to function (Hildebrand et al. 1997), sug-
This model follows a rate law by which the experi- gesting that diatoms have developed silicon trans-
mental Km obtained when Si(OH)4 is considered as porters that cotransport Na1 and Si(OH)4 (Bhatta-
the substrate equals the product ‘‘Km·[H1],’’ which charyya and Volcani 1983, Hildebrand et al. 1997,
must decrease with increasing pH: 1998).
Ecological consequences. The use of one of the less
[Si(OH)4 ] abundant forms of dSi in seawater by diatoms, such
V 5 Vmax · (8)
K m · [H1 ] 1 [Si(OH)4 ] as SiO(OH)23 , which comprises only 3% of total dSi
at natural seawater pH of ø8.0, would have strong
The rearrangement of this equation in terms of implications for diatom physiology and phytoplank-
[SiO(OH)23 ] leads to a half-saturation constant for ton ecology. To sustain a given growth rate, cells
SiO(OH)23 that does not vary with pH, a trend that utilizing a more dilute substrate would have to be
is contrary to our findings: more kinetically efficient to obtain Si at the same
[SiO(OH)23 ] rate as those using a more abundant chemical form
V 5 Vmax · (9) of the element. Furthermore, the hypothesis of the
1029.47 · K m 1 [SiO(OH)23 ]
sole utilization of SiO(OH)23 as the substrate for Si
Neither our model nor that of Riedel and Nelson uptake in diatoms implies serious biases in previous
(1985) accounts for the possible different ionizable uptake kinetics found in literature that typically as-
states of the enzymes with pH. Both models also pre- sume that diatoms indiscriminately take up all forms
dict unchanging values for Vmax, although we clearly of silicic acid as well as in their related conclusions
observe a noteworthy change in Vmax in our experi- on Si limitation in their natural environment.
ments. At present the pKs for Si transporters in dia- Indeed, Km values are often used as indicators of
toms are unknown, precluding a more detailed anal- nutrient limitation by comparing them to in situ nu-
ysis. In all but one experiment, Vmax is 25% to 69% trient concentrations (e.g. Fisher et al. 1988, Dortch
lower at pH ø 9.5 than at pH ø 8. Hayward (1968) and Whitledge 1992, Del Amo et al. 1997). In situ
showed that the growth rate (cell number increase) nutrient concentrations below Km correspond to nu-
of P. tricornutum is insensitive to pH changes between tritional conditions that greatly reduce nutrient up-
8 and 9 but decreases at pHs $ 9.5. Given that the take rates and potentially limit algal growth rates.
habitat of most marine diatoms is very near pH 8.2, Thus, erroneous Km values and substrate concentra-
it is not surprising that the uptake systems of these tions obviously lead to inappropriate conclusions on
cells exhibited their highest affinity (higher Vmax and Si limitation.
lower Km) at the lower pH tested (pH ø 8). However, our results suggest that marine diatoms
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