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Joining Huge CheatSheet

Hello Candidate!

If you’re reading this it means your willing to enter one of the most amazing companies
in the market in terms of tech-wise. The purpose of this document is to guide you
through the overall process, explain in a broad way why we have the stages we have
and the main key skills or topics that will be evaluated in each step.

The technical process to join huge is composed of the following steps:

1. All About Huge and Visual Test:

All About Huge:

We know a lot about our company, and we want to make sure you do as well. In this
session, we will showcase in a very general way, the types of challenge you may face
with us, and also our technology and general culture. One thing you’ll notice is that we
have several projects in several technologies, that’s why in the process we don’t
evaluate how good you are using frameworks, but how good you are the basis of the
daily work.

Don’t worry, in this session, you will not be evaluated... we are! You will be able to
make any kind of questions you have and we will be there for you. We want you to feel
comfortable and have all the information need taking one of the most difficult decisions
in a person’s life: switching jobs.

Visual Test:

This is the first technical test that you will do in the process, in this test you will have
access to a code pen workspace, and you will have to do it in there, of course, someone
will be there to always support you. The general time for this test is 45 minutes and 15
minutes to support it with the interviewer, but be aware, the test is not meant to be
finished, the test is to showcase your best practices.

What we want to know from you is how you work in a general way with these kinds of
technologies. Of course, we cannot tell you what the test is, but we can tell you that you
will only need to use HTML and CSS.


o Best Practices.
o Semantic HTML.
o CSS grid system.
o Mobile first approach.
o CSS nesting.
o Questions asked during the session. (Yes! What you ask and how you ask are
key information sources for us)


o Accessibility.
o Naming Conventions.

General Rules:

o SCSS or your preferred CSS preprocessor is allowed.

o No Frameworks: we want to know how good you are at the basis, not how good
you are using a tool.

2. JS Test:

This is the second and last live coding challenge, in this test you will have access to a
code pen workspace, and you will have to do it in there, of course, someone will be
there to always support you. The general time for this test is 45 minutes and 15 minutes
to support it with the interviewer, but be aware, the test is not meant to be finished,
the test is to showcase your best practices (Yes, again!)

In a general description, the test consists of getting information from different data
sources and transform it to compose a final data structure. The main advice for you
here is: focus on getting done the easy part first, and ONLY if you have time
continue with the hard part.


o Best Practices.
o Single Responsibility Principle.
o Design Pattern used.
o Files and directory setup.
o Questions asked during the session. (Yes! What you ask and how you ask are
key information sources for us)


o ES2016+
o Use of promises.
General Rules:

o No Frameworks: we want to know how good you are at the basis, not how good
you are using a tool. Also, what better tool than javascript alone?

3. Technical Interview:

The hard part is gone, now you can relax!

We know that trying to evaluate you as a technologist is not possible in two mere
sessions of 45 minutes. In this session, we try to fill that gap, and we will certainly ask
you about your professional life, technical challenges, technologies, frameworks
(finally!), and developing practices.

4. Cultural Interview:

This is the last session, we promise!

Generally speaking, it is very important for us to have a very healthy organizational
culture, that’s why we have this session with every single person that wants to enter
Huge regardless of the role or discipline.
This session is meant to be an open conversation with you and try to understand you as
a professional and the way the work and see the day to day challenges.

You’re done!

Thank you for reading this, and be sure that we are eager to work with you, I hope you
feel the same for us.

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