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Tisdale District

Mainly Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, Tieflings, Gnomes, Elves, Half-Elves
Lathander, Bahamut

Nickel, Cold Iron, Gold, Skins, Agriculture

Gov’t Type
Council Governance
Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper III

Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper II in 1383 DR
Frederick Shoeslapper I in 1368 DR

Fredericktown stands as a testament to the pioneering spirit, nestled in the Tisdale region and flourishing
with a vibrant community. Its history, marked by the discovery of gold, mirrors its residents’ resilience
and drive for prosperity.

Founded by the adventurous gnome Frederick Shoeslapper I, Fredericktown emerged as a beacon of hope
and opportunity in the rugged Tisdale region landscape, sprung from the discovery of rich gold veins,
quickly transforming from a modest encampment into a bustling hub of prosperity. Its evolution from a
mining frenzy into a vibrant community is marked by colorful buildings, a lively marketplace, and the
unbreakable spirit of its residents. Overcoming challenges such as the Miners Revolt and adopting to the
closure of the Frederick Mine, the town, under Frederick Shoeslapper II’s guidance, embraced agriculture
and ranching, ensuring its sustainability. Today, Fredericktown exemplifies resilience, innovation, and the
pioneering spirit, standing as a testament to its people’s commitment to a prosperous and cohesive
existence in the Tisdale District, embodying the essence of life on the frontier while navigating its path
towards a flourishing future.

Fredericktown is strategically located in the very center of the Tisdale District, along Tisdale Road,
serving as a crucial hub within the region. The climate in the Tisdale region experiences significant
variations throughout the year. Spring welcomes a gradual thaw with melting snow and occasional
showers, leading to a warm and sunny summer, with temperatures often reaching the high 30s Celsius,
ideal for outdoor activities and adventures. Autumn transforms the landscape with vibrant colors, while
winter introduces cold temperatures, dropping as low as -40 Celsius, and heavy snowfall, creating a
picturesque winter wonderland.

Fredericktown operates under a council-based government, similar in structure to its neighboring town,
Tisdale. The governance is entrusted to the Fredericktown Council, an assembly comprising the town’s
most influential figures, including prominent citizens, merchants, and military leaders, reflecting a blend
of economic prowess and strategic foresight. The council oversees the myriad aspects of town
administration, from economic policies and defense strategies to city planning and upkeep of law and
order. At the helm of the military forces stands the Lord Commander, a position of great honor and
responsibility, chosen from among the council members. This role is pivotal in maintaining the town’s
security and ensuring its readiness against threats. The council’s governance model underscores a deeply
rooted commitment to collective decision-making and shared leadership, aiming to balance the diverse
interests and welfare of Fredericktown’s residents. Through this governance structure, Fredericktown has
navigated its growth and challenges, securing its place as a prosperous and stable community within the
Tisdale District. This system not only facilitates efficient governance but also embodies the town’s values
of unity, resilience, and progress, ensuring that Fredericktown remains a beacon of prosperity and a model
of effective local governance in the region.

The economic backbone of Fredericktown is diverse, incorporating farming and ranch lands, a robust
mining industry, and skinning. The transition from mining to agricultural prosperity under Frederick
Shoeslapper II’s guidance ensured sustainable growth. The fertile lands of the region support a thriving
agricultural sector, while the remnants of the mining industry continue to contribute to its economy.
Skinning, a trade reflective of the town’s adaptability and resourcefulness, further diversifies
Fredericktown’s economic landscape, ensuring its resilience and prosperity.

Fredericktown History
Early History
Fredericktown’s story begins with its founding in 1368 DR by Frederick Shoeslapper I, a gnome of
remarkable ambition and resourcefulness. His discovery of rich gold veins in the rugged terrain near
Porcupine catalyzed the establishment of the town, attracting prospectors, adventurers, and settlers all
eager for wealth and a new life. This period marked the start of a mining frenzy that not only shaped the
town’s early economic landscape but also fostered a community spirit defined by hard work, optimism,
and a shared sense of purpose. The completion of the Frederick Mine heralded an era of prosperity,
transforming Fredericktown from a modest settlement into a burgeoning community centered around
mining operations.

The Fall of Mining and Rise of Agriculture

The prosperity brought by mining, however, was not to last forever. The shallow veins of the Frederick
Mine began to run dry, leading to the Miner’s Revolt of 1381, a critical juncture that threatened the town’s
stability. The closure of the mine marked a turning point for Fredericktown, prompting a shift in the
town’s economic focus from mining to agriculture. Under the stewardship of Frederick Shoeslapper II,
the town underwent a significant transformation. Recognizing the fertile lands surrounding the town,
efforts were redirected towards cultivating crops and establishing thriving ranches. This shift not only
ensured the town’s sustainable future but also marked the beginning of a new era of prosperity, grounded
in the bounty of the land rather than the uncertainty of mining.

Rule under Frederick Shoeslapper III

The legacy of innovation and resilience was carried forward by Frederick Shoeslapper III, who assumed
leadership with a vision to blend tradition with progress. Raised on tales of adventure and
entrepreneurship, he brought a fresh prospective to governance, striving to honor his family’s legacy
while navigating the town towards a prosperous future. Under his rule, Fredericktown continued to thrive,
balancing the preservation of its rich history with the embrace of new opportunities. His leadership saw
the strengthening of community ties, the expansion of the town’s economic base beyond agriculture to
include trades such as skinning, and a commitment to the welfare and security of his people. The rule of
Frederick Shoeslapper III is characterized by a period of peace, growth, and an ever-deepening sense of
community, securing Fredericktown’s reputation as a vibrant and resilient community in the heart of the
Tisdale region.
Locations and Inhabitants of Fredericktown
Inns and Taverns
The Miner’s Lantern Inn
The Miner’s Lantern Inn, prominently situated on Tisdale Road, welcomes visitors to Fredericktown as
the first building they encounter upon entering from the west. This inn stands as a beacon of hospitality,
drawing travelers with the warm glow of its lanterns and the promise of comfort after their journey.
Known for its cozy accommodations and hearty fare, the inn captures the essence of Fredericktown’s
heritage, both in its décor and the spirit of camaraderie that fills its common room. The Miner’s Lantern
Inn serves not only as a rest stop for weary adventurers but also as a gathering place for locals, where
tales of the day’s work and dreams of the next big find are shared over ale and good food. Its location
makes it an essential landmark in Fredericktown, offering a first impression that encapsulates the town’s
welcoming nature and storied past.

 Bareth Stonebrew
Bareth Stonebrew, the hearty dwarf owner and barkeep of The Miner’s Lantern Inn, stands as a
pillar of Fredericktown’s community. With a robust laugh and hands accustomed to both the
miner’s pick and the ale keg, Bareth has turned the inn into a nexus of warmth and camaraderie.
His dark beard, flecked with grey, is as much a symbol of his wisdom as it is of his dedication to
his heritage. Bareth’s inn serves not just ale and comfort food but also a hefty dose of dwarven
hospitality, making it a beloved gathering spot for miners, adventurers, and townsfolk alike.
Known for his generous spirit and no-nonsense attitude towards trouble, Bareth Stonebrew
embodies the resilience and communal spirit of Fredericktown.

 Thalia Brambleheart
Thalia Brambleheart, the gnome cook at The Miner’s Lantern Inn, is a whirlwind of culinary
talent and creativity. With her bright eyes and curly hair often escaping from beneath her chef’s
hat, she embodies the joy of cooking. Thalia turns every meal into an adventure, blending
traditional recipes with unexpected twists that delight the inn’s patrons. Her kitchen is a hub of
warmth and laughter, where the scents of baking bread and simmering stews mingle to create an
inviting atmosphere. Renowned for her ability to make anyone feel at home, Thalia’s dishes are
not just food but a heartfelt expression of welcome and community in Fredericktown.

 Lila Featherdown
Lila Featherdown, the devoted caretaker, and maid at The Miner’s Lantern Inn, is the
embodiment of warmth and meticulous care. With her gentle demeanor and chestnut curls, Lila is
a familiar presence, ensuring that every guest feels at home. Known for her infectious laughter
and readiness to lend an ear, she navigates the inn’s halls with efficiency and grace, her apron
pockets always filled with the tools of her trade. Beyond her cleaning duties, Lila stands as a
pillar of support for both staff and patrons, her deep ties to Fredericktown making her a font of
wisdom and local lore. Her commitment to creating a welcoming atmosphere makes The Miner’s
Lantern Inn more than just a nice place to stay – it’s a home in the heart of the Tisdale region.
Shoeslapper’s Rest
Shoeslapper’s Rest, the beloved local tavern of Fredericktown, is located on Tisdale Road, directly across
from the tranquil Sunset Ridge Orchard. This tavern is a cornerstone of community life, offering a warm,
welcoming space where townsfolk and travelers alike can unwind. Known for its hearty locally sourced
meals, fine handcrafted meads and ales, and lively atmosphere, Shoeslapper’s Rest is imbued with the
spirit of Frederick Shoeslapper I, the town’s founder, celebrating his legacy of exploration and
camaraderie. The tavern’s rustic charm and friendly service make it a favorite gathering spot, where
stories are often shared, friendships are forged, and the sense of belonging to the vibrant community of
Fredericktown is reinforced.

 Brona Stoutale
Brona Stoutale, the dwarf proprietor of Shoeslapper’s Rest, is celebrated for her culinary and
brewing skills. With deep mahogany hair, and a smile as welcoming as her tavern, Brona has
turned Shoeslapper’s Rest into Fredericktown’s communal heart, blending her family’s brewing
legacy with delicious fare. Her tavern is more than a business; it’s a testament to her belief in
community and her commitment to ensuring no one in Fredericktown ever feels alone. Known for
her generosity and quick wit, Brona has made Shoeslapper’s Rest a warm, inviting hub where all
are treated like family.

 Mira Quickfoot
Mira Quickfoot, a spirited halfling, is the dynamic force behind Shoeslapper’s Rest, serving as
both bartender and waitress. Known for her unending energy and hospitality, she navigates the
tavern with a smile that lights up the room, making every patron feel like a part of the community.
Her knack for remembering personal details and her central role in the tavern’s daily life make
her an invaluable source of news and camaraderie in Fredericktown. Mira embodies the essence
of Shoeslapper’s Rest, turning it into a hub of warmth and belonging for all who enter.

Temples and Shrines

The Radiant Vein Sanctuary

The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, dedicated to Lathander, the Morninglord, stands majestically atop a tall hill
in the southern part of Fredericktown, its silhouette a beacon of hope and renewal against the skyline.
This church, bathed in the first light of dawn, reflects the deity’s domains of birth, renewal, and the
spring, embodying the promise of new beginnings. Its location on the hill ensures that it is one of the first
structures to greet the morning sun, casting a warm, inviting glow over the town below. The sanctuary is
designed to capture and amplify the beauty of the sunrise, with stained glass windows that come alive
with vibrant colors at dawn, and open spaces that welcome the light into its halls. The church serves not
only as a place of worship but also as a community hub, offering guidance, support, and hope to all who
seek it. The Radiant Vein Sanctuary stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of Fredericktown, drawing
both the faithful and those simply seeking solace in its light.
 Father Aelar Sunsworn:
Father Aelar Sunsworn, the revered human priest of The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, is a beacon of
hope and renewal in Fredericktown. With sun-kissed skin and golden locks reflecting his
devotion to Lathander, the Morninglord, Aelar’s presence is as comforting as the first light of
dawn. His vibrant robes mirror the colors of the sunrise, symbolizing a new beginning and the
promise of a brighter day. Known for his gentle demeanor, unwavering optimism, and strong
conviction, Aelar inspires the community with his teachings on hope, redemption, and the power
of light to dispel darkness. He plays a pivotal role in the town, offering spiritual guidance,
supporting local initiatives, and leading ceremonies that celebrate life’s milestones. Father Aelar’s
commitment to the town’s welfare and his vision for a united and prosperous community make
him a beloved figure and a guiding light for all who seek solace and inspiration at The Radiant
Vein Sanctuary.

Steel Dragon Sanctuary

The Steel Dragon Sanctuary, atop Fredericktown’s highest hill, is a commanding tribute to Bahamut.
Larger than The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, it is strategically located in the south, with its winding path
starting near the blacksmith, symbolizing a journey toward divine wisdom. A tranquil fountain welcomes
visitors, symbolizing purity and reflection, while a path to the left reveals a shrine to Eldranthor, marked
by a majestic statue and a tale of his sacrifice. Inside, a grand statue of Bahamut dominates, suspended
from the high ceiling, embodying protection and divinity. This sanctuary is a beacon of faith and justice,
reflecting Bahamut’s and Eldranthor’s legacy within the community.

 Sariel Flameheart
Sariel Flameheart is the High Priestess of The Steel Dragon Sanctuary, a copper Dragonborn
known for her wisdom, compassion, and infectious humor. She wears robes of deep blue and
silver, symbolizing her devotion to Bahamut. Sariel is respected in Fredericktown for her
unwavering faith and dedication to justice.

 Tharivol Nightbreeze
The Vice-Priest, Tharivol, is a half-elf with an ethereal presence, silver hair, and dark, silver-
embroidered robes. He is introspective, intellectual, and a source of calm and wisdom within the
sanctuary. Tharivol is deeply involved in teaching and ensuring the legacy of Bahamut’s

Shops and Businesses

Kandice’s Provisions
Nestled in the west end of Fredericktown, this charming establishment is known for its variety and quality
of goods, catering to adventurers, locals, and travelers alike. The shop is run by Kandice, a curvy female
Wood Elf, whose keen eye for detail and knack for sourcing rare and high-quality provisions has made
her store a must-visit for those preparing for journeys or seeking unique items. Her friendly demeanor and
expert knowledge of the wares she sells, ranging from foodstuffs to adventuring gear, ensure that every
customer leaves satisfied. Kandice’s deep connection to the natural world, inherent to her Elven heritage,
is reflected in the quality of goods offered, emphasizing sustainability and effectiveness.

 Kandice:
Kandice is the spirited heart behind Kandice’s Provisions in Fredericktown’s west end, known for
her radiant smile and deep, emerald eyes that reflect her wood elf heritage. Her passion for nature
and the well-being of her community shines through in every aspect of her shop. Kandice
meticulously selects every item on her shelves, ensuring they meet her high standards for quality
and sustainability. With medium-length auburn hair often adorned with wildflowers, she
embodies the spirit of the wilderness in the heart of the town. Kandice’s warmth and extensive
knowledge make every visit to her shop a delightful experience, turning first-time customers into
regulars. Her shop is more than just a business; it’s a reflection of her love for Fredericktown and
its people, making her a cherished figure in the community.

Sunset Ridge Orchard

Sunset Ridge Orchard, a picturesque cherry orchard, is nestled on Tisdale Road in the eastern part of
Fredericktown, conveniently adjacent to The Mule and Carriage. This lush orchard is renowned for its
bountiful cherry trees, which bloom spectacularly in spring and yield rich, succulent cherries as the
season progresses. The location on a gentle slope allows for stunning views of the town’s sunsets,
painting the sky in vibrant hues that enhance the natural beauty of the orchard. Sunset Ridge Orchard not
only provides the local community with fresh, delicious cherries but also serves as a serene spot for
picnics and leisurely strolls, making it a cherished part of Fredericktown’s landscape.

 Amara Bloom
Amara Bloom is a dedicated Tiefling druid with a profound connection to nature, believing
herself to have been a tree in a past life. Her unique ability to communicate with plants guides her
stewardship of Sunset Ridge Orchard. Amara is deeply committed to protecting the orchard from
a mysterious blight, viewing it as a battle against an ancient curse. She prefers the company of
plants over people, often engaging in whispered conversations with the trees, listening to their
silent wisdom. Amara’s life, intertwined with the natural world, makes her a vital guardian of the
orchard’s legacy and a beloved figure in Fredericktown.

 Lyra Willowshade
Lyra Willowshade is an adept herbalist and healer, married to Amara Bloom, with whom she
shares a deep bond and a life dedicated to the well-being of Sunset Ridge Orchard and its
surrounding community. Her expertise in the medicinal properties of plants enables her to craft
remedies and potions from the orchard’s harvest, providing healing and relief to the inhabitants of
Fredericktown. Lyra possesses an uncanny talent for diagnosing ailments at a glance, a skill she
attributes to her intuitive connection with nature. Her work not only compliments Amara’s efforts
in protecting and nurturing the orchard but also reinforces her own commitment to discovering
new plant species and concocting innovative potions to cure previously incurable diseases. Lyra’s
presence in Fredericktown is marked by her profound impact on the health and vitality of its
community, making her an indispensable figure in the town’s fabric.
Brambleheart Vineyard
Located near the eastern entrance to Fredericktown, along the bustling Tisdale Road and in close
proximity to both The Mule and Carriage and the Town Guard, lies Brambleheart Vineyard. This hops
farm, managed by the gnome Jorjie Brambleheart – Thalia Brambleheart’s brother – and his diligent
farmhands, is renowned across Anchorome for producing top-tier hops. These hops are distinguishable by
a unique flavor profile, a testament to the region’s distinctive terroir. Jorjie, with his meticulous approach
to agriculture, ensures that each crop receives the utmost care, from planting to harvest. The vineyard has
an exclusive arrangement with Shoeslapper’s Rest, providing them with the essential hops needed for
brewing their acclaimed ales, further cementing the vineyard’s reputation in the local brewing industry.

 Jorje Brambleheart
Jorje, like his sister Thalia, possesses a keen sense of taste and an eye for quality. This might stem
from their family’s long-standing tradition in farming and a deep connection to the land. His
venture into hops farming is inspired by a desire to blend traditional agricultural practices with
the craft of brewing, influenced by Fredericktown’s evolving economy from mining to agriculture
and trade. Jorje has a meticulous attention to detail, patience, and a somewhat reserved nature,
contrasted with Thalia’s vibrant personality in the kitchen.

Greenbriar Pipeweed Farm

Located in the northwest of Fredericktown, north of Kingleigh Crafted Leathers, the Greenbriar Pipeweed
Farm specializes in a unique, locally adapted version of Maztican pipeweed, known in Maztica and the
Tisdale region as tabacco. This farm, renowned across Anchorome for its premium pipeweed, leverages
the unique climatic conditions of the Tisdale region to cultivate a product with a distinct flavor profile.
The farm’s output is primarily sold at The Puffing Pixie, a prominent smoke shop within Fredericktown,
and is distributed to various other locales in the Tisdale region. This operation not only diversifies
Fredericktown’s economy but also showcases the innovative spirit and agricultural prowess of its
residents, enhancing the town’s reputation as a center of prosperity and entrepreneurial success.

 The Greenbriars
Run by the Halfling family, the Greenbriars, who have a long-standing tradition of agriculture and
a special knack for cultivating the finest pipeweed. The head of the farm, Eldon Greenbriar, is a
well-respected figure in the community, known for his jovial nature and deep knowledge of
pipeweed varieties. The Greenbriar’s pipeweed is famed throughout the region, which is sought
after for its rich flavors and smooth smoke.

Whisperwind Cannabis Garden

Tucked away in the northwest of Fredericktown, just beyond The Miner’s Lantern Inn, lies the
Whisperwind Cannabis Garden. This pioneering enclave specializes in a rare subspecies of pipeweed,
celebrated for its dual medicinal and recreational virtues. The garden thrives under the meticulous care of
its cultivators, who harness the region’s fertile land and unique climate to nurture these distinctive strains.
Legally sanctioned within the region, the garden stands as a testament to Fredericktown’s progressive
stance on herbal remedies and recreational enjoyment. The Whisperwind Cannabis Garden not only
diversifies the town’s agricultural output but also serves as a beacon of wellness and leisure.

 Ellion Whisperwind, a visionary half-elf with a pioneering spirit, is the dedicated owner of the
Whisperwind Cannabis Garden, located in the northwest of Fredericktown. Born from the union
of an elven herbalist and a human farmer, he harmoniously blends his elven connection to nature
with human resourcefulness. Ellion’s life, deeply rooted in the cultivation of a specialized
subspecies of pipeweed known for its medicinal and recreational uses, has positioned
Whisperwind as a beacon of innovation and healing. His slender frame, keen emerald eyes, and
hands perpetually tinged with the scent of earth and cannabis embody his dedication. Known for
his easygoing demeanor and sharp intellect, Ellion advocates for the responsible utilization of
pipeweed, making Whisperwind not only a flourishing garden but also a center for learning and
community engagement in Fredericktown.

Kingleigh Crafted Leathers

Kingleigh Crafted Leathers, situated on Tisdale Road directly across from Prospectors Park and Goldrush
Plaza, stands as a testament to the artisanal excellence of Fredericktown. Specializing in high-quality
leather goods sourced exclusively from the renowned Kingleigh Acres, this shop offers a range of
products that blend functionality with finesse. From sturdy boots and belts to exquisite bags and saddles,
each item is handcrafted with care and precision, embodying the spirit of the town’s rich heritage and the
unmatched quality of Kingleigh Acres’ leather.

 Rowan Kingleigh
Rowan is the esteemed owner and master leatherworker of Kingleigh Crafted Leathers in
Fredericktown. A descendant of the founding family of Kingleigh Acres, Rowan combines
ancestral wisdom with modern sustainability practices to produce exquisite leather goods. Known
for meticulous craftsmanship and a warm, inviting demeanor, Rowan is deeply committed to the
art of leatherworking and the prosperity of their business. Their hands bear a lifetime dedicated to
their craft, and they are always seen wearing their signature leather apron, embodying the legacy
and resilience of Kingleigh Crafted Leathers. Rowan’s primary motivation is to honor the family
tradition while innovating within the craft to ensure the shop’s lasting success and relevance.

 Elsie Bramblefoot
Elsie Bramblefoot is a vibrant halfling and the eager apprentice at Kingleigh Crafted Leathers.
Her passion for leatherworking led her from her halfling community to the bustling town of
Fredericktown, where she now learns under Rowan Kingleigh. Elsie’s enthusiasm and curiosity
for the craft are infectious, making her a favorite among locals. Despite her small stature, her
hands are skilled and strong, always busy with tools and leather. Elsie wears an oversized leather
apron, a symbol of her apprenticeship and her aspirations. Driven by a dream to craft a legendary
leatherwork masterpiece, Elsie dedicates herself to mastering the trade, hoping to continue the
shop’s tradition of excellence and perhaps one day, take up the mantle herself.

Anvils Echo Forge

Anvil’s Echo Forge, positioned in the eastern part of Fredericktown near the Town Guard, is renowned for
its exceptional craftsmanship and the deep-rooted history of its blacksmith within the community. This
forge, known for producing high-quality tools, weapons, and armor, benefits from a close relationship
with the local authorities, underscoring its status as a respected and integral part of the town’s fabric. The
blacksmith’s Expertise and connection to Fredericktown’s heritage make the forge not only a center for
commerce but also a vital link to the town’s past and present.

 Durgen Steelheart
Durgen Steelheart is the esteemed owner and master blacksmith of Anvil’s Echo Forge in
Fredericktown. A figure of strength and dedication, Durgen comes from a lineage of skilled
blacksmiths and has devoted his life to honing his craft. He is characterized by his deep
commitment to quality and tradition, often working tirelessly to forge weapons and armor that are
not only functional but also works of art. Despite his serious demeanor and focus on his work,
Durgen is deeply loyal to his community, always ready to lend his skills to benefit Fredericktown.
His ambition is not only to maintain the high reputation of Anvil’s Echo Forge but also to ensure
its legacy through teaching and inspiring the next generation of blacksmiths.

 Mira Quickforge
Mira Quickforge is the energetic and ambitious apprentice at Anvil’s Echo Forge, under the
mentorship of Durgen Steelheart. With a passion for blacksmithing and an insatiable curiosity,
Mira left her home to learn from the best, quickly proving herself to be a valuable asset to the
forge. She combines her natural talent with a desire to innovate, constantly seeking new
techniques and ideas to bring into the traditional craft. Mina’s appearance – often covered in soot
and always with a spark of determination in her eyes – mirrors her fiery spirit and dedication. Her
ultimate goal is to master the art of blacksmithing and create legendary weapons and armor,
making a name for herself in the annals of crafting history.

The Mule and Carriage

The Mule and Carriage, a reliable stable and carriage service, is conveniently located near the eastern
entrance of Fredericktown, along Tisdale Road. This establishment offers travelers and locals alike a
range of services, from boarding and caring for their mounts to renting carriages for both short and long
journeys. Its strategic position ensures it’s the first stop for visitors seeking transportation within the town
or guidance on the roads ahead. The Mule and Carriage is known for its well-maintained animals and
vehicles, friendly service, and knowledgeable staff, making it an essential component of Fredericktown’s
hospitality and commerce.

 Gareth Ironhoof
Gareth Ironhoof is the owner and stablemaster of The Mule and Carriage, an essential
establishment in Fredericktown known for its excellent animal care and carriage services. With a
background in horse breeding, Gareth has built his business on a foundation of respect for
animals and quality service. He is characterized by his practical approach to work and life,
coupled with a genuine care for both his animals and customers. Gareth is often seen in his
signature leather hat and boots, symbols of his many years dedicated to stable work. His primary
motivation is to ensure the welfare of his animals and to promote the importance of animal care
within the community.

 Piper Greenfield
Piper Greenfield is a spirited and ambitious stable hand at The Mule and Carriage, where they
work under the guidance of Gareth Ironhoof. Originating from a small farm, Piper came to
Fredericktown with the dream of becoming a stablemaster. They are known for their boundless
energy, curiosity and a positive attitude that makes them a beloved figure among colleagues and
animals. Pipers’ appearance – often clad in work clothes and covered in signs of their labor –
reflects their dedication to their work. Piper is driven by a deep passion for animal care and the
aspiration to one day manage their own stable, viewing every task as an opportunity to learn and
grow closer to achieving their dream.

Other Locations

Mayor’s Office
The Mayor’s Office, strategically located near the heart of Fredericktown and just behind Kandice’s
Provisions, serves a dual purpose as both the administrative center of the town and the residence for
Mayor Shoeslapper III and his family. This proximity to the town’s center of commerce and daily life
places the mayor in a prime position to stay connected with the citizens and the pulse of the community.
The building itself is a blend of functionality and homeliness, reflecting the mayor’s role not only as a
leader but also as a resident deeply invested in the town’s welfare. Here, Mayor Shoeslapper III conducts
town business, meets with constituents, and, alongside his family, welcomes visitors and dignitaries,
embodying the spirit of hospitality and governance that defines Fredericktown.

 Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper III:

Continuing the legacy of his esteemed grandfather,
Mayor Frederick Shoeslapper III leads Fredericktown with a blend of tradition and
innovation. Raised with tales of adventure and entrepreneurship, he brings a youthful
energy and fresh perspective to the town's governance. With a keen eye for business
opportunities and a deep-seated love for his community, he strives to uphold his family's
name while guiding Fredericktown into a prosperous future.

 Secretery Jessamine Jewelcrest:

Jessamine Jewelcrest, the efficient and graceful half-elf secretary at the Mayor’s Office, is known
for her impeccable organization and warm demeanor. With hazel eyes and auburn hair, she
seamlessly blends professional efficiency with Elven elegance. Jessamine is the heartbeat of the
office, adeptly managing schedules and ensuring the mayor’s initiatives proceed without a hitch.
Her background, bridging two cultures, has endowed her with exceptional diplomacy and
patience, making her an invaluable liaison between the Mayor and Fredericktown’s residents. Her
role extends beyond administrative tasks; she’s a key figure in the town’s governance, deeply
invested in its success and harmony.

Town Guard
The Town Guard’s headquarters, strategically positioned to the east near the northeastern entrance of
Fredericktown, serves as a critical point of defense and law enforcement. The compound comprises a
barracks, an office, and a training field, ensuring that the guards are well-prepared and responsive to the
town’s needs. The barracks provide accommodation for the guards, fostering a sense of camaraderie and
readiness among the force. The office functions as the administrative heart, where strategies are devised,
and justice is administered. The training field is a testament to the guard’s commitment to maintaining
peace and order, with regular drills and exercises to keep the guards sharp and effective in their duties.
This setup not only enhances the security of Fredericktown but also symbolizes the town’s dedication to
law, order, and the safety of its inhabitants.

 Captain Valeria Ironclad:

A seasoned warrior and skilled tactician, Captain Valeria
Ironclad commands the Fredericktown town guard with discipline and efficiency.
Her unwavering dedication to duty and commitment to protecting the town have
earned her respect and admiration from her subordinates and the townsfolk alike.
With a keen eye for strategy and a strong sense of justice, she ensures
Fredericktown remains safe and secure.

Prospectors Park
Prospector’s Park, situated in the vibrant heart of Fredericktown, serves as a lush, green oasis amidst the
bustling town. Central to the park is the statue of the town’s founder, Frederick Shoeslapper I, a tribute to
his pioneering spirit and the prosperity he envisioned for Fredericktown. Located directly across the road
from the mayor’s office, the park provides a scenic and reflective space for both townsfolk and visitors.
It’s a place where the community gathers to celebrate, commemorate, and continue the legacy of
exploration and discovery that Frederick Shoeslapper I set forth. The park’s location and historical
significance make it a focal point of the town, symbolizing its rich past and hopeful future.

Goldrush Plaza
Goldrush Plaza, positioned near the vibrant center of Fredericktown and directly next to Prospector’s
Park, is a bustling day market that serves as a hub of commerce and social gathering. This lively
marketplace draws inspiration from Fredericktown’s rich history of mining and exploration, embodying
the spirit of opportunity and fortune that once drove prospectors to the region. Vendors from all over town
and beyond set up stalls offering a wide variety of goods, from fresh produce and artisanal crafts to
mining supplies and local delicacies. The plaza not only facilitates trade but also fosters community
interaction, making it a vital part of daily life in Fredericktown. Its proximity to Prospector’s Park allows
for seamless flow between the leisurely enjoyment of the park’s green spaces and the energetic commerce
of the market, creating a dynamic and engaging environment for residents and visitors alike.

Blackthorn Manor
Located just north of The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, the remnants of Blackthorn Manor stand as a somber
silhouette against the backdrop of Fredericktown’s wilderness. Once a symbol of affluence and power, the
manor now lies in near total ruin, with only portions of its walls and the foundation offering hints of its
former grandeur. Nature has reclaimed much of the estate, with vines entwining what’s left of stone
columns and walls, and wildflowers blooming amidst the rubble.
The Cellar Gateway
The manor’s most intact feature is its cellar, accessible via what was once a grand staircase now reduced
to rubble. Hidden beneath layers of decay and overgrowth, the cellar doors are cleverly camouflaged.
Those who know of its existence – marked by the symbol of a black thorn etched discreetly into one of
the remaining wall segments – can navigate the ruins to find this entrance. Inside, the cellar opens into a
labyrinth of tunnels that lead to the Understone Exchange, a bustling black market thriving in the shadows
of Fredericktown’s underbelly.

Understone Exchange
Shrouded beneath the ruins of Blackthorn Manor, Understone Exchange serves as Fredericktown’s most
elusive black market. What once was a symbol of opulence now masking a clandestine network, its
grandeur lost to time, leaving only whispers of its past amidst the overgrown and crumbling stone. The
manor’s dilapidated state belies the vibrancy of the illicit commerce thriving in the caverns below.
Through a concealed entrance within the manor’s remains, those in the know navigate ancient cellars that
descend into the market – a sprawling bazaar of the forbidden and rare, illuminated by flickering
torchlight. Here, under the cloak of darkness, traders peddle in stolen goods, magical artifacts, and secrets
worth more than just gold. The Understone Exchange is not just a marketplace but a meeting ground for
those who operate in the shadows of society, where alliances are forged in whispers, and fortunes can be
made or lost with the exchange of a hidden glance. It’s a place where the thrill of the illicit draws a
diverse clientele, from rogue adventurers seeking powerful relics to nobles donning disguises to partake
in the thrill of the forbidden.

 Maelis Shadowcloak:
A former noble turned rogue; Maelis is the enigmatic leader of the Understone Exchange. After
losing everything to political intrigue, Maelis turned to the underworld, rising to power through
cunning and a strict code of honor among thieves.

The Catacombs
After passing through the entrance, visitors descend into the catacombs beneath the manor. These
corridors, lined with torches casting eerie shadows, lead to various chambers repurposed as market stalls
and vendors.

The Iron Gate

The entrance to the Central Chamber, guarded by trusted mercenaries. Entry requires knowledge of an
existing member, ensuring only those meant to can enter.

The Central Chamber

The heart of the Understone Exchange, where buyers and sellers gather. The ceiling is supported by
ancient stone pillars, and a large, dimly lit chandelier hangs above. This area is used for auctions,
exchanges, and as a meeting point for discussing deals.
The Shadowed Forge
A covert smithy where a skilled blacksmith crafts and sells illegal and cursed weaponry and armor. The
forge operates under strict secrecy, with its products known for their exceptional quality and often
dangerous power.

 Varik Darkanvil
Varik, owner, and blacksmith of The Shadowed Forge, is a dwarf expelled from his clan for
dabbling in dark magic, combines his ancestral forging skills with forbidden sorcery to create
unique, powerful weapons.

The Silk Shadows

An area within the Exchange dedicated to the trade of illicit substances, rare poisons, and unique
alchemical components. Dealers and buyers here operate under a code of silence, with many goods being
available nowhere else.

 Seraphine the Veiled

The owner of The Silk Shadows, Seraphine is an alchemist and poisoner of unparalleled skill,
Seraphine wears veils to hide her identity. She is a master of disguises, never showing her true
face to anyone. She speaks in riddles and metaphors, making her intentions and meanings often
cryptic and layered.

The Whispering Corner

A dimly lit tavern within the Exchange, serving as a gathering spot for information brokers, thieves, and
adventurers. It’s a place where secrets are traded like currency, and alliances are formed in hushed tones.

 Jorik Whisperwind
Owner of The Whispering Corner, Jorik is a retired adventurer who lost his hearing in a battle
with a powerful sorcerer, Jorik now excels at reading lips and gathering information.

Other Notable NPCs who live in Fredericktown

 Willow Greenbottle:
A cheerful and devout follower of Lathander from Fredericktown, known for her halfling
heritage, healing abilities, and unwavering faith. With medium-length red hair, bright green eyes,
and a youthful appearance, Willow is a beacon of light and hope in the community. She resides
near The Radiant Vein Sanctuary, where she is often seen tending to her meticulously cared-for
flower garden. Willow’s presence in Fredericktown not only brings spiritual and physical healing
but also adds a layer of warmth and kindness to the town’s atmosphere, making her a beloved
figure among the residents.
Organizations in Fredericktown

Church of Lathander
Temple of Bahamut
Town Council of Fredericktown

As of the late 15th Century DR, Fredericktown was home to Farmers, Miners,
Merchants, and Ranchers.

Items from Fredericktown

Cannabis, also known as weed, was a type of pipeweed – a plant green in color with an earthy, musky
scent indigenous to the northern areas of Anchorome, specifically the Tisdale region.

Other Names

Grows in

Per 1lb (450g) 250 gp

Cigars, Pipes

The flowering bud of the plant could be smoked in pipes, similarly to pipeweed of Faerun, but was also
possible to roll them in cigars. Specially grown to exhibit psychoactive and mild hallucinatory effects, it
was largely used in the Tisdale region as a medicinal plant, becoming legalized when Frederick
Shoeslapper III became mayor.
Sealed pots of cannabis buds from Fredericktown were available to purchase across the Tisdale region.
Cannabis was sold in smoke shops and some taverns in Fredericktown, Porcupine, and Tisdale, and
offered a wide variety of strains and fruit-infused cannabis blends, including Sunset Ridge cherry,
grapewood, apricot, and apple.

None yet. Probably has magical properties, so a material component for a spell?

Notable Users
Em Darkmagic, the Half-Elf wizard of Tisdale smoked both cannabis and tabacco in a pipe.

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