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Document No.

FPP 07
FLEET PERSONNEL PROCEDURES Revision No. & Date 02, 01.06.2019
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The Accommodation Recreational Facilities, Food and Catering Procedure aims to ensure that all Company
Seafarers are accommodated, have sufficient recreation facilities and fed in accordance with fair and
equitable practices and in accordance with applicable Flag State, International and National rules and
regulations ensuring that seafarers have a signed Agreement of Employment between the Employee and the
Company in their possession and a copy thereof held on board ship by the relevant Master.

It ensures that seafarers on board Company vessels have access to good quality food and drinking water
provided under regulated hygienic conditions.
The procedure enables the implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, and ensures that every
seafarer engaged on board Company vessel complies with the requirements of the MLC code.

The Accommodation Recreational Facilities, Food and Catering’ procedure is applicable to the Company
Management and all Company vessels and seafarers employed on board the Company vessels. It is
additionally applicable specifically to the Crewing Manager, and where applicable, to the Chief Operating
Officer, relevant MSI, Master and shipboard accommodation, recreational and catering requirements
operations and to all shipboard employees.

DEFINITIONS – Definitions are incorporated in the front of the Manual

It is the responsibility of the Crewing Manager, Catering Superintendent and where applicable, the MSI and
Master to ensure that the Flag state, International, as well as National and Company’s standards in respect of
Conditions pertaining to Accommodation and Recreational facilities as well as Catering requirements for
seafarers, on board Company vessels are observed at all times.
It is the Crewing Manager’s, Catering Superintendent’s, MSI/ESI and/or Master’s responsibility, where
applicable, to ensure that the procedures as detailed below are complied with on board ship.


Food and Catering

The Chief Operating Officer shall ensure that all seafarers on board a ship shall be provided with food free of
charge during their period of engagement.

The Crewing Manager assisted by the Catering Superintendent, shall ensure that all seafarers employed as
ships’ cooks and mess boys with responsibility for food preparation must be trained, qualified and established
to be competent for their position on board ship. The training shall cover practical cookery, food and personal
hygiene, food storage, stock control, and environmental protection and catering health and safety.

5.1.1 The Catering Superintendent with respect to food and the MSIs with regard to drinking water
supplies shall ensure that all supplies thereof, having due regard to the number of seafarers
on board, their religious requirements and cultural practices as they pertain to food, and the
duration and nature of the voyage, shall be suitable in respect of quantity, nutritional value,
quality and variety.

5.1.2 The Catering Superintendent shall ensure that the equipment of the catering department shall
be such as to permit the provision to the seafarers of adequate, varied and nutritious meals
prepared and served in hygienic conditions.
Document No. FPP 07
FLEET PERSONNEL PROCEDURES Revision No. & Date 02, 01.06.2019
Page 2 of 4


5.1.3 With respect to accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering and on board all the
Company ships, and in accordance with compliance requirements, the Master assisted by the
Cook or the Catering Superintendent as the case may permit, shall ensure that as minimum,
weekly documented inspections shall be carried out. The inspections shall include:

 Quantity and quality including expiry dates of supplies of food.

 All spaces and equipment used for the storage and handling of food and drinking

 Galley and other equipment for the preparation and service of meals and drinking

 Inspection of Galley, Mess Room, Fridges, Deep Freezers for housekeeping and
hygiene standards.

5.1.4 Receiving Provisions – The Purchasing manager in conjunction with the Catering
Superintendent shall ensure reputable food suppliers are contracted. The Catering
Superintendent shall ensure control measures be taken before storing supplies to check if the
food is fit for consumption, with a suitable shelf life compatible with the vessels operational
pattern. He shall ensure that the Cold Chain of victuals delivered alongside and on board
vessels is not broken.

5.1.5 Masters shall ensure that chilled goods with a temperature above 8°C have to be refused.
Eggs refused at (5°c), minced meat refused at (2°c), and fresh fish refused at (0-2 °C).
Temperatures of food stuff are to be randomly checked at each delivery and a record thereof
kept. The temperature of frozen goods should be -18°c or less. Masters and Cooks are
advised that Ice crystals on frozen packages suggest improper storing arrangements of goods
prior to delivery.

5.1.6 Masters shall ensure that damaged packages or rusted tin goods shall not be received.

5.1.7 Masters shall ensure Food shall not be stored on decks.

5.1.8 Stock Control - Masters and Cooks shall ensure food is stored in such a way that
commodities are used in strict date rotation (First in = First out). Perishable food in particular
shall not be ordered nor accepted in quantities that cannot be consumed before the expiry
date. Frozen foods maintained in hard frozen condition may be consumed beyond the date

5.1.9 The Master shall ensure that if storing capacity of Dry, Cold Storerooms and Freezers and
Chillers is limited, stock should be reduced and stores taken more frequently.

5.1.10 Maintenance - During inspections the Master shall ensure that temperatures in freezers
should be maintained at -18˚C at least, but some tolerance levels shall be allowed to take
account of equipment. It is unlikely that short periods of -15˚C will affect the quality and safety
of frozen food.

5.1.11 The Chief Engineer shall carry out regular maintenance as per the planned maintenance
system which shall include checks on door seals, isolation of the doors, defrosting and checks
on the correct functioning of thermometers.
Document No. FPP 07
FLEET PERSONNEL PROCEDURES Revision No. & Date 02, 01.06.2019
Page 3 of 4


5.1.12 General - Cooks shall organise requirements to ensure access to Freezers and Cold Rooms
are kept to a minimum as every time entering freezer/chill rooms, the holding temperature is
adversely affected. Cooks and Mess Boys shall always close the door immediately upon exit.

5.1.13 The Master shall ensure that no food is placed on the deck, Food stores may temporally be
placed on the grids/gratings and/or pallets available. Cooks shall ensure that food is never
stored in direct line of the cooling unit fan within deep freezers as this restricts air circulation
and can lead to freezer burn.

5.1.14 Masters and Cooks shall ensure that:

 Cold Stores are kept at constant temperatures as far as possible to avoid humidity:
5˚C is recommended, although a tolerance of up to 8˚C is acceptable.
 A separate fridge should be used if possible for raw food.
 All items should be individually wrapped or covered and that if raw and cooked foods
are contained in the same cabinet, then raw food should be stored at the bottom to
avoid contaminating the cooked food.

5.1.15 Dry Stores – The Cook shall:

 Make use of a register to keep track of dry stores.
Check for the presence of pests or vermin and if any are found, to report this fact to
the Master to arrange for eradication.
 Check flour and rice for weevils or other insects.
 Remove blown or distorted tinned products.

 Ensure dry stores are kept as cool as possible. Dry stores should be cool and at a
temperature of approximately 10°C, dry, well lit and ventilated.
 Clean the dry store regularly and remove all waste or spillages immediately.
 Ensure no likelihood of bacterial contamination.
 Ensure that all galley and mess room staff maintains a high standard of personal
 Clean and disinfect galley and related equipment and utensils after each mealtime

Accommodation and Recreational Facilities

The Chief Operating Officer assisted by the Technical Manager shall pay particular attention to ensuring
implementation of the requirements of this MLC Convention relating to:

The size of rooms and other accommodation spaces.

Heating and ventilation.
Noise and vibration and other ambient factors.
Sanitary facilities.
Hospital accommodation.

5.2.1 With respect to requirements for hospital accommodation, the Chief Operating Officer shall
ensure that ships carrying 15 or more seafarers and engaged in a voyage of more than three
days’ duration shall provide separate hospital accommodation. The hospital accommodation
shall not be cluttered with stores or provisions.

5.2.2 The Technical Manager shall ensure that all the Company vessels have appropriate and
separate and furnished laundry facilities suited to the number of crew and passengers.
Laundries shall have separate washing machine/s for working clothes. Adequate drying and
ventilated facilities shall be provided.
Document No. FPP 07
FLEET PERSONNEL PROCEDURES Revision No. & Date 02, 01.06.2019
Page 4 of 4


5.2.3 The Catering Superintendent shall ensure that the following is supplied and remains in good
a) Bedding, mess utensils and miscellaneous provisions clean bedding and mess
utensils should be supplied by the Company to all seafarers for use on board during
service on the ship.
b) Bedding shall be of good quality, and plates, cups and other mess utensils shall be of
approved material which can be easily cleaned.
c) Towels, soap and toilet paper for all seafarers shall be provided by the Company.

5.2.4 The MSIs shall ensure that the Company vessels are supplied with the following facilities at
no cost to the seafarer:
a) A designated smoking room.
b) Television viewing and the reception of radio broadcasts.
c) Electronic equipment such as a radio, television, video recorders, DVD/CD player.
d) Showing of films (DVDs), the stock of which should be adequate for the duration of
the voyage and, where necessary, changed at reasonable intervals.
e) Where appropriate, sports equipment including exercise equipment, games.
f) A library containing vocational and other books, the stock of which should be
adequate for the duration of the voyage and changed at reasonable intervals.
g) Where possible, reasonable access to ship-to-shore telephone communications, and
email and Internet facilities, where available, with any charges for the use of these
services being reasonable in amount

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
OSHAS 18001:2007
ISM Code
MLC Code

SMOM-SP-10-01 Vessel Monthly Inspection
SMOM-SP-02-02 Monthly Safety Inspection Report
SMOM-SP-02-03 Vessel Weekly Inspection

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