Guide To The Five Factions

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Guide to the

Five Factions

This Dungeons & Dragons® supplement attempts to consolidate and expand on

various sources to make it easier to incorporate the core five factions into your
Guide to the Five Factions
his document is the author’s attempt This product also includes:

at integrating the various fifth edition Physical Handouts. Included in the zip file for
faction publications (including a cou- this product are three physical handouts which
ple popular third party and legacy can be given to players at a table: i) faction cards
publications), into one cohesive resource. The with a short summary on the front and a QR code
writer attempted to do so without taking away any to D&D Beyond Player Interaction Item dis-
material concepts or benefits. This entire docu- cussed below; ii) paper bird template, with folding
ment is just a suggestion and can be used in instructions, that allows the DM to print out and
whole, or in part. fold up a faction missive into an origami owl as a
Group Patrons. Patron rules from Tasha’s fun handout; and iii) welcome letters for each
Cauldron of Everything are included, providing main faction when they join a faction.
individual players the option of becoming full- Digital Handouts. These include i) a phone
blown faction agents, or for the party to use a fac- PDF of each faction which can be emailed to
tion as a Group Patron. each player for their respective faction; it is a
Faction Perks. The DM should feel free to summary of this document of the player-specific
edit perks to fit their own campaign. In-game information for each faction (in an easy-to-read
access to the rewards is also at DM discretion – phone format), and ii) a faction missive template
from just using the provided faction loot satchel, that can be filled out and emailed to players when
to needing to make contact with an actual repre- they get quests.
sentative, to requiring a short adventure to get Player Interaction Aid. At the end of the pub-
certain perks. lication is a list of D&D Beyond links for faction
insignias, in addition to other magic items. These
faction insignias are effectively a summary of the
perks for each faction, served as a magic item. A
link to the item can be sent to a player (where
they can either add it to their character’s inven-
tory if they’re a D&D Beyond subscriber, or just
save the link as a reference). This provides an
easy phone resource to refer back to as they play,
allowing the factions to stay in the player’s mind
as they progress.

By: Firbolg Factory v 7.6


Art: Certain faction art by Bradley O'Hanrahan. Cartography Stock Art © Derek Ruiz / Elven Tower
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Table of Contents
Faction Renown........................................................4 Example Representatives......................................30
Group Patrons..........................................................5 Order of the Gauntlet.............................................32
Emerald Enclave.......................................................6 Background...............................................................32
Background.................................................................6 Prominent Locations..............................................33
Prominent Locations.................................................7 Baldur’s Gate................................................................33
Ilighôn.............................................................................. 7 Dessarin Valley: Summit Hall..................................33
Goldenfields....................................................................8 Neverwinter: Helm’s Hold.........................................33
High Forest: Shadowtop Cathedral...........................8 Silverymoon: Hawk’s Nest........................................33
Waterdeep: Phaulkonmere..........................................9 Waterdeep: Halls of Justice.......................................33
Ranks.........................................................................10 Ranks.........................................................................34
Group Patron Benefits...........................................11 Group Patron Benefits...........................................35
Assignments / Faction Jobs...................................11 Assignments / Faction Jobs...................................35
Example Representatives......................................12 Example Representatives......................................36
Subfaction: Instars..................................................14 Subfaction: Order of the Gilded Eye....................38
Harpers....................................................................15 Zhentarim................................................................39
Background...............................................................15 Background...............................................................39
Prominent Locations..............................................16 Prominent Locations..............................................40
Waterdeep: Harpers’ Hold........................................16 Mantol-Derith...............................................................40
Everlund: Moongleam Tower...................................17 Darkhold........................................................................40
Silverymoon: College of Fochlucan........................19 Ranks.........................................................................42
Prison System: Pockets.............................................19 Group Patron Benefits...........................................43
Ranks.........................................................................20 Assignments / Faction Jobs...................................43
Group Patron Benefits...........................................21 Example Representatives......................................44
Assignments / Faction Jobs...................................21 Subfaction: Doom Raiders....................................46
Example Representatives......................................22 Appendixes..............................................................47
Harper Marks...........................................................24 Appendix A: Faction Agent Background............47
Lords’ Alliance........................................................25 Appendix B: Spells..................................................48
Background...............................................................25 Appendix C. Monsters............................................51
Prominent Locations..............................................26 Appendix D: Sidekicks...........................................52
Cities in the Alliance...................................................26 Appendix E: Supernatural Gifts...........................55
Prison System: Revel’s End......................................27 Appendix F: Magic Items.......................................56
Ranks.........................................................................28 Appendix G: Faction Jobs......................................59
Group Patron Benefits...........................................29 Appendix H: Other Material and Sources..........60
Assignments / Faction Jobs...................................29

Navigating this document. There are several ways to navigate this document:
 PDF Bookmarks. Standard PDF bookmarks are in place.
 Internal Cross-references. Throughout this document (including the Return to Table of Contents› link in
the footer of each page), dark red links followed by a ‘›’ symbol take you to the applicable location.
 Other External Links. All dark blue underlined links take you to external Internet references.
 Third Party Links. Homebrew items, monsters, and spells created on D&D Beyond include a hyper-
linked image. Other publications by this author include a hyperlinked image.

Table of Contents›

Faction Renown
f a character wishes to join (or already Advancing an organization's interests

has joined) a faction, this guide pro- increases a character's renown within that orga-
vides optional details for advancement nization by 1. Completing a mission specifically
and benefits. This document can also assigned by that organization, or which directly
be used as a template to building other player fac- benefits the organization, increases the charac-
tions. Faction descriptions have several sections ter's renown by 2 instead.
including: Subfaction Renown. Although several fac-
 Faction summary including member traits, tions have subfactions, renown is tracked at the
goals, beliefs, deities, and senior leadership faction level.
 Prominent locations Double Agents. With DM approval, some fac-
 Ranks and rank perks tion members may become double agents if it fits
 Group patron benefits into the campaign. Harpers and Zhentarim
 Assignments / faction jobs agents could easily have story reasons for being
 Faction representatives double agents.
 Welcome letter
Losing Renown
Joining a Faction Serious offenses committed against the organiza-
tion or its members can result in a loss of renown
Faction admission is by invitation only, although
and rank within the organization. The extent of
this can be easily addressed by the character
the loss depends on the infraction and is left to
choosing the faction agent background (Appendix
your discretion. Members of the Lords’ Alliance
A›). After creation, a player should work with the
who turn down a mission lose one renown, mem-
DM if it would like to become a member of a fac-
bers of other factions can turn down a mission
without consequence. A character's renown
Upon joining, a character gains 1 renown and
within an organization can never drop below 0.
typically receives a welcome letter and a faction
insignia. The character’s background feature also
changes to Safe Haven (the entire background
Faction Suspension
does not need to change, just the background fea- A DM can suspend faction benefits, immediately
ture). removing access to renown and items.
Level Requirements. Minimum character lev- Short-term suspension can occur if a charac-
els are noted by each rank, this is at the DM’s ter is witnessed committing a crime, found guilty
option. of committing a crime, significant disrespect of
persons of authority, and other acts that go
Rewarding Renown against the goals and beliefs of a faction.
Long-term suspension can occur for disrup-
Renown is a numerical value that increases as a
tive acts such as hostile behavior against other
character earns favor and reputation within a par-
faction members, overtly evil acts (for most fac-
ticular organization. You can tie benefits to a
tions), etc.
character's renown, including ranks and titles
within the organization and access to resources.
A player tracks renown separately for each orga-
Leaving a Faction
nization his or her character has interacted with. A character leaves a faction if its renown is
For example, an adventurer might have 5 renown reduced to 0, or by choice at any other time. If a
within one faction and 20 renown within another, character chooses to leave a faction on good
based on the character's interaction with each terms, it retains its renown; however, it stops
organization over the course of the campaign. receiving benefits.
While a character can have renown with multiple
factions, it can only be an active member of one

Table of Contents›

Group Patrons
haracters don’t necessarily need to be Group Assistance
a member of a faction to receive its
support. Instead of being an agent of a Having a Group Patron gives an adventuring
faction, a party can choose to have the group a common purpose, which inspires better
faction as its Group Patron, receiving a few bene- coordination in the form of guidance and encour-
fits as a group that are generally (although with a agement. As a result of this unity, each member
few noted exceptions) do not increase as they of the party can grant advantage to an ability
gain levels (vs faction benefits which do). In this check, an attack roll, or a saving throw of another
manor, a character could be a member of one fac- member of the party. To grant advantage in this
tion and have another faction as its Group Patron. way, a character and the chosen target must be
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything provides rules for able to see or hear each other, and neither can be
Group Patrons, which are outlined below. incapacitated. Once a party member grants this
These patrons provide a strong binding ele- advantage, that individual can't do so again until
ment: an individual or an organization that unites they finish a long rest.
a party as a team in service to a greater purpose. Perks
A Group Patron can help set the tone of your
A Group Patron offers a party a number of perks
party's entire campaign. A patron can influence
for their service. These range from standard busi-
characters' relationships, their backstories, and
ness arrangements, such as a steady wage and
the types of dangers they face.
access to staff facilities, to extraordinary boons,
As a general rule, Group Patron benefits are
such as audiences with powerful figures or excep-
also included as rank 1 benefits for faction
tions from certain laws. Specific perks are
presented in the description of each Group
Benefit of patronage vs. agency. While the
Patron. In general, the Group Patron perks are a
faction perks are significantly better for a charac-
subset of Rank 1 perks for faction agents called
ter when it is a faction agent vs. having the faction
Patron Benefits.
as a Group Patron, there are benefits to patron-
age over agency, which include: Assignments / Faction Jobs
 As noted under the rules of joining a faction, A Group Patron occasionally offers a party an
any character that joins a faction as an agent is Assignment, a mission that provides a spring-
required to have the Safe Haven background board for adventure. Of course, it's up to the party
feature. Having a faction as a Group Patron how they respond to their patron's demands, and
does not have this requirement. interesting stories can result if they decide to
 A character can gain renown through Assign- refuse an Assignment.
ments without being a faction agent, with the Assignments are largely similar to Faction
ability to leverage the renown at a later date. Jobs although Assignments would be active
adventures managed by the DM and Faction Jobs
How Patrons Work would be downtime activities managed by the
The following sections present several Group player. For rules on doing Faction Jobs as down-
Patron options. The description of each patron time activities, see Appendix G›.
provides an overview of the perks of membership, Renown. Whether a character uses the faction
and quests the patron encourages adventurers to as a Group Patron or is an actual member, com-
undertake. pletion of an Assignment or Faction Job provides
one renown for completion of the quest.

Table of Contents›

Emerald Enclave
he Emerald Enclave is a widespread Members of the Emerald Enclave know how to

group of wilderness survivalists who survive and, more important, how to help others
preserve the natural order while root- do the same. They are not opposed to civilization
ing out unnatural threats. The or progress, but they strive to keep such
organization is decentralized, hardy, and reclu- “advances” in balance with the wild. They restore
sive. Barbarians, druids, and rangers of good or and preserve the natural order, even as they root
neutral alignments are commonly drawn to the out and destroy all that is unnatural. They keep
Emerald Enclave. the elemental forces of the world in check and
prevent civilization and the wilderness from
We of the Emerald Enclave serve as gatekeepers destroying one another.
to that vast space beyond the city walls. We are
the defenders both of the wilderness and of the Member Traits
society that does not understand it. Most have for- Members of the Emerald Enclave are spread far
gotten that there is an ancient, natural order that and wide, and usually operate in isolation. They
held sway long before we formed our intellectual learn to depend on themselves more than others.
concepts of it. To come into contact with that pri- Survival in a harsh world also demands great for-
mal order is to touch the power that guides all of titude and mastery of certain fighting and survival
life. skills. Members of the Enclave who dedicate
Those who walk the way of the Emerald themselves to helping others survive the perils of
Enclave are infused with this power; we embody the wilderness are more social than others who
it, and it moves us to do our work. That is why we are charged with defending sacred glades and
are never alone. Even in the midst of a noisy, preserving the natural balance.
crowded city, we can feel the presence of the nat-
ural world inside us, fresh, strong, and alive. The Goals
enclave seeks to make awareness of this power  Restore and preserve the natural order.
available to all.  Destroy all that is unnatural.
Freedom. Is not this the highest of callings?  Keep the elemental forces of the world in
—Delaan Winterhound check.
 Keep civilization and the wilderness from
Background destroying each other.

The Emerald Enclave is a far-ranging group that Beliefs

opposes threats to the natural world and helps  The natural order must be respected and pre-
others survive in the wilderness; sometimes served.
through harsh measures. Branches of the organi-  Forces that upset the natural order must be
zation are scattered throughout Faerûn and often destroyed.
operate in isolation from the others. This exis-  Civilization and the wilderness must learn to
tence instills in the enclave’s members a fierce coexist peacefully.
self-reliance and mastery of certain fighting and
survival skills. The Elder Circle
A ranger of the enclave might be hired to lead The Emerald Enclave is lead by a group of druids,
a caravan through a treacherous mountain pass one representative from each druidic Circle. They
or across the frozen tundra of Icewind Dale. A are typically Chosen of Silvanus and are also
druid might volunteer to help a village prepare for some of the most sought-after personages in the
a long, brutal winter. Barbarians and druids who area, hunted by both those who seek their knowl-
live as hermits might appear from nowhere to edge and advice and those who seek to remove
help defend a town against marauding orcs. the Enclave.

Table of Contents›

Faction Deities
These are likely the most common deities that
would bestow a charm or blessing on an agent of
the Emerald Enclave. The DM is free to use what-
ever other deity, patron, or higher power that fits
their campaign and player. Common deities of the
faction include:
 Mielikki, goddess of forests
 Eldath, goddess of peace
 Silvanus, god of wild nature

Prominent Locations
Ilighôn Faith-Magic Zone. Many years ago, Mystra,
goddess of magic, shrouded the entire island of
An island in the Sea of Fallen Stars, Ilighôn was
Ilighôn with a faith-magic zone as a gift to Sil-
historically occupied a band of druids and was
vanus. The zone extends 1 mile from the island
one of the birth places of the Emerald Enclave.
and cancels all magics and magical items except
While the Enclave has since disbursed from an
Divine magic of the Abjuration school.
organization perspective, the island still serves as
Eldath’s Ring. This is ring of submerged rock
a gathering place for the Enclave with most mem-
surrounding the island with a couple small access
bers making the journey at least once in their
points for ships. Eldath, Goddess of the Singing
adventuring career.
Waters, serves as the protector of Ilighôn, and
The island itself is approximately 40 miles by
provides a magical shield that stops naval missile
30 miles and is heavily forested. A small moun-
tain range in the middle feeds two rivers running
Forests. The island is split into three main
north and south that lead to the sea and to ht
forests: Grandlore forest encompassing the entire
west, which leads to a lake.
west half of the island; Mielikki Garden in the
The Eyes of Silvanus. Ilighôn is one of two
northeast; and Great Forest in the southeast.
major islands that guard the entry into the heart
Sapra. An old city with a population of approx-
of Vilhon Reach. Along with the island Wavecrest,
imately 2,000 people, Sapra has become
Ilighôn is extremely difficult to navigate around
somewhat of a refuge for those seeking to be free
due to huge hunks of jagged rocks under the sur-
of wizardly influences.
face, frequent heavy fog, and an unusual amount
Druidhome. A humble collection of groves,
of creatures from the Elemental Plane of Water
Druidhome serves as somewhat of a retirement
found in the area (often called the ‘Seven Sen-
community for old druids, priests, and rangers
tinels’ although the number and type of creatures
serving their final years.
seems to very from witness to witness). Only the
Portals. Scattered throughout the island of
most well defended and piloted smaller ships
permanent portals to various locations. Their
attempt navigation through the waters.
magic is one of the few exceptions to the faith-
magic zone. The two-way portal destinations are
noted in the map on the following pages.
House of Silvanus. Located at a plateau high
on the island, the stronghold of the druids sits in
harmony with nature. The House of Silvanus is
an open structure composed of wood and granite
surrounded by water and is guarded by a water
Achentree. Archentree is not a city as much as
a gathering place for treants.

Table of Contents›

See the Group Patron Benefits section for a description of the Secret Trails

Goldenfields out at several points, spaced at least a mile apart,

with stone pagodas and barracks at those loca-
Goldenfields is a walled farming complex dedi- tions. These watch posts have unobstructed views
cated to Chauntea, the goddess of agriculture. It of the surrounding countryside.
also serves as a key base for the Emerald
Enclave. Its harvests are crucial to cities through- High Forest: Shadowtop
out the North, Waterdeep in particular. Cathedral
Run by Abbot Ellardin Darovik, Goldenfields is
one of the greatest Enclave strongholds in the In the northwestern High Forest stands Shadow-
region. Members of that faction are as welcome top Cathedral, a stand of towering shadowtop
here as clergy of Chauntea; many of them stay for trees that is an important meeting-place for the
months at a time to help with the work and the Emerald Enclave. Foes of the enclave have to
vigilant defense of the farm against insects and fight to reach it, but members can readily find aid,
blights, as well as would-be vandals and plunder- healing, and advice in the grove.
ers. A closely packed stand of towering shadowtop
Hired guards and adventurers patrol the walls trees lies in the High Forest. The dark canopies
and the land immediately around them. Inside the of the trees form a high roof that permits only
farm, young treants allied with the Emerald hints of sunlight to touch the ground beneath.
Enclave hide within stands of trees, ready to ani- Shadowtop Cathedral is an important meeting
mate trees to repel invaders. place for the Emerald Enclave. The forest within
More than five thousand people live and work 50 miles of the site is seeded with awakened
in Goldenfields year round, farming more than trees and awakened shrubs that are loyal to the
twenty square miles of tillage in gangs of hard- enclave. These plants hide the trails that lead to
working gardeners. Shadowtop Cathedral. If the awakened plants
The sprawling temple-farm is built on higher spot a creature openly wearing or carrying the
ground than the surrounding fields, and it's symbol of the Emerald Enclave, the plants move
enclosed on all sides by a wall of mortared stone. aside to reveal hidden trails. Other creatures
The outer wall is 60 feet high (20 feet high inside searching the forest for trails have disadvantage
the compound) and 30 feet wide. The wall is built

Table of Contents›

on ability checks made to find them and to avoid Martial Ranged Weapon: Net, shadowwood
becoming lost. Cost: 3 gp Weight: 6 lbs
The primary caretaker of Shadowtop Cathe- Properties: Special, Thrown (5/15)
dral is a xenophobic, moss-covered treant named Proficiency with a net allows you to add your pro-
Turlang. He visits the site only occasionally. ficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you
When he's not at the cathedral, Turlang wanders make with it.
the forest, frightening off interlopers. He has the A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is
statistics of a treant, with 200 hit points and is a Restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on
9th-level druid spellcaster. creatures that are formless, or creatures that are
Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to
Shadowtop Trees make a DC 12 Strength check, freeing itself or
Shadowtops are lovingly referred to as the soar- another creature within its reach on a success. Deal-
ing giants of Faerûn's forests, as they are able to ing 10 slashing damage to the net (AC 12) also frees
reach up to 90 feet in height, and 20 feet in diam- the creature without harming it, ending the effect
eter. Their name refers to the fact that its canopy and destroying the net. The net is resistant to non-
of dense, featherlike foliage leaves the forest floor magical fire damage.
below it showered in perpetual shadow. This is When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction
amplified by the fact that its leaves all cluster to to attack with a net, you can make only one attack
the trunk's top, and have a coppery underside. regardless of the number of attacks you can nor-
These trees are extremely common. They are mally make.
found in almost every humid area across the con-
tinent of Faerûn. The wood of the shadowtop tree Waterdeep: Phaulkonmere
– called shadowwood – is quite tough and fibrous. Despite being located in one of the most densely
Shadowwood fibers are used in small quantities populated areas in Faerûn, Phaulkonmere is a
in ropemaking to increase the strength and dura- key location for the Enclave. Home of Jeryth
bility of the coils. The wood burns slowly and with Phaulkon, Chosen of Mielikki, it serves as key
little smoke, making it perfect for cooking. Chefs political access point for a significant portion of
love the almost tangy aftertaste it adds to meat. those who control Faerûn. It is a noble villa in the
Though strong, its fibers can be easily split, Southern Ward and is a safehouse for all Enclave
making the wood unsuitable for large construc- agents.
tions. However, arcanists prize the wood as an All around the top of the manor wall are
affordable but potent material from which to craft golden metal barbed spikes which help protect
wands and staves. It is said that when shadow- the gardens. While the gates and spikes deter
wood is used to house druidic spells, the spells trespassers, the manor house has magical protec-
become slightly more potent. tions provided by the Watchful Order of Magists
& Protectors.
Adventuring Gear: Rope, shadowwood (50 feet)
Cost: 3 gp Weight: 12 lbs
This rope has been strengthened with shadow-
wood fibers. It has 4 hit points, can be burst with a
DC 18 Strength check, and has resistance to non-
magical fire damage.

Table of Contents›

Ranks This search takes two tenday. The character does
not need to be present during the search.
Supernatural Gifts›. Once, the faction can call upon
Rank items are typically obtained when interact-
a deity to bestow a charm of animal conjuring (or
ing with a faction representative, and obtained other charm at the DM’s discretion) upon the
only once. Magic items are further detailed in agent.
Appendix F›.
Rank 4, Winterstalker
Rank 1, Springwarden Requirement: 25 renown and 7th level
Requirement: 1 renown
Characters are trusted voices within the faction’s
This is the rank a character receives when first leadership. They are looked upon as champions
joining and pledging service to a faction. Perks of the faction’s beliefs, and as mentors by those of
include: lower rank. Perks include:
Faction Agent Background›. Safe Haven. Consumables. Either two potions of supreme heal-
Patron Benefits. Assignments, Druidic Service, ing or two spell scrolls of 4th level or lower.
Proficiencies, and Secret Trails (see next page). Magic Items›. The agent’s leaf clasp is magically
Consumables. Two potions of healing. upgraded and now also serves as a key to activate
Magic Items›. A faction insignia (Emerald Enclave Emerald Enclave portals throughout Faerûn.
leaf clasp). Sidekicks›. One 6th-level sidekick that can adven-
Downtime Activity. Faction Jobs (see next page). ture, go on Assignments, or perform other tasks
Rank 2, Summerstrider such as maintain a house or small inn.
Requirement: 3 renown and 3rd level
The two-way portals listed in the Rank 4 description
Characters have shown that they’re aligned with include The High Forest, Cormanthor, The Weal-
the faction’s goals, and are able to take on more dath, and The Forests of the Great Dale; which all
responsibility. Perks include: connect to Ilighôn.
Consumables. Either two potions of greater healing
or 20 pieces of silvered ammunition. Rank 5, Master of the Wild
Magic Items›. Either a +1 weapon, +1 rod of the
Requirement: 50 renown and 11th level
pact keeper, or +1 wand of the war mage.
Downtime activity. Once, the agent may request Characters are ensconced within the leadership
training in a language or tool by a faction-spon- of the faction and have a great degree of influ-
sored instructor without cost or risk of ence, guiding faction decisions. Perks include:
complication. Receiving training typically takes at Spellcasting Services›. Once, at the agent’s
least ten workweeks, but this time is reduced by a requested location, the faction will sponsor a
number of workweeks equal to twice the charac- spellcaster to cast one of the following spells
ter's Intelligence modifier (an Intelligence penalty repeatedly for one year to make the spell perma-
doesn't increase the time needed), with a mini- nent: druid grove, galder’s tower, teleportation
mum of two workweeks. circle, private sanctum, temple of the gods, mighty
Rank 3, Autumnreaver fortress, or guards and wards. The character does
not need to be present for the repeated casting of
Requirement: 10 renown and 5th level
this spell.
Characters are reliable faction members, Supernatural Gifts›. Once, the faction can call upon
entrusted with many secrets and deserving of a deity to bestow a blessing of the Zephyr (or
additional support. Perks include: other blessing at the DM’s discretion) upon the
Consumables. Either two potions of superior heal-
ing or 20 pieces of adamantine ammunition.
Magic Items›. The agent’s leaf clasp is magically
upgraded and given the properties of a ring of ani-
mal influence.
Item Exchange. Once, the agent may request the
faction acquire a specific known magical weapon
of common or uncommon rarity, which the char-
acter will need to trade one of its existing non-
faction magic items of equal or greater rarity for.

Table of Contents›

Group Patron Benefits Assignments / Faction Jobs
Having the Emerald Enclave as a Group Patron The following quests are available as Assign-
provides the following benefits to the entire party. ments for those with the faction as a Group
Assignments. Your group may be assigned Patron (which should be actively ran by a DM in a
quests to further the factions goals. See next sec- group setting), or as individual downtime Faction
tion for available faction Assignments. Jobs for those who are agents themselves. Quests
Druidic Service. The Emerald Enclave can beyond this list can be easily available at DM dis-
send a druid to assist your group when needed. cretion. See Appendix G› for rules on completing
You must be in the wilderness and it takes 24 Faction Jobs.
hours before a druid arrives. The druid is able to
cast any spell of up to 3rd level. These spells are
Random Quests from the Emerald Enclave
cast without cost, however any material compo- d6 Quest
nents must be paid for. 1 Logging Camp. Raid a hobgoblin logging camp
Proficiencies. You gain proficiency in the Sur-
2 Spider Nest. Clear out a den of sword spiders and
vival skill, if you do not already have it. giant spiders that have infested a forest
Secret Trails. The Emerald Enclave knows of
3 Inferno. Help to put out a forest fire by destroying
secret magic one-way trails that lead to wondrous the efreet who is keeping it going
natural locations within Faerûn. Some trails lead
to beautiful wild lands in the outer planes or on 4 Snake Men. Destroy the nest of yuan-ti that is
poisoning the headwater of a major river
other worlds. These trails can be found in any of
Faerûn’s forests after searching for 1d4 hours. 5 Shadow Druid. Capture the shadow druid who is
terrorizing a town with his charmed animals
After walking the trail for 8 hours you will arrive
at your destination. However, there is a 1 in 4 6 Alkilith. Close a portal to the abyss that is corrupt-
chance that you will run across one of the dan- ing a beautiful mountain valley
gers of the trail. There is no cost to learning these
trails, but your contact must feel that you are
ready before they will teach you how to access it.

Emerald Enclave Secret Trails

Trail The Trail Leads to*... Required Level Dangers of the Trail
Folk path Llyrath Forest in the Moonshae islands (4) 1st Blights
Mythal paths Myth Rhynn in the forest of Tethyr (3) or 1st Quicklings
Myth Drannor in the forest of Cormanthor
The unicorn run The Star Mounts or the Grandfather Tree in 3rd Displacer beasts
the High Forest (1)
Forest pool to the Feywild The fens bordering the Summer Court 5th Ettercaps and
giant spiders
Tree roots to Ysgard The Gates of the Moon—home to the 7th Lone green hag or a coven
goddesses Selune and Sune
Forest paths to the Beastlands The Grove of the Unicorns—the realm of the 7th Fomorian giants
goddess Mielikki
Mushroom ring to Bytopia Whispertree—the ancient oak tree that is 7th Lone night hag or a coven
home to the god Baervan Wildwanderer

*The trails listed in this column are marked with a black square on the following page. In several locations,
trails lead to the same general location as portals noted in the rank perks sections. The portals are marked
with a green circle and the combined locations are marked by a green circle within a black square.

Table of Contents›

Example Representatives

Table of Contents›

Emerald Enclave
Welcome to the Emerald Enclave. We need you. Nature is our mother. Our mother is great and

powerful. She is beautiful beyond belief. She needs you. Civilization is our father. Our father is

industrious and inspired. His might knows no limits. And yet he needs you too.

Nature. Civilization. One is the fundamental roof of the tree of life, and one is the highest,

most beautiful branch. Both need room to grow, and neither wishes the other ill. Yet, despite

being two parts of the same wondrous tree, nature and civilization so often crowd, starve, and

strangle one another. This cannot be allowed.

When nature grows too far and too fast, overwhelming the lives that spring from it, the

Emerald Enclave is there to slash and trim. When civilization grows so broad and heavy as to

crack the very trunk that supports it, we must step in and carefully thin the foliage until equilib-

rium is restored.

Our tree of life faces external threats as well. Monstrous parasites from beyond the grave and

twisted abominations from beyond our world – these have no place in our garden, and must be


Our is the garden of life and death, and we tend its mightiest tree. Sometimes that means

protecting life, and sometimes that means dealing death. We have chosen you because we believe

you to be capable of both, and wise enough to know when to nurture and when to shear. Pre-

cious few have both the skill and the wisdom to make that distinction, but those who do are


Welcome to our garden. Tend it well.

Table of Contents›

Subfaction: Instars
We are Instars. We are the torch that lights the Additional Goal
way for the survival of nature’s dearest. We are
the defenders of the wilderness and are tasked  To protect the natural world by conserving the
with educating a society that does not understand rarest of creatures, plants, and their habitats.
it. Most have forgotten that there is an ancient,
natural order that held sway long before we Rank Perks
formed our intellectual concepts of it. To come
into contact with that primal order is to touch the The ranks are largely consistent with those of the
power that guides all of life. Emerald Enclave, with the following differences.
Those who walk the way of the Instars are
infused with this power; we embody it, and it
Rank 1
moves us to do our work. That is why we are The faction insignia is replaced with an Emerald
never alone. Even in the midst of a noisy, crowded Enclave butterfly clasp.
city, we can feel the presence of the natural world
inside us, fresh, strong, and alive.
Rank 3
Preserving that which came before us to survive The Supernatural Gifts perk is replaced with the
long after we are gone. Is not this the highest of Kaleidoscope ability.
callings? Kaleidoscope. You learn to cast flock of famil-
iars as a 2nd level spell, which summons either
—Kaleem three butterflies (if the environment is bright
light) or three moths (if the environment is dim
Instars are a subfaction within the Emerald light or dark). This can be cast once per short
Enclave and are typically tasked with a specific rest.
goal, whether preserving the last stand of rare
trees, defending a breeding ground against Rank 5
encroachers, or assisting with the propagation of The Supernatural Gifts perk is replaced with the
exotic wildlife. Butterfly Effect ability.
The Emerald Enclave organization is decentral- Butterfly Effect. An insignificant act per-
ized, hardy, and reclusive; with the Instars being formed by you at the end of a long rest magically
even more-so. Most are tasked with a specific alters the outcome of an event around you at
assignment; although a rare few are set out upon some point in the future. As a reaction, after you
the world to find rare rare animals or plants to or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you
assist with a propagation program. Barbarians, makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving
clerics, druids, monks, rangers, and sorcerers of throw, you can force the creature to reroll. You
good or neutral alignments are commonly drawn make this decision after you see whether the roll
to the Instars. succeeds or fails. The target must use the result
of the second roll. You can use this ability twice,
and you regain any expended uses when you fin-
ish a long rest.

Table of Contents›

he Harpers is a scattered network of ous guises and identities to gain access to care-

spellcasters and spies who advocate fully guarded secrets such as ancestral maps,
equality and covertly oppose the abuse buried cities, and mages’ keeps.
of power. The organization is benevo- The bond between Harpers is strong, and their
lent, knowledgeable, and secretive. Bards and friendships are nigh unbreakable. Rarely do they
wizards of good alignments are commonly drawn operate in the open, but on rare occasions they
to the Harpers. must, be cause there is no other choice. When
that happens, you can be sure that a fellow
A Harper is first and foremost self-reliant, for Harper is watching closely, ready to emerge from
once you are autonomous then no one can tempt the shadows and help a comrade at a moment’s
you into using power as a crutch. You are sover- notice.
eign unto yourself.
Therefore, a Harper’s soul must be incorrupt- Member Traits
ible. Many believe themselves to be so, but power Harper agents are trained to act alone and rely on
comes in many guises, and it will surely find your their own resources. When they get into scrapes,
weakness. Of this you may be certain. Only a true they don’t count on their fellow Harpers to rescue
Harper can pass this test and transform weak- them. Nevertheless, Harpers are dedicated to
ness into strength. That is why we are the hand helping one another in times of need, and friend-
that stops the tyrant, feeds the oppressed, and ships between Harpers are nigh unbreakable.
asks for nothing in return. Masterful spies and infiltrators, they use various
We are the song for those who have no voice. guises and secret identities to form relationships,
— Remallia “Remi” Haventree cultivate their information networks, and manipu-
late others into doing what needs to be done.
Background Although most Harpers prefer to operate in the
shadows, there are exceptions.
This clandestine network of spellcasters and
spies seeks to tip the scales in favor of the inno-
cent, the weak, and the poor within the Realms.
Harper agents pride themselves on being incor-  Gather information throughout Faerûn.
ruptible defenders of good, and they never  Promote fairness and equality by covert means.
hesitate to aid the oppressed. Because they prefer  Thwart tyrants and leaders, governments, and
to work behind the scenes, they are rarely noticed organizations that grow too powerful.
as they thwart tyrants, depose rulers, and head off  Aid the weak, poor and oppressed.
any growing force that is rumored to have evil
intent. The Harpers has its finger on the pulse of Beliefs
power in the Realms and works tirelessly to even  One can never have too much information or
the odds for the downtrodden. arcane knowledge.
Individual Harper agents operate alone, rely-  Too much power leads to corruption. The
ing on their wits and extensive information abuse of magic, in particular, must be closely
networks to gain an advantage over their ene- monitored.
mies. They know that knowledge is power, so  No one should be powerless.
gathering intelligence beforehand is paramount
to their success. They are well-informed and Council of High Harpers
always have access to aid, magical and otherwise. At the peak of the organization is the council
Veteran members have access to secret caches of known as the High Harpers, several of which are
knowledge stashed all over Faerûn, along with Chosen of Mystra. Each has earned his or her
trusted sources stationed in every major town and place through long and notable years of loyal ser-
city. vice to the Harpers’ cause. The High Harpers
The organization is always on the lookout for direct the larger organization, keeping an eye on
powerful items, expressly to keep them out of the how small efforts and evils affect the bigger pic-
hands of evildoers. To this end its agents use vari-

Table of Contents›

ture. Not all High Harpers are on the Council and state such and the light will respond accordingly.
should generally not be an option for characters. The bedchambers normally are unlit; with a sim-
The Harpers are loosely organized into ple verbal request, they can be faintly lit with
regional ‘cells’. Each cell is led by an agent of at faerie fire.
least Rank 3 and each cell leader reports directly
to a High Harper. Entry Room
The entry room is a small 10-foot square room
Faction Deities devoid of any decoration. The entry has one door
These are likely the most common deities that on each of its walls, and the doors are all magi-
would bestow a charm or blessing on a Harper. cally enspelled to act as wizard locked to anyone
The DM is free to use whatever other deity, unless they are attuned to a Harper pin. The
patron, or higher power that fits their campaign doors themselves are nondescript, and do not
and player. even have doorknobs; they open with a simple
 Oghma, god of knowledge push, again provided that person is attuned to
 Mystra, goddess of magic Harper pin, otherwise they are as unyielding as
the stone walls around them. Established telepor-
Prominent Locations tation circles bring people to this room from the
following locations:
While the Harpers have some type of presence in  Ardeep Forest. A hollow tree at the center of a
almost every city in Faerûn, they have a particu- faerie glen
larly strong presence in Waterdeep, Everlund,  Berdusk. Twilight Hall
and Silverymoon.  Shadowvale. Elminster’s Tower
 Sea of Fallen Stares. A small cavern on an
Waterdeep: Harpers’ Hold island
Harpers’ Hold is considered to be by far the most  Undermountain, level 3. An isolated cavern
secure, useful, and secretive safehouse in the along the underground river in the northeast-
Harper network. Harpers’ Hold is almost totally ern quadrant
inaccessible unless one is with a Harper; this  Waterdeep. Five teleports from secret rooms
refuge is hidden high in Mount Waterdeep. While within Harper-owned safehouses: i) a bakery on
extremely dangerous, the Hold can be reached the Street of Lances and Seawind Alley (Sea
without the use of magic by finding a small cavern Ward); ii) one of the rowhouses facing Delzorin
entrance on the western face of Mount Water- Street and backing onto Trollskull Alley (North
deep about 30-foot above the ocean. Deadly traps Ward); iii) a silversmith’s shop and home on
and wards guard this passageway. Some of the Lamp Street and Elsambul’s Lane (Castle
traps include areas of reverse gravity, undead rop- Ward); iv) a mortuary on Ironpost Street and
ers, pressure sensitive and light-sensitive murder Wall Way (Trades Ward), v) and The Medusa’s
gantlets (walls firing arrows, darts, and spears), Glare, a sculptor’s shop on the southern end of
and a number of dangerous pit traps (the worst of Slop Street near the Jade Dancer (South Ward)
which is a seemingly endless, steep slide that
ends in the fourth level of Undermountain). Exit Chamber
The Hold itself is shielded from all scrying and The western door of the entry room leads to an
divination magics, making it an ideal place for exiting teleport chamber containing magical
agents to ‘disappear for awhile’. Except for the mechanisms to send someone to any of the fol-
established portals described later, all teleporta- lowing locations:
tion magics are nullified as well. Like all Harper
refuges, any healing spells cast operate at maxi-  Everlund. Moongleam Tower
mum efficiency, natural healing occurs at double  High Forest. A little-traveled path along the
the normal rate, and any mental compulsions or southern edge along the Unicorn Run
charms are rendered inoperative by the Hold.  Llorbauth. A Harpers’ safehouse in Llorbauth
Harpers’ Hold consists of a series of approxi- along the Deepwash
mately 15 rooms within the slopes of Mount  Suzail. A rowhouse in the heart of Suzail
Waterdeep. Each of the rooms, with the excep-  Tantras. The Watchful Wheels, Wagons &
tions of the bedchambers, are lit with continual Gear shop in Tantras (owned and operated by
light spells; if the person in the room wishes to Harpers)
brighten or dim the light, they simply need to

Table of Contents›

 Waterdeep. A warehouse on Coin Alley (Dock Room of the Chosen
Ward); a caravan outfitter’s shop on Fillet Lane
near Slop Street (Southern Ward); and a harp- Although Mystra’s Chosen interact significantly
maker’s shop on the eastern side of Golden less with the Harpers than in years past, there is
Serpent Street (Millomyr Harps, North Ward) one secret room above the Hold, reachable only
by Chosen. A secret door in the ceiling of the cen-
Meeting Room tral entry room allows the Chosen to pass
through it as if immaterial into a furnished cavern
Through the northern door of the entry room is above. Certain Chosen have contingencies that
the central meeting room totally removed from automatically teleport them here when severely
prying eyes. The room is furnished with faction wounded or “killed”. If anyone arrives in this
banners and a large round table encircled with room, all the other Chosen are immediately noti-
chairs. The room is also used as an information fied.
storehouse; two entire walls are covered with
shelves full of scrolls, parchments, and maps. Everlund: Moongleam Tower
Book of Tarchamus. This book is an undeni- The most prominent building in Everlund is
ably wicket, yet powerful magic artifact—a tome Moongleam Tower, a keep of black stone that
imbued with the consciousness and memory of serves as a Harper stronghold in the North. It
an ancient Netherese arcanist. It has the ability to rises from one of the higher knolls in the city and
absorb knowledge from all who touch it, produc- consists of four narrow, cylindrical towers joined
ing scrolls and smaller books containing said together, surrounded by a dry moat that can be
information almost instantaneously on a nearby quickly flooded through a system of cisterns and
shelf. The book is kept hidden in a magically pumps. Crowning the roof is an open turret,
secured pocket dimension within a book shelf. where a signaling mirror shaped like a crescent
Central Room and Suites moon stands.
At any time, from five to fifteen Harpers are in
The eastern door of the entry room leads to a cen- residence, attended by a loyal staff and a private
tral room with doors on all facing walls; three garrison of twenty veterans. Moon lord Daviana
doors lead to individual suites, each with a sitting Yalrannis (CG female Tethyrian human knight) is
rooms and an adjoining bedchamber. Each suite the master of the tower, charged with its defense
comes complete with a fireplace (smoke is magi- and upkeep. A powerful Harper wizard named
cally dissipated at the top of their shallow Krowen Valharrow (CG male Turami human
chimneys), desks writing implements, comfort- archmage) also resides in the tower, along with
able chairs, etc. These three suites are used at dozens of domesticated tressym and a handful of
various times to hide important personages, allow apprentice mages.
some badly wounded Harpers a chance to heal, or
simply provide a quiet place for study for some
away from the rigors of the road.
Kitchen and Dining Room
The southern door of the entry room leads to a
large kitchen. There is a large, magically-replen-
ishing pantry as well as a small anteroom with
permanent cold magics cast upon it, allowing
frozen storage for food. A small wine rack is
always fully stocked. Nearly every herb, spice, or
cooking garnish that exists in the Realms can be
found in the Hold’s kitchen. Off the southern wall
of the kitchen is a dining room.

Table of Contents›

Circle Network Yartar Circle. The Harpers purchased a villa in the
heart of Yartar that was about to be torn down.
The Harpers have a series of permanent telepor- Behind the dilapidated building is a 40-foot-
tation circles throughout Faerûn that are all square garden patio enclosed by an 8-foot-high
linked, allowing easy and undetected travel wall of ivy-covered stone. A hallucinatory terrain
between any of the linked locations. Cities with spell conceals not only the teleportation circle
Harper teleportation circles are noted on the map inscribed in the middle of the patio but also the
with a purple circle. broken benches, weed-infested flowerbeds, and
Everlund Circle. Near the top of Moongleam Tower shattered statuary that surround the circle. While
is a circular, windowless room that contains the the hallucinatory terrain spell is in effect, the gar-
teleportation circle. A Harper spellcaster stands den looks as it did in its heyday, with statues of
ready at each site to cast the teleportation circle frolicking dryads and satyrs situated among the
spell should the party require it. flowers and stone benches. The attendant mage
Loudwater Circle. The teleportation circle in Loud- dwells in the villa and renews the hallucinatory
water is located in a 30-foot-square cellar under a terrain spell every day at highsun.
tavern called the Smiling Satyr. The stairs leads
up to a secret door that opens inside a large
wooden trunk bolted to the floor above. Charac-
ters who climb out of the trunk find themselves in
a curtained cloakroom near the taproom.
Mirabar Circle. The Mirabarran authorities would
be angry to learn that the Harpers have compro-
mised the city's security by constructing a
permanent teleportation circle within Mirabar's
walls. The circle is inscribed in a stable house loft
and can be quickly hidden under hay.
Neverwinter Circle. The circle in Neverwinter is
drawn on the floor of an attic, in a creaky old
three-story rowhouse that the Harpers use as a
meeting place. Stairs lead from the attic down to a
study and living area.
Waterdeep Circle. The Waterdeep circle is located
inside a raised crypt in Waterdeep's walled ceme-
tery, the City of the Dead. The crypt has two
levels, and the name MYRNA is inscribed above
its entrance (which is sealed with an arcane lock
spell). The topmost level is the crypt itself, which
contains a stone sarcophagus watched over by a
shield guardian that is trained to lift the lid when-
ever someone speaks the name Myrna aloud. The
sarcophagus contains a stone staircase leading
down to a magically lit room. The circle is on the
floor of this chamber, which also includes a small
study alcove and a cot for its attending mage.

Table of Contents›

Silverymoon: College of Reserved for select few individuals that have
committed heinous crimes (but for whatever rea-
Fochlucan son haven’t been sentenced to death), those that
Silverymoon has long been known as a safe can’t seem to stay contained in less secure pris-
haven for Harpers in the North, because the city ons, and perhaps those seeking an impenetrable
doesn't see the aims of the Alliance as conflicting safe house; Pockets represent a location with
with Those Who Harp. Where other cities' rulers only one controlled entry and exit.
might see the presence of the Harpers as a threat Access. The only exception to the magic and
to their authority, Silverymoon desires an end to psionics dampening fields of the Pockets is
tyranny as fervently as the Harpers do, and thus access – typically there’s one teleportation device
the greater good is served. per Pocket, which requires attunement by a
Harper. The device allows the wielder, and up to
College of Fochlucan two additional persons, in and of the pocket.
The original College of Fochlucan once stood on Layout. Pockets range from small stark rooms
the northeastern edge of Silverymoon. Many to well furnished suites with a small library, musi-
years after it closed its doors, the site was cal instruments, and even parchments and inks.
reopened as Ultrumm's Music Conservatory. The Any windows reveal a stark endless void with no
conservatory later moved to Southbank, and the way in or out except through the attuned telepor-
House of the Harp occupied the college's original tation device.
location under the guidance of Master Bard Fore!!
"Flamebeard" Luekuan, who sought to revive the Escape. The only person known to have escaped a
ancient traditions and teachings of Fochlucan. Harper Pocket was an elf named Kymil, whose rage
Years of cultivation and support from Silvery- and despair were heard by Ghaundar, an ancient
moon, as well as the Harpers, yielded a faculty deity rumored to have emerged from the primordial
able to revive the college, and the House of the ooze itself, often worshiped by abominations, oozes,
Harp adopted the Fochlucan name once again. and outcasts. Ghaunder teamed up with Lloth (god-
Most of its bards study and practice the methods dess of cold cruelty) who freed Kymil; however, the
of the College of Lore, as described in the Bard cost of that freedom was steep indeed.
College class feature in the Player's Handbook. For another example of a Harper pocket, see the
The College of Fochlucan is naturally allied 5e Candlekeep Mysteries adventure “The Curious
with the Harpers, although its master bards are Tale of Wisteria Vale”
careful to stress that its mission is separate from
that of the Harpers.

Prison System: Pockets

The Lords’ Alliance is known for its high security
prison (discussed later in this publication). What’s
lesser known is the Harpers’ establishment of a
maximum security prison system, called ‘Pock-
ets’. Each cell is a small pocket domain in and
unto itself. No scrying, divination, or other loca-
tion magics or psionics can penetrate a Pocket.

Table of Contents›

Ranks Rank 3, Brightcandle
Requirement: 10 renown and 5th level
Rank items are typically obtained when interact-
Characters are reliable faction members,
ing with a faction representative, and obtained
entrusted with many secrets and deserving of
only once. Magic items are further detailed in
additional support. Perks include:
Appendix F›.
Consumables. Either two potions of superior heal-
Rank 1, Watcher ing or 20 pieces of adamantine ammunition.
Requirement: 1 renown Magic Items›. i) the agent’s pin is magically
upgraded and given additional properties, includ-
This is the rank a character receives when first
ing those of a ring of mind shielding; and ii) one
joining and pledging service to a faction. Perks additional Harper token.
include: Item Exchange. Once, the agent may request the
Faction Agent Background›. Safe Haven. faction acquire a specific known magical weapon
Patron Benefits. Assignments, Safe House, and of common or uncommon rarity, which the char-
Fences (see next page). acter will need to trade one of its existing non-
Consumables. Two potions of healing. faction magic items of equal or greater rarity for.
Magic Items›. A faction insignia (Harper pin). This search takes two tenday. The character does
Downtime Activity. Faction Jobs (see next page). not need to be present during the search.
Supernatural Gifts›. Once, the faction can call upon
Rank 2, Harpshadow a deity to bestow a charm of clairvoyance (or
Requirement: 3 renown and 3rd level other charm at the DM’s discretion) upon the
Characters have shown that they’re aligned with agent.
the faction’s goals, and are able to take on more Rank 4, Wise Owl
responsibility. Perks include:
Requirement: 25 renown and 7th level
Consumables. Either two potions of greater healing
Characters are trusted voices within the faction’s
or 20 pieces of silvered ammunition.
leadership. They are looked upon as champions
Magic Items›. i) either a +1 weapon, +1 rod of the
pact keeper, or +1 wand of the war mage; and ii) a of the faction’s beliefs, and as mentors by those of
Harper token. lower rank. Perks include:
Downtime Activity. Once, the agent may request Consumables. Either two potions of supreme heal-
training in a language, tool, musical instrument, ing or two spell scrolls of 4th level or lower.
or single weapon by a faction-sponsored instruc- Magic Items›. An additional Harper token.
tor without cost or risk of complication. Receiving Sidekicks›. One 6th-level sidekick that can adven-
training typically takes at least ten workweeks, ture, go on Assignments, or perform other tasks
but this time is reduced by a number of work- such as maintain a house or small inn.
weeks equal to twice the character's Intelligence
modifier (an Intelligence penalty doesn't increase Rank 5, High Harper
the time needed), with a minimum of two work- Requirement: 50 renown and 11th level
weeks. Characters are ensconced within the leadership
of the faction and have a great degree of influ-
ence, guiding faction decisions. Perks include:
Spellcasting Services›. Once, at the agent’s
requested location, the faction will sponsor a
spellcaster to cast one of the following spells
repeatedly for one year to make the spell perma-
nent: druid grove, galder’s tower, teleportation
circle, private sanctum, temple of the gods, mighty
fortress, or guards and wards. The character does
not need to be present for the repeated casting of
this spell.
Supernatural Gifts›. Once, the faction can call upon
a deity to bestow a blessing of the Zephyr (or
other blessing at the DM’s discretion) upon the

Table of Contents›

Group Patron Benefits Items Acquired via Harper Fences
Magic Item Required Trade Cost
Having the Harpers as a Group Patron provides
Armor, +1 of your choice Armor, +1 200 gp
the following benefits to the entire party.
Assignments. Your group may be assigned Bag of holding, bag of Uncommon magical 75 gp
tricks, boots of elvenkind, bag, boots or cloak
quests to further the factions goals. See next sec-
cloak of elvenkind, cloak of
tion for available faction Assignments. protection, robe of useful
Safe House. The Harpers have secret mem- items, winged boots
bers in almost every town and city. Your group Eyes of charming, eyes of Any uncommon 75 gp
knows how to locate these members and can use minute seeing, eyes of the magical wondrous
their houses to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. eagle, gloves of missile item
While the Harpers are famed for helping the snaring, gloves of
poor, they rarely live like them. swimming and climbing,
gloves of thievery, hat of
This perk is effectively the same as the Safe Haven disguise
faction agent background feature. Wand of magic detection, Any magical wand 100 gp
wand of magic missiles,
wand of secrets, wand of
Fences. Because the Harpers are devoted to the war mage, wand of web
tracking down magic items, they have a network
Weapon, +1 of your choice Weapon, +1 100 gp
with access to a larger variety of magical items
than anywhere outside of the Red Wizards of
Thay. Each member of your party gains access to Assignments / Faction Jobs
certain magic items for a suitable donation. The
different costs of acquiring these magic items are The following quests are available as Assign-
described in the following table. ments for those with the faction as a Group
Patron (which should be actively ran by a DM in a
Harpers as Rivals group setting), or as individual downtime Faction
While the ‘goodliness’ of the Harpers is com- Jobs for those who are agents themselves. Quests
monly accepted, many individuals and beyond this list can be easily available at DM dis-
organizations believe the Harpers to be nothing cretion. See Appendix G› for rules on completing
more than glorified meddlers. The Harpers could Faction Jobs.
easily be set up to be a Rival organization set on Random Quests from the Harpers
interrupting the adventurers, either actively
thrwarting their actions or just stealing informa- d6 Quest
tion or objects from the party. 1 The Network. Take out a Zhentarim safe house in
a major city
Read more 2 Devil Worshipers. Expose an Athkatlan noble
family that secretly worships a lord of the Nine
For more detailed information on the Harpers, the Hells
D&D second edition publication, The Code of the
3 Demon Possession. Banish a demon that has
Harpers by Ed Greenwood, provides additional possessed the lord of a major city
information, a lot of which is still relevant in fifth
edition. 4 Slavers. Take out the transport ships of a major
slave ring operation
5 Assassination. Assassinate an evil noble who
threatens to destabilize the Lords’ Alliance
6 Spies. Infiltrate the court of a powerful king who
has been preparing to go to war against his

Table of Contents›

Example Representatives

Table of Contents›

Welcome to the Harpers. You’re one of us now.

Don’t go bragging about it.

We fight for equality. We do it from the shadows.

We fight corruption. We do it quietly.

We fight against tyrants, despots, and monsters. We do it subtly.

We also fight against dragons. We’d love to do that part quietly too, but at that point, we’ll take

what we can get.

We’re the Harpers, and we’re here to make things right. We’d just rather nobody knows we’re

doing it. It’s easier to do our job when the wicked don’t see us coming, and even easier when they

don’t know we exist. We’re of the opinion that cunning beats force, misdirection beats confronta-

tion, and good triumphs over evil...especially when it catches evil napping. If we’re wrong about

any of that, then we’ve been getting real lucky for the last few centuries. We’re not wrong. We’re

definitely not lucky either, though we wouldn’t complain if we were; it’d be a nice change of

pace. Sadly though, luck’s only for fools, gamblers, and goblins. We just have to make do with our

quick wits, unerring charm, and heroic good looks. A couple of trusty spells and a big sword don’t

hurt either.

We’re the Harpers. You’re one of us now. That means you’re here to rescue the townsfolk, van -

quish the dark forces that prey on the innocent, and just generally save Faerûn from itself. And

you’re here to do it quietly.

Good luck,

Leosin Erlanthar

Table of Contents›

Harper Marks
Harpers often use symbols to alert fellow Harpers of dangers or beneficial caches. If any of these are drawn
with extra “dots” within the symbol, they are false signs placed to mislead non-Harpers.

Follow this Path Hidden Entrance/Way Harper Refuge Nearby

Water Safe to Drink Monster Lair Nearby Lookout (with cover)

Safe Route Turns Here A Harper Fell Here Message Cash Nearby

Safe Haven Hidden Cache Grave/ Tomb

Dangerous Place Dangerous Magic Here Food/Water Nearby

Here Be Dragons Trap Keep Your Head Low

Table of Contents›

Lords’ Alliance
he Lords’ Alliance is a loose coalition survive only if its members support each other,

of established political powers con- requiring a balance between pride and diplomacy.
cerned with mutual security and Rogue agents within the Lords’ Alliance are rare,
prosperity. The organization is aggres- but defections have been known to occur.
sive, militant, and political. Fighters and sorcerers
of lawful or neutral alignments are commonly Member Traits
drawn to the Lords’ Alliance. In order to seek out and destroy threats to their
homelands, agents of the Lords’ Alliance must be
Everyone wants to sleep at night and feel safe in highly trained at what they do. Few can match
their homes, but how many want to do what it their skills in the field. They fight for the glory
takes to keep the tide of evil at bay? To stand in and the security of their people and for the lords
the cold and rain, waiting for battle while hunger who rule over them, and they do so with pride.
gnaws at their bellies? Many wish to reap the However, the Lords’ Alliance can only survive if
rewards of a good harvest, but few care to remove its members “play nice” with one another, which
the stones and till the fields for planting. requires a certain measure of diplomacy. Rogue
The Lords’ Alliance fights the things that the agents within the Lords’ Alliance are rare, but
shopkeeper in his bed has never even heard of. defections have been known to occur.
We remove threats before the town mayor even While the Alliance is an association of rulers, a
knows about it. We make bad things go away. member of the Alliance does not need to be a
That’s what we’re good at. ruler or even swear allegiance to a specific city or
— Rameel Jos town. The Alliance often employs adventurers
whose support of its cause, and those members
Background can work up through the ranks just as any citizen
of a representative region can.
The Lords’ Alliance is an association of rulers
from cities and towns across Faerûn (primarily in Goals
the North), who believe that solidarity is needed  Ensure the safety and prosperity of cities and
to keep evil at bay. The rulers of Waterdeep, Sil- other settlements of Faerûn.
verymoon, Neverwinter, and other free cities  Maintain a strong coalition against the forces of
dominate the coalition, and all lords in the disorder.
Alliance work primarily for the fate and fortune of  Proactively eliminate threats to the established
their individual settlements. powers.
Alliance agents include sophisticated bards,  Bring honor and glory to one’s leaders and
zealous paladins, talented mages, and grizzled one’s homeland.
warriors. They are chosen primarily for their loy-
alty and are experts in observation, stealth, Beliefs
innuendo, and combat. Backed by the wealthy  If civilization is to survive, all must unite
and the privileged, they carry fine equipment against the dark forces that threaten it.
(often disguised to appear common), including  Fight for your realm. Only you can bring honor,
large numbers of scrolls scribed with spells of glory, and prosperity to your lord and home-
communication. land.
Agents of the Lords’ Alliance ensure the safety  Don’t wait for the enemy to come to you. The
and prosperity of civilized Faerûn by standing best defense is a strong offense.
united against the forces that threaten civilization.
They proactively eliminate such threats by any Council of Lords
means, fighting with pride for the glory and secu-
rity of their people, and for the lords who rule Typically led by the Open Lord of Waterdeep, the
over them. However, Alliance operatives are often Alliance is run democratically with each member
glory hounds, looking to gain a leg up on their city and town having a voice and a vote when it
counterparts from other Alliance cities. The lead- comes to deploying troops in the name of the
ers of the Alliance know that the order will Alliance. Some of the larger cities such as Water-

Table of Contents›

deep and Baldur’s Gate have two votes consider-
ing the number of people represented.
Prominent Locations
Faction Deities Cities in the Alliance
Likely the most common deity that would bestow While some of the other factions loosely operate
a charm or blessing on an agent of the Lords’ around Faerûn, the Lords’ Alliance has a semi-
Alliance is Helm, god of protection. The DM is defined sphere of influence. It is a confederation
free to use whatever other deity, patron, or higher among the rulers of various northern settlements
power that fits their campaign and player. and currently counts these ten cities in the
Alliance (and always looking to expand). While
some city leaders also serve as the main repre-
sentative for the Alliance, several have delegated
separate representatives so they can focus on
other matters.
 Amphail. Lord Dauner Ilzimmer
 Waterdeep. Open Lord and Lady Laeral Silver-
 Baldur’s Gate. Grand Duke and Marshal of the
Flaming Fist Ulder Ravengard
 Daggerford. Lead by Duchess Morwen Dagger-
ford; nominally represented by Sir Isteval
 Longsaddle. Dowell Harpell
 Miarabar. Marchion Selin Ramur
 Mithral Hall. Lead by Queen Dagnabbet Way-
beard; represented by Ambassador Connerad
 Neverwinter. Lord Protector Dagult Neverem-
 Silverymoon. High Mage Taern “Thunder-
spells” Hornblade
 Yartar. Waterbaron Nestra Ruthiol
In addition to the above, other areas are formally
represented in the Alliance, although they are not
official members and the Alliance has a lesser vis-
ible presence in the area.
 Citadel Felbarr and Citadel Adbar. Mithral
Hall’s ambassador also represents these two
dwarven strongholds.
 High Forest and Misty Forest. The elven King
Melandrach represents the elves of both
The Lords' Alliance includes the strongest mer-
cantile powers of the North. In addition to
providing military support and a forum for the
peaceful airing of differences, the Alliance has
always acted under the principle that communi-
ties with common cause that engage in trade are
less likely to go to war with one another. By main-
taining strong trade ties within the alliance as
well as outside it, the Lords' Alliance helps to
keep the peace. The map provides a rough outline
of the Alliance’s sphere of influence.

Table of Contents›

Prison System: Revel’s End Revel’s End is approachable by land, sea, or
air. A pier allows prisoners to be taken from ships
While some crimes throughout Faerûn are com- up an elevator to the prison, and a mooring dock
monly punishable by death, sentences vary from at the top of the tower allows prisoners to be
community to community, with many citizens suf- delivered by airship.
fering longer term sentences. Those communities The prison is ran by a committee called the
with numerous prisoners often rely on the Absolution Council, which consists of one repre-
Alliance’s prison system for long-term confine- sentative from each member city. To be
ment or for prisons that require a higher security imprisoned in Revel’s End, a criminal must have
prison that the city or town has available. Member committed a serious crime against one or more of
cities of the Alliance have access to the prison the member cities; not serious enough for the
system as part of their membership and other death penalty but serious enough for at least a
cities or kingdoms can pay the Alliance to hold year’s prison sentence.
their prisoners. Appearance. With 20-foot-high out walls, the
For those few prisons who require a prison prison is a single-story structure topped with bat-
with the absolute maximum security, the Alliance tlements. Rising from the core of the panopticon
relies on the Harpers and their ‘Pockets’ (dis- is a tower that holds the prison’s administrative
cussed in the Harpers section). offices and guard barracks. Both the prison and
Revel’s End the tower are carved from a tall, blade-shaped
rock that rises high above the sea cliffs. The
In the northern reaches of the Sword Coast, the
prison sits on top of a 160-foot high cliff, with a
Alliance has built a large and formidable prison
pier protruding from its base.
for the region’s most dangerous criminals. It is
situated on the frigid, misty coast of the Sea of
Moving Ice.

Read more
Revel’s End is discussed in much greater detail in
both Keys to the Golden Vault and Icewind Dale:
Rime of the Frostmaiden.

Table of Contents›

Ranks Rank 3, Stingblade
Requirement: 10 renown and 5th level
Rank items are typically obtained when interacting
Characters are reliable faction members,
with a faction representative, and obtained only
entrusted with many secrets and deserving of
once. Magic items are further detailed in Appen-
additional support. Perks include:
dix F›.
Consumables. Either two potions of superior heal-
Rank 1, Cloak ing or 20 pieces of adamantine ammunition.
Requirement: 1 renown Magic Items›. The agent’s ring is magically
upgraded and given the properties of a ring of the
This is the rank a character receives when first
joining and pledging service to a faction. Perks
Item Exchange. Once, the agent may request the
include: faction acquire a specific known magical weapon
Faction Agent Background›. Safe Haven. of common or uncommon rarity, which the char-
Patron Benefits. Armory, Assignments, Pigeon Ser- acter will need to trade one of its existing non-
vice, Safe Keeping, and Support Team (see next faction magic items of equal or greater rarity for.
page). This search takes two tenday. The character does
Consumables. Two potions of healing. not need to be present during the search.
Magic Items›. A faction insignia (Lords’ Alliance
signet ring). Rank 4, Warduke
Downtime Activity. Faction Jobs (see next page). Requirement: 25 renown and 7th level

Rank 2, Redknife Characters are trusted voices within the faction’s

leadership. They are looked upon as champions
Requirement: 3 renown and 3rd level
of the faction’s beliefs, and as mentors by those of
Characters have shown that they’re aligned with lower rank. Perks include:
the faction’s goals, and are able to take on more
Consumables. Either two potions of supreme heal-
responsibility. Perks include:
ing or two spell scrolls of 4th level or lower.
Consumables. Either two potions of greater healing Estate. A deed to a 1,000 acre estate in the nearby
or 20 pieces of silvered ammunition. countryside where the agent has been adventur-
Magic Items›. Either a +1 weapon, +1 rod of the ing.
pact keeper, or +1 wand of the war mage. Sidekicks›. One 6th-level sidekick that can adven-
Downtime Activity. Once, the agent may request ture, go on Assignments, or perform other tasks
training in a language, musical instrument, or sin- such as maintain a house or small inn.
gle weapon by a faction-sponsored instructor
without cost or risk of complication. Receiving Rank 5, Lioncrown
training typically takes at least ten workweeks, but Requirement: 50 renown and 11th level
this time is reduced by a number of workweeks
Characters are ensconced within the leadership
equal to twice the character's Intelligence modi-
of the faction and have a great degree of influ-
fier (an Intelligence penalty doesn't increase the
time needed), with a minimum of two workweeks.
ence, guiding faction decisions. Perks include:
Commander. With approval of the DM, Lioncrowns
may commandeer a garrison (typically 3 veter-
ans, 27 guards, a priest, and a mage). These
forces do not go adventuring with the agent.

Table of Contents›

Group Patron Benefits Assignments / Faction Jobs
Having the Lords’ Alliance as a Group Patron pro- The following quests are available as Assign-
vides the following benefits to the entire party. ments for those with the faction as a Group
Assignments. The group may be assigned Patron (which should be actively ran by a DM in a
quests to further the factions goals. See next sec- group setting), or as individual downtime Faction
tion for available faction Assignments. Jobs for those who are agents themselves. Quests
Pigeon Service. The Alliance allows the party beyond this list can be easily available at DM dis-
the use of their pigeon service, allowing them to cretion. See Appendix G› for rules on completing
send messages to other member cities, Faction Jobs.
strongholds, and garrisons.
Safe Keeping. A local lord offers to store the Random Quests from the Lords’ Alliance
party’s goods in a secure location. d6 Quest
Support Team. The Lords’ Alliance can send 1 Reinforcements. A garrison in the area is
three guards to assist the group when needed. It expecting an attack and needs reinforcements
must be in a town or village and it takes 24 hours 2 Unnatural Disaster. A neighboring community is
before they arrive. They will not go adventuring experience magical weather effects causing havoc
with the group, but can escort persons or goods to to the area; investigate and eliminate the threat
a specific place in the region, as well as perform 3 Rescue Mission. The relative of a local lord has
other unsupervised tasks. been kidnapped and is being held for ransom;
Armory. Because the Lords’ Alliance contains track down the kidnappers and return the relative
an armory in virtually every area where it is 4 Coupe. A nearby lord is experiencing a coupe;
present, it usually has a well-stocked arsenal of assist in suppressing the uprising.
available weapons and armor. Each member the 5 Border Patrol. Hostile forces have been seen in
party can trade an existing item for another in the area; patrol the countryside and engage any
stock as described in the following table. threats

Items Available From an Alliance Armory 6 Spies Among Us. Rumors are circulating that a
member of The Network is attempting to infiltrate
Magic Item Required Trade Cost the local government; seek it out and destroy it.
Armor, +1 of your Armor, +1 Base price of
choice desired
armor type
Weapon, +1 of your Weapon, +1 Base price of
choice desired
weapon type

Table of Contents›

Example Representatives

Table of Contents›

Lords’ Alliance
I offer you membership in the Lords’ Alliance. Think well on this. If you choose to accept,

it is no light burden I extend to you. Your place among us has been earned not by noble

blood, but by the courage of your actions and your resolute commitment to our ideals. It

is of these we will ask even more.

An ocean of darkness laps at the fragile shore of civilization. We do not wait for it. We

do not cower behind walls of stand and timid hope. If we are to survive, you must ven-

ture out into that dread sea and eliminate anything that threatens the banner of your

lineage. No other allegiance may come before that to your homeland–not love for a sin-

gle soul, nor loyalty to any cause other than your own.

We seek glory, not safety. We do not trade our honor for selfish gain nor our prosperity

for peace. We never retreat before any foe nor waver in the face of any threat. It is our

birthright to stand tall, to lead, to go where we will, and to act as we must.

As an agent of our alliance, you will serve on behalf of that which is greater than your -

self, and though you will be called to sacrifice much, the rewards will be greater still. No,

your name might not become legend, but your deeds-if they foster the security of our

homeland-these will endure forever.

Dagult Neverember

Table of Contents›

Order of the Gauntlet
he Order of the Gauntlet is composed this way they purify themselves from within

of faithful and vigilant seekers of jus- before taking up their swords to cleanse the
tice who protect others from the world.
depredations of evildoers. The organi- All sentient beings must come to the light of
zation is honorable, vigilant, and zealous. Clerics, reason and goodness of their own volition. That is
monks, and paladins of good (and often lawful why it is not interested in controlling minds: it
good) alignments are commonly drawn to the focuses only on deeds, setting an example to the
Order of the Gauntlet. world in hopes of inspiring and enlightening oth-
ers. The Order holds that faith in one’s god, one’s
That’s the thing about evil: it is darkness, it is friends, and one’s self are the greatest weapons in
shadow, it hides in your blind spot. Then, when quelling the hordes of malice.
you are distracted, it sneaks in. Evil is a master of With such devout conviction, the Order’s mem-
disguise—and what is the greatest disguise, you bers can be depended on as a source of strength
ask? Yourself. Evil will cloak itself in thoughts to themselves and others, a bright light against
and emotions pretending to be your own, telling the darkness. They are not preemptive bullies,
you to get angry, to be greedy and envious, to hold though. A strict code of honor allows them to
yourself above others. strike only when evil deeds are being committed.
People aren’t born evil—it takes time for evil to Thus, the Order is hyper vigilant, using every
fool you into thinking that its voice is yours. That resource at their disposal—both divine and mun-
is why to know who you truly are is what the dane—to know where and when dark deeds will
Order requires from each hopeful who wishes to occur.
join our ranks. Bravery isn’t fighting the dragon
out there—it is fighting the dragon within. That is Member Traits
what we do in our prayers. Once you have slain The Order is a dedicated, tightly knit group of
that dragon, you have overcome the darkness like-minded individuals driven by religious zeal or
lurking within yourself. Only then do you have the a finely honed sense of justice and honor. Friend-
capacity to know true goodness. Only then are ship and camaraderie are important to members
you ready to take up the sword and wear the of the order, and they share a trust and a bond
badge of our Order.” normally reserved for siblings. Like highly moti-
— Kajiso Steelhand vated soldiers, members of the Order seek to
become the best at what they do and look forward
Background to testing their mettle. There are few, if any, “lone
wolves” in this organization.
The Order of the Gauntlet is a relatively new Goals
organization dedicated to smiting evil wherever it
lurks and without hesitation. The Order under-  Be armed and vigilant against evil.
stands that evil wears many guises, playing  Identify evil threats such as secretive power
games and tricking others in order to spread. groups and inherently evil creatures.
That is why its members act on their own author-  Enforce justice.
ity, identifying threats and smashing them before  Enact retribution against evil actions—do not
they can grow. strike preemptively.
Because the seeds of evil are nourished in the
shadows, the Order of the Gauntlet rides out to Beliefs
the most dangerous dungeons, the darkest cav-  Faith is the greatest weapon against evil—faith
erns, and the foulest pits to weed out wrongdoers. in one’s god, one’s friends, and one’s self.
But the Order is keenly aware that the shadow of  Battling evil is an extraordinary task that
evil lies within everyone, waiting for a moment requires extraordinary strength and bravery.
when it can gain a foothold on their souls. Thus  Punishing an evil act is just. Punishing an evil
its paladins, monks, and clerics spend long hours thought is not.
deep in prayer to keep their inner eye vigilant and
focused on their own thoughts and emotions. In

Table of Contents›

Leadership that's visible for miles around. As much a fortress
as a temple, the cathedral contains an orphanage,
The Order is not centrally led, but governed a hospital, an asylum, and training grounds for
regionally by higher ranking members. Gilded Eye initiates.
Faction Deities Silverymoon: Hawk’s Nest
These are likely the most common deities that A strong point for the Order, Hawk's Nest is a for-
would bestow a charm or blessing on a member tified settlement that overlooks Silverymoon Pass
of the Order of the Gauntlet. The DM is free to (east of Silvery Moon), built to defend the pass
use whatever other deity, patron, or higher power against ore hordes and other threats, thus pro-
that fits their campaign and player. Common tecting Silverymoon's eastern flank. Perched atop
deities of the faction include: a rocky crag and surrounded by high battlements.
 Torm, god of courage and self-sacrifice High stone walls enclose a keep and a densely
 Helm, god of protection packed village that includes three small temples
 Tyr, god of justice (dedicated to Helm, Torm, and Tyr), a blacksmith,
a leatherworker, a caravan supplier, a rough-and-
Prominent Locations tumble tavern (the Spiked Gauntlet), and two
cozy yet spacious inns (the Hawk's Roost and the
The Order has no real headquarters or boundary; Inn of the Silver Sword).
it has a presence in most cities and towns of any
size, with some being of particular importance. Waterdeep: Halls of Justice
Central to the Order, the Halls of Justice is a tem-
Baldur’s Gate ple of Tyr in Waterdeep. Many new recruits join
In a city as dangerous as Baldur’s Gate, prayers the Order in this Hall through a swearing-in cere-
to Helm are many, drawing many vigilantes. The mony involving the recitation of an oath to find
Order quietly sponsors agents throughout the and destroy evil in all its forms; after which they
city, with the more fanatical often carving Helm’s are given their first mission.
holy symbol on the bodies of dead criminals, or
carved into the flesh of live ones.
Dessarin Valley: Summit Hall
A small stronghold in the Sumber Hills, Summit
Hall is home to Knights of Samular, an order of
long-suffering Tyr worshipers who have been
reenergized by their god’s return. Numerous
Knights of Samular also become agents of the
Order, believing the goals of both to be very simi-
lar. The Hall typically hosts another dozen young
aspirants-in-training, as well as servants and arti-
sans to help maintain the place.
Neverwinter: Helm’s Hold
Located a short distance southeast of Neverwin-
ter, Helm's Hold is a fortified monastery enclosed
on all sides by stone walls patrolled day and night
by members of the Order of the Gilded Eye, a
splinter sect of the Order of the Gauntlet.
Within the walls are numerous residences sur-
rounding a central district called the Heartward,
wherein the characters can find a roomy tavern
(called the Old Dirty Dwarf), several quiet hostels,
and a bustling marketplace. A wooden hangman's
scaffold stands in the center of the marketplace.
Dominating the skyline is the Cathedral of Helm,
a towering and inspiring edifice of pale gray stone

Table of Contents›

Ranks Rank 3, Whitehawk
Requirement: 10 renown and 5th level
Rank items are typically obtained when interacting
Characters are reliable faction members,
with a faction representative, and obtained only
entrusted with many secrets and deserving of
once. Magic items are further detailed in Appen-
additional support. Perks include:
dix F›.
Consumables. Two potions of superior healing.
Rank 1, Chevall Magic Items›. i) the agent’s weapon of retribution is
Requirement: 1 renown magically upgraded and given the additional prop-
erties of a rod of retribution; ii) the agent’s
This is the rank a character receives when first
pendant is magically upgraded and given the prop-
joining and pledging service to a faction. Perks
erties of a ring of truth telling; and iii) gauntlets of
include: justice.
Faction Agent Background›. Safe Haven. Supernatural Gifts›. Once, the faction can call upon
Patron Benefits. Assignments, Helping Hand, and a deity to bestow a beacon of hope charm (or
Return to Justice (see next page). other charm at the DM’s discretion) upon the
Consumables. Two potions of healing. agent.
Magic Items›. i) a faction insignia (Order of the
Gauntlet pendant), and ii) a weapon of retribution Rank 4, Vindicator
with the properties of a moon-touched sword. Requirement: 25 renown and 7th level
Downtime Activity. Faction Jobs (see next page). Characters are trusted voices within the faction’s
Rank 2, Marcheon leadership. They are looked upon as champions
of the faction’s beliefs, and as mentors by those of
Requirement: 3 renown and 3rd level
lower rank. Perks include:
Characters have shown that they’re aligned with
Consumables. Either two potions of supreme heal-
the faction’s goals, and are able to take on more
ing or two spell scrolls of 4th level or lower.
responsibility. Perks include:
Magic Items›. The agent’s weapon of retribution is
Consumables. Two potions of greater healing. magically upgraded to provide an additional +1
Magic Items›. The agent’s weapon of retribution is bonus to attack and damage rolls.
magically upgraded and given the additional prop-
erties of a +1 weapon. Rank 5, Righteous Hand
Downtime Activity. Once, the agent may request Requirement: 50 renown and 11th level
training in a language or single weapon by a fac-
Characters are ensconced within the leadership
tion-sponsored instructor without cost or risk of
of the faction and have a great degree of influ-
complication. Receiving training typically takes at
least ten workweeks, but this time is reduced by a
ence, guiding faction decisions. Perks include:
number of workweeks equal to twice the charac- Magic Items›. The agent’s weapon of retribution is
ter's Intelligence modifier (an Intelligence penalty magically upgraded to provide an additional +1
doesn't increase the time needed), with a mini- bonus to attack and damage rolls.
mum of two workweeks. Supernatural Gifts›. Once, the faction can call upon
a deity to bestow a blessing against poison (or
other blessing at the DM’s discretion) upon the

Table of Contents›

Group Patron Benefits Assignments / Faction Jobs
Having the Order of the Gauntlet as a Group The following quests are available as Assign-
Patron provides the following benefits to the ments for those with the faction as a Group
entire party. Patron (which should be actively ran by a DM in a
Assignments. Your group may be assigned group setting), or as individual downtime Faction
quests to further the factions goals. See next sec- Jobs for those who are agents themselves. Quests
tion for available faction Assignments. beyond this list can be easily available at DM dis-
Return to Justice. The Order of the Gauntlet cretion. See Appendix G› for rules on completing
can send a fellow member of the Order to assist Faction Jobs.
your group when needed. You must be in a town
or city and it takes 24 hours before someone
Random Quests from the Order of the Gauntlet
arrives and can take possession of any prisoners d6 Quest
or other persons you have, either escorting the 1 Outlaw. Locate and bring to justice a local
face justice, or returning them to their homes. criminal
Helping Hand. The Order has secret mem- 2 Escort. Provide security for a local noble or
bers in almost every town and city. Your group merchant along a dangerous route
knows how to locate these members and ask for 3 Rescue Mission. The relative of a local resident
aid in the form of a cleric or paladin spell, has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom;
although they do ask to cover a portion of the cost track down the kidnappers and return the relative
according to the following table. 4 Evil Comes Knocking. Tan evil creature has
Spells Provided by the Order of the Gauntlet taken up residence in a nearby village, which must
be destroyed
Spellcasting Service Cost 5 Border Patrol. Hostile forces have been seen in
Cure wounds 10 gp the area; patrol the countryside and engage any
Identify 50 gp
6 Spies Among Us. Rumors are circulating that a
Lesser restoration 10 gp
member of The Network is attempting to infiltrate
Prayer of healing 10 gp the local government; seek it out and destroy it.
Dispel magic* 20 gp
Remove curse* 20 gp
Speak with dead* 20 gp
Divination* 20 gp
Greater restoration* 75 gp
Raise Dead* 350 gp
Resurrection* 750 gp
*Requires 24 hours notice

Table of Contents›

Example Representatives

Table of Contents›

Order of the Gauntlet
Welcome to the Order of the Gauntlet! Your dedication to defending the weak and dispensing

righteous justice is without peer, and your new brothers and sisters in the order look forward to

smiting the wicked at your side, united in our divine purpose. May you live long and use your last

breath fighting in the name of all that is good.

As a new Gallant, your preparation time is nearly over. We need all members ready to strike –

both to dispense ongoing justice and to watch over those who cannot protect themselves. Trou-

bling changes are afoot, and if the balance tips too far toward darkness, the good people of this

land might be quickly overrun. Of course, more and greater foes mean more and greater

advancement for the cause of the order; yet our accomplishment brings but small comfort to

orphans and refugees. We must ensure that evildoers are brought to heel before they can offend


Ontharr Frume has called on all those who value justice above all to stand firm against villainy.

Should you act boldly and do right by your compatriots, perhaps you will one day fight by his

side as he exacts the price for evil from those who believe themselves above the law. Remember

this: Evil is born anew each day, but justice lives forever.

Yours in fellowship,

Vindicator Aradeneth

Table of Contents›

Subfaction: Order of the Gilded Eye
When evil arises, we strike and strike hard...yet
we leave the ogres alone in their mountains and
don't disturb dragons in their slumber. That is
flawed; we should punish crime before it is
—Javen Tarmikos
A subfaction of the Order of the Gauntlet, the
Order of the Gilded Eye is a more extreme group
of inquisitors who believe that demons and their
vile worshipers are spreading corruption through-
out the North.
Gilded Eye inquisitors have taken their wor-
ship of Helm to extremes and are determined to
destroy anyone they believe is under the demons'
sway, as well as anyone who challenges the edicts
or their beliefs.
Members of the Gilded Eye claim and declare
themselves to be members of the Order of the
Gauntlet, with the Gilded Eye’s members’
extreme actions often casting a negative light on
the Order as a whole. Since its founding, the
Order of the Gilded Eye has grown in number
and its capacity to deal with threats, welcoming
exorcists, abjurers, and spies, as well as paladins
and clerics of Helm. Even the occasional assassin
has been known claim membership in the Gilded
Additional Goal
 Protect the world and good people by rooting
out hidden evils and severing connections with
other planes.

Rank Perks
The ranks are largely consistent with those of the
Order of the Gauntlet, with the following differ-

Rank 1
The faction insignia is replaced with an Order of
the Gilded Eye pendant.
Rank 3
Title is changed to ‘Inquisitor’.
Rank 4
Title is changed to ‘High Inquisitor’.
Rank 5
Title is changed to ‘Grand Inquisitor’.

Table of Contents›

he Zhentarim is an unscrupulous The organization encourages individual ambi-

shadow network that seeks to expand tion and rewards innovators who take matters
its influence and power throughout into their own hands. Results are all that matter.
Faerûn. The organization is ambitious, Those who come into The Network with nothing
opportunistic, and meritocratic. Rogues and war- can become major players within the organization
locks of neutral and/or evil alignments are through their own moxie and hard work.
commonly drawn to the Zhentarim.
Member Traits
Membership in the Zhentarim is like a key to a A Zhentarim member thinks of itself as a member
thousand doors, each one a gateway to fulfilling a of a large group, and relies on The Network for
personal desire. Most people shy away from this resources and security. However, members are
kind of freedom. They like their restraints, laws, granted enough autonomy to pursue their own
and swaddling – it gives them the illusion of secu - interests and gain some measure of personal
rity. power or influence. The Network is a meritoc-
The Network provides what I need to explore racy. As a whole, it promises “the best of the
realms and dimensions that would tear apart best,” although in truth, the Zhentarim is more
minds accustomed to limits. Only in such places interested in spreading its own propaganda and
can I find magic powerful enough to defeat beings influence than investing in the improvement of its
that know no such thing as time, fear, or mercy. individual members.
You might not like the Zhentarim’s methods, but
when a demon crawls out of the Abyss and comes Goals
for your family, you’ll be glad that I have gone to  Amass wealth.
the darkest of realms to find the answer to your  Seize power.
problem.  Gain influence over important people and orga-
— Ianna Asterion nizations.

Background Beliefs
 The Zhentarim is your family. You watch out
The Zhentarim, or simply The Network, is an for it, and it watches out for you.
organization of well-trained mercenaries, savvy  You are the master of your own destiny. Never
rogues, and crafty warlocks who seek to expand be less than what you deserve to be.
their influence and power throughout Faerûn.  Everything – and everyone – has a price.
Agents of the Zhentarim feel that if they play by
the rules, nothing gets done. Ultimately, they High Lord of the Zhentarim
want to make the rules – and, in some cases, they
already do. They walk a fine line when it comes to The Network has a militant leadership with every-
the letter of the law and don’t shy away from the thing ultimately controlled by the High Lord;
occasional shady deal or illicit activity to get what however, it is currently in turmoil. Fzoul Chem-
they want. bryl ‘killed’ the previous High Lord and founder,
To the Zhentarim, wealth is power. Its agents Manshoon, and then passed on control of the
know that nothing else inspires such confidence Zhentarim to a knight clad in chalk-white armor
and dispels doubt so well. In an instant, wealth known only as the Pereghost, who had been a
speaks louder than a thousand bards. Zhentarim dutifully led of The Network for years.
agents routinely carry the finest weapons and With the reemergence of Manshoon through
armor, with no expense spared. When a merchant one of his clones, splits in The Network occurred
needs an escort for a caravan, when a noble fam- and several regions have splintered off (including
ily requires bodyguards to protect its holdings, or Waterdavian members as the Doom Raiders);
when a city is desperate for trained soldiers to some following Manshoon, some following the
defend its walls, the Zhentarim provides the best Pereghost, and some developing their own lead-
warriors money can buy. ership. Who will ultimately claim control of The
Network has yet to be determined.

Table of Contents›

Zhentarim Deities instructions, deploy resources, and gather vast
amounts of intelligence. Darkhold houses the
These are likely the most common deities wor- Zhentarim treasury, has a large and secure
shiped by an agent of the Zhentarim. Followers of prison, and acts as the network’s central meeting
these two deities often clash directly within The place. It’s also a hub for recruitment and training,
Network, leading to additional internal turmoil. and serves as the ultimate “safe house” for
 Bane, god of tyranny Zhents seeking refuge from their enemies. The
 Cyric, god of lies Zhentarim could not operate without Darkhold.
Darkhold Castle itself sits atop a 1,000 foot
Prominent Locations high dormant volcano and is one of the largest
strongholds in Faerûn.
For many years, the Zhentarim had three
strongholds: Citadel of the Raven (in the Moonsea
region), Zhentil Keep (also in the Moonsea
region), and Darkhold (east of Baldur’s Gate). Of
those three, only Darkhold remains intact as the
other two locations were destroyed by the
Shadovar. Darkhold now serves as The Net-
work’s headquarters (although rumors abound
that the other two locations are being rebuilt).
While the Zhentarim have some type of pres-
ence in virtually every major town and city along
the Sword Coast, their presence in the region is
concentrated around the area of Darkhold, noted
on the below map. In this area, agents typically
make little or no effort to hide their affiliations
and The Network generally operates freely and
openly; often seen as just another need-to-know
organization with a checkered past.
While a rather small settlement of less than 200
people, Mantol-Derith is a key location for The
Network as it serves as a significant trade hub
with the Underdark. The subterranean settlement
is divided into four primary enclaves: Zhentarim,
drow, duergar, and svirfneblin (each enclave has
a seat on the informal governing council).
In a natural cavern carved from trickling
water, the actual location of Mantol-Derith is a
secret well guarded against the surface world as
it provides irreplaceable access to the secrets of
the Underdark, and a source of vast wealth for
selling such mundane things as sugar and wheat. Read More
The city is regulated by three common laws:
no stealing of goods from fellow merchants; no While Darkhold is discussed in the Sword Coast
disguising of goods by any means; and no use of Adventurer’s Guide, the DMSGuild publication
magic during negotiations and haggling. Punish- Darkhold – Secrets of the Zhentarim provides a vast
ment is swift and always results in death of the quantity of additional information and ideas on the
perpetrator. current state of the Zhentarim and Darkhold Castle.

Darkhold is not just a military stronghold, but
head of operations for the Zhentarim network.
From here, Zhent leaders create strategies, issue

Table of Contents›

Ranks Rank 3, Viper
Requirement: 10 renown and 5th level
The Zhentarim rank structure is somewhat differ-
Characters are reliable faction members,
ent than the other main factions due to the
entrusted with many secrets and deserving of
predatory nature of the faction. Rank items are typi-
additional support. Perks include:
cally obtained when interacting with a faction
representative, and are typically obtained only once. Underling. Agent gains an underling with the stats
Magic items are further detailed in Appendix F›. of an acolyte, apprentice wizard, scout, or thug
that can go adventuring with the agent or be
Rank 1, Fang tasked with accomplishing minor tasks on behalf
Requirement: 1 renown of the agent.
This is the rank a character receives when first Rank 4, Ardragon
joining and pledging service to a faction. Perks Requirement: 25 renown and 7th level
Characters are experienced, influential leaders
Faction Agent Background›. Safe Haven. within the faction. Perks include:
Patron Benefits. Assignments and Criminal Con-
tact (see next page). Magic Items›. The agent receives two personalized
Magic Items›. A faction insignia (Zhentarim tattoo) assassin’s glasses.
that provides a bonus to Intimidation attempts. Poisons. An agent may purchase any poison in the
Downtime Activity. Faction Jobs (see next page). Dungeon Master’s Guide, chapter 8 at a 10 per-
cent discount, delivered by a flying snake.
Rank 2, Wolf Task Force. An agent may command a personal
Requirement: 3 renown and 3rd level task force composed of five underlings (see prior
rank) that can be tasked with accomplishing
Characters have shown that they’re aligned with minor directives on behalf of the agent. They do
the faction’s goals, and are able to take on more not go adventuring with the agent.
responsibility. Perks include:
Magic Items› or Spells›. The agent can choose to Rank 5, Dread Lord
receive one of the following, and can choose a dif- Requirement: 50 renown and 11th level
ferent option upon gaining a new faction rank: Characters are ensconced within the leadership of
 A banesword the faction and have a great degree of influence,
 Learn the Manshoon’s mage hand cantrip. guiding faction decisions. Perks include:
 Learn the find familiar spell and be able to cast it Commander. With DM approval, agents may com-
once per day. The familiar takes the form of a fly- mandeer branches of The Network to further its
ing snake. aims, solicit magic from the church, or command
raid-sized mercenary forces (typically 3 veterans,
27 bandits, a priest, and a mage). These forces
do not go adventuring with the agent.

Table of Contents›

Group Patron Benefits Assignments / Faction Jobs
Having the Zhentarim as a Group Patron pro- The following quests are available as Assign-
vides the following benefits to the entire party. ments for those with the faction as a Group
Assignments. Your group may be assigned Patron (which should be actively ran by a DM in a
quests to further the factions goals. See next sec- group setting), or as individual downtime Faction
tion for available faction Assignments. Jobs for those who are agents themselves. Quests
Criminal Contact. Throughout their adven- beyond this list can be easily available at DM dis-
tures, a party is likely to come across a criminal cretion. See Appendix G› for rules on completing
or two. Though some lawbreakers are sure to Faction Jobs.
oppose the party during their adventuring career,
others may prove to be valuable allies. An alliance
Random Quests from the Zhentarim
with a criminal contact pays for itself in the form d10 Quest
of information, influence, and specialized ser- 1 Debt Collection. Collect on a past-due debt. I hear
vices. this one’s a runner.
Every criminal has a specialty. Though the 2 Thievery. Steal a priceless item during a public
contact might mask their illicit activities under event.
the guise of a legitimate business, their true 3 Burglary. Breaking and entering at its nest. Keep
expertise is known to the party. The criminal con- an eye out for dogs—or worse.
tact could be someone the party regularly does
4 Assassination. There’s no other option. You’ve got
business with, such as a thief selling their plunder the time, the place, and the target. Make it look like
to a fence. Or perhaps the contact is a rival with an accident.
which a party member shares a specialty, such as
5 Caravan Escort. Make sure the goods get from
a pair of assassins who crossed blades in the point A to point B in one piece.
past. The party can use the Contact Specialty
6 Espionage. Keep a low profile. Don’t come back
table to determine what the contact does best. unless you’ve got some juicy intel.
Criminal Contact Specialty 7 Smuggling. There are buyers on the inside. The
only thing standing between the Zhentarim and
d8 Specialty payday is local law enforcement.
1 Assassin. When someone delivers a name to your 8 Bodyguard Duty. A cautious individual hired you to
contact, it may as well be engraved on a tombstone. watch their back for the day. It should be easy
2 Burglar. Your contact has mastered the art of money. Should.
breaking and entering. 9 Vandalism. Don’t forget your crowbar. If this
3 Fence. Your contact is an expert in dealing with doesn’t send a message, there’s always arson.
stolen goods and throwing off the heat. 10 Blackmail. Someone’s got skeletons in their closet.
4 Fabricator. Ah, good old white-collar crime! Your Find the dirt and put on the pressure.
contact has an eye for detail and a collection of inks
that would make a notary’s head spin.
5 Smuggler. Your contact knows how to get
contraband in and out of a location without tipping
of the Watch or their hounds.
6 Spy. It pays to listen. Your contact is a people
person who can blend into any crowd.
7 Sweeper. Committing a crime is easy—the hard
part is getting away with it! Your contact makes the
evidence disappear.
8 Ruffian. Every once in a while, someone doesn’t
hold up their part of the bargain. Your contact is the
enforcer comes knocking.

Table of Contents›

Example Representatives

Table of Contents›

You’re one of us now. One of the Zhentarim. We are the purveyors of your fondest wishes

and darkest dreams.

You don’t even know how grand your life’s about to be. Gone are the days of waiting for

your turn; from now on, it’s always your turn. Gone, too, are the days of wanting what you

can’t have. If you can’t see it, you can have it. It’s yours. There’s only one rule, and it’s a

simple one: Zhentarim first. Follow that rule, and yours will be a life of favor and fortune.

The world is full of sheep and our role is not to shepherd, but to shear. Those who’d call

themselves shepherds are liars and charlatans, and cowards besides. Of course, this is not a

world of only sheep and shepherds; there are wolves too. Wolves that would feast on our

sheep, denying us our claim to wool and meat-and anything else we might desire. If those

wolves try to keep us from our rightful bounty, we’ll defend what is ours, so that all others

might look upon the Zhentarim and see the price of their folly.

So go out, my brethren, and do what you will. Pluck whatever fruit you desire from any

orchard, and drink deeply the wine of power; you’ll find your glass is now bottomless. There

is nothing, any longer, that can be denied to you. No longer have cause to fear anyone nor

want for anything-just so long as you remember that it is the Zhentarim that granted you

these things.

Tiril Longfangs

Table of Contents›

Subfaction: Doom Raiders
We are the new Zhentarim. Manshoon has lost Additional Goal
sight of what’s important – too wrapped up in his
never ending fight with whichever Chosen has  To control and conquer commerce throughout
taken up the cause to end him. What is power if Faerûn.
you’re stuck in a hole somewhere waiting to move
to your next clone? It’s a new age, power comes Rank Perks
from control of commerce, which brings wealth
and the ability to do and say what we want. There The ranks are largely consistent with those of the
is no better home for our new empire than Water- Zhentarim, with the following differences.
deep. We are the new Zhentarim, and we will
control it all.
Rank 1
—Davil Starsong The faction insignia is replaced with a Doom
Raider's Tattoo.
The Doom Raiders are a fracture subfaction of
the Zhentarim and are based in Waterdeep. Rank 2
Splintered from the main faction, it seeks to gain The Magic Items or Spells perk options are
political influence in Waterdeep and populous replaced with either a +1 weapon, +1 rod of the
cities beyond. Lead by former adventurers, busi- pact keeper, or +1 wand of the war mage.
ness entrepreneurs, and merchants, they seek to
make alliances with local guilds, nobles, mer- Rank 3
chants, and other nefarious factions such as the The Underling Perk is replaced with Mercenar-
Xanathar Guild, the Kraken Society, and the Red ies.
Wizards of Thay. Mercenaries. An agent can higher up to three
thugs for 2 sp per day or veterans for 2 gp per
day to perform certain tasks, although they do not
go adventuring with the agent.
Rank 4
The Poisons perk is replaced with Loan Shark.
Loan Shark. An agent is offered a loan up to
10,000 gp with an interest rate of 10 percent per
Rank 5
The Commander perk is replaced with Assassina-
Assassination. The agent can hire up to five
Zhentarim assassins for a specific job that does
not involve adventuring with the agent, at the cost
of an undisclosed favor to be called in at some
point in the agent’s future.

Table of Contents›

Appendix A: Faction Agent Background
This background is from Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide.
All faction agents are required to change their with your own. Becoming an adventurer doesn't
background feature to Safe Haven, regardless of necessarily require you to relinquish membership
their background. in your faction (though you can choose to do so),
and it might enhance your status in the faction.
Faction Agent
Many organizations active in the North and Skill Proficiencies: Insight and one Intelligence,
across the face of Faerûn aren't bound by stric- Wisdom, or Charisma skill of your choice, as
tures of geography. These factions pursue their appropriate to your faction
agendas without regard for political boundaries, Languages: Two of your choice
and their members operate anywhere the organi- Equipment: Badge or emblem of your faction, a
zation deems necessary. These groups employ copy of a seminal faction text (or a code-book
listeners, rumormongers, smugglers, sellswords, for a covert faction), a set of common clothes,
cache-holders (people who guard caches of and a pouch containing 15 gp
wealth or magic for use by the faction's opera-
tives), haven keepers, and message drop minders,
Feature: Safe Haven
to name a few. At the core of every faction are As a faction agent, you have access to a secret
those who don't merely fulfill a small function for network of supporters and operatives who can
that organization, but who serve as its hands, provide assistance on your adventures. You know
head, and heart. a set of secret signs and passwords you can use
As a prelude to your adventuring career (and in to identify such operatives, who can provide you
preparation for it), you served as an agent of a with access to a hidden safe house, free room and
particular faction in Faerûn. You might have oper- board, or assistance in finding information. These
ated openly or secretly, depending on the faction agents never risk their lives for you or risk reveal-
and its goals, as well as how those goals mesh ing their true identities.

Table of Contents›

Appendix B: Spells
The following descriptions excludes spells described in the Player’s Handbook and are drawn from Lost
Laboratory of Kwalish (LLK), Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGE), and Darkhold – Secrets of the Zhen-
tarim (DSZ).

Spellcasting Services Solid Fog. You can fill any number of 5-foot
squares on the ground with thick fog, making
At rank 5, one of the following spells can be cho- them heavily obscured. The fog reaches 10 feet
sen by the character to be cast at a location of its high. In addition, every foot of movement through
choice until the spell is permanent.: druid grove, the fog costs 2 extra feet. To a creature immune
Galder’s tower, teleportation circle, private sanc- to this effect, the fog obscures nothing and looks
tum, temple of the gods, mighty fortress, or like soft mist, with motes of green light floating in
guards and wards. the air.
Grasping Undergrowth. You can fill any num-
Druid Grove XGE ber of 5-foot squares on the ground that aren't
6th-level abjuration filled with fog with grasping weeds and vines, as
if they were affected by an entangle spell. To a
Casting Time: 10 minutes creature immune to this effect, the weeds and
Range: Touch vines feel soft and reshape themselves to serve as
Components: V, S, M (mistletoe, which the spell temporary seats or beds.
consumes, that was harvested with a golden Grove Guardians. You can animate up to four
sickle under the light of a full moon) trees in the area, causing them to uproot them-
Duration: 24 hours selves from the ground. These trees have the
Classes: Druid same statistics as an awakened tree, which
You invoke the spirits of nature to protect an area appears in the Monster Manual, except they can't
outdoors or underground. The area can be as speak, and their bark is covered with druidic sym-
small as a 30-foot cube or as large as a 90-foot bols. If any creature not immune to this effect
cube. Buildings and other structures are excluded enters the warded area, the grove guardians fight
from the affected area. If you cast this spell in the until they have driven off or slain the intruders.
same area every day for a year, the spell lasts The grove guardians also obey your spoken com-
until dispelled. mands (no action required by you) that you issue
The spell creates the following effects within while in the area. If you don't give them com-
the area. When you cast this spell, you can specify mands and no intruders are present, the grove
creatures as friends who are immune to the guardians do nothing. The grove guardians can't
effects. You can also specify a password that, leave the warded area. When the spell ends, the
when spoken aloud, makes the speaker immune magic animating them disappears, and the trees
to these effects. take root again if possible.
The entire warded area radiates magic. A dis- Additional Spell Effect. You can place your
pel magic cast on the area, if successful, removes choice of one of the following magical effects
only one of the following effects, not the entire within the warded area:
area. That spell's caster chooses which effect to  A constant gust of wind in two locations of your
end. Only when all its effects are gone is this spell choice
dispelled.  Spike growth in one location of your choice
 Wind wall in two locations of your choice
To a creature immune to this effect, the winds are
a fragrant, gentle breeze, and the area of spike
growth is harmless.

Table of Contents›

antimagic field has no effect on it. A disintegrate
Temple of the Gods XGE spell destroys the temple instantly.
7th-level conjuration Casting this spell on the same spot every day
Casting Time: 1 hour for a year makes this effect permanent.
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a holy symbol worth at Galder’s Tower LLK
least 5 gp) 3rd-level conjuration
Duration: 24 hours
Classes: Cleric Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 30 feet
You cause a temple to shimmer into existence on Components: V, S, M (a fragment of stone, wood,
ground you can see within range. The temple or other building material)
must fit within an unoccupied cube of space, up to Duration: 24 hours
120 feet on each side. The temple remains until Classes: Wizard
the spell ends. It is dedicated to whatever god,
pantheon, or philosophy is represented by the You conjure a two-story tower made of stone,
holy symbol used in the casting. wood, or similar suitably sturdy materials. The
You make all decisions about the temple's tower can be round or square in shape. Each level
appearance. The interior is enclosed by a floor, of the tower is 10 feet tall and has an area of up to
walls, and a roof, with one door granting access 100 square feet. Access between levels consists
to the interior and as many windows as you wish. of a simple ladder and hatch. Each level takes one
Only you and any creatures you designate when of the following forms, chosen by you when you
you cast the spell can open or close the door. cast the spell:
The temple's interior is an open space with an  A bedroom with a bed, chairs, chest, and magi-
idol or altar at one end. You decide whether the cal fireplace
temple is illuminated and whether that illumina-  A study with desks, books, bookshelves, parch-
tion is bright light or dim light. The smell of ments, ink, and ink pens
burning incense fills the air within, and the tem-  A dining space with a table, chairs, magical fire-
perature is mild. place, containers, and cooking utensils
The temple opposes types of creatures you  A lounge with couches, armchairs, side tables
choose when you cast this spell. Choose one or and footstools
more of the following: celestials, elementals, fey,  A washroom with toilets, washtubs, a magical
fiends, or undead. If a creature of the chosen type brazier, and sauna benches
attempts to enter the temple, that creature must  An observatory with a telescope and maps of
make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the night sky
it can't enter the temple for 24 hours. Even if the  An unfurnished, empty room
creature can enter the temple, the magic there
The interior of the tower is warm and dry, regard-
hinders it; whenever it makes an attack roll, an
less of conditions outside. Any equipment or
ability check, or a saving throw inside the temple,
furnishings conjured with the tower dissipate into
it must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled
smoke if removed from it. At the end of the spell’s
from the d20 roll.
duration, all creatures and objects within the
In addition, the sensors created by divination
tower that were not created by the spell appear
spells can't appear inside the temple, and crea-
safely outside on the ground, and all traces of the
tures within can't be targeted by divination spells.
tower and its furnishings disappear.
Finally, whenever any creature in the temple
You can cast this spell again while it is active
regains hit points from a spell of 1st level or
to maintain the tower’s existence for another 24
higher, the creature regains additional hit points
hours. You can create a permanent tower by cast-
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 hit
ing this spell in the same location and with the
same configuration every day for one year.
The temple is made from opaque magical force
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
that extends into the Ethereal Plane, thus block-
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the tower
ing ethereal travel in to the temple's interior.
can have one additional story for each slot level
Nothing can physically pass through the temple's
beyond 3rd.
exterior. It can't be dispelled by dispel magic, and

Table of Contents›

The walls, turrets, and keep are all made of
Mighty Fortress XGE stone that can be damaged. Each 10-foot-by-10-
8th-level conjuration foot section of stone has AC 15 and 30 hit points
Casting Time: 1 minute per inch of thickness. It is immune to poison and
Range: 1 mile psychic damage. Reducing a section of stone to 0
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least hit points destroys it and might cause connected
500 gp, which the spell consumes) sections to buckle and collapse at the DM's dis-
Duration: Instantaneous cretion.
Classes: Wizard After 7 days or when you cast this spell some-
where else, the fortress harmlessly crumbles and
A fortress of stone erupts from a square area of sinks back into the ground, leaving any creatures
ground of your choice that you can see within that were inside it safely on the ground.
range. The area is 120 feet on each side, and it Casting this spell on the same spot once every
must not have any buildings or other structures 7 days for a year makes the fortress permanent.
on it. Any creatures in the area are harmlessly
lifted up as the fortress rises. Other Spells
The fortress has four turrets with square
bases, each one 20 feet on a side and 30 feet tall,
with one turret on each corner. The turrets are Manshoon’s Mage Hand DSZ
connected to each other by stone walls that are Conjuration cantrip
each 80 feet long, creating an enclosed area. Casting Time: 1 action
Each wall is 1 foot thick and is composed of pan- Range: 30 feet
els that are 10 feet wide and 20 feet tall. Each Components: V, S
panel is contiguous with two other panels or one Duration: 1 round
other panel and a turret. You can place up to four
stone doors in the fortress's outer wall. You conjure a spectral, floating hand to choke a
A small keep stands inside the enclosed area. creature you can see within range. Make a ranged
The keep has a square base that is 50 feet on spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target
each side, and it has three floors with 10-foot-high takes 1d4 psychic damage and, if the target is
ceilings. Each of the floors can be divided into as Large or smaller, it must make a Strength (Athlet-
many rooms as you like, provided each room is at ics) or Dexterity (Acrobats) check (target’s choice)
least 5 feet on each side. The floors of the keep against your spell save DC. On a failure, the tar-
are connected by stone staircases, its walls are 6 get is grappled until the start of your next turn.
inches thick, and interior rooms can have stone The spell’s damage increased by 1d4 when
doors or open archways as you choose. The keep you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and
is furnished and decorated however you like, and 15th level (4d4).
it contains sufficient food to serve a nine-course
banquet for up to 100 people each day. Furnish-
ings, food, and other objects created by this spell
crumble to dust if removed from the fortress.
A staff of one hundred invisible servants obeys
any command given to them by creatures you des-
ignate when you cast the spell. Each servant
functions as if created by the unseen servant

Table of Contents›

Flock of Familiars LLK
2nd-level conjuration
Appendix C.
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Components: V, S These creature do not have attack options. While
Duration: 1 hour (requires concentration) tiny and relatively harmless, they are difficult to
You temporarily summon three familiars — spirits catch.
that take animal forms of your choice. Each famil-
iar uses the same rules and options for a familiar
conjured by the find familiar spell. All the famil-
iars conjured by this spell must be the same type Tiny Beast, Unaligned
of creature (celestials, fey, or fiends; your choice).
Armor Class 14
If you already have a familiar conjured by the find
Hit Points 1 (1d4 – 1)
familiar spell or similar means, then one fewer Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft.
familiars are conjured by this spell.
Familiars summoned by this spell can tele- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
pathically communicate with you and share their
1 (-5) 18 (+4) 9 (-1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
visual or auditory senses while they are within 1
mile of you. Skills Perception +2
When you cast a spell with a range of touch, Damage Immunities poison
one of the familiars conjured by this spell can Condition Immunities poisoned
deliver the spell, as normal. However, you can Senses passive Perception 12
cast a touch spell through only one familiar per Languages –
turn. Challenge 0 (10 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you con- Cardenolide Toxicity. Any creature that hits a
jure an additional familiar for each slot level butterfly with a bite attack suffers 1 point of poison
above 2nd. damage.

Tiny Beast, Unaligned

Armor Class 14
Hit Points 1 (1d4 – 1)
Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft.


1 (-5) 18 (+4) 9 (-1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 9 (-2)

Skills Perception +2
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages –
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Hemlock Toxicity. Any creature that hits a moth

with a bite attack suffers 1 point of poison damage.
Daylight Sensitivity. The moth has disadvantage on
all perception checks when it is in bright light.

Table of Contents›

Appendix D: Sidekicks
Like any character, a sidekick can use the action options in the combat rules. Optionally, the sidekick may
be enhanced with the appropriate racial traits. These sidekicks are obtained from D&D Essentials Rule-
book; alternatively, the sidekicks in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything can be used. These sidekicks begin at
6th level.

Spellcaster, Mage Spellcaster, Healer

Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment

Armor Class 12 (leather) Armor Class 12 (leather)

Hit Points 31 (7d8) Hit Points 31 (7d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Wis +5 Saving Throws Wis +6

Skills Arcana +6, Investigation +6, Religion +6 Skills Arcana +5, Investigation +5, Religion +5
Senses passive Perception 12 Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, plus one of your choice Languages Common, plus one of your choice
Proficiencies simple weapons, light armor Proficiencies simple weapons, light armor

Spellcasting. The spellcaster’s spellcasting ability is Spellcasting. The spellcaster’s spellcasting ability is
Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +6 to hit with spell Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +6 to hit with spell
attacks). The spellcaster has following wizard spells attacks). The spellcaster has following cleric spells
prepared: prepared:
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, sacred flame
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, shield, sleep 1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, shield of faith
2nd level (2 slots): invisibility 2nd level (2 slots): aid
Potent Cantrips. The spellcaster can add its Potent Cantrips. The spellcaster can add its
spellcasting ability modifier to the damage it deals spellcasting ability modifier to the damage it deals
with any cantrip. with any cantrip.

Actions Actions
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, or 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, or
4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands. 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.

Table of Contents›

Warrior, Attacker Warrior, Defender
Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment

Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield) Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)
Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14) Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

17 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+12) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+12) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Con +5 Saving Throws Con +5

Skills Athletics +6, Perception +4, Survival +4 Skills Athletics +6, Perception +4, Survival +4
Senses passive Perception 14 Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, plus one of your choice Languages Common, plus one of your choice
Proficiencies simple and martial weapons, shields, Proficiencies simple and martial weapons, shields,
all armor all armor

Second Wind. The warrior can use a bonus action Second Wind. The warrior can use a bonus action
on its turn to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + its on its turn to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + its
level. If it does so, it can’t use this feature again until level. If it does so, it can’t use this feature again until
it finishes a short or long rest. it finishes a short or long rest.
Improved Critical. The warrior’s attack rolls now Improved Critical. The warrior’s attack rolls now
score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20. score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.

Actions Actions
Extra Attack. The warrior can attack twice, instead Extra Attack. The warrior can attack twice, instead
of once, whenever it takes the Attack action on its of once, whenever it takes the Attack action on its
turn. turn.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or
8 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two 8 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two
hands. hands.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing
damage. damage.

Protection. The warrior imposes disadvantage on
the attack roll of a creature within 5 feet of it whose
target isn’t the warrior. The warrior must be able to
see the attacker.

Table of Contents›

Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment

Armor Class 14 (studded leather)

Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +5

Skills Acrobatics +6, Performance +5, Persuasion
+5, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, plus one of your choice
Proficiencies simple weapons, rapiers,
shortswords, light armor, thieves tools, a musical

Helpful. The expert can take the Help action as a

bonus action.
Tools Expertise. The expert has thieves’ tools and a
musical instrument. The proficiency bonus is
doubled for any ability check the expert makes that
uses either of these proficiencies.
Cunning Action. On the expert’s turn in combat, it
can take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action as a
bonus action.

Extra Attack. The expert can attack twice, instead
of once, whenever it takes the Attack action on its
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4
+ 3) piercing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing

Table of Contents›

Appendix E: Supernatural Gifts
Charms Blessings
The charm can't be used in the area created by an A character retains the benefits of a blessing for-
antimagic field or a similar effect, and a charm's ever or until it is taken away by the god or power
effects are susceptible to dispel magic and the that granted it. Unlike a magic item, such a bless-
like, but the charm itself can't be removed from a ing can't be suppressed by an antimagic field or
creature by anything short of divine intervention similar effect.
or the wish spell.
If you’d like to create your own blessings, Dungeon
If you’d like to create your own charms, Dungeon Master’s Guide, chapter 7 guidance includes: “The
Master’s Guide, chapter 7 guidance includes: “The text of a blessing addresses its user. If you decide to
text of a charm addresses its user. A typical charm create more blessings, consider this: a typical bless-
mimics the effects of a potion or a spell, so it is easy ing mimics the properties of a wondrous item.”
to create more charms of your own, if you like.”
Blessing Against Poison
Beacon of Hope Charm Blessing
Charm Poisons have no effect on you. You are immune to
This charm allows the character to cast the the poisoned condition and have immunity to poi-
beacon of hope spell (3rd-level version) as an son damage.
action. Once used three times, the charm
vanishes from the character. Blessing of the Zephyr
Charm of Animal Conjuring If your mount is a horse or similar creature, when
Charm moving normally while you are riding it, it floats 4
inches above the ground. This effect means the
This charm allows the character to cast the creature can cross or stand above non-solid or
conjure animals spell (3rd-level version) as an unstable surfaces, such as water or lava. The
action. Once used three times, the charm creature leaves no tracks and ignores difficult
vanishes from the character. terrain. In addition, the creature can move at
normal speed for up to 12 hours a day without
Charm of Clairvoyance suffering exhaustion from a forced march.
This charm allows the character to cast the clair-
voyance spell (3rd-level version) as an action.
Once used three times, the charm vanishes from
the character.

Table of Contents›

Appendix F: Magic Items
For the faction insignias, the D&D Beyond link
includes the full list of rank perks within the
Emerald Enclave Leaf Clasp
magic item description, allowing for easy player Wondrous item, varies
reference if they use D&D Beyond. Typically fashioned as a copper cloak clasp in the
shape of a leaf, the clasp serves to identify mem-
Assassin’s Glasses bers of the Emerald Enclave and only functions
Wondrous item, uncommon for chosen agents.
These ornate wine glasses can take a variety of Rank 3. Upon reaching rank 3, your clasp is
forms, such as a flask, goblet, or stein, and always magically upgraded. This clasp has 3 charges,
come in pairs. While holding an assassin’s glass, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at
you can use a bonus action to swap the contents dawn. While wearing the ring, you can use an
of your glass with another assassin’s glass you action to expend 1 of its charges to cast one of the
can see within 60 feet of you. following spells:
 Animal friendship (save DC 13)
 Fear (save DC 13), targeting only beasts that
have an Intelligence of 3 or lower
 Speak with animals
Rank 4. Upon reaching rank 4, your clasp is mag-
ically upgraded. It now also serves as a key to
activate Emerald Enclave portals throughout
Faerûn, providing instant transport to any other
Emerald Enclave portal. The four more com-
monly known portals are in The High Forest,
Cormanthor, The Wealdath, and The Forests of
the Great Dale. When activated, the portal
remains open until the end of your next turn,
allowing anyone to use the portal.

Instars subfaction agents receive a similar Emerald

Enclave butterfly clasp.

Gauntlets of Justice
Wondrous item, uncommon
Banesword These gauntlets have 3 charges. While wearing
Weapon (longsword) uncommon (requires attunement)
them, you can use an action to expend 1 of its
The blade and hilt of this weapon are made from charges to cast protection from evil and good on
black iron and engraved with the symbol of Bane: one willing creature you touch.
an upright right hand with thumb and fingers The gauntlets regain 1 expended charge daily
together. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and dam- at dawn.
age rolls made with this magic weapon.
While wielding this sword, you can use an
action to cast the bane spell from it. Once used,
this property can’t be used again until the next

Table of Contents›

Handharp  If you die while wearing the pin, your soul
enters it, unless it already houses a soul. You
Wondrous item, uncommon
can remain in the pin or depart for the afterlife.
These small harps are very popular among the As long as your soul is in the pin, you can tele-
Harpers, and not just because of the name. A pathically communicate with any creature
handharp is a crescent-shaped wooden instru- wearing it. A wearer can't prevent this tele-
ment, about the size of a human hand, with metal pathic communication.
strings. Anyone who can play a tune on a stringed  It becomes as hard as adamantine.
instrument can use the harp. Anyone proficient  If worn by an evil-aligned being, the pin turns
with a musical instrument can discover all the black within a few rounds.
powers in about 10 minutes of playing.
Once the powers are discovered, you can use
an action to play the instrument and produce one
Harper Token
Wondrous item, uncommon
of its effects. Once the instrument has been used
to create an effect, it can’t be used to create that The Harpers have many friends and allies, and
effect again until the next dawn. sometimes they reward people who have done
them a service. They also like to mark their
 Dancing lights as the cantrip. friends and loved ones so that other Harpers
 Undead creatures within 10 feet suffer disad- know to look out for them. A Harper token is a
vantage on their first attack after hearing the minor magic item that gives the bearer a small
music. benefit and lets the Harpers identify him. Such
items are often carried by the adventuring sons
Harper Pin and daughters of Harpers. Similar to a Harper
Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement by a Harper) pin, but smaller, this brooch is made of silver. Its
head is a flat disk embossed with a handharp.
Typically fashioned as silver brooches embossed
Some Harper tokens are made of gold or other
with a handharp, Harper pins are made by certain
materials, have different embossed symbols such
skilled (and secretive) smiths, artificers, and wiz-
as a musical note or a tree, and come in other
ards who make and give pins only to specific
shapes such as belt buckles, bracelets, or rings.
senior Harpers, who then bestow them upon new
This token has 1 charge. While wearing it, you
Harpers. Harpers wear their pins openly only as a
can use an action to speak the command word (a
recognition signal to other Harpers, or at Harper
phrase made up of words that would not usually
be spoken together, such as “blessed Zhentarim,”
Rank 3. Upon reaching rank 3, your pin is
“friendly phaerimm,” or “drunken golem”) to
magically upgraded and gains the following char-
expend its charge, providing you with an effect
similar to the guidance spell; however, the appli-
 While wearing this pin, you are immune to cable skill bonus and the command word are
magic that allows other creatures to read your chosen by the Harper gifting the item, at the time
thoughts, determine whether you are lying, of gifting. This effect can be used once per day.
know your alignment, or know your creature If a Harper token and a Harper pin of any kind
type. Creatures can telepathically communicate touch, the token glows momentarily. This prop-
with you only if you allow it. erty allows Harpers to verify if a token is actually
 You can use an action to cause the pin to a Harper item or just something that looks like
become invisible until you use another action to one. The token regains its charge daily at dawn.
make it visible, until you remove the pin, or
until you die.

Table of Contents›

Lords’ Alliance Signet Ring Weapon of Retribution
Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement by an agent Any melee weapon, varies (requires attunement by an
of the Lords’ Alliance) agent of the Order of the Gauntlet)
This gold signet ring, engraved with the emblem This weapon is gifted to an agent of the Order of
of a crown on the palm side of the ring, is given to the Gauntlet and can be any melee weapon of the
members of the Lords' Alliance. wielder’s choice.
You can rotate the ring a quarter turn, causing In darkness, the uncovered weapon sheds
the ring to become invisible while it remains on moonlight, creating bright light in a 15-foot radius
your finger. Rotating the ring the opposite direc- and dim light for an additional 15 feet.
tion causes the ring to become visible. Rank 2. Upon reaching rank 2, your weapon is
Rank 3. Upon reaching rank 3, your ring is magically upgraded and gains a +1 bonus to
magically upgraded. This ring has 3 charges, and attack and damage rolls.
it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. Rank 3. Upon reaching rank 3, your weapon is
While wearing the ring, you can use an action to magically upgraded and gains the following char-
expend 1 to 3 of its charges to attack one creature acteristics:
you can see within 60 feet of you. The ring pro- This weapon has 3 charges and regains all its
duces a spectral ram's head and makes its attack expended charges daily at dawn. When a creature
roll with a +7 bonus. On a hit, for each charge you you can see within 60 feet of you damages you
spend, the target takes 2d10 force damage and is while you are holding this weapon, you can use
pushed 5 feet away from you. your reaction to expend 1 of the weapon's
Alternatively, you can expend 1 to 3 of the charges to force the creature to make a DC 13
ring's charges as an action to try to break an Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 2d10
object you can see within 60 feet of you that isn't lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
being worn or carried. The ring makes a Strength damage on a successful one.
check with a +5 bonus for each charge you spend. Rank 4. Upon reaching rank 4, your weapon is
magically upgraded and gains an additional +1
Order of the Gauntlet bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Rank 5. Upon reaching rank 5, your weapon is
Pendant magically upgraded and gains an additional +1
Wondrous item, varies bonus to attack and damage rolls.
This is a silver pendant depicting the blade of ret-
ribution held in place by the gauntlet of justice. D&D Beyond Link. This weapon can be any melee
Agents of the Order of the Gauntlet wear this as a weapon. Unfortunately, magic weapons can not be
symbol of their commitment to the Order. created on D&D Beyond without a base weapon
Rank 3. Upon reaching rank 3, your pendant type. A player would need to create their own, spe-
is magically upgraded. While wearing this pen- cific weapon (such as a short sword or flail) and
dant, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) then add the properties.
checks to determine whether someone is lying to

Order of the Gilded Eye subfaction agents receive

a similar Order of the Gilded Eye pendant.

Table of Contents›

Zhentarim Tattoo
Wondrous item (tattoo), common
Appendix G:
Produced by a special needle and placed in a
location of your choice, this tattoo of a flying
Faction Jobs
snake is applied to all agents of the Zhentarim. Faction Jobs include a handful of short generic
When you display this tattoo while performing missions that a character can reasonably com-
an Intimidation check against another humanoid, plete within the span of a workweek. To complete
add 1d4 to your attempt. a job, a character must accumulate three success-
ful ability checks before accumulating three
Doom Raiders subfaction agents receive a similar failures. The player chooses the skill for each of
Doom Raiders tattoo. these checks. Once the character has attempted
an ability check with a given skill, whether they
succeed or fail that ability check, they can’t use
that skill again during the remainder of the job.
A character earns one renown after success-
fully completing a job. There are typically no
monetary or item rewards for completing a job,
other than perhaps covering daily food and lodg-
ing, if successful.
Faction Job Difficulty Class
Tier Character Level DC
1 1-4 15
2 5-10 17
3 11-16 19
4 17-20 21

Table of Contents›

Appendix H: Other Material and Sources
If you found this publication useful, the author The Deck of Decks
has created the following similar publications,
just click the DMSGuild icon for a hyperlink: Not related to factions, the author is taking this
opportunity to shamelessly plug a print-on-
demand product called “The Deck of Decks”. It is
a high-quality set of actual playing cards that
serves five purposes:
Three Factions of Waterdeep
 First and foremost, it is a standard deck of
Bregan D’aerthe, Gray Hands, Xanathar Guild. PLAYING CARDS that can be used for any
These three factions are presented in Waterdeep: card game requiring up to 54 cards.
Dragon Heist. The publication also covers two  It is a deck of TAROKKA CARDS that can be
subfactions, Force Grey and the Deep Delvers, as used when playing Curse of Strahd (the publi-
well as a host of different bullets for drow gun- cation refers to the deck as a ‘tarot deck’). This
slinger pistols (along with the firearm itself). is the center image on all 54 cards.
includes 22 cards (the two jokers are shared
with the deck of illusions) that can be pulled out
into their own deck for game play. Full deck vs.
standard deck and cards with enmity are also
 It is a DECK OF ILLUSIONS. This includes 34
cards (the two jokers are shared with the deck
of many things) that can be pulled into their
own deck for game play.
 It is a DECK OF COMMONS. This includes 52
cards consisting of a variety of common magic
items that can be used for a numerous of pur-
poses including random loot generation.
The Red Wizards of Thay Use it as a D&D prop, or use it forevermore as a
The Red Wizards are but a shadow of their for- regular deck of cards!
mer organization...but they are out there, and
they’re making a comeback.
Whether your character is working in the
Moonsea region, Sword Coast, or even in Skull-
port as an emissary to Waterdeep, this
supplement includes optional rules for any adven-
ture to make the Red Wizards of Thay a
character-playable faction.

Table of Contents›

Sources  Mearls, Mike and others. Dungeon Master’s
 Arman, Justice and others. Darkhold – Secrets Guide, 2014.
of the Zhentarim, 2020.  Mearls, Mike and others. Tyranny of Dragons,
 Baker, Richard and others. Princes of the Apoc- 2019.
alypse, 2015.  Ohlen, James. Minsc and Boo’s Journal of Vil-
 Butler, Jim. The Reach, 1996. lany, 2021.
 Camel, Brandy and others. Adventure League  Perkins, Christopher and others, Out of the
Player’s Guide, version 10.3, 2020. Abyss, 2015.
 Carroll, Bart and others. Lost Laboratory of  Perkins, Christopher and others. Waterdeep:
Kwalish, 2018. Dragon Heist, 2018.
 Crawford, Jeremy and others. Basic Rules,  Perkins, Christopher and others, Icewind Dale:
2018. Rime of the Frostmaiden, 2020.
 Crawford, Jeremy and others. Xanathar’s Guide  Perkins, Christopher and others, Storm King’s
to Everything, 2017. Thunder, 2016.
 Cunningham, Elaine. Evermeet: Island of Elves,  Perkins, Christopher and others, Tomb of Anni-
1998. hilation, 2017.
 Evans, Erin. “The Harpers of Waterdeep”,  Quick, Jeff. Perilous Gateways, Emerald
Dragon Magazine 430, 2013. Enclave Portals, 2004.
 Greenwood, Ed. The Code of the Harpers,  Reid, Thomas and others. Champions of Valor,
1993. 2005.
 Greenwood, Ed. Shadows of Doom, 1995.  Reynolds, Sean and others. Magic of Faerûn,
 Greenwood, Ed and others. A Grand Tour of 2001.
the Realms, 1993.  Reynolds, Sean. “Forgotten Realms Survival
 Holkins, Jerry and others. Acquisitions Incorpo- Guide”, Dragon Annual 5, 2000.
rated, 2019.  Schend, Steven. “I Sing a Song by the Deep-
 Jaquaya, Paul. The Savage Frontier, 1988. Water Bay”, Dragon Magazine 211, 1994.
 Kenson, Steve and others. Sword Coast Adven-  Wizards of the Coast. Faction Kits, 2016.
turer’s Guide, 2015.  Wizards of the Coast. D&D Starter Set, 2014.
 Lee Adam and others; Baldur’s Gate: Descent  Wizards of the Coast. D&D Essentials Kit,
into Avernus, 2019. 2020.
 Lindsay, Chris. A Guide to the Factions of  Wyatt, James and others, Guildmaster’s Guide
Faerûn, 2016. to Ravnica, 2018.
 Marks, Greg. Conversations With...Faction Con- 
tacts in the Moonsea, 2016. dragons/story/factions

Table of Contents›


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