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A long time ago, there WAS a family.

Dad was a MUSICIAN.

One day, he LEFT home.
He DIDN’T come back.
Mama started to MAKE shoes.

Miguel WANTS to be a musician.

But his Grandma HATES music.
Every day after school he CLEANS shoes.

Miguel WANTS to go to the talent show,

but his Grandma doesn’t LET him go.
Mama Coco FORGOT everybody, because she is very old.
He BROKE the photo. Grandma WILL BE mad.
Miguel was very mad, and he RAN away.

Mexicans CELEBRATE the Day of the dead.

They set up an ALTAR.
People dress as SKELETONS.
If they put up the altar, the SPIRITS can come back home.

Miguel didn’t have a guitar.

He wanted to BORROW a guitar but nobody gave him one.
He STOLE the guitar from the cemetery.
He BECAME a spirit.
Nobody SAW him. Only his dog did.
If a family, puts up a photo, dead people can CROSS the bridge.
Miguel TOOK Imelda’s photo, so she cannot cross.

Mama Imelda GAVE him a blessing, and he went home.

Then, he stole the guitar again and he returned.
But, he had a great idea- his Great Grandpa can give him a BLESSING!
Miguel FOUND a friend in the Land of the Dead.

Miguel: IF I find Ernersto, he WILL GIVE me a blessing!

Hector: IF you give me the guitar, I WILL RETURN it!
Old man: IF you play me a song, I WILL GIVE you the guitar!
IF Miguel wins, he WILL MEET Ernesto!

The old man DISAPPEARED.

Miguel was NERVOUS before the talent show, but he PLAYED great!
Suddenly, Mama Imelda SHOWED UP!
When Miguel saw her, he RAN away!
Then, Miguel and Hector HAD A FIGHT.
The guard THREW Miguel out.
Miguel RAN into Ernesto’s home and STARTED playing.
Then Ernesto HEARD him.
He FELL into the pool.
Ernesto JUMPED into the pool to save Miguel.
Miguel SAID he was his grandson and Ernesto WAS happy.

Ernesto and Hector WERE friends.

They PLAYED together.
Hector WANTED to return home, but Ernesto DIDN’T.
So Ernesto POISONED Hector.

Ernesto KILLED Hector for his songs.

Hector WROTE Remember me, but Ernesto STOLE it.
Now Ernesto DOESN’T WANT to give Miguel a blessing.
If Miguel GOES home, he WILL TELL everybody!
Mama Imelda knows the TRUTH now. She will help Hector.
The plan is: they WILL find Ernesto, they WILL take the photo, they WILL give Miguel the
blessing, Miguel WILL go home, and he WILL put Hector’s photo on the offrenda.
Hector WILL not disappear!

Mama Imelda CHANGED HER MIND. Miguel can be a musician.

But Ernesto SHOWED UP! He wanted to stop Miguel from going home.
He THREW him from a cliff but a spirit animal CAUGHT him.
Hero WENT to bot fights.
He won!
Yama GOT ANGRY because he lost his money.
Hero’s brother SHOWED UP.
He TOOK Hero to his college.

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