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A. Match the halves to make phrases.

1. connect a. to an account

2. share b. a friend request

3. log in c. on the websites

4. confirm d. messages

5. reply e. notifications

6. delete f. to the Internet

7. surf g. photos

8. check h. the old files

B. Read the sentences about the Internet Safety and circle “True” or “False”.

1. You can download files without your parent’s permission. True / False

2. You should create a strong password. True / False

3. You must accept unknown people’s friend request. True / False

4. You can share your personal information with strangers. True / False

5. You shouldn’t believe all news on the Internet. True / False

6. You should avoid using dangerous websites. True / False

7. You shouldn’t be careful what you share on the Internet. True / False


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