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Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance

Faculty of Economics

Lecturer: Phạm Thị Minh Hạnh

Class: MGT1143E.B01E
Group: Pig Team

contribution Evaluation
Full name Student ID Tasks of the task of task
to the results
overall task
1 Đặng Bảo Anh 215143283  Question 4 11.1% Good
 Question 4
2 Lê Thanh Lộc 215143134 11.1% Good
 Introduction
 Question 2
3 Trần Thị Xuân Hòa 215143302  Synthesixe 11.1% Good
the report
4 Nguyễn Nhật Hà My 215143150  Question 2 11.1% Good
Trương Nguyễn Ngọc
5 215143099  Conclusion 11.1% Good

6 Quách Thị Thùy Trang 215143223  Question 3 11.1% Good
7 Đới Sỹ Trọng 215080666  Question 3 11.1% Good
8 Lê Thị Trà My 195081881  Question 1 11.1% Good
9 Nguyễn Thanh Thức 205083491  Question 1 11.1% Good
Total: 100%

Ho Chi Minh City, 4th June, 2023

Table of contents

I. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................4
II. ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS......................................................................................4
Question 1: What is the function of the goods inspection area?..........................................4
Question 2: During your trip, you visited a warehouse. What kind of warehouse is that?
Describe the process of receiving and loading goods into that warehouse by forklift?.......7
Question 3: How many maritime routes can cargo ships from Cat Lai take? List down and
describe those routes........................................................................................................... 9
Question 4: Which type of ship that Cat Lai port approves berthing? Why does Cat
Lai not allow ships with a larger capacity to dock and maximize their cargo
handling capacity?...........................................................................................................12
III. CONCLUSION:........................................................................................................16
Table of pictures

Picture 1.1. Direct checking............................................................................................................5

Picture 1.2: Inspection area............................................................................................................5
Picture 2.1: Tan Cang Warehousing................................................................................................8
Picture 2.2: CFS warehouse............................................................................................................8
Picture 4.1: Container ships..........................................................................................................12
Picture 4.2: Bulk carriers ships......................................................................................................13
Picture 4.3: Tank ships..................................................................................................................13
Picture 4.4 Tanker ships................................................................................................................14
Picture 4.5: Ro-Ro ships................................................................................................................14
Picture 4.6: General Cargo ships...................................................................................................14

Vietnam has a coastline of more than 3,260 kilometers, making it a country with
many geographical advantages, so Vietnam has plenty of potential to expand
logistics via sea. Logistics as a spearhead economic sector is considered as the
lifeblood of Vietnam's economy and a driving force for Vietnam's further
development. Despite this, Vietnam's seaport system largely complies with the
needs of socioeconomic development and global economic integration for the
clearance of import and export products as well as the transportation of goods by
water between areas of the country. However, with the increasing integration needs
of the country, the volume of goods and passengers passing through the seaport is
increasing, so it has not yet met the demand for timely development of the seaport
system. Therefore, the investment and development of the seaport system is one of
the important tasks placed on the top of the Party and State.

In order to increase understanding, practical experience is therefore just as important

as absorbing theoretical information in school. Because of that, the school has
created an opportunity for our class to directly visit Cat Lai Port. We also got a more
accurate understanding of how the Port functions and a better understanding of the
cargo handling process step by step as a result of this field trip. Besides that, this
field trip was very useful and interesting because we got to visit Ho Chi Minh City's
largest and most cutting-edge international cargo port. Thanks to that, we have
gained a lot of useful practical knowledge.

Our report will go into detail about the harvest obtained after the visit to Cat Lai Port.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the dedication and thoughtfulness
from the school as well as the company for us to interact with the real world and
absorb useful and useful information for the studying and working process in the


Question 1: What is the function of the goods inspection area?
The seller must declare his goods via the online portal in order to be able to transport them
through ports. After that, the packages will be sorted into three streams with different
priority and inspection levels, including green, yellow, and red:
 Green stream: Goods are cleared from inspection.
 Yellow stream: Information on the documents of goods need to be verified.
 Red stream: Verify the accuracy of the documents' information and the genuineness of the
goods. A Customs officer is in charge of this inspection (under the direction of government
representatives from the Ministry of Finance). Customs officials will conduct screening check
and direct check (full or proportionate).

Source: Vinalogs
Picture 1.1. Direct checking.

All inspection activities of goods belonging to the above red channel will take place at the
INSPECTION AREA at the port.

Source: vietnamplus
Picture 1.2: Inspection area
First and foremost, Customs is the agency with the responsibility to carry out customs
activities in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Customs. Customs is a state
institution created with the intention of being able to directly carry out customs activities.
According to the legislation, Vietnam Customs is another organization tasked with helping
the minister of finance carry out the duty of State administration of customs along with
carrying out this operation.

Customs' role is to directly carry out laws governing how the state manages customs for
imported and exported commodities. Organize the application of the law on tax and other
collection of imported and exported commodities; prevent and combat smuggling and
unlawful cross-border transportation of goods in accordance with the law.

The Cat Lai port (and many other ports) cargo inspection section plays a crucial role in the
import and export of products. This area's primary duty is to check and manage the cargo
being moved through the port.

Specific tasks of Cat Lai port (and many other ports in general) are as follows:

 Executing inspections and monitoring transportation methods and products in line with
customs law.
 Participating in the prevention, detection, and eradication of illicit cross-border trade in
 Establishing policies and procedures for State management of customs for export, import,
exit, entry, transit, and tax policies for exported and imported goods, including the main
border gate and the secondary border gate located within the customs control area along
the land border.

The Cat Lai port's cargo inspection area performs the following fundamental duties:

1. Cargo inspection: To guarantee the nature, quality, and compliance with rules and
associated legislation, the cargo inspection area conducts cargo inspection. Safety, hygiene,
categorization, origin, quantity, and packaging are among the inspection norms.
2. Customs control: The process of customs control involves the cargo inspection area as well.
To ensure adherence to the nation's customs legislation, they review the customs
paperwork, import and export invoices, relevant papers, and perform the required customs
3. Security inspection: The cargo inspection area is crucial to maintaining port security. Before
accepting export or import, they carry out cargo inspection to find and stop forbidden items,
dangerous or illegal commodities, and protect the security of the cargo as well as the port.
4. Statistics and reports: The Cat Lai port's cargo inspection area frequently compiles statistics
and reports on the quantity and types of imported and exported commodities, as well as
market trends and other relevant economic indicators. For port administrators and
governments, this data offers a crucial database for tracking and reviewing import and
export activities.

In conclusion, the cargo inspection area at Cat Lai port is crucial for inspecting, monitoring,
and assuring the quality, safety, and adherence to applicable legal requirements of imported
and exported goods.

Question 2: During your trip, you visited a warehouse. What kind of warehouse is that?
Describe the process of receiving and loading goods into that warehouse by forklift?

The CFS warehouse at Cat Lai port is a retail gathering station that receives and stores
temporary commodities during the port's handling and transportation processes.
 Logistics companies or importers frequently rent warehouse space: Exporters can keep
their goods while they await customs clearance or shipping to their eventual destination.
 Warehouse activities involve loading and unloading items: picking up products at the
manufacturer, checking and packing goods, loading and unloading commodities from
containers outside the port, and packing things into containers.
 Furthermore, the warehouse is outfitted with contemporary technology and machinery to
enable effective and timely import, export, and transportation of goods.
Source: saigonnewport.com.vn

Picture 2.1: Tan Cang Warehousing

Cat Lai port staff will determine the order of receipt, quantity, and inspection
customer product information and shipping instructions.
 First, the staff will check the forklift whether the forklift meets the necessary safety level
with the requirements set forth or not to ensure the safety of the goods as well as the
forklift operator.
 Next, the staff will move to door 23 to receive goods to load the forklift
 Staff then use forklifts to transport the goods to the warehouse to the pallets or to the
designated required location.

Source: kienthuxuatnhapkhau.com
Picture 2.2: CFS warehouse
Question 3: How many maritime routes can cargo ships from Cat Lai take? List down and
describe those routes.
Cargo ships from Cat Lai Port can travel 42 public maritime routes to the national port with a
total length of 935.9 km and 10 channels to the dedicated port. Important streams include:
Hon Gai, Hai Phong, Nghi Son, Da Nang, Quy Nhon, Saigon - Vung Tau, Cai Mep - Thi Vai and
Hau river channels through Dinh An estuary.

The longest channel is Dinh An - Can Tho channel, about 130.6 km long, the shortest
channel is 0.65 km long, is the channel entering Sa Dec port, Dong Thap province (from the
Tien river confluence).

The route of large-tonnage ships entering the Hau River (through the shortcut canal) with a
total length of 46.5 km is being withdrawn, completed and put into operation to meet the
capacity of ships of 10,000 DWT with full load and ships of 20,000 DWT with reduced load
entering the line. next next Ports in the Mekong Delta.

Vietnam is a transshipment point for private imports from Asia through Cat Lai port and
goods exported to the US and EU through Cai Mep - Thi Vai port area. Due to limited
competitiveness, the scope of operation of Vietnamese ships is mainly on short tonnage
routes in Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia.

1. For inland maritime routes in our country

Vietnam has a coastline of more than 3000km running from North to South, creating
favorable conditions for ships to dock and transport goods from South to North. As a
country with a dense system of rivers and canals, forming a convenient waterway network.
There is an extremely rich port system with 3 port centers in the North (Hai Phong, Quang
Ninh); in the Central region (Da Nang, Quang Ngai, Quy Nhon, Nha Trang) and in the South
(HCMC, Dong Nai, Ba Ria - Vung Tau).

The demand for freight is increasing, inland sea transportation is of great interest to many

The North-South inland sea transport route is the largest inland sea transportation route in
our country stretching from North to South, passing through large and small seaports of the
two regions.
 Nam Trung inland sea transport route is the sea transport route of ports from Central to
 North Central inland sea transport route is a sea transport route from ports in the Central
region to the North.
 A few other small inland sea shipping routes such as the Ho Chi Minh City route. Ho Chi
Minh City - Can Tho, City. Ho Chi Minh City - Ba Ria - Vung Tau, City. Ho Chi Minh City -
Hanoi... these small lines were formed to meet the current market demand.

2. International shipping routes

 Sea route from Vietnam to Europe:

This route is a long sea route, influenced by natural conditions and different Eurasian
climate.This international sea route includes the following routes: From Vietnam, the ship
will depart from the East Sea and follow the East Sea to Singapore. Trains on the route often
stop at Singapore to buy fuel and necessary documents. Ships follow this route into the
Malaysian archipelago and across the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea. Next, the ship continued
to proceed to the Suez Canal to reach the Mediterranean. From this area, ships can go to
countries such as France, Italy, Bulgaria... In addition, ships can also go through the Istanbul
Strait to enter Costanza, Vacna, Odessa ports or go to the Gibranta Strait to the Atlantic
Ocean to reach the ports of Costanza, Vacna, and Odessa. Nordic country. To reach the
ports of countries such as Finland, Germany, Poland, Sweden, the ship will continue to pass
through the Kiel canal into the Bantic Sea.
 Sea route from Vietnam to America:
Route through the Suez Canal:

The route through the Suez Canal is about 11,600 nautical miles long. In this
international sea route, ships will depart from Vietnam and pass through Singapore and
Malacca Strait. It then turns south to Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean and then into the
Red Sea, passing through the Suez Canal. At this time, the ship sailed on the
Mediterranean Sea and through the Strait of Gibralta across the Atlantic Ocean and to
the Americas. Thus, on the Vietnam - America sea route through the Suez Canal, ships
must pass through part of the East Pacific coast, the North of the Indian Ocean, the Red
Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic Ocean. The Vietnam - America sea route
through the Suez Canal has advantages near the shore. Therefore, responding to
emergency situations is quite quick and easy. Depending on the seasons of the year,
there will be certain advantages in terms of flow rate and weather. However, the
disadvantage of this route is the high density of boats.

Route through Cape of Good Hope:

The length of this sea route is about more than 12,000 nautical miles depending on the
specific destination. With the Vietnam - America sea route through this Cape of Good
Hope, ships from Vietnam will go to Indonesia and cross the Jakacta Strait, cross the
Indian Ocean to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. After that, the ships will
continue to cross the Atlantic to reach East America or Central America, the Caribbean
Sea and vice versa. This route has the advantage that the density of boats is quite
sparse, thereby accelerating the travel speed. However, the disadvantage is the very
long distance.

Route through the Panama Canal:

The length of the sea route from Vietnam to the Americas through the Panama Canal is
about 10,000 nautical miles. With the destination as Cuba, the distance is 10,850
nautical miles. On this sea route, from Vietnam will run east and through the
Philippines, then across the Pacific Ocean, to the Panama Canal and from there to Cuba
or Central American countries. With this route through the Panama Canal, the distance
is much shortened, but there is a toll to go through the Panama Canal.

 Sea route Vietnam - Hong Kong - Japan

This route was opened very early. If ships from Hai Phong go to Hong Kong, they must
circle below Hainan Strait and further 180 nautical miles. This sea route is relatively
convenient, because the natural conditions of Hong Kong's waters are similar to those
of Vietnam (under the influence of the tropical monsoon climate), in addition, the tides
are regular and the currents are not high. ocean currents rarely affect the navigation of
ships. However, it will be affected by the northeast monsoon and storms will appear in
some months of the year. Towards the Sea of Japan, this sea is influenced by the diurnal
tidal regime with an fluctuation amplitude of about 2 m. Besides, this sea is also
influenced by two ocean currents such as Hong Kong sea.

Question 4: Which type of ship that Cat Lai port approves berthing? Why does
Cat Lai not allow ships with a larger capacity to dock and maximize their cargo
handling capacity?
 Types of Ships Approved for Berthing at Cat Lai Port

Cat Lai Port handles a variety of ships, each designed to carry a specific type of
cargo. Below is a list of ships that Cat Lai Port approves for berthing, along with a
brief description of each:

 Container Ships: These ships are specially designed to carry containers of

different sizes. They have a large deck space and a high load-carrying
capacity. Container ships are the most commonly used ships at Cat Lai Port.

Source: Wikipedia
Picture 4.1: Container ships
Cat Lai Port has modern container handling equipment and can
accommodate container ships up to 14,000 TEUs.
 Bulk Carriers: As the name suggests, these ships are designed to carry bulk
cargo such as coal, iron ore, grains, and minerals. They have a large cargo
hold and can carry a vast amount of cargo. Cat Lai Port can accommodate
bulk carriers up to 100,000 DWT.

Source: sancopack.com
Picture 4.2: Bulk carriers ships

 Tankers: Tankers are designed to carry liquid cargo such as crude oil,
petroleum products, and chemicals. They have a complex pumping system
to load and offload cargo. Cat Lai Port can accommodate tankers up to
150,000 DWT.

Source: ndh.vn
Picture 4.3: Tank ships
 Ro-Ro Ships: Ro-Ro (Roll-on/Roll-off) ships are designed to carry wheeled
cargo, such as cars, trucks, and trailers. These ships have a large ramp that
allows cargo to be rolled on and off the vessel. Cat Lai Port can accommodate

Source: nangluongvietnam.vn
Picture 4.4 Tanker ships
general cargo ships up to 20,000 DWT.

Source: bg.linkedin.com
Picture 4.5: Ro-Ro ships

 General Cargo Ships: These ships are designed to carry a variety of cargo,
including break-bulk cargo (cargo
that is not containerized) and
project cargo (oversized and
heavy cargo). They have a flexible
cargo compartment that can be
customized according to the
cargo's size and shape. Cat Lai
Port can accommodate RoRo
Source: VesselFinder
ships up to 6,000 CEU. Picture 4.6: General Cargo ships

 The reason why Cat Lai port only anchors small and medium-sized ships.
1. Geographical location

The sand port is located at the location of the Dong Nai River. This river flows through
residential areas andHo Chi Minh City Center. Because of that, there are a lot of doves
crossing the river such as Saigon sentence, Phu My sentence, Thu Thiem player,. so ships
can hardly move through.

2. River characteristics

Dong Nai river has a depth of 12.5m in front of the wharf and the river leading to the port is
still narrow. This is possible causing limitations, difficulties, maneuvering for large ships, and
if docked, can cause damage to ships and ports.

3. Infrastructure

Port capacity and cargo handling capacity are also important issues. Allowing ships with a
larger tonnage to dock can increase the amount of cargo that needs to be handled in the
port in a short time, put pressure on the loading and unloading process and reduce the
efficiency of port operations.

First of all, I would like to thank the school leadership, teachers and Cat Lai port for creating
conditions for us to participate in this field trip. we learned a lot of new and useful knowledge, never
verified or seen on the internet before. This trip can also help us orient our future work in a
relatively dynamic environment. Although the trip lasted only 5 hours, we learned a lot of new things
and witnessed firsthand the unloading, containerization and practical knowledge of ocean shipping.
From the theoretical knowledge that Ms. Minh Hanh taught in class, through this field trip, our group
knew how to apply those theories in practice. We were also honored to visit Cat Lai Port, which
accounts for 92% of the logistics market share in the Southeast region, and we also learned more
about the departments in Cat Lai Port, which have What it does, and how it works.

This is a very important profession and brings a lot of new things about updating knowledge as
quickly as possible in the future. I would love to visit Cat Lai port more, more detailed, complete and
profound. However, due to limited knowledge, lack of employment.

After finishing this field trip, our group would like to thank Cat Lai Port, the brothers and sisters who
guided us during the tour of Cat Lai, giving us some knowledge in theory and it is applied in practice,
thank you University of Economics and Finance Ho Chi Minh City - UEF, Faculty of Economics for
giving us the opportunity to have interesting experiences. You are unforgettable in our youth,
sincerely thank you.

Experience and surprise when approaching reality will certainly inevitably have shortcomings, I hope
you will review and evaluate so that our report can be more complete.
[1] Ths.Đinh Thùy Dung (16 October 2022), Tổng cục hải quan là gì? Nhiệm vụ, chức năng và cơ cấu
tổ chức?, Luật Dương Gia, retrieved 2nd June 2023 from https://luatduonggia.vn/tong-cuc-hai-quan-

[2] Sai Gon New Port Corporation, Tan Cang Warehousing, retrieved 2nd June 2023 from
[3] Bitgo, Dich vu van tai duong bien, retrieved 3rd
June 2023 from https://www.bitgo.vn/dich-vu-van-tai-


 https://www.bitgo.vn/dich-vu-van-tai-duong-bien/
 https://luatduongbo.vn/tuyen-duong-bien-quoc-te/

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