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Section 1:

Types and Components of Computer Systems

1.2 the main components of computer systems

1.3 operating system
• The computer systems has two main
components which when both combined
makes a computer system.
• Hardware
• Software

Important Terms
• Data
• The collection of raw facts
• Processing
• The action required to be performed on data to convert it into result.
• Result
• The useful information after processing of data
• Information
• It is the collection of data according to a set of parameter.
• Input
• The process of collecting and entering data into computer.
• Output
• The result we get after the processing of data and taking it out of memory.

Simple Input/ Output System


• Used to enter data • Processing takes • Get the output on

into computer place in the output unit
processing unit.
• Three main units
→ Memory,
Control unit, ALU

Main Components of Computer Systems

Central Processing Unit (CPU)
CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
It is a small chip inside the computer. It does all decision, calculations.
It interprets and executes the commands from the computer hardware
and software.
It controls other parts of a computer.
The speed of a CPU is measured in Hertz (HZ)

Central Processing Unit (CPU)
CPU consists of several section:
1. Control unit (CU)
• Controls operations of other parts of CPU as well as all part of computer by sending a control
2. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
• Calculation, logical comparison and decision
3. Main memory
• Any data or instruction that are to be processed by CPU must be placed into main memory
(sometimes known as primary storage)
• It contains two types of memory chip, called RAM and ROM

Random Access Memory (RAM)
• The part of computer that temporarily stores the instructions that the
computer is running, and the data it is processing
• A volatile storage device, as its contents are lost when computer’s
power is turned off.
• Written to and read from.

• The storage capacity of memory is measured in Bytes.

• When a computer are in use, its RAM will contain

• The operating system software
• The application software currently being used
• Any data that is being processed

Read Only Memory (ROM)
• A memory used to hold and store information that needs to be permanent.

• Often used to contain a small, special piece of software: the ‘boot up’ program (run
when computer is switched on or ‘boots up’)
• This ‘boot up’ software is known as the BIOS (Basic Input Output System)

• ROM is non-volatile storage, as the data it contains is never lost, even if the power
is switched off.
Carries out hardware check (all devices are
• Cannot be altered present, whether they are functional), load
OS into RAM
• Can only be read from Stores date, time and system configuration in

Input Devices
Devices that pass data into the computer

Examples: Keyboard, mouse, webcam

Device Data In

Output Devices
Devices that take data from the computer

Example: monitor, printer, loudspeaker

Data Out Output

Data In Device

Secondary/ Backing Storing Devices
• The name for all of the devices (apart from RAM and ROM) that can store data in a
computer system.

• It is non-volatile, so data that is stored on these devices remain there safely.

• Hard disk drive

• Solid-state drive Permanently
Larger capacity
Slower data access time
Cheaper per byte
Fixed or removeable
To read data: RAM > CPU

What is an Operating Systems?


Monitor Disk Drive


Keyboard Mouse


Operating System
• A special piece of software that manages the general operation of a computer
system and allow users to communicate with computer systems.
• The general tasks for a typical operating system include:
• Provides a user interface, so that we can interact with the computer
• Controlling the operation of input, output and backing storage devices
• Supervising the loading, running and storage of applications programs
• Manages applications that are running on the computer
• Dealing with errors
• Maintains security of whole computer system
• preventing unauthorised access to the system
• Manages files, helping us save our work, organise our files, find files that we have save and
load files.
• Allow communication between user and computer system (User interface)

User Interfaces

User Interfaces
• The system that people use to interact with a computer or able to
communicate with operating system.

• There are four main types of user interfaces

• Command-Line Interface (CLI)

• Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• Dialogue-based user interface
• Gesture-based user interface

Command Line Interface (CLI)
• An older style OS → users type in commands using keyboard
• Do not make use of images, icons or graphics
• Require very little computer power
• Commands
• Entered precisely
• Remember the exact way to enter them
• Hard to use
• User is in direct communication with computer

Common CLI commands
Command What it does
copy Copies files from one to another
del Deletes one or more files
format Deletes all the data on a hard disk
md Creates a new folder
rename Renames a file or folder

Remember: there are over 270 of these commands

> MKDIR Section1

Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• Visual (graphical) interfaces
• More popular
• Very easy to use
• Using pictures/ icons → the whole CLI code could be replaced by a single icon.
• Need more computer power

> MKDIR Section1

Key features of GUI
Windows Icons
• Separate areas given on the screen • ‘symbol’ or small images/graphics
• Allow user to work on several tasks at the same time • Use to represent files, folders and commands
• Can be clicked to carry out a function / open a file etc.

Menus Pointers
• Allow users to select functions from a list • ‘little arrows’ that you move across the screen by
• Pop-up or drop-down directing your mouse
• Used to
• Select and use icons
• Select options found in menus
• Reposition folders and icons on the screen

Touchscreen Interfaces
• Mobile phones
• PDA’s
• Tablets
• Input commands: icons and menus
• Allows people to use their fingers to select icons and options straight from the
device’s screen.

Key features of a Touchscreen Interfaces

• Pinch your fingers together across a
touchscreen to zoom into image, application
or document
• Move your fingers apart to zoom out
• Use two fingers (up – down) → rotate an
• Swipe your finger across to scroll through the
document or turn the page

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Command-Line Interface (CLI)
More user-friendly: Interact with computer using User is in direct communicate with the computer
icons (pictures, symbols)
Black screen, user need to type a command (set of
Pointing devices is used to click on an icon to launch instruction) for any operations
Possible to alter computer configuration settings.
The most common GUI is Windows Icons Menus and Common command driven interface is MS-DOS
Pointing device (WIMP) interface e.g. To open notepad application using command
line: C:\notepad.exe
suitable for beginners or intermediate users suitable for expert users.
→ End-user → programmer, analyst, technician

Use up considerably more computer memory Needs to learn a number of commands for basic
limited to icons provided operations
Needs OS to operate All commands need to be typed in accurately (correct
syntax) → takes time, error-prone
More difficult to edit once commands are entered.

Examples of CLI and GUI

Dialogue-based user interfaces
• Speech commands – human voice to give commands to computer system
• Example:
• Car > navigation system, in-car entertainment
• Home > on/off lights, operate electronic equipment

Gesture-based interfaces
• Human interaction
• Moving of hands, heads, feet

• Moving the foot under the rear bumper of car > opens boot lid
• Hands near a window switch > opens window


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