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ofan enese i h and

Leefers to the arste ele hict showEthe rates nf reactice

M a x i m a t e ef
emEYmecatalsed reactinn

Low Iigh
Substrate conceentration

represented by the curves, , Y and

en of the tollowing deseribes the reaction
Reaction Witha Non
Reaction Witha competitive Inhibitor
Reaetion With No
Competitive Inhibitor

Which of the following is NOT a polymer?

(A) Glycogen
(B) Cellulose
(C) Amylose
(D) Glucose
ltenL 3 refers
o Uie Tolleg diayrams Whach of e fallowing cll strctu
holecuie, bei a subtrste
contain phospholipid?
haimed enzyneevely
10 Imeasure reaction Tate, eun tion Ribasoe
the TGants of Mitochodrion
molecules were ixed
Endoplanic reticulum

A and ti only

(C) Il and 111 onty

(D) 1iand I11
3. With reference to the diagrans, which of
the following
statements is correct about
the rate of reaction
betwocn X and Y
(A) There would beno reactionbctwoen
X andY.
(B) Thereaction would progressrapidly
from start to fnish.
(C) The reaction rate would be slow
throughout the experiment
The reaction rate would be slow
initially, then incrcase rapidly.
LismS refens to the
following diagran Metatholism
Metabolism Catabolism
Anabtism Catabotism SmalI
Small Big Big
Small molecules
molecules molecules

Anabolism Catabolism
Anabolism Catabolism
Small Big Big
molecules molecules
molecules molecules
big ’small ’small big
molecules molecules
molecules molecules


Which of the diagrams BEST identifies the relationship among anabolism.


(D) IV
Fuod X
Benedict's 1Slue Orange precipitate
lodinc Blue-black Blue-black
Emulsion Coudy Clear
Biuret Blue Purple
Which of the following combinations indicales which molecules may be present in the o
and Y?

Food X
Food Y
(A) at. starch, sucrose
Protein, starch, sucrose
(B) Glucosc. protein,starch Fat. protein, sucrose
(C) Fat, starch, sucrose
Glucose, protein, starch
(D) Fat, protein, starch
Glucose, protein, starch

Item7refers to the following fluid mosaic model.

Carbohydrate chain
External surface membrane Glycolipid
Hydrophilic head o Glycoprotein


Phospholipid bilayer Internal surface membrane

Hydrophobie tail

7. Which of the following BEST deseribes the function of the glycolipid?

(A) Maintains membrane fluidity.
(B) Facilitates cell-cell interaction.
(C) Maintains a barrier around the cell.
(D) Facilitates transport across the membrane.

02 107010MJ/CAPE 2023
Which of the following biological I molecules has botti hydgenand
(O Insulin
(D) Triglyceride
potential than its cell su
less negative water
When a plantcell ix placed ina olution with a
cell becomes more

ditfuses into the cell

(AY turgid because water the cell
ilaccid because water ditses into
(3) out of the cell
(C turgid bccause water diffuses out of the celI
flaccid because water difuses
combinations presents evidence which BEST supports the
10. Which of the following
Eukaryotie Cells
Prokaryotie Cells
Contain linear DNA in mitochondria
(A)Contain circular DNA in cells mitochondria
Contain circular DNA in cells Contain circular DNA in
Contain circular DNA in mitochondria Contain lincar DNA in mitochondria
(C) Contain circular DNA in mitochondria
(D)Contain linear DNA in mitochondria

that are saturated (contains no double

Ascientist has determined the number of phosplholipids membranes, bascd
bonds) and unsaturated (contains double bonds) in the cellular and organelle
on the results in the table below.

Organelle/Membrane Saturated Unsaturated

Mitochondria 23% 77%
Nucleus 36% 64%
Golgi 17% 83%
IVCell membrane 31% 69%

Which of the following would be the MOST uid?

(D) IV

0210701O/MJ/CAPE 2023
12. Which of the following is NOT typical of a bacterium?
(B) Ribosome
(C) Cell membrane
(D) Nuclear membrane

13. Which of the following is the BEST example of anabolism?

(A) Glycogen is converted to glucose.

(B) Peptide bonds are hydrolysed by peptidases.
(C) Amylose and amylopectin combine to form starch molecules.
(D Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds to forma polypeptide.

14 Which of the following processes does NOT require energy derived from cellular respiration for
the movement of substances across the cell membrane?

(A) Pinocytosis
(B) Phagocytosis
(C) Active transport
(D) Facilitated diffusion
Item 15 refers to the
following diagram





15. In which region would vascular tissue associated with the transport of material be located?
(D) IV

Item 16 refers to the following events which take place during the semi-conservative replication
of DNA in a eukaryotic cell.

Covalent bonds form between adjacent nucleotides on the same strand.

11 The DNA double helix unwinds.
Free nucleotides join by hydrogen bonds to those on the exposed strand.
Hydrogen bonds are broken between the complementary base pairs.
16. Which of the following correctly identifies the sequence of events, from first to last, which
place during semi-conservative replication of DNA in a eukaryotic cell?

First Last
(D) IV


2107010/MJ/CAPE 2023
17. Which of the following is considered an 19. Aguineapig with black, smooth hair (Bbrr)
advantage of somatic gene therapy? is crossed with a guinca pig with white
rough hair (bbRr) What is the probability
(A) It can be used to treat genetic that an otfspring will have white, smooth
disorders. hair?
(B) It is a relatively inexpensive
technology. (A)
(C Alleles are always delivered to all
cells in a tissue. 3
(B) 16
(D) The genes and vectors prompt
immune responses. (C)

18. Which of the following events in meiosis (D)

contributes directly to variation?
(A) Formation of spindle fibres
(B) Separation of homologous pairs
(C) Attachment of bivalents to spindle
(D) Genetic rearrangement between
non-sister chromatids

Item 20 refers to the following information.

resistant gut bacteria in wild
A study was carried out to determine the proportion of antibiotic the mice.
populations of mice. Three antibiotics were tested on four species of bacteria taken from
The table below shows the results of the study.

Percentage of Colonies Resistant to Antibiotic
Species Antibiotie I Antibiotic II Antibiotic III
W 0 100 69

X 90 67
0 70 100

20. Which of the following is a valid conclusion based on the results of the study?
(A) All bacterial species were able to metabolize Antibiotic 1.
(B All bacterial species were able to metabolize Antibiotics Il and ll.
(C) Mutations occurred in all the bacterial species when exposed to Antibiotic I.
(D) Mutations did not occur in all the bacterial species when exposed to Antibiotics I and I1.


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21. A
possible benefit of produeing
(A) the transgenic plants is
production of clones
improved usehumanof nutrition
(D) increased
the pesticides
determination of
human genome
Item 22 refers to the
followingin andiagram which represents the relative amounts
during many cell divisions of DNAper nucleus
animal cell.

Which of the following processes are occurring at Xand Y?

(A) Fertilization DNA synthesis

(B) DNA synthesis Separation of chromosomes
(C) DNA synthesis Fertilization
(D) Fertilization Cytokinesis

A null hypothesis is BEST deseribed as a 24. The function of DNA ligase in genetic
hypothesis which
engineering is to
(A) is usually rejected after an investi (A) cause the cloning of recombinant
gation DNA
(B) is usually accepted after an inves
(B) join plasmid DNA and
tigation DNA
(C) states that there is significant (C)
difference between the observed fragment the DNA extracted from
the cells
and expected data (D)
D states that there is no significant catalyse the formation of cDNA
difference between the observed from mRNA
and expected data

02107010/MJ/CAPE 2023 GO ON TO THE

25. Which of the following statements fom the basis of
selection? Darwin's theory of evolution by natiural
Offspring tend to resemble their parents.
Individuals in a sexually reproducing population show
More oflspring are produced than can variation.
possibly survive to sexual maturity
(A) Iand ll only
(B) Iand Ill only
(O) Il and Ill only
(D) 1. Il and HI

26. In sickle-cell anaemia, the sickling of red blood cells results from the
mutation of
(A) a single base pair in the gene that encodes for the alpha-globin polypeptide
(B) a single base pair in the gene that encodes for the beta-globin polypeptide
(C) two base pairs in the gene that encodes for the alpha-globin polypeptide
(D) two base pairs in the gene that encodes for the beta-globin polypeptide

27. Self-fertilization between F, plants produced an F, generation in which one plant had red fHowers,
two had pink flowers and one had white flowers.
Which of the following does this experiment demonstrate?
(A Epistasis
(B Sex linkage
(C) Dihybrid cross
(D) Monohybrid eross

Which of the following correctly shows the relationship among the structure of DNA, protein
structure and the phenotype of an organism?

(A DNA base sequence ’ Amino acid sequence ’Functional protein Phenotype

(B DNA base sequence’ Functional protein ’ Amino acid sequence ’ Phenotype
(C Phenotype’Amino acid sequence ’ Functional protein ’ DNA base sequence
(D) Phenotype ’ Amino acid sequence ’ DNA base sequence ’ Functional protein

29. Which of the following belong to the same species according to the biological species concept?
(A) Banana plants in a field that develop from suckers
(B) Monkeys that mated and produced fertile offspring
(C) Worker bees that are produced from unfertilized eggs
(D) Two large dinosaur fossils of the same shape, size and bone structure


02 107010/MJ/CAPE 2023
30. One role of transfer RNA in protein 32. When the pollen grainalights on the stigma
synthesis is to
and starts to grow, the first action is that
(A) deliver amino acids to ribosomes (A) double fertilization takes place
(B terminate the elongation of the (B) the zygote divides to form a row of
polypeptide chain cells
(CY act as a supporting tramework for (C) male nuleus fuses with the
polypeptide chains endosperm nucleus
(D) carry protein-building instructions (D) the generative nucleus divides to
from DNA into the cytoplasm form two male gametes

31. Ahorticulturalist hasbreda Hibiscus variety

which bears violet flowers. Which method
ofpropagation would beMOSTappropriate
for rapid production of a large number of
clonal plants?
A) Seed
(B) Cuttings
(C Tissue culture
(D) Fragmentation

33 Which of the following accurately describes the outbreeding mechanisms in ftfowering plants used
to promote cross-pollination?

Outbreeding Mechanism
Self-incompatibility Protandry Dioecious
Male and female flowers on
(A)Fertilization may occur. Stigmasmature before stamens. separate plants.
Male and female flowers on
B No fertilization. Stamensmaturebefore stigmas.
separate plants.
(C) Fertilization may occur. Male and female flowers on
Stamensmature before stigmas.
same plant.
(D) No fertilization. Male and female flowers on
Stigmasmature before stamens.
same plant.

34. During spermatogenesis in a human, the first cells to divide meiotically are
(A) spermatids
(B) spermatogonia
() primary spermatocytes
(D) secondary spermatocytes

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35. Which of the following is the outermost 37 Which of the following events occur during
extra-embryonic membrane and contributes double fertilization in plants?
to the fornmation of the placenta?
A male gamete fuses with the egg
(A) Amnion cell in the embryo sac to form a
(B) Chorion triploid nucleus.
(C) Yolk sac Amale gamete fuses with the egg
(D) Allantois cell in the embryo sac to forn a
diploid zygote.
Amale gamete fuses with the diploid
36 Human spermatozoa have to spend several nucleus in the cmbryo sac to form
hours in the female genital tract before they a triploid nucleus.
can fertilize an oocyte. During this time,
the spermatozoa are activated in a process (A) Iand Il only
called (B) Iand III only
(C) Il and I11 only
(A) copulation (D) 1. 11 and II
(B) conception
(C) ejaculation
(D) capacitation

Item 38 refers to the following diagram which shows the stages in the development of the embryo
sac and female gamete.

Embryo Degenerate
mother cell Embryo \ I
Mature embryo sac

38 A diploid nucleus is formed at Stage

(D) IV

39, Which of the following explains why the nucleus of the ovum occupies a much
of the cell than does the nucleus in a sperm? smaller portion

(A) The sperm nucleus is swollen.

(B The ovum contains food stores in the cytoplasm.
(C) The chromosomes in the ovum are more tightly coiled.
(D) The nucleus of the ovum has fewer chromosomes than the sperm nucleus.


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lem 40reters to the following diagram showing the transverse section of an antie,

40. The structure labelled Y is the

(A) tapctumn
(B) stomium
(C) epidermis
(D) pollen mother cell

41. Implantation in the context of assisted reproductive technology in humans is BEST deseribed as
the process whereby

(A) sperms are inserted into the uterus

(B) a vagina pessary holds the uterus in place
(C) an embryoadheres to the wall of the uterus
(D) an intrauterine device is placed in the uterus
- 15

Item 42 refers to the

maternal venous bloodfollowing
for six
graph which shows the ethanol
concentration in amniotic fluid and
pregnant women.
0.4 Amniotie luid
0.35 Maternal venous blood

0.15 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0.5 2.5

Time (h)

42. Which of the following conclusions can be made?

(A) Blood ethanol concentrations have no effect on amniotic fluid ethanol concentrations.
that of the amniotic fluid.
(B Blood ethanol concentrations peak at a value nearly four times blood concentration.
(C) Ethanol within the amniotic fluid is more concentrated than maternal
(D) Ethanol within the amniotic fuid remains at a significant level as
concentrations decrease.

Items 43 and 44 refer to the following hormones.

(A) Oestrogen
(B) Progesterone
(C) Luteinizing hormone
(D) Follicle-stimulating hormone
options. Each option may be used
In answering Items 43 and 44, match cach item to one of the
once, more than once or not at all.

43. Which hormone stimulates the proliferation of the endometrium?

44. Which hormone regulates the precise timing of ovulation?


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45. Which of the following structures of the soed in derived from a triploid nucleus?
(A) Testa
(B) Embryo
(C) Cotyledon
(D) Endosperm

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