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rest cope 01212010 FORM TP 2021055 MAY/JUNE 2021 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION CHEMISTRY Paper 01 — General Proficiency Thour 15 minutes (04 JUNE 2024 (p. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have | hour and 15 minutes to answer them, 2. Inaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. Onyour answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. le It ‘The SI unit of length is the Sample Answer (A) metre (B) second @800 (C) newton (D) kilogram ‘The best answer to this item is “metre”, so (A) has been shaded. 5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later, 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet, 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale, 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 01212010/MI/CSEC 2021 1, The particles in a gas (A)___ have strong forces between them (B) _ are very closely packed together = can move in any direction {D) get larger when heated 2, The mass number of an element is the number of (A) neutrons in an atom of the element (B) _ protonsand electrons inan atom of the element neutrons and protons inan atom of the element (D) protons, neutrons and electrons in ‘an atom of the element fe), 3. ‘The arrangement of electrons in atoms of Xand ¥ are 2, 8, 5 and 2, 8, G respectively. Which of the following represents X and 4, Sulfurand oxygen are in the same group of the periodic table because (A) they can react with each other (B)___ they can form covalent compounds ==@J™ they have the same number of electrons in their outer shell (D) the atomic number of sulfur is 16 ‘and the relative atomic mass of oxygen is 16 Item § refers to the following diagram in which X represents the symbol of a positive ion. 40 a 0 5, Which ofthe following pairs represents the yr ‘number of neutrons and electrons in X? x ¥ Number of [ Number of TA)_[Metal___[ Non-metal Neutrons | _ Electrons fBP_[Non-metal | Non-metal A) 60 20 (©_[Non-metal [Metal, ® 0, 18 (D)_ [Metal Metal (C) 20 20. 20 18 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01212010/MJ/CSEC 2021 -3- 6. Anclement, X, has 8 electrons in its outer 7. ‘From which of the following substances shell. Which of the following diagrams are can a solid be obtained by the process of possible isotopes of X? sedimentation? (A) Gels “@ oe We (B) Foams (©) Emulsions =@)—\,_ Suspensions 8. The mass of "1 mole of atoms of an element’ refers to the quantity of (A) 1 atom of the element se. an element which contains 6.0 x 10 atoms (© anelement which occupies 24.0 dm? at STP @®) an element which combines completely with 12 g of carbon-12 9. Which of the following terms describes calcium chloride? s() Giant ionic structure (B) Giant covalent structure (©) Simple molecular crystal (D) Macromolecular structure GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2021 10. -4- Which of the following diagrams illustrates the course of an exothermic reaction? ~ © @) Energy Energy Energy | Reactants Products 1. Le Reaction path 12. Reaction path 13. 14, Reaction path 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2021 Item 11 refers to the following types of substances. (A) Alkali (B) Base (©) Salt (D) Acid Which of the substances above can be described as the oxide of a metal? Which of the following ions requires the LARGEST number of moles of electrons to liberate one mole of it? (a) Oo (B) Cu © co NQL oar ‘Anatom has 20 electrons. When itionizes, it has the same electronic configuration as mmbhp argon (B) neon (©) sodium (D) calcium ‘The mass concentration of a potassium chloride solution is 60 g dm. What is the ‘mass of potassium chloride in 25 em? of this solution? (A) 0.00158 B 015g Tr ise ©) 1508 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 15. 16. 17. 18. Which of the following elements exhibits allotropy? Gi Carbon (8) Silicon (© Uranium (D) Aluminium ‘tem 16 refers to the following information. Element | Atomic Number Ww. 3 x 6 ¥ 7 Which TWO elements above, when com- bined, form MAINLY ionic compounds? (A) Wandx —@) Wandy ( XandZ (D) YandZ ‘The number of shared electron pairs in the methane (CH,) molecule is, = @ 6 © 8 ©) 10 Which of the following substances, when added to pure water, SIGNIFICANTLY increases the water’s conductivity? (A) Copper({l) hydroxide (B) _ Iron(il) hydroxide (©) Sodium chloride (D) Graphite 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2021 19. 20. 21. 22. A solution having a pH of 1 will (A) neutralize a solution of pH 4 react with zine metal to produce hydrogen (©) react with zine metal to produce a solution of pH 10 (D) react with hydrochloric acid to produce a salt and water Which of the following oxides reacts with both acids and bases? (A) MgO (B) CuO TH ALO, (p) ¥ cao Barium is below caleium in Group II of the petiodic table. When these two metals react with water, the main difference observed is the rate of reaction (B) type of gas evolved (©) colour of the product (D) colour change with litmus Item 22 refers to one mole of EACH of the following acids. 1 SO, I. CH,COOH IL (COOH), Which of the acids above would require MORE than one mole of NaOH(aq) for complete neutralization? (A) Tonly = Land only (©) Mand Il only ©) 1. Mand GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -6- 23, The pH of fresh sugar cane juice, whichis 24, An example of a substance with a giant usually 5.0-5.5, can be changed to 7.5-8.0 covalent structure is for more efficient processing by adding (A) yp copper (A) acetic (ethanoie) acid, CH,CO,H = diamond (@B) sodium chloride, NaCl (C) solid iodine slaked lime, Ca(OH), (D) sodium chloride (D) limestone, CaCO, Item 25 refers to the following sequence of reactions involving iron compounds, where J, Il, HI and IV represent progressive stages in the sequence. FeO, 1 Feo! 5 Fe,0, 5 Fe,(80,), Y > Fe(on), 25, _In.which stage is the oxidation state of iron increased? (A) I 1 cM o Ww 26. Which of the following factors will usually increase the rate of catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide? “Ge Increasing the temperature (B) Applying a greater extemal pressure (C) Using a larger volume of hydrogen peroxide (D) Using the catalyst in lumps rather than in powdered form 27. A sseparating funnel can be used to separate a mixture of (A) water and ethanol (BPS water and kerosene (C) water and solid sodium chloride (D) kerosene and solid sodium chloride GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2021 28, 29, 30, 31. Which of the following substances does NOT conduct electricity? (A) Lead (B) Copper ‘(@™ Ethanol (D) — Ethanoic acid Which of the following energy changes occurs during the breaking of a chemical bond? (A) Energy is released. Energy is required. (©) There is no energy change. (D) The process is exothermic. Which of the following terms describes starch? (A) Giant ionic structure (B) — Giant covalent structure (©) Simple molecular crystal (<@% Macromolecular structure Which of the following substances is an important constituent of chlorophyll? (A) Tron (B) Copper (© Calcium Bl, Magnesium 01212010/MI/CSEC 2021 32, 33. 34. Which of the following pairs of reagents will result in the formation of a yellow precipitate? (ay B) em ) Fe(S0,)/NH,(aq) CuSO,(aq)/NH, (aq) PD(NO,),(aq)/KI(aq) FeSO,(aqyNaOH(aq) How many covalent bonds are there in a nitrogen molecule? (Ay 4 Swe 3 ( 2 @, 1 Which of the following observations is expected when aqueous silver nitrate is added to aqueous potassium chloride? (A) Apungent gas is evolved. (B) blue precipitate appears. (C)__ Abrown precipitate appears. fF" A white precipitate appears. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘Item 35 refers to the following table which shows the reaction of four metals, W, X, Y and Z, with water or steam, The table also shows the products formed when nitrates of each metal are heated Metal | Reaction with Water/Steam | Products Formed When Nitrate is Heated W_ | No reaction Metal, NO, and O, X__| Reacts with steam butnot with cold water | Oxide, NO, and O, YY | Reacts rapidly with cold water Nitrite and 0, Z| Reacts slowly with cold water Oxide, NO, and ©, 35. Which ofthe metals above is likely to form a soluble hydroxide? “a w ®B) x “te Y O Z 36. Which of the following are features of 38, Glucose is converted to starch or cellulose metals? ty L_ Form basic oxides (A) dehydrogenation I, Form solid chlorides (B) oxidation and reduction II Conduct electricity when molten (©) addition polymerization ADL condensation polymerization (A) Tand tronly (B) Land Itlonly (©) Mand tt only 39, A solution becomes green when treated Sey and I ‘with the gos sulfur dioxide, ‘The solution contains potassium 37. Which of the following procedures can be (A) nitrate used to identify ammonia gas? (B) sulfate (©) manganate(VID) ‘seh, Placing red and blue litmus paper @)—dichromate(V1) ina jar ofthe gos (B) Placing a glowing splint in ajar of the gas (©) Placing a burning split in ajar of the gas (D) Passing the gas through lime water GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/MI/CSEC 2021 Bs 40. Which of the following aqueous solu- 42, Which of the following methods can be tions will produce a blue precipitate with used in the extraction of aluminium? aqueous sodium hydroxide? (A) Reduction of the oxide by carbon (A) Tron(lt) nitrate (B) Reduction ofthe oxide by hydrogen (B) — ron(Ii) nitrate NGA, Electrolysis of the oxide in its 8G, Copper({) nitrate ‘molten state ©) Aluminium nitrate (D) Displacement by a metal higher up the electrochemical series 41, In which of the following processes is sulfur used? 43. Whencopper(II)curbonateis heated alone in a dry test tube, a gas is evolved and a black 1. Vuleanization of rubber residue is formed, ‘This gas is expected to Il, Manufacture of explosives TIL, Extraction of iron from iron ore (A) tum red litmus blue (B) relight a glowing splint Sea, Land If only (©) decolourize acidified aqueous (8) Land IIT only potassium manganate(VID) (C) Mand Ill only Pha form a white precipitate with ) 1 Mand IH aqueous caleium hydroxide 44, Which of the following reactions is LEAST likely to occur? (A) Fe(s) + Cu(NO,) (eq) + Fe(NO,),(aq) + Cus) DPV Pv6s) + FeCNO,),(aq) + PHNO,),(aq) + Fels) (C) Cus) + 2AgNO, (aq) + Cu(NO,),(aq) + 2Ag(s) (D) — Mg(s) + Zn(NO,),(aq) + Mg(NO,),(aq) + Zn(s) 45, The compound CH,CH,CH,CH,OH is called (A) L-propanol (B) — 4-propanol (C) — 4-butanol =P |-butanol GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2021 -10- 46. — Whichofthe following structures represents 48, Which of the following reactions occurs a molecule of but-2-ene? botween propene and bromine? q y "==ee) Addition (B) Substitution —C—c=c—C—H c re (©) Precipitation nomon a () Condensation 49. Which of the following compounds can ® decolourize potassium manganate(VI1)? © ®) . t = c-H @) HOW o Tit BGC Ce 47. Which of the following features is NOT true bb of all homologous series of compounds? ©) #8 ‘The members of a series have Il (A) the same fumetional group (B) the same general formula (©) similar chemical properties i xf the same empirical formula k GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/MI/CSEC 2021 “ue 50, The functional group present in carboxylic 52, The compound which has the formula acids is CH,CH = CHCH,CH,CH, is “ PG an atiene (B) apolymer (©) acarboxylic acid eo (D) an unsaturated acid Nea on 53. The main substances responsible for ‘acid rain’ are (A) chilorofluorocarbons sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide (©) lead compounds in exhaust fumes (D) carbon dioxide and carbon © on monoxide —c— on $4, ‘The MAJOR natural source of alkanes and | alkenes is a petroleum (B) natural gas (©) the earth’s crust © (D) the atmosphere Items 55-56 refer to the following equation. Organic acid + Alcohol = Ester-+ Water $1. When large alkane molecules are cracked, $8. ‘The forward reaction is known as the products are a mixture of (A) synthesis (A) small alkane molecules only (B) hydrolysis (B) small alkene molecules only Ga esterification (C) large and small alkane molecules (D) polymerization (D) _ smallatkane and alkene molecules 56. The reverse reaction is known as met hydrolysis (B) synthesis (©) _ esterification (D) polymerization GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/MI/CSEC 2021 -12- 57. Hexane has the formula C,H,,. Which of the following statements is true about hexane? I. It isa covalent compound. II, Itisan unsaturated compound, IIL, It belongs to a group of compounds known as alkanes. ‘A) Land only ‘ Land III only (©) Wand Mi only () 1, Mand mt 58. The fermentation of sugars, using glucose as the substrate, can be represented by the equation (A) GH,0, + CH,0, + C,,H1,,0,, + HO (B) 6CO, + 6H,O+ C,H,,0, + 60, P C4H1,0,— 2C,H,0H + 2C0, (PD) C,H,,0, + 60, 6CO, + 6H,0 59, The disadvantage of using a soapless detergent is that it (A) isnot affected by hard water (B) causes scum with hard water (C)__ is used widely in industries (dy isnon-biodegradable 60. Which of the following gases will give a positive test with dry cobalt chloride paper? (A) 0, @) 4, «© co, =—wP 1,0 END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01212010/MICSEC 2021

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