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Pat Cronin Letter

Dear the Cronin family

I thank you for coming in and teaching us about managing anger, con ict resolution, personal
boundaries and the coward punch. It takes so little for someone to hurt another if its on socials or in
person. Managing anger is extremely di cult and when you are put into a scenario that you can’t
get out of, take a step back and realise the consequences and options you can choose for you to
have a better outcome. Myself personally am connected to con icts through sport. When an umpire
gets a decision wrong I have to control my anger and point it towards another thing. My personal
boundaries consist of saying no, expecting respect and dictating my own feelings. In any scenario
punching someone is never okay. Throughout my life, I have punched a few people and the
outcome is never good. Thank you for teaching me skills to prevent other people from getting hurt.

From Blake

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