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Momentum Practical Investigation Blake A

Aim : To investigate the relationship between mass and distance

Hypothesis : The more mass on the dynamic cart will make the cart decrease in distance over time

Equipment : 600g Dynamic Cart, 1kg weights, thick/stable piece of wood, measuring tape

Method :
1. Place thick wood against rm material to keep it
from falling
2. Push the rod all the way back to the 2nd level
3. Put the Dynamic cart in front of the thick wood
4. Press button to release spring and let the cart go
as far as possible
5. Record data and repeat 5 times
6. Add 1kg weight on top of Dynamic Cart



Discussion : The results mainly indicate a decreasing trend. With more added mass on the dynamic
cart the distance decreases. In the graph, you can notice the distance towards the end go between
3.6 and 3.3 meters which is unusual.

Conclusion : My hypothesis was that the more mass on the dynamic cart will make the cart
decrease in distance over time. My results do not support my hypothesis. I think the tests did not go
smoothly and we had a few problems. The method used was correct and the experiment my team
conducted barely exceeded.

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