Group Project

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By Farel Tsaqif Rizqullah

Last year's holiday my family and I went on holiday to the beach, I left home at
10 am by car and arrived there at 11.40 am
After arriving at the beach my family and I stayed at the villa to rest. In the
afternoon my family and I went to the beach to see the beautiful atmosphere
in the afternoon and see the waves. then after sunset I went looking for food
for dinner, after dinner I looked at the beach to see the evening atmosphere on
the beach and saw the waves at night. at 9 pm my family and I did a fire roast
like burning corn. I only stayed at the beach 1 day 1 night. I came home from
the beach at 7 am and also bought sea fish, arrived home at 11 am.
On the way home I was very tired and felt happy because I spent the holiday
with my family

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