959 - Online Event Decision Letter - Recife

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Dear Victor Hugo de Lima Barreto,

Thank you for your application under the programme of the IPA Committee on Analytic Practice and
Scientific Activities (CAPSA) for 2024.

I am delighted to tell you that your proposal to host René Roussillon from France at your virtual
October 2024 conference has been approved within the following limits, given below:

The online conference support reimbursable for this application is $150 US.

The limit for translation/interpretation costs that will be reimbursable for this application is $500 US.

The limit for publicity costs that will be reimbursable for this application is $0 US.

Total $650 US.

Where an on-line event is planned, the organiser guarantees to the IPA that the exchange is designed
in line with the IPA’s Confidentiality code. The code can be accessed by clicking here.

For the avoidance of doubt, may I remind you that CAPSA funds:

a) Cover translation and interpretation costs for the event but are limited to US$1500 per
event if these have been requested and approved.

b) Will be transferred only after the event has taken place and on production of receipts sent
to the IPA Lexicon office accompanied by a correctly completed CAPSA claim form

c) Reimbursement is dependant on all terms and conditions as stated in the CAPSA

procedural code, including that societies must be in good standing with IPA dues to
benefit from CAPSA funding.

No other costs can be covered by CAPSA. However, we encourage you to apply to your local and
national psychoanalytic associations for further funding if appropriate.

Refunds for all authorised expenditure will be made against actual sums spent.

The funding for this event is subject to the attached criteria. Could I please ask you to note that the
funding is available for this event if it takes place on or before May 31, 2025 and that I would be
grateful if you would send me a brief report on the outcome of the event. Additionally, please note
that it is the responsibility of the event organising group to contact the speaker and to arrange or
advise connection requirements.

I very much hope the event is a great success!

Kind regards,

Laura Etchegoyen

Chair IPA Committee on Analytic Practice and Scientific Activities

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