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• Signals and Sytems lecture is a mathematical course.

• The objectives of this course is 1) To gain a mathematical perspective on the concepts of

signals and systems. 2) To introduce engineering methods for signal and system analysis.
• Books: Signal Processing and Linear Systems by P. B. Lathi
Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems by Mrinal Mandal and Amir Asif
Signals and Systems: A Fresh Look by Chi-Tsong Chen
• Course Learning Outcomes
C01 Define signal and system concepts and express signals and systems mathematically.
C02 Compute system response by time-domain analysis method.
C03 Explain concepts of frequency domain and frequency components of a signal.
C04 Interpret frequency spectra of a signal.
C05 Find system response by frequency domain analysis method.
C06 Be familiar with the frequency response of a system.
C07 Acquire the necessary background for communication theory, signal processing, and
control systems fields.

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts



Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Mathematical Background

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Complex numbers
• What is a complex number?
• A complex number is a combination of a real number and
an imaginary number.
• Imaginary Numbers when squared give a negative result.
• But just imagine such numbers exist, because we will need them.
• The unit imaginary number (like 1 for real numbers) is , which is square root of
• Thus and
• This notation allow us to determine square root of any negative number.

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Algebra of complex number
• A complex number can be represented graphically
in a complex plane. Denote this complex number by
so that . and .
• Complex numbers may also be expressed in terms of polar coordinates.
is distance of point from the origin. is also called the magnitude of and
denoted by . Similarly, is called the angle of and is denoted by .
• If are the polar coordinates of a point , then , .

• Important! The Euler formula states that

• We define ∗ , the conjugate of , as ∗

• Observe that ∗ is a mirror image of about horizontal axis

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
• Express the following numbers in polar form:

• A warning about using calculator in computing angles:

Calculaters provide ready conversion of rectangular into polar and vice versa.
However, if you use an inverse trigonometric funciton to calculate angle,
, you must add or subtract 180 if the point z in the second or third

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
In this case the number is in the first quadrant, and a calculator will give
. °
the correct value of 56.3° . Therefore, we can write
In this case the angle is in the second quadrant, and therefore the answer
given by the calculator, = , is off by 180°. The correct
answer is or . Both values are correct
because they represent the same angle. Therefore . °

In this case the angle is in the third quadrant The correct answer is
or . Therefore . °

. °
In this case the angle appears in the fourth quadrant.
Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
• Represent the following numbers in the complex plane and express them in Cartesian form
/ / /
( / )

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Arithmetical operations
• To perform addition and subtraction, complex numbers should be expressed in
Cartesian form.

• Multiplication and division can be carried out in either Cartesian and polar form

. ° . ° . °

. °
( . ° . °) . °
. °

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Complex numbers in Matlab

2𝑒 /

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
• Consider the sinusoid

• C is the amplitude, is the frequency (in hertz) and θ is the phase.

• It is convenient to use the variable (radian frequency) to express

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Addition of Sinusoids
• Two sinusoids having the same frequency, but different phases add to form a
single sinusoid of the same frequency.

• It is like converting to polar form. Give attention to the second and third
• In the following cases, express x(t) as a single sinusoid:

• .
• .

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Sinusoids in Terms of Exponentials: Euler's Formula
• Sinusoids can be expressed in terms of exponentials by using Euler's formula

• Inversion of these equations yields

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts

Pay attention to degree or

radian mode of your

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts

𝑢 = 𝑥, = cos 𝑥
= 1, 𝑣 = ∫ cos 𝑥 = sin(𝑥)

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
𝑢 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑥), =𝑒
= −𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑥), 𝑣 = ∫𝑒 = 𝑒

𝑢 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑥), =𝑒
= 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑥), 𝑣 = ∫𝑒 = 𝑒
𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑥) 𝑑𝑥 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑥)𝑒 − 𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑥) 𝑑𝑥

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts
Even and odd signals
• A function g is even if the graph of f is symmetric with respect to the y-axis.
• A function g is odd if the graph of f is symmetric with respect to the origin.
• The most important even and odd functions in signal and system analysis are
cosines and sines. Cosines are even and sines are odd.

Principles of Linear Systems and Signals by Lathi, Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems by Mandal and Amir Asif, Signals and Systems by
M. J. Roberts
Integrals of even and odd signals
• The definite integrals of even and odd functions can be simplified in certain
common cases.
• If g(t) is an even function

• If g(t) is an odd function

Principles of Linear Systems and Signals by Lathi, Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems by Mandal and Amir Asif, Signals and Systems by
M. J. Roberts
Sketching functions
• We can draw functions using Matlab
• Draw . between -5 and 5
• t=-5:0.1:5;
x = exp(-0.1*t);
ylim([0 2])
title('x(t) = e^{-0.1t}')
t = -5:0.01:5;
x = sin(2*pi*1*t);
ylim([-1.02 1.02])
title('x(t) = sin(2*pi*1*t)')
Equation of a straight line
• f

Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals by P. B. Lathi and Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts

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