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History | Graded Assignment | The Game with No Name

Name: Gabriela Valderrama Tillmann Date: 08.08.2020

Graded Assignment
The Game with No Name
A friend of yours would like to capture the adventures of Lewis and Clark in a video game, but she needs your
help. She wants the game to be awarded Top 10 Kudos like Super Mario, Rock Band, and SimCity. Read all the
directions first and follow them carefully to get this new expedition rolling.

Total score: ____ of 60 points

(Score for Question 1: ___ of 12 points)

1. Evaluate each of the following websites and choose the three that provide the best explanation and
description of the expedition. Explain each of your choices.

(a) Go to Lewis and Clark at

(b) Go to Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation at

(c) Go to The Lewis and Clark Journey Log at


(d) Go to Lewis and Clark The National Bicentennial Exhibition at

I chose the websites A, C and D.

The first website (A), has a lot of organized information, in a way that makes you want to read more and

find out more about Lewis and Clark. You can choose what you want to read about the story, which is

very helpful because sometimes it can be tricky to find specific information in a big text.

When it comes to the second website I chose (C), I like it because even though it is lots of text, when

you finish reading it you have a sense of the story as a whole, so you basically have all the information

you need.

The third website (D) however, is good because it is also perfectly divided into sections so that one

doesn’t get confused and still has all the information necessary.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 9 points)

2. Write a two or three sentence description for each website you selected in Question 1. Be sure to highlight its
most informative features.

 Example:

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History | Graded Assignment | The Game with No Name

 Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation
 This site keeps the Lewis and Clark Expedition alive in the modern world. At the same time, it also gives
comprehensive background about the exploration, including FAQs, a history of the expedition, and a roster
and genealogy chart of participants. It could be especially important in developing game characters.
This first website makes Lewis and Clark’s expedition seem very real. It shows you all the

information necessary in a way that you can choose the information you want to, or don’t want to read.

With interactive trail maps, and the whole story of their adventures you can also listen to experts

responding to some questions that are going to be really important when it comes to developing the


This website has lots of texts that they wrote, and it is so intriguing that it makes you feel like

you are actually living the adventure with them. Once you think you’ve finished, there is actually more,

and it feels like you are reading a book. That is good because all the information you acquire stick to

your brain.

Since this website has a video part, it makes it really easy for one to pay more attention, since the

story becomes more realistic and less boring. This website explains the journey very well, and in an

organized way.

(Score for Question 3: ___ of 6 points)

3. Now suggest three possible game names that are both exciting and descriptive.

The ambitious mission of Lewis and Clark

Through Unknown Lands

Discovering America with L&C

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History | Graded Assignment | The Game with No Name

(Score for Question 4: ___ of 8 points)

4. Here are some other websites your friend could check in order to get additional information about the
expedition. Which two would you recommend first and why?

(a) List of Supplies for the Expedition at

(b) Circa 1803 – Historical Background of the Times at

(c) Sacagawea at

I would recommend the first website (a) that has all the information necessary for one to know the

basic supplies needed for an expedition of this size at the time, and the last one (C) that contains

information on Lewis’s and Clark’s Amerindian from Shoshone’s tribe that served as a guide and

interpreter on the expedition and was kidnaped.

(Score for Question 5: ___ of 15 points)

5. What five characters should be included in the game and why? You should name and describe each
character and his or her role. You must include at least one Native American and one woman in your list.

Lewis- Lewis was an outdoorsman, hunter, herbal medicine expert and American explorer. He was

part of the Corps of discovery and had as a mission to discover and explore the territory of the

Louisiana Purchase. He was responsible during this adventure to recognize new lands and its

resources, as well as identify new animals and plants with captivating details, and find a direct water

connection across the continent. He was very important through the expedition due to his abilities,

therefore important in the game.

Clark- Clark was an explorer, a soldier, Indian agent and territorial governor. His role was to

establish trade with the native Americans, also find a direct water connection across the continent

and most important of all come back with a map of the territory.

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History | Graded Assignment | The Game with No Name

Sacagawea- Was a native American woman from the tribe Shoshone that accompanied Lewis and

Clark in the expedition. She served as a translator and also had a lot of knowledge of the territory, so

her presence was indispensable.

Jefferson- Thomas Jefferson was the president of the United Stated at that time, and he was to one

to commission the expedition.

Charles Floyd- He was an explorer and the quartermaster of Lewis and Clark. He explored the new

lands of US, until he got sick, and recovered, and then got sick again and died.

(Score for Question 6: ___ of 10 points)

6. Use all of your information to provide a list of 10 possible elements she should include in the game in order to
make it as informative and exciting as possible. Explain your choices and be sure they relate clearly to the
Lewis and Clark expedition.

Weather Problems- This is one of the major problems Lewis and Clark went through. Throughout

their journey, they experienced the summer heat in Missouri and Nebraska, and extreme cold with

dangerous wind chills at Fort Mandan at the Dakotas.

Group Discipline problems- Sometimes the group had discipline problems, because some men got

drunk and misbehaved, but they were punished harshly, and the problems soon stopped.

5 Waterfalls on the way- They eventually had to find the Missouri River, and the only clue they

had was that it has a waterfall. There were two ways to go, so some people went both ways

searching for the waterfall, but after neither group found it, they decided the way they would go.

Unfortunately, after a while they found out there wasn’t only one waterfall, but five, so they would

have to contour them.

Description of live- Along the way, Lewis had to write journal with the new plants and animals he


Map writing- Clark was responsible for drawing the map of the new land they were discovering.

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Peace with Indians- Most of the places they were exploring were already occupied by Native

Americans, and they encountered around 50 tribes along the way, and they always had to be nice and


Bear attacks- Lewis was twice attacked by grizzly Bears, which as he noted “where far more

aggressive and dangerous than the Black Bears of the East.”

Hunger- During the expedition there were moments where they were weakened by the hunger,

which was not unusual. “We suffered everything” Lewis later wrote, “that Cold, hunger, and fatigue

could impart.”

Diseases along the way- It came to a point that the Corps of Discovery became a walking hospital,

the people from the expedition where exhausted, they had skin diseases, constipation, malaria, fever,

strained muscles, sore eyes, among other, this was a big challenge for the explorers.

Seeking religion for hope- It was a rough path, so they often had to seek for religion and faith to

find strength to keep on going.

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