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Case study topic "Revitalizing Growth: Why

panasonic's water purifier have not been successful

in India"
Recommendations: To enhance the success of Panasonic water purifiers in India, the
following strategic recommendations are proposed:

1. Invest in product innovation and customization to address specific consumer

needs and preferences, such as water quality variations, space constraints, and
affordability concerns.
2. Enhance brand visibility and awareness through targeted marketing
campaigns, leveraging digital channels, influencer partnerships, and localized
messaging tailored to different regions and consumer segments.
3. Strengthen distribution partnerships, particularly in rural and semi-urban
areas, by expanding the reach of Panasonic's water purifiers through strategic
alliances with local retailers, distributors, and e-commerce platforms.
4. Implement comprehensive consumer education initiatives to raise awareness
about water purification technologies, waterborne diseases, and the
importance of safe drinking water. Utilize various channels such as social
media, educational workshops, and community outreach programs to
disseminate information and engage with consumers.
5. Continuously monitor market trends, consumer preferences, and competitor
actions to adapt marketing strategies, product offerings, and distribution
channels accordingly. Stay agile and responsive to changing market dynamics
to maintain competitiveness and drive growth in the Indian water purifier
Executive Summary:

The present case study examines the intricate factors that contribute to the comparatively
low level of success achieved by Panasonic water purifiers in the Indian market. Even though
Panasonic is well-known throughout the world and has experience in a variety of consumer
electronics markets, the company has had a difficult time gaining traction and customer
acceptance in India with its water purifier products. Several underlying factors contributing to
this phenomenon have been identified through a thorough analysis of consumer behavior,
market dynamics, competitive landscape, and strategic considerations.


With its headquarters located in Osaka, Japan, Panasonic Corporation is a multinational

conglomerate that holds a dominant position in the FMCD (fast-moving consumer durables)
industry. The company was founded in 1918 and has come a long way from its modest
beginnings as a manufacturer of lightbulb sockets to become one of the top producers of
appliances and electronics worldwide.

Panasonic's extensive global distribution network and presence are among its primary competitive
advantages. The company can now reach a wide range of customers because it has a firm presence in
both developed and emerging markets. Its products are widely accessible to customers worldwide
through a variety of channels, such as authorized distributors, online marketplaces, and retail stores.

Additionally, Panasonic has established a reputation for producing long-lasting, high-quality goods.
To guarantee that its appliances meet the highest standards of performance and dependability, the
company employs stringent testing procedures and places a strong emphasis on quality control and
manufacturing excellence. Panasonic has gained the respect and allegiance of millions of customers
worldwide thanks to its dedication to quality.

Industry Overview:

The FMCD (Fast-Moving Consumer Durables) industry encompasses a wide range of consumer
goods that are typically replaced frequently due to wear and tear or changing consumer preferences.
This sector includes products such as electronics, home appliances, and other durable goods that are
essential for daily living.

Panasonic Corporation, a major player in the FMCD industry, has a significant impact on this sector
due to its diversified product portfolio, global presence, and commitment to innovation and quality.
The company's presence spans various categories within the FMCD industry, including televisions,
refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, microwaves, cameras, and audio equipment.

In terms of product innovation, Panasonic has been at the forefront of developing cutting-edge
features and technologies to enhance the performance, functionality, and user experience of its
products. This dedication to innovation has enabled the company to stay competitive in an industry
characterized by rapid technological advancements and changing consumer preferences.

Moreover, Panasonic's commitment to quality and reliability has earned it a strong reputation among
consumers worldwide. The company places a strong emphasis on quality control and manufacturing
excellence, ensuring that its products meet the highest standards of performance and durability.

Panasonic's global presence and expansive distribution network have also contributed to its success in
the FMCD industry. The company has established a strong foothold in both developed and emerging
markets, allowing it to reach a diverse customer base through various sales channels, including retail
stores, online platforms, and authorized distributors.

Furthermore, Panasonic is actively engaged in sustainability initiatives aimed at minimizing its

environmental impact. The company has implemented measures to reduce energy consumption,
minimize waste generation, and promote eco-friendly manufacturing practices across its operations.

Despite its many strengths, Panasonic faces challenges in the FMCD industry, including intense
competition from both traditional rivals and emerging players, rapidly evolving consumer preferences,
and geopolitical factors that can impact its operations and profitability. However, with its focus on
innovation, quality, and sustainability, Panasonic is well-positioned to navigate these challenges and
maintain its leadership position in the FMCD industry for years to come.
Market size:
As of my last update in January 2022, precise market size figures for Panasonic's FMCD (Fast-
Moving Consumer Durables) segment in terms of revenue or units sold were not readily available.
However, Panasonic Corporation is known to be a major player in the FMCD industry, boasting a
substantial global presence and a diverse portfolio of products ranging from televisions, refrigerators,
washing machines, air conditioners, microwaves, cameras, to audio equipment.

To estimate Panasonic's market size in the FMCD segment, we can consider its annual revenue and
market share within the industry. Panasonic's annual revenue typically includes sales from its FMCD
products, among others. In the fiscal year 2020, Panasonic's overall revenue was around 7.4 trillion
yen (approximately $67 billion USD). While the exact breakdown by segment is not always disclosed,
FMCD products constitute a significant portion of Panasonic's revenue stream.

Major Players:

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