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APO ta" Determination of density of light hydrocarbons — Pressure hydrometer method This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the ity of the user of this standard ermine the 1. SCOPE Li. This method provides a procedure for Gstermining the density of |i eat bis including liquefied petroleum gases. The prescribed apparatus should not be used for macerials having vapour pressures higher than I bar at the test temperature. 2, OUTLINE OF METHOD 2.1. The apparatus is purged with a postion of te sample before filling with the portion to he used ‘or testing. The pressure cylinder is filled to a level 2 which the enclosed hydrometer foats freely Tae hydrometer reading and the temperature of the one iquid divided by 3. DEFINITIONS. 211. Density is the mass of volume, NOTE 2 When reporting the dems she uns of soll wea. tence wah te cnperieme e 5 Slated: ei gmat 1C""The standard ference Loyporstore oe Imternationa ide it petroleum and ts rogues SC he I tho NOTE &: For practical purines taken to represent mase and ths Testes tusuremest stands 4. APPARATUS 4.1. Hydrometers density. with made of glass. range of 0.5 0.380 0.570-0.650 g:ml and conforming to the dimensiogs given in Table | Calibrate the hydrameters in sccordunce with Section 7. Calibration carzechions should be applied if the seale errors are in excess of half 9! one scsle division (0.0005) 4.2. Thermometer ~ having i sensitivity of at lees 2.7mmyC calibrated for tial immersion and of suitable dimensions to ft inside the ssdrom, cylinder, “Table 1 Speciation for presure her Overalh eneth Remi ma temmative tance poo Subaviseon at Figured eve ‘tat Body chance N20 roe te establish 9 ie 2351 Safety and health practices and lacory limitations A range conforming to BS S93 B60 Cota! is recommended. “The thermometer shall be hele Armiy insige the hydcometer cylinder by means of a suitable clip and in such a position as not to interfere with the free movement of the hydrometer. 43. Hydrometer Cylinder ~ constructed of trans- parent plastic. e.g. polymethylmethacrylate or equivalent materi, conforming to the design and dimensions given in Fig. 1. The ends shall be tightly sealed by mezrs af neoprene gaskets:and metal plates as shown. The pressure gauge shail be checked at intervals not greater than ¥ months, CAUTION: 4s 0 measure a protective shiehd shall be placed around the plastic exliader. Replace any: cylinders that show any fogging Cracing, eraching. 7 e16 ese emects, OF wh ‘wear, will reduce the i of the extinder walls. Glass shail nar be used for comssruction af the stud. Wind weaken Tovatick the sonface of past pd shold sitar noe be Used The liquid infet valve and the liquid outlet valve shall be tightly connected to a base plite which sal bc so bored as to give both valves a Sommom inlet to the exlinder. The vapour vent valve shall be sinilarly connected to the top plate, which shall be so hored 3 {o provide a vapour outlet from the pressure evlinder Al valves shall be 6mm oF equivalent needle valves, ‘The cylinder shal! be designed for a safe working pressure of not less than 14 Dur Before sale the cylinder shall be given hydrostatic pressure estat 28 bar on the cylinee”at intervals not greater than 12 months. CAUTION: The evince? shall no he uncge pressure ercater than 14 bur sperated at $8. Water Rash Treans of maintsiming the bath wit required temperature and of such di hydrometer eyird fied with a thermostat or other #02 C of the the be complese'y immersed J wosomeree wenwomereR—_| Liou meer neem 6-68 moos 46s. Tees #0 of v6 wate | uove omer sere Wae 6 { [___sese Fig. 1. Pressure hydromete evinder 5. REFERENCE LIQUIDS S.1. The following reference liquids are required for standardization of the hydrometer: S111 Pore Grade Propane! — having a nominst of 0.5076 at 1SC. 51.2. Pure Grade n-Butane* - density of 0.5845 at IEC. dens having s nominal 6. SAMPLING The procedure for sampling during calibration of fhe apparatus and the subsequent testing is described below A ist of supers of suitable reference tai from the insruie of Pe 2352 6.1, Carefully clean and dry the hydrometer, the thermometer and the inside wall of the pressure linder. Insert the hydrometer in the pressure cylinder and attach the thermometer and cover plate 6.2. Connect the source of supply of the liquid 1 be tested to the infet valve by suitable fittings so that a representative ssuaple can be incrodueed ince dhe cylinder: ascertain that these connexions are free from leaks. Open the outler valve and purge the sampling, conneaions | ty ie ies 8 slighily. permitting the product to flow through the ouilet valve at the botiom of the esting CAUTION: To avoid possible eamue to the test equipment and injuries to personnel. samples shail not DENSITY OF HYOROCARBONE, Ir 295 in dicectle into the apparatus from any product source whore the gauge pressure exeeeds 14 hat unless recauttons are taker to control the inlet pressure to the apparatus in accordance sith recvenized cndes wf practve 6.3. When the connexions have been purged. close the outlet and vent valves and open the inlet valve. Dermitting the liquid te enter the eylinder unt it ts full. Check that the pressure eauge is registering. If Aecessary. the vent valve maybe opened slightly to Permit complete filling of the cylinder. after which it shall be closed. At no time shall the pressure in the Cylinder be allowed to rise shove « gauge pressure of 15 har 64. When the cylinder has been filed. close the inlet vulve and open the outlet valve. permitting the contents of the cylinder 29 be withdrawn complete and the pressure inside the eylinder 19 be reduced to that of the atmosphere 6.5. Close the outlet valve and open the infer valve. filing the evlinder to 2 level at w hyeron fieely If is neces accomplish this filling by venting vapour dhrough vent valve, repeat the purging 10 cool the eslinder sufficiently to permit ts being filled without. the necessity of venting 46. With all saves closed, enamine the apparatus for leaks. und if leaks are detected, discard the sample. reduce the preceure to atwespheric ama repair the leaks. Repeat the sampling procedure 7. CALIBRATION OF APPARATUS Ifa hydrometer having @ calibration certif 'ssued by an approved laboratory is not used hygrometer shill be calibrated using une of alternative procedures described in 7.1 or 7.2 7.1. Applying the precautions set ou OF more samples Faving different densities the range of the hydrometer to be calibrated. Using the procedure described in Section s determing is duplicate for each sample the hydrometcr reading on a certified hydrometer. Average the two values for cach sampie if they differ by less than 6.0005 g ra. If the duplicate resnthe difer by more thai! DOORS fol, oF equivalent. repeat the determinations. Then obtain the average of dupticate readings on the hydrometer being calibrated. using un identical sample and following the same procedure. Ensure that the maximum difference in temperature for all more than 04°C, necessery corrections from the € certified hydrometer readings. Then compare the hydrometer readings obtained on the two hydromeiers and record any differences as he upplied to nydromeser reedings on meter being calibs 22 Use the procecure described in Section § to determine the density of one of the reference liquids of certified density ésee Section S$) at a vempertiong 12°C of the reference temps Make eterminations and average *te two resahs F bs ieee chun (1.0005 pms! Deduct the ‘tserage from the certified density or 2 density of the reference liquid 10 obtain the correction to be applied 10 the hydrometer readings, If the two test results differ by more than 0.0005 g ml. oF equivalent, repeat the determinations. NOTE < The mot pn a cnt of te toda on’ ome pointe te eal Bat cf alen seve for Maine isting 8. PROCEDURE 8.1. Prepare the apparatus and take a sample of the product to be tested as described in Section 6. 8.2. Disconnect the cylinder from the source of supply of liquid and piace it in the water bath (see 44) emainigined at 1S402C nul therm equilbrium has been |. To accelerate thermal adjustment the cylinder may be occasionally removed from the water bath, swirled gently a few times to ensure mixing. and replaced in the water bath, Exervise care to prevent damuge to the hyérometer and thermometer. The temperature of the water bath shall be measured or controlled bs means of a separate mometer, Use the Pressure cylinder (which is subject to pressure effects) to ensure that the liquid in the cylinder has reached thermal equilibrium 83. Remove the cylinder from the water bath, stand it on a firm level surface and. while the hydrometer is floating freely. take the hyctrometer reading as promptly as\ possible in the following manner: Observe a point slightly below the plane of the liquid surface and ther raise the line of vision until this surface. seen as an ellipse. becomes @ straight line, The point where this line cuts the hydrometer Scale is the reading of 1 A white card held behind the cylinder just below the figuid level will improve the visibility of the surface. Estimate the hsdrometer reading to the nearest one-fifth scale division. Read and record the semperaiure of the liquid 10 the nearest 02°C. If the tempermere changes by more than 04°C replace the cylinder fa the water bath. restore thermal equilibrium. then repeat the readings NOTE 6: The cinder may oe left nthe waterbath proved {Pat the rome reading can he cet cbserbe a mau 44. Immediately after each determination empty the liquid from the cylinder and sent to reduce the Pressure to. atmospheric in a safe place, Highly Yolatie liquids and liqueicd petroleum gases rust not be lefi in the apparatus since. at high ambient temperatures. they might generate sufficient pressure to burst the cylinder NOTE > Fer density oe Caan er oe 3 CAUTION: If 0 used, the d the test discontinues if th "ses above a gauge preveure ne density messurements sn the lmvent temperatures sil he 1 must be vented sir inthe estates far 9. CALCULATION AND REPORTING 2.1, Apply hydrometer corrections (if any) to 4 romeler” reading obtained in 8.3. When DENSITY OF HYDROCARBONS. IP 235 determinations are not carried out at the seference femperature. correct the result using the following tables: (a) For densities down to 0.612 ¢:ml use Table S38 of the APLASTM IP Petroleum Measurement Tables to correct to density at 18°C. (4) For densities below 0.612 g:mi use Table $3 of the 1953 edition of 1P 200 to correct todensity at 13 C. (c} For eorrection of density 10 20 C use Table A of IP 25069, 9.2. Report the corrected reading to the nearest 0.001 ¢ ml (density) 235.4 10. PRECISION 10.1. The following data should be used for Judging the acceptability of results (98% probability: 10.1.4. Repeatability ~ duplicate results by the same operator shouid be considered suspect if they differ by more than 0.001 g mi 10.1.2. Reproducbilry the results submitted by each of two laboratories should not be considered suspect unless the two results differ by. more than 6.003 mt

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