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Different Types of Volcanoes Types of a Volcano based on structure:

1. Composite or stratovolcano is
Five Description of Volcano formed by highly viscous or thick,
1. A vent in the crust of the earth. slow-moving lava. It has steep upper
2. A volcano is formed when hot molten rock, ash and gases. slopes and relaxed lower slopes, a
3. A mountain formed by the accumulation of these eruptive products. small crater at its summit, and is
4. An opening on the surface of a planet. packed with a large reservoir of
5. A vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are magma caused by the heat and
being. pressure from tectonic plate movement. Stratovolcanoes are most
dangerous, when they explode, an area of the volcano may collapse,
forming a larger crater and depression called a caldera. Most
Three External Parts of Volcano volcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire are stratovolcanoes.
⮚ Summit is the highest point or the apex of the volcano. At the summit,
you have an opening called vent. 2. Shield volcano is formed by loose and fluid lava that flows over
⮚ Slopes are the sides or flanks of a volcano that radiate from the main or each other. The shield volcano is
central vent. usually low and broad, resembling a
⮚ Base is lower outer part of the volcano. warrior’s armored shield or a
gigantic blob. The lava does not
Parts of Volcano shoot up high in the air in a violent
explosion. Instead, lava just flows
and runs down the side of its crater,
increasing the size of the volcano.
The magma of shield volcano contains lower amounts of dissolved
gases and silica. Examples of shield volcano are island volcanoes in
Hawaii such as the Kilauea, Mauna Kea, and Mauna Loa. Such
volcanoes have a very large, Streep-walled caldera on the summit.

3. Cinder cone also known as scoria

cone, is formed by fluid lava that
is ejected because of high pressure
that builds up in the magma
chamber. Volcanic eruptions of
cinder cones are short-lived and
appear like a wild fountain show of fiery lava spewed high in the air. • An inactive volcano can become active again through
As the lava cools on its descent, the rocks break down and form the geological processes, causing it to erupt once more.
steep conical landscape of the cinder volcano. Examples of cinder 3. Inactive Volcano
cone volcanoes include Paricutin in Mexico; Mojave in the desert of • Although "inactive" and "dormant" are sometimes used
California USA; Cerro Negro an active cinder cone in Nicaragua; synonymously, there are some differences between the two.
and Mount Fox in Queensland in Australia. • The term "dormant" denotes a volcano that is not actively
active right now but could reactivate.
4. Lava dome volcanoes, these • Even if a volcano is thought to be dormant, it may still be
are relatively small, circular active in some capacity, as evidenced by increased seismic
mounds formed as the lava is activity or gas emissions.
too viscous to flow, which 4. Volcano that is extinct
makes it piles over and around • A volcano that has gone extinct is one that is not anticipated
the vents. As the lava oozes to erupt in the near future.
out, its outer surface cools and • Due to geological processes that have effectively locked off
hardens, then shatters, spilling the magma chamber, these volcanoes have been dormant for
loose fragments down its side. Lava domes are found within the a considerable amount of time, preventing further eruptions.
crater or on the sides of large composite volcanoes. Their height
• Even if an extinct volcano is said to have lain dormant for a
depends on the size of the composite volcanoes they appear around. very long period, this label implies that it is not expected to
reappear in the near future.
Types of a Volcano based on activity:
1. Volcano in active state
• A volcano that has recently erupted and has the potential to
do so again soon is considered active.
• Volcanic activity is still occurring, resulting in the emission
of gasses, magma, and other volcanic products.
• The intervals between eruptions can range from days to
2. An inactive volcano
• One that has not erupted in a long time yet may do so in the
• The word "inactive" describes a volcano that has been
dormant for a long time—often thousands of years—rather
than that it will never erupt again.
Strombolian a periodic, weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain
lava, just like the Irazu Volcano in Costa Rica.
Types of Volcanic Eruption Vulcanian is characterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km
Volcanic Eruption is one of several forces that change the surface of the high with pyroclastic flow and ash fall tephra like that of Paricutin Volcano
Earth. Collisions between tectonic plates deform rocks and trigger a buildup in Mexico
of temperature that causes the rocks to melt, creating magma. Plinian extremely explosive eruptions, producing ash columns that extend
• Buildup of thick magma coupled with large amounts of dissolved many tens of miles into the stratosphere and that spread out into an umbrella
gases from within a volcano contributes to an explosive eruption of shape. These large eruptions produce widespread deposits of fallout ash,
lava, ash, and rocks. like in Pinatubo Volcano in Zambales.
• Lesser amounts dissolved gases, however, lead to effusive,
nonexplosive eruption.
Phreatic or hydrothermal is a stream-driven
eruption as the hot rocks come in contact with
water. It is short lived, characterized by ash
columns but may be a beginning of a larger

Based on their findings, here are the commonly observed signs when a
volcano is about to erupt.:

Phreatomagmatic is a violent
eruption due to the contact
between water and magma. As
a result, a large column of very
fine ash and high-speed and
sideway emission of
pyroclastic materials called
base surges are observed.
Classification and Composition of Temperature of Magmas
Magma Temperature of magmas is difficult to measure (due to the danger involved),
but laboratory measurement and limited field observation indicate that the
Magma is molten rock beneath the Earth's surface. It plays a crucial role in eruption temperature of various magmas is as follows:
volcanic eruptions as it rises to the surface through volcanic vents or Basaltic magma - 1000 to 1200oC
fissures, resulting in volcanic activity. Andesitic magma - 900°C -1000°C
Rhyolitic magma - 750°C -900°C
Three Types of Magma
Basaltic, andesitic, and rhyolitic, each of which has a different mineral Viscosity of Magmas
composition. All types of magma have a significant percentage of silicon Viscosity is the resistance to flow (opposite of fluidity). Viscosity depends
dioxide. Basaltic magma is high in iron, magnesium, and calcium but low on primarily on the composition of the magma, and temperature.
in potassium and sodium. It ranges in temperature from about 1000oC to Higher SiO2 (silica) content magmas have higher viscosity than lower SiO2
1200oC (1832oF to 2192oF). Andesitic magma has moderate amounts of content magmas (viscosity increases with increasing SiO2 concentration in
these minerals, with a temperature range from about 900°C -1000°C the magma). Lower temperature magmas have higher viscosity than higher
(1472oF to 1832oF). Rhyolitic magma is high in potassium and sodium but temperature magmas (viscosity decreases with increasing temperature of the
low in iron, magnesium, and calcium. It occurs in the temperature range of magma). Thus, basaltic magmas tend to be fairly fluid (low viscosity), but
about 750°C -900°C (1202oF to 1472oF). Both the temperature and mineral their viscosity is still 10,000 to 100,0000 times more viscous than water.
content of magma affect how easily it flows. Rhyolitic magmas tend to have even higher viscosity, ranging between 1
million and 100 million times more viscous than water. (Note that solids,
Gases in Magmas even though they appear solid have a viscosity, but it very high, measured
At depth in the Earth nearly all magmas contain gas dissolved in the liquid, as trillion times the viscosity of water). Viscosity is an important property
but the gas forms a separate vapor phase when pressure is decreased as in determining the eruptive behaviour of magmas.
magma rises toward the surface of the Earth. This is similar to carbonated
beverages which are bottled at high pressure. The high pressure keeps the
gas in solution in the liquid, but when pressure is decreased, like when you
open the can or bottle, the gas comes out of solution and forms a separate Process of Volcanic Eruption
gas phase that you see as bubbles. Gas gives magmas their explosive Deep within the Earth's mantle, intense
character, because volume of gas expands as pressure is reduced. The heat and pressure cause rocks to melt,
composition of the gases in magma are: forming a molten rock called magma.
• Mostly H2O (water vapor) & some CO2 (carbon dioxide) Magma is less dense than the
• Minor amounts of Sulfur, Chlorine, and Fluorine gases surrounding rocks, so it begins to rise
The amount of gas in a magma is also related to the chemical composition towards the surface.
of the magma. Rhyolitic magmas usually have higher gas contents than
basaltic magmas.
The magma collects in a large underground called a magma chamber. This growth. For animals, on the other hand, ash fall can contaminate their food
chamber acts as a reservoir, storing the magma until it is ready to erupt. sources and water, leading to respiratory issues and digestive problems.
Over time, the magma chamber fills with more and more magma. As the
magma continues to rise and accumulate, the pressure within the chamber 2. Mud flow is a mixture of water, molten rocks and debris flowing
increases. As the pressure builds, the magma starts to create cracks and down from the inside of volcano to the ground. It is also called as
fractures in the Earth's crust. These pathways allow the magma to move Lahar.
towards the surface. As the magma rises, it can trigger various signs of
volcanic activity. These include volcanic earthquakes, ground deformation Flowing mud can uproot trees, destroy vegetation, and bury habitats. Mud
(swelling or sinking of the ground), and the release of gases like sulfur can also contaminate water sources, making it difficult for aquatic
dioxide. As the magma reaches the surface, it creates an opening called a organisms to survive.
vent. The vent can be a fissure, a crater, or a central vent, depending on the
type of volcano. The vent provides a pathway for the magma to escape. 3. Lava flow are streams of molten rocks and other fragmented
When the pressure in the magma chamber becomes too great, the eruption materials –emitted by erupting volcano.
begins. The initial stage is often characterized by explosive activity. The
rapid release of gases causes the magma to fragment into small pieces, Lava flows can completely destroy any vegetation and animal habitats in
forming volcanic ash, cinders, and volcanic bombs. As the eruption their path. The extreme heat of the molten rock can burn and incinerate
progresses, the magma flows out of the vent as lava. Lava is the molten plants and animals.
rock that has reached the surface. The viscosity of the lava determines its
behavior. Highly viscous lava moves slowly and can form lava domes or 4. Pyroclastic flow is a fast-moving hot mixtures of gas, ash, and
blockages in the vent. Less viscous lava flows more easily and can cover molten rocks moving away from the volcano to the ground.
larger distances. After the eruption, the volcano may enter a period of
dormancy or continue to release smaller amounts of lava and gases. The Pyroclastic flows are highly destructive and can cause immediate death to
surrounding area may be covered in ash and volcanic debris, impacting the all living things in their path. The extreme heat and suffocating gases can
environment and nearby communities. Over time, the volcanic activity may kill animals and plants instantly.
resume, leading to future eruptions.

Precautionary Measures
Volcanic Hazards and Their Effects BEFORE
• Know the facts about volcanoes in your area like danger zones and
1. Ash fall is a pulverized rocks, sand, gritty and harsh glasses shoot
• history of eruptions.
out in the air by volcano.
• Know the location of designated evacuation site.
Ash fall can have negative effects on plants by covering their leaves and • Listen to the announcement of your authorities.
blocking sunlight, which can hinder photosynthesis and reduce plant • Stock clean and safe drinking water and other food supplies.
DURING 2. Supercritical Geothermal System a naturally occurring hot water
• Stay inside your homes and keep doors and windows close. or steams flows heated by magma and circulating through permeable
• Secure you water and food supplies. rock. In volcanic geothermal energy, the heat comes from
• Wear mask, eye googles or face shield if you need to go out. supercritical. The energy from supercritical water is much higher
• Do not go near the danger zones. than conventional steam.
• Listen to the news via television or radio devices.
• Obey the evacuation orders of the authorities. How is geothermal energy generated?

AFTER Geothermal energy is generated in two ways: geothermal power plants

• Assess the situation if it is safe to go out. and geothermal heat pumps. They differ in the depth of heat source to
• Check the perimeter of your house for any possible damage. produce energy. In geothermal power plants, the heat from deep inside the
Earth is used to produce steam to generate electricity. In comparison with
• Clean and remove the volcanic ashes in the roof, gutters, and
geothermal heat pumps, it uses the heat coming from close to the Earth’s
surface to heat water or provide heat for buildings.
• Replace contaminated water and food supplies.
In the Philippines, geothermal power plants are used to generate electricity
in Tiwi (Albay), Kidapawan (North Cotabato), Calaca (Laguna), Tongonan
Geothermal Energy (Leyte), Bago City (Negros Occidental), Valencia (Negros Oriental), and
Bacon (Sorsogon).
The Philippines ranks second in the world’s production of geothermal
energy. According to the Department of Energy, 14.4% of the country’s total The Philippines is harnessing the indigenous geothermal energy for almost
power of generation is produced from the geothermal energy. half a century from the first electric bulb lit by Dr. Arturo P. Alcaraz and his
team in Tiwi, Albay in 1967. Albay is the first geothermal power plant
The Earth is believed to be extremely hot from within. This heat from the located in our country.
Earth’s interior is a source of energy called geothermal energy. The heat of
the Earth warms up water which is trapped in rock formations beneath its
surface. Geothermal energy is a type of energy that that comes from the
heat inside the Earth.

Two Geothermal System:

1. Conventional Geothermal System utilizes steam from natural
resources such as geysers or by drawing water from the hot, high-
pressure depths of Earth.
hightemperature hydrothermal resources—300 degrees Fahrenheit (°F)
(148° C) to 700° F (371° C) —that come from either dry steam wells or
from hot water wells.

Geothermal energy uses the heat trapped beneath the earth’s surface to Why does Geothermal Power Plant use water?
generate electricity. Conventional geothermal energy utilizes steam from
natural sources such as geysers, or by drawing water from the hot, high • Heating water produces expanding vapor (steam) which can be
pressure depths of the Earth. The hot vapors are then used to drive electric utilized by converting its thermal energy to kinetic energy in an
turbines. engine.
• Water is also used by geothermal plants for cooling and re-injection.
In the case of volcanic geothermal energy, the heat comes from • Because they require water to be injected into the ground to reopen
Supercritical water. The researchers explained that energy from so called fractures (or create new ones) and create permeability.
supercritical water is much higher than conventional geothermal steam.
When molten rock and water meet, the extreme heat and pressure bring Geothermal power plants use hydrothermal resources that have both water
water to a “supercritical” state, where it is neither liquid or nor gas. In this (hydro) and heat (thermal). Geothermal power plants require high-
form, the water can carry more energy than normal steam, which could temperature hydrothermal resources—300 (148° C) degrees Fahrenheit (°F)
create up to 10 times the power output of other geothermal sources. to 700° F (371° C)—that come from either dry steam wells or from hot water
Geothermal power uses the heat of the Earth’s core to generate usable
electricity. Because the Earth has substantially more heat energy than can be
Geothermal Power Plant used or extracted by geothermal plants, scientists consider geothermal power
sustainable, like wind or solar power. Like most power plants, from wind
A geothermal power plant is
turbines to nuclear power plants, geothermal plants ultimately generate
a facility that generates
electricity by turning a turbine whose motion generates usable electricity.
electricity by harnessing the
Earth's internal heat.
Geothermal power plants are
It is said that by principle, wind turbine, nuclear power plants, and
used to generate electricity
geothermal power plants are the same in terms of producing electricity.
by harnessing the heat
How are they differed?
energy stored beneath the
Earth's surface. This electricity can then be utilized for various purposes, Wind turbine uses wind to turn the turbine, nuclear energy uses the heat
including Powering Homes and Businesses and Industrial Applications. energy from the diffusion of atoms to heat the water and create steam to turn
Geothermal power plants use hydrothermal resources that have both water the turbine, and geothermal power plants uses the Earth’s internal heat to
(hydro) and heat (thermal). Geothermal power plants require create steam and turn the turbine.
Important Parts of a Geothermal Power Plants Condenser - After the steam passes through
the turbine, it continues to a condenser
Geothermal Vents - The geothermal vent is the first
chamber. This chamber condenses the steam
component of a geothermal plant. A geothermal
back into liquid water by cooling it. The
vent is a deep well drilled into the Earth that the
excess heat lost as the steam turns to liquid
power plant uses to tap into the Earth’s heat. A
water may be used for other applications,
geothermal plant may have two goals for its vent;
such as heating or greenhouse farming. The
most current geothermal plants draw superheated,
cooled liquid water is then typically pumped
pressurized water upward; these are called flash steam plants. Geothermal
back into the ground to either restart the boiling process for dry steam or to
plants may also simply dig far enough underground, as many as three
replenish the natural heated aquifer for flash steam plants.
kilometers, to reach a point where the Earth is warm enough to boil water,
these are called dry steam vents. Three Types of Geothermal Power Plant
Steam Generator - Another key component 1. Dry Steam Power Plants: These plants use
of a geothermal plant is the steam production steam directly from underground reservoirs
unit, which can take multiple forms. In a to drive turbines.
flash steam vent, superheated pressurized
water is drawn from its place underground to 2. Flash Steam Power Plants: In this
low-pressure tanks. The pressure of the type, high-pressure hot water from
Earth kept the water in liquid form despite its underground is released into lower-
high temperature, and by removing that pressure tanks, causing it to rapidly
pressure the hot water instantly turns to vaporize or "flash" into steam, which
steam, hence the term flash steam. In a dry steam plant, the plant technicians then drives turbines.
pump water to the bottom of the vent where the Earth’s heat boils the water
and turns it into steam. 3. Binary Cycle Power Plants: These
plants use hot water from
Turbine - Regardless of the plant type, both
underground to heat a secondary fluid
flash steam and dry steam plants pump the
(such as isobutane or isopentane) with
steam from the geothermal vent to a large
a lower boiling point. The vapor from
turbine. The steam passes this turbine,
the secondary fluid drives turbines.
turning it in the process. This turbine is
attached to an electric generator, and as the
turbine turns the generator turns the
mechanical energy into electric energy, thus converting the heat from the
Earth into usable electricity.

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