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Written by Sis Chiagozie Efe-Ovririe

Compiled by DanGreatness Edjeba

Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips



I welcome you to Season 9 Phase 2 and this is Day 1

It is important to have knowledge and of course

knowledge given my God.
And it is important to be aware.
Recognize truth, if you're someone who believes in the
truth you will recognize truth, those who don't believe in
the truth are usually deceived.

This is the day of the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

After the ascension of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit came
on that day to imitate His ministry and has been here ever
Jesus called Him the Spirit of truth and that Spirit has
been poured out on all the world; so, you don't have to be
You can be deceived if you choose the way of ignorance,
God's people should not be deceived, the Holy Spirit has
been poured out on all and those who have received Him
have received His teaching ministry in their lives.

Whether or not you know God, it is possible to be

It is possible for everyone to recognize error and that is
why we pray and all of us God's people must pray, pray
for the Nations of the world, that they be guided into the
truth, that the Leaders of Nations will recognize truth,
pray that they will be protected from sweet mouthed
talkers like the WHO Ambassadors.
I want to remind you that there are certain situations that
seems to persist, but you never give up, you have to
understand that when the bible say we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, it's telling us something real. And
sometimes it might take a long while

Joshua 11:15-20
Sometimes the war can be long.
I told you we are in for the long hall, so don't think
everything will be dealt with in a week and it's all over, no,
we have to prepare ourselves.

Understand that it's not the devil that is having so much

power that it is taking long for us to deal with him, it's
because the enemies are many and their works are evil
and have been there for a long time and God is putting
them into our hands and He is getting us to paralyze all
their works.
He gave us the power and authority to take them on and
neutralize them.
Don't expect them to come out and say sorry, they are
doubling down.

Joshua 11:23
There is a time for us to rest from war, so don't be worried
because we are dealing with remorseless monsters of
cruelty and wickedness.

2 Samuel 3:1
There was LONG WAR between the house of Saul and the
house of David.
But David waxed stronger and stronger while Saul for
weaker and weaker.

Right where you are, declare that they are getting weaker
and weaker.
REVELATIONS CONTINUED... (In light of the words of

Revelation 6:
The opening of the Seals.
That is actually the revelation.

Some bible scholars erroneously say that this is not a
weapon of war but a bow you tie. (Because there are no
arrows and there is a crown).
But they are wrong and Here's why
When you study the scriptures, you have to look at such
words and look at where else those words were used to
find out what they mean in context.

For example...
Zechariah 9:13- This is a weapon of war. (As translated
from Hebrew to Greek)
Strongs concordance, as beautiful as it is, is just the
elementary introduction for someone who wants to
understand the Hebrew/Greek

This man is a man of intrigue. He is beginning to

maneuver his way into Power in his last 7 years.
Dan 9:27- this one week is a week of years. He will turn
against the Jews in the middle of the seven years period.
(Matthew 24:15-18: At this time, the Antichrist has moved
into Jerusalem during the second three and half years. At
this point, they see him as an adversary. In the first three
and half years, they think he is a friend.)

Matt 24: 1-4

Jesus warned about deception.
V5-6. Wars and rumors of wars.
(Revelation 6:2-4....A sword in the bible is the symbol of
V7- (Rev 6:3- Satan wants to initiate these things ahead of
time). There shall be Famines; food scarcity. Pestilences;
like the Pandemic.
We talked about this artificial shortage of food that they
want to cause in the nations

We really have to pray.

I saw a vision of an African country and there was this
terrible devastation! Food scarcity in an unprecedented
measure. The nation was Paralyzed. People had nothing to

Don't say "this will not happen". The only way to avert it
is Prayer and the word of God.

It happened in Israel. There was Famine in the land.

Things became so bad that they started eating their own
children. They must have eaten their pests first.

I saw this nation brought to its knees. There was no food.

It was very bad. PRAY FOR YOUR COUNTRY because
that was caused by the children of wickedness, with their
terrible policies. I told you not to accept their seeds. They
will destroy your crops.
Don't accept their proposals for food security. They will
destroy your agriculture.

Nations that could have helped others will become

hungry and have nothing.
You have to understand that there is a war.

What do people who have run down the economies of

their countries have to tell you? What ideas do they have
to give to you?
How can Nations that owe the largest amounts in the
world give you ideas on how to be prosperous?
Somebody is not thinking.
How can the officials from the world bank or IMF tell you
how to run your economy when all they want to do is loan
you money.
They are going to loan you YOUR OWN MONEY. .that's
the most terrible part of it.

The word of God is very instructive.

Revelation 6:5
The word for the pair of balances is "Zugos" and it's used 6
times only in the New Testament and each time, it means
a 'Yoke of bondage'
A pair of balances is a pair of binders.
It is a yoke of servitude. Not really a scale.
It's a yoke of slavery; control.
(Reference: Acts 15:10, Galatians 5:1
Think of a Police man's handcuffs.
The economic policy of bondage; the most oppressive
economic system that the world has ever known.

Rev 6:6- This was at a time when a whole day's labor was
a Penny. So, after a whole day's work, they could only get
a measure of barley.

Think about the COVID year. These guys crippled

businesses and economies all around the world
Ezekiel 4:10-11
They were rationing food and water. It happened in the
United States and in the UK.
During that period, many died in their homes without

There are some things that we need to remember. They

want you to forget.
They were setting up concentration camps like Hitler did.
They were Hitler on steroids.

This happened in 2020!!!! Don't forget. They did it to the

people. They plan to do it again.

Did you ever think your own Government could do that

to you?
Governments assumed emergency powers for dictatorship.

There is more than enough power. We can sack anybody.

Revelation 6:7
What Jesus said, John sees in Revelation. And only with
the seals being opened, could these things be understood.

Luke 21:8-12
V12- Jesus takes them back to what will happen in the
immediate future.
In Luke's account you have to know the things which will
happen in the immediate future, the ones that will happen
in the last days of Daniel's 70th week, and the ones with
double reference.

Rev 6:9-16
We have moved more deeply into the period of
V 11- these are those killed in the tribulation period.
V12-13. The Stars fall on the earth not in space. These
things bombard the earth
V15- The trouble is for rich and poor. They went
Revelation 10:7
When he sounds, what follows is not just for a 24 hours
period. There were several angels. Each one took a period
of time.

Rev 6:13 -7:1... All these things will lead to when they see
the son of man.
How can someone survive this?
At earthquake for a few seconds is terrifying.

Smart cities are currently being built around the world.

The bible tells us that they will be destroyed. How can
they stand all that kind of earthquake.
Some stars are bigger than the earth yet they will fall
Nothing will be going on in those days. No work, no
The bible says, it's the great day of his wrath. The day of
his judgement on the earth.
Revelation 7:1- Suffocation. 4 Angels will make sure the
wind doesn't blow
It is the hour of the atonement.

Are the 4 chariots of Ezekiel related to the 4 horse riders in

the book of Revelation? No!
Those are several horses from each chariot.
Then, in Revelation, the bible says Nobody knew what
was in the book, only the lamb. The revelation was sealed.

(Prayers for the country, leaders that the spirit of truth will
come upon them and guide them away from deception).
As long as the church is in this world, the light shines in
this world. The light shines in the darkness and darkness
cannot comprehend it.
Our light is a consuming fire.

(Prayer session)

Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Most Rev Tom




I want to welcome you to today's program, and I hope

that you were able to participate in prayer session.

We are still on the book of Revelation and in phase 1 we

actually got to chapter 11.
Yesterday, I wanted to pick out a few things for you from
the portion we have dealt with before we go into chapter

I want to move to read a few things in Chapter 7

Revelation 7:1-3
Remember we have seen in chapter 6, the sixth seal.
Vs 3
This is a special class of people the angels want to seal, all
of us who are born again have been sealed by the Holy

Vs 4-8
He is not saying from each tribe but a combination of all
the tribes, 144000 were going to be sealed.
The details are very vital in the book of Revelation.
If you have gone through the listing of the children of
Israel, you'd observe that often times when the list is given,
Levi is often not included and two tribes come out of one -
Manasseh and Ephraim.

If you were to add Levi, they would be 13. Because one

tribe has two.
Just in case you haven't understood that before, let me
take you to Genesis 48:17
Gen 48:17-22
Here, Jacob has relocated to Egypt.
Joseph had two boys. The older was Manasseh and the
younger was Ephraim.
But when he brought the sons to his father, the Father put
his right hand on the younger one and the left hand on the
Jacob gave Joseph one portion above his brethren. What
does that mean?

Just for the records...

There is no such thing as double portion of the anointing.
They get it from the conversation between Elisha and
Elisha asked that a double portion of Elijah's spirit rest on

Jacob told Joseph he had given him a double portion of

What is the meaning of a portion? It means a Fraction or a
part. It is that part that is assigned. So, a double portion of
the anointing that was said to be on Elijah would mean
two parts of all that you have...not twice as much. Portion
is not double of the whole.

This comes from a law in Israel that says of a man has a lot
of children and he divided his inheritance to the children,
he should give a double portion to the eldest. That's just
twice of everybody else's who got the inheritance. That's a
sign of the one who takes the family name, who is the
head of the family.

God assigned the rulership to Judah; He assigned

Priesthood to Levi; and the eldest was Reuben who should
have had the double portion but Reuben messed up, so he
said "Unstable as water, you shall not excel".
So Reuben lost the double portion to Joseph.
So don't also for double portion of the anointing, it doesn't
make sense.
Elisha was asking that he wanted to be the next point
man/the head of the prophets. He wanted Elijah's
leadership mantle as it were to come on him. Because
there were other prophets watching. Elisha saw Elijah go
off with the Chariots of fire...but all of the other prophets
did not see it.

Revelation 7:8
In the listing of the tribes in the book of Revelation, one
tribe is named differently while another is missing.
The tribe of Dan is not there.
We have Joseph there. Ephraim represents Joseph because
he took the family name, he was set above Manasseh.

(Ezekiel 48:30-35
Ephraim represents the northern kingdom of Israel)

Revelation 7:9-17
It isn't only the 144,000 that get raptured. This shows a
great multitude of ministers from all nations. The 144,000
were preachers and they were all male.
Revelation 8:1-
When the 7th seal was opened, 7 trumpeters were
When these trumpets began to sound, terrible Judgements
poured upon the earth.

The 6th seal was a revelation that the day of his wrath had
When you read this, don't think of something just
happening in a hour, it's a process.
These things happen in the second half of the seven years

V7: one third of all trees and all green grass was burnt up.
V9-: A third part of sea creatures died. A third of all ships
V10: Waters became bitter causing many men to die
V12: A third of the sun, moon and stars darkened.
Revelation 9:
V1-5: Locusts that eat people for 5 months in torment.
V6: People will desire to die but death will flee from them.
Even death will run away.
This time, it is not some Satanic activity that is going on. It
is God. It's the day of God's wrath.
V7-9. These are serious locusts. Special locusts.
V11: Their King is Abaddon.
V12: All of the earlier verses about locusts were just One

V13-16: The army was 200 million men. To wipe out

another third of men
V17-21: the remaining that didn't die didn't repent.
(Revelation 16:10-12:.
Inspite of the tough Judgements against them, there was
no repentance.
V12: The Kings of the East are the ones with the two
hundred million soldiers.
(Revelation 9:14-16
Four fallen angels bound in the river Euphrates were
released to lead men into war which would destroy one
third of the world’s population. This is preparation for

Revelation 16:12
The Kings of the East represent China. Does China have
two hundred million soldiers?
That's not the first place that God talked about China.
Isaiah 49:12 AMP.
A few translations think it's a place in Southern Egypt.
Their reason is that some Jews were encamped in that
place for a long time. But it's wrong. It's Sinim (China).
Sino is China.

Rev 16:12-
He heard the number
In May 21, 1965 Times Magazine wrote something.
(Article). China leaked out that they had 200million militia
How did John know about this number?

When you read the book of Revelation, there are lots of

encouraging and comforting things, but there are also
many troubling things that you have to think of people
who haven't known the Lord.
There is no other hope outside of Jesus.
There is no way outside of Jesus.
They may scoff at you today, laugh and make's
because they don't know what's coming.

Jesus warned that this will happen suddenly, but He gave

us indications; how to know when it's close; signs
It's going to happen suddenly. It's close

Revelation 12:1
"Wonder" means "Sign". Signs and wonders are
interchangeably used in the Greek words translated.
John was shown a sign. Which means the interpretation
has to be understood that the things you are going to see
are not literal.

This sign because of what it is means that it's got an
V3: There are 2 signs now. The heads of the dragon are

Revelation 13:1.
The beast has crowns upon his ten horns, not on his head.
This is a human beast here because he came out of the sea.

Revelation 11:7-
There was no introduction of this personality right from
chapter one up to this place. He just introduced to us the
Beast that comes out of the bottomless pit.
You think it was Abaddon...but Abaddon if the ANGEL of
the bottomless pit and king over the locusts.
He is not called a beast.

So, who is this Beast? He is identified in Chapter 17:7

(Rev 17:7-8... He is describing the beast in chapter 11.

V10: Those 7 mountains are actually Kingdoms. 5 are
fallen. One is (Rome), the other is not yet come)
Why is it that the Dragons 7 heads had crowns? Because
he was behind the 7 kingdoms.
The Antichrist comes with an earth Kingdom. He is on the
7, but comes up with an 8th.
It is the horns that are crowned with the antichrist, not the

Revelation 12:4
Here is where the idea came about the possible number of
Angels that fell with Lucifer.
This is because of the use of the term "stars of heaven".
Angels are sometimes referred to as stars.. including Satan
(Isaiah 14:12-13). Lucifer was called the morning Star or
Sun of the morning.

When Jesus appeared to John, He saw him with 7 stars

which were the Angels of the seven churches
So stars refer to personalities (not planetary bodies).

Revelation 12:4
Remember the sun clothed woman who was heavy with
She wants to deliver and the dragon is ready to devour
her child as soon as he is born.

V5; Remember He is telling us of a Sign that he saw. He

saw something symbolic. It represents something.
The Man child was to rule all nations with a rod of Iron.

Who is the woman? Who is the Child?

The sun-clothed woman is Israel. It also represents a place.
The Man Child is Christ.
When you say "Christ", you mean "Christ and those in
Christ". They were caught up to God
And they will rule all nations with a rod of iron

First, Jesus, after his resurrection, went to God. The church

at the sound of the trumpet, will be raptured and go up to

In the process of time, Christ will come back with his

church and rule all nations with the rod of iron.

Revelation 12:6
Revelation 12 opens the 3 and halo years with respect to
Israel which means at this time what Jesus talked about
has taken place.

Matthew 24:15-16, Isaiah 16:1-5, Psalm 60:6-12

He is going into Edom for protection because it is a time of
Daniel 11:36, 41
Those three will escape because God is preparing them to
be a place of refuge for Israel in the last days

Revelation 12:6-7
Verse 6 is being expatiated from verse 7-14.

We are in the most exciting part of the church age.

Why do I say this? Because this is the part of it that leads
to the coming of the Lord. There's no doubt in my mind
that this is the last generation.
Of course, many times before now had said this...but they
never gave a proper bible chronological detail of God's
actions and timelines in prophecy. If you did that, there is
no way you would have arrived at years before now.

When God gave Noah a warning that he would destroy

the world he told him to prepare an ark of salvation; Noah
was 500 years old. When did Noah complete it and enter
into the ark, when he was 600 years old. It took him 100
years for getting the ark ready.
All that period he was preaching to them and they will not

But the same day that Noah entered into the ark, God shut
the door of the ark
The rains and floods came and destroyed them all; not one
escaped except Noah and his family.

Jesus said "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in

the days of the Son of Man...".
He also showed us that a generation is a 100 years,
because He called 400 years 4 generation.

There is a difference between Man's days and Man's

Man's days were reduced to 120... That's not what a
generation means.
It's got nothing to do with each person's length of life.
He was specific about a generation; you have to use what
He said.
Any other figure would be a speculation.

There is so much for us to talk about, so more to share.

These things help us to prepare ourselves.
It's Eschatology for Ethics and Inspiration.

Healing Streams - March 15th - March 17th


Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Pastor Yemisi





A few years ago, a company known as Monsanto

company, they produced what they called a weed killer
with a chemical branded Round Up (glyphosate was the
active agent).
They became one of the biggest companies in the US, but
their products were responsible for cancer in a lot of the
users; and they denied it.

Prof Seralini did a research on them.

The nice sweet corn that a lot of people eat laced with
glyphosate, many people don't know, carcinogenic.

Because there was a lot of money involved in it, a lot of

people in the industry rose up against the research done
by Professor Seralini and they fought as much as they

(Do a research on the Monsanto papers)

Just so you understand some of the things you're eating, a

lot of the cereals, especially in countries where they don't
carry out any serious work to ensure what they're
importing into their country is okay and so you'd find out
that there is a lot more cancer today than ever before, and
a lot of it is coming from food and hair products.

It is not all because of money, there is a more satanic

agenda; it's about eugenics and population control, there
is money in it but it's far more than money, that's what
makes it more dangerous to Nations in Africa and Asia
because they are very populous.
They can use their hair products to eliminate the people
over a few years, and use all this nice food: the GMO seed
you're getting, don't take them.
They are replacing your organic corns and that is why
they are destroying your farms so you don't have organic
corns and you're left with the sweet corns but a lot of it is
laced with carcinogenic substances.

(Go and find out about the Monsanto papers.)


Revelation 12:1-
The word translated 'wonder' here means 'sign'

Genesis 37:9-
Jacob understood the significance of Joseph's dream.
Being under the moon doesn't mean he was higher than
his mother, no, it means he was being carried because the
moon isn't static, it was carrying him and that's the work
of a mother.

Racheal was prophetically referred to as the mother of


Vs 2-4

Exodus 4:4, Deuteronomy 28:13

The tail signifies defeat
Isaiah 9:15

Revelation 12:4-6

His defeat caused a third part of the heaven to be cast into

the earth.

Vs 7- 12
Everything we have read in vs 1-6 is interpreted here.
When you read in John 15:5
He is saying…" if you stay with me"

Romans 8:9
Dwell (oikeó) means to permanently reside, it's a

1 Corinthians 3:16
He permanently resides in you, it's a formal declaration.

Vs 12-15
This is telling you the persecution of Israel that will come
in those last 3 and half years of Daniel's 70th week.
What we just read in the 14th verse is quite interesting;
there is a scripture some bible scholars try to relate with
this but it isn't related.

Isaiah 26:19-20
Here is a mystery and that's why they didn't get it,
because the prophets didn't get it.

Remember all the righteous people who live before Jesus

Christ, when Jesus resurrected, the bible says they came
out of their grace and appeared to people in the Holy city
and when Jesus ascended, He took them with Him to
The only ones who are in a different state at the moment
are those whose souls are in Heaven but haven't

1 Corinthians 15:51-52.

Vs 14-17
Something happens here that is very important, only
Israel is dealt with in the bible as having a remnant, the
church never has a remnant.

Galatians 4:22-25
Though you have two women, they're both dealing with
two different things about the same city (Jerusalem).
One represents Jerusalem which is right now in Arabia.
This is that Jerusalem that the Antichrist will move to, this
is that Jerusalem that goes into travail, that Jerusalem that
satan will persecute with her children

Galatians 4:26-27
A huge difference between spiritual Jerusalem and earthly

Isaiah 66:7-15
There was no travail, no pain.

Vs 16
What he just said in verse 16 is about the end of this, he is
talking about the Armageddon.

Vs 16--18
This is definitely about the end time. During this period,
he tells you what Israel goes through, he comforts them
that their future is bright.

Jeremiah 30:7-9, Daniel 12:1

Revelation 12:7
Romans 11:25-26

Daniel 12:1-4
When you read from verse 2, you think they're going to
rise at the same time, but there is a huge difference
between when one group arises and another and it's about
a thousand years.

Today you can see a greater understanding of the book of

Daniel, it used to be like a mystery book many years ago.

Revelation 12:15
Daniel 9:26
Daniel is referring to what we read in Revaluation 12:15
Daniel 11:21-26, Jeremiah 46:6-9
Remember I told you how the Antichrist will be a
The flood is about ministry power.

Numbers 16:29-35,
Revelation 12:17, 13:5-7
Daniel 7:25

When you read the book of revelation and you observe

God's actions or judgement, His wrath against evil, and
sinners, it shows you the future of sinful man who chooses
not to repent.
But it also shows you the amazing love of God; you cannot
read the book of revelation without coming to the
conclusion that God is love, even on the face of all those
judgements, you realize that God is love.
You can see His patience, His long suffering.
If you look at the world today, I told you about the
polarization in the world that was going to be even more
evident than ever before.

In the Antichrist's pursuit of Israel that we just read, the

bible tells us that news from the east and nothing will
distract him.

Daniel 11:44-45
East (China), North (Russia)

Pray for God's people around the world that they be

encouraged of God's Word, encouraged by the ministry of
the Spirit, by the ministry of the Word like never before,
that they will be strengthened.

Isaiah 66:7 -8

The Spirit of God is saying some things; there is a move of

God's Spirit. Extraordinary things will be happening in
church growth. There will be many that will be coming
into the house of God, there will be a hunger of the Spirit
that will draw so many to the house of God and it will be
the minister of the Holy Spirit causing it to happen.

But at the same time, I see a warning of the Spirit;

Isaiah 9:15-17
From here God begins to say something that is very

If you're led by the wrong minister, He said you'll be


Pray for God's people, that as they come into the house of
God, they will go to the right places and the Lord will give
them the right shepherd, He will give them pastors after
His heart.

(Prayer Session)
Healing Streams Live Healing Services - 15th - 17th March

Global Day of Prayer

29th - 30th March 2024

Call to Salvation

This month is loaded with all these programs, between

now and then, give attention to prayer and let the Holy
Spirit minister to you and encourage you.

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