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N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C.

Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

NADA STRUMBERGER, D. Se. Traffic Engineering

University of Zagreb Review
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering U. D. C.: 629.3: 678.7
Vukeliceva 4, 10000 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia Accepted: Feb. 2, 2005
ALEN GOSPOCIC, M. Se. Approved: May 3, 2005
llica 256 b, 10000 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia
Fijaker Zagreb
Argentinska 1, 10090 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia



Polymeric materials in automobiles have experienced a real TURE OF AUTOMOTIVE PARTS
boom in the last twenty years, and their application is increas-
ing with a tendency of further growth. The basic functions of
such wide application ofpolymeric materials in vehicles dictate 2.1. Polycarbonate (PC)
the appearance of the automobiles, their functionality, econ-
omy and low fuel consumption. The application of polymeric Polycarbonates are often used for the application
materials allows more freedom in design, and in many cases in automotive industry. They are applied mainly in
only the polymeric materials can enable safe geometrical or non-reinforced condition, and their main application
economical solutions for the design parts. in automobiles is for the manufacture of various parts
of light assemblies, such as lights and lenses of the
KEYWORDS front and rear lights.
It features the following properties [6]:
polymeric materials, functionality, economy - resistant to high temperatures (up to 148°C),
whereas high-temperature polycarbonate (PC-
-HT) is resistant to temperatures (from 160-220
- transparent with possibility of being painted into
any nuance;
The application of polymeric materials in automo-
- modulus in tension up to 2300 MPa;
biles is constantly increasing and this trend is expected
to continue. The key factors in selecting the polymeric - high dimensional stability, precision and good
materials in relation to other materials applied in au- properties of toughness;
tomobiles are the today's appearance of automobiles, - good electric insulation properties.
their functionality and more economic manufacture,
as well as reduced fuel consumption. Although the re- 2.2. Acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS)
duction of the mass of parts is the main reason of
choosing polymeric materials, the future growth of Primarily used for the manufacture of housings,
their usage will result in new applications in automo- covers and linings, featuring the following properties
biles related to comfort, safety and possibility of parts [6]:
integration. The application of polymeric materials al- - very good properties of toughness, strength and ri-
lows more freedom in design, and in many cases only gidity;
these materials can allow safe geometrical or eco- - they are opaque, attain high surface polish i. e.
nomic solution for the construction of parts. have well polished surface;
The automobile parts which are made of polymeric - good chemical resistance and resistance to temper-
materials are divided into four categories: internal ature of 80-105°C;
parts, external parts, parts in the engine compartment, - modulus in tension is from 1500-2700 MPa, and
and bodywork and engine parts. when fibre glass reinforced even up to 5500 MPa.

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N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C. Bra tu lie: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

2.3. Thermoplastic alloy - high resistance to temperature (in short-term ex-

posure up to 250°C, in long-term exposure from
For the manufacture of automobile parts often 80°-150°C), and resistance to many chemicals;
thermoplastic alloy polycarbonate+acrylonitrile/bu- - features very high strength and toughness (de-
tadiene/styrene (PC+ABS) is used, and the thermo- pending on the modifications, reinforcements and
plastic alloy acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene+poly- humidity);
amide (ABS + PA). The alloys allow combining of me- - modulus in tension of 900-15000 MP a (depending
chanical, thermal and rheological properties of mate- on the modifications, reinforcements and humid-
rials. The thermoplastic alloy of polycarbonate+ ity);
+ acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (PC+ ABS) is used - features good electric insulation properties and
to manufacture the internal and external decorative very good resistance to wear and tear.
parts and small bodywork parts, and features the fol- Polyamide 6 features the following properties [6]:
lowing properties [6) - it is opaque, features good rigidity and hardness, it
- it is opaque, has high surface polish; is resistant to many chemicals;
- resistance to temperature between ABS and J>C; - features good electric insulation properties and
- high dimension stability and reaches high precision very good resistance to wear and tear;
in the production of small parts; - it features very high dynamic strength and tough-
- slight tendency to distortion and humidity absorp- ness, depending on modifications, reinforcements
tion; and humidity;
- features good electric insulation properties; - features high resistance to temperature (in
short-term exposure up to 200°C, and in long-term
- modulus in tension from 1800-2750 MPa, and fibre exposure from 80°-150°C);
glass reinforced 3900-5900 MPa.
- modulus in tension ranges from 450-15000 MPa.
Thermoplastic alloy acrylonitrile/butadiene/sty-
rene+polyamide (ABS+PA) is used for the manufac-
ture of unpainted parts in the car interior, such as:
2.5. Linear polyester
housings for radios and navigation systems, sliding For the application in automotive industry the lin-
roof supports, air nozzles and air conditioning grates, ear polyester is also applied, such as the linear polyes-
gear level linings, steering wheels, etc., and also for the ters based on polybutylene-terephthalate (PBT) and
manufacture of painted external parts: hub covers, polyester (PES). In the majority of cases the fibreglass
grilles and fenders. reinforced types are applied. They are used for the
Compared to acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene graft manufacture of bumpers, door-handles, body plates,
copolymer(ABS) has enhanced properties of chemi- radiator grilles, rear-view mirror housings, etc. and
cal resistance, resistance to crack occurrence due to feature the following properties [6]:
the action of residual stresses, greater dynamic load - high resistance to temperature (short-term expo-
power. Compared to polyamide (PA), thermoplastic sure from 210°- 240° C);
alloy (ABS+PA) features better properties ofmachi-
- high strength and hardness, good chemical resis-
nability, lower tendency to shrinkage and deformation tance, and they are opaque;
and lower water absorption. Thermoplastic alloy
- excellent sliding properties, good electric insula-
(ABS+PA) features great flexural and notched im-
tion properties;
pact strength as well as good chemical resistance. The
temperature resistance is up to 180°C if based on - high resistance to abrasion and low absorption of
polyamide (PA6), and up to 250°C if based on poly- humidity;
amide (PA66) [6). - modulus in tension ranges from 1700-17000 MPa
depending on modifications.

2.4. Polyamide (PA)

2.6. Urethane elastomere (TPE-U)
Most often used are polyamide 66 (PA66) and These polymeric materials combine the properties
polyamide 6 (PA6). The main application of of high-quality polyurethane with processing effi-
polyamide is the manufacture of parts which are under ciency of thermoplastics. The most important applica-
the engine hood, mainly using the types of polyamide tion of urethane elastomeres is for the body parts and
(PA) reinforced by fibreglass. steering wheel, and they feature the following proper-
Polyamide 66 features the following properties [6): ties [6]:
- it is opaque and features good rigidity and hard- - good resistance to oils and greases, good resistance
ness; to chemicals;

150 Promet- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 17, 2005, No. 3, 149-160

N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

- good at absorbing impacts and vibrations, they fea-

ture good recovery after deformation;
- good resistance to formation and propagation of
- resistance to temperatures from - 40°C - 80°C (in
short-term exposure up to l2°C).

2.7. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

This is a material used in automotive industry for
the manufacture of the protection for the bottom floor
in the car, for internal lining and coating of electric ca-
bles in the vehicle, and features the following proper-
ties [17];
- low thermal resistance at high temperatures;
- good absorbent of impacts and vibrations, low
- diversity of manufacturing procedures, easy to
weld, paste, and print. Figure 1 - Driver's dashboard in Skoda Fabia

design of pedal assembly reduces the assembly mass

3. SYSTEMATIZATION OF AUTOMO- by 50% and the number of parts by 50%.
TIVE PARTS The driver's dashboard of Skoda Fabia, in spite of
having thin walls, with large-size parts made of long-fi-
3.1. Internal parts of automobile bre reinforced thermoplastic Celstran (LFT) is ex-
tremely rigid and tough and its mass has been reduced
In the passenger cabin, polypropylene (PP) has as well as the fuel consumption. Made of 30% fibre- •
been increasingly used to manufacture the parts, and glass reinforced polypropylene (PP GF30), it features
its share has reached 55%. The use of fabric in the car invisible integration of airbags which have been tested
interior for the seats, roof linings and side-plate lin- and found to function well even at extremely low tem-
ings, will be increasingly replaced by and made of peratures (up to -35°C) [11].
polypropylene (PP). The passenger safety requirements have become
An example is the new design of the seat shell in an indispensable part in forming the interior of cars,
Mercedes Benz A-Class, made of fibreglass reinforced searching for materials that increase these require-
elastomere modified polyamide (PA6). The seat shell ments and offer the desired level of comfort. The roof
is equally safe as the one made of metal, but has lower linings of VW (Volkswagen) make, are made of a sys-
mass. tem of polyurethane rigid foam, and they offer very
The first car that had installed the back seat bank good combination of comfort and safety, have very
of metal/polymers was Mercedes Benz V-Ciass van. low mass, look very attractive and absorb well the im-
The goals of the project were comfort, seat-belt inte- pacts. An example for the new trend in the design of
gration and adaptability. The seat can be turned, the interior parts is the integrated door mechanism as-
pulled backwards, reclined in order to save space or sembly. It is made of thermoplastic alloy polycar-
converted into a flat table. The mass is 36 kg, the seat bonate+ acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (PC+ ABS)
has 30-50% lower mass than the traditional ones, and mixture of resins which allow high level of functional
the saving in price is from 10-20%. integration and lower production costs, lower mass
An example is the recently developed prototype of and simpler mounting.
the dashboard support in the plastic/metal hybrid
technology. The polymeric material that was used for
this prototype is the fibreglass reinforced polyamide. 3.2. External automobile parts
The transfer from the metal assembly of pedals to
those made of polymeric materials means that the The application of polymeric materials on the out-
mass, strength, price and characteristic of new parts side of an automobile may be roughly classified in
have been significantly improved. By cooperation three main areas of application [9]:
among several companies, an assembly of pedals - large-size body parts (external door panels, rear
made of polymeric materials was designed, and in hatch, engine cover, bumpers, mudguards, spoil-
1999 these were installed in the Ford models. The new ers, bonnet lids, etc.),

Promet- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 17, 2005, No. 3, 149-160 151

N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

Table 1 - Systemic presentation of the internal automobile parts and polymeric materials of which they are
made [10]
Internal parts OD
·E..... OD

Cl) "'...
-o "0
> .g 0

c a
..c 0 B Q)
.0 a
c "'"' 0. Cl) ..c:l .... "' oB Cl)

0 "0
0. ::c ~ ·o;; Cl)

"' .s Q) ~

·-e eo "i:l
...."' "'<J} "'
t: OD :.§ Cl)

-~ Cl) t:l
·.: .s .... <a"'
:.a ;:I 0

0. "'
> ..... .0 0 (.)
0 a
1::: Cl)
.... 0. 0 "0
0 Cl) OD 0
0 Cl)
;::l Cl) 0
Materials 0 0 cr.l
cr.l u ci5 ~ ~ p... 0 ~



Figure 2 - Loading platform of a light pick-up truck

(General Motors) Figure 3 - Bumper prototype

152 Prom et - Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 17, 2005, No. 3, 149-160

N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

Table 2 - Systemic presentation of external automobile parts and polymeric materials of which they are made
External parts .....
<Ll <Ll
c;; 1-<

0 "'0.
1-< 0
'§ .s .._, ~
s:: tll
"0 $ "'0. ~ "'....

.9 ....
"'Cl) ro ~
§ 0
.... "'
"@ "'
-.:; 6u
~ .....
-~ "' 0 Cl) Q
..... Cl)
"' "'0.
-~ 0..
s s:::: "'

s.... 1-< ::aQ (:l

~ "'"'
0.. 0 ro :.a "0 Cl)

6"' ~
Cl) "0
1-< :.:::l 0
Materials o::l J:l... c.? 0:: r:/) (l:l U5



- small-size body parts, avan of sheet moulding compound (SMC). This devel-
- instruments for lighting and light signalisation and opment has brought to the use of a wide range of
glazed body surfaces (rear light covers, headlight thermoset composites for the engine lids, roofs (tops),
optical lenses, etc.). lid edges, mudguards, door panels, and other body-
work panels, in the following processing methods:
Large-size body parts sheet moulding compound (SMC), bulk moulding
General Motors is leading in the world in using the compound (BM C), (RRIM and SRIM) reinforced re-
bodywork panels made of polymeric composites that action injection moulding, (RTM) resin transfer
are based on thermoset plastics. They have been using moulding. The first loading platform of the light pick-
them since 1953 for the Corvette whose bodywork is -up truck Chevy Silverado (General Motors) (Figure
made of fibreglass. The first reaction injection 2) was made of fibreglass reinforced polyurethane
moulded (RIM) polyurethane bumper lining was used Baydur. The external panels and the external rear
for Chevrolet Monza in 1975. In 1980 the rear door door, whereas the internal panel is of a single part, are
(hatch) was made for the first time in Oldsmobile car- made by reinforced reaction injection moulding

Promet- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 17, 2005, No. 3, 149-160 153

N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

Table 2 (continued)- Systemic presentation of the external automobile parts and polymeric materials of
which they are made [10]

External parts ....

.0 0 ~
..... c;::: ......
0 0
.0 0 8.....
·.g ..0
-B0 <1.)

.0 .8
~ ¥l "' ..r:: 8<1.)
.9 ;::l ·;:::: -
o.. ....

-eo """
"' "'<1.)..... 0..
"'"' bll ....
~ "'.... '0
"' 0..
8 ~
..... .s §'
-a ~ <1.) <1.) B
.... "' '0 '
0.. ....0
0.. ~ § 0
0 c;J ~-v
<r; ~ ~ 6 <r; ~ ~ ~
Cl) .S ·s..



(SRIM). The advantages include significantly reduced An interesting concept is featured by the prototype
mass, high strength, resistance to very high, as well as of the automobile called CCV (Composite Concept
very low temperatures and the wall thickness of only 3 Vehicle), Chrysler Corp. The CCV bodywork consists
mm [10]. of only four large-format panels made of glass filled
An inventive concept of a bumper prototype (Fig- linear polyester (PET). Two outer panels and two in-
ure 3) made of polyurethane should allow better pro- ner panels are adhesion-joined along the car symme-
tection of pedestrians in case of accident. Thanks to try, which are then built onto the bodywork of high-
the combination of two different types of Bayer poly- -strength steel using only four screws.
urethanes, the pedestrian injuries in case of accident Small-size bodywork parts are mainly made of
can be significantly reduced. This has been achieved acrylonitrile/styrene/acrylate graft copolymer (ASA),
by fibre reinforced surfaces of PUR whose thickness is thermoplastic alloy acrylonitrile/styrene/acrylate +
only 1.5 mm, in the back filled with energy absorbing +polycarbonate (ASA+PC) compound, polyamide
semi-rigid polyurethane (PUR) foam. The bumper (PA), thermoplastic alloy acrylonitrile/styrene/acryla-
surface is made of reinforced reaction injection te+polycarbonate (PP), thermoplastic alloy polycar-
moulding (RRIM) thin-wall technique [12]. bonate+ acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS +PC)

154 Promet-Traffic-Traffico, Vol.l7, 2005, No. 3,149-160

N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

Table 3- Systemic presentation of engine compartment parts and polymeric materials of which they are
made [10]

"0 "'Cl)
0 ~ ....
+" ~ .... "'Cl)
~ 00 s "'0;::i ::> 0"'
.~ .s Q)
~ vr Q)
..c: "0 ::>
0.. .:::..... c<l
C<l ~

·a"' s:: v::s "0

Materials < Q
.s Cl)
C/.l > z ~
~ <




compound and acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene graft media has enabled major application of polymers in
copolymer (ABS). This application includes rear-view this highly demanding automotive design sector. Indi-
mirrors, internal protection mudguard linings, radia- vidual parts are being increasingly combined into as-
tor grilles, door handles, housings and covers of wip- semblies. A good example of parts integration is the
ers, lights. air supply system. Such a system for the BMW series
One of the latest developments in the field of light- of Diesel engines integrates a number of parts into a
ing instruments and lighting signalisation are the opti- single assembly: the intake manifold, cylinder head
cal lenses of the front headlights made of polycar- lid, air filter housing, recirculation system of exhaust
bonate (PC). They are much lighter and more resis- gases with valve and oil filtering system. All these parts
tant to fracture than classical ones, and they allow are made of polyamide (PA6 and PA66) [15].
greater freedom in design. The surface is coated by a The most important polymeric materials in appli-
protective layer thus increasing the resistance to cation for the engine parts are the polyamides. Vari-
scratches. ous types of polyarnides are used (e. g. P A6, P A66,
PAll and PA12), and in the majority of cases they are
3.3. Engine compartment parts fibreglass reinforced. Among other thermoplastics,
mainly poly(oxymethylene) (POM), poly(phenylene-
The development of technology, improvements in -sulphide) (PPS) and poly(buthylene-terephthalate)
the resistance to temperature and resistance to the (PBT) are used.

Promet- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 17, 2005, No. 3, 149-160 155

N. Strumberger, A. GospoCiC, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

Table 3 (continued)- Systemic presentation of engine compartment parts and polymeric materials of which
they are made [10]

compartment "0
parts § "'....
Q) ~
.g "'>.

:::l c:: ....;
·c;; "\:l"2
Q) 0
Q) "':::1
> ·.c
s oB]
""i) "0 ]
.... u
0 "'....
¥3 "'~
"'::r: ·;;;'
Q) .... 0
0.. ~ ~



According to some estimates 80% of all intake - high shaping flexibility.

manifolds produced in Europe are made of thermo- Compared to polymeric tanks, the metal tank has
plastics. The first intake manifold was made of 30% 10..;-11 kg greater mass and does not feature consider-
fibreglass reinforced polyamide, for Mercedes Benz able freedom in design. Today, multi-layer blown fuel
cars forE-Class automobiles [10]. tanks are manufactured in five or six layers.
A significant contribution in designing structural
3.4. Parts of bodywork and engine parts of the bodywork is the application of the
so-called hybrid technology, which allows manufac-
The most important application of polymeric ma- ture of low mass structural parts using polymer/metal
terials in this area is the manufacture of fuel tanks. composites. This concept combines polymers of small
The material used to manufacture fuel tanks is high- mass (glass reinforced PP or glass reinforced PA) with
-density polyethylene (PE-HD). structural integrity of metal [9].
Fuel tank made of polymeric materials was a pio- A good example is the new front transversal sup-
neer project of the BASF. Made by blow moulding of port of Ford Focus (Figure 4), whose serial production
high-density polyethylene (PE-HD) of high-molecu- has already started. The concept combines two pro-
lar mass, it offered several advantages [4]: cesses: deep drawing of metal, of thickness of only 0.5
seamless tank; mm, and injection moulding of polymers (30% fibre-
- good mechanical properties; glass reinforced PA6).

156 Promet - Traffic - Traffico, Vol. 17, 2005, No. 3, 149-160

N. Strumberger, A. GospociC, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

Table 4 - Systemic presentation of structure parts and body and the polymeric materials of which they are
made [10]
Design parts "0
and body ro 2
;;.-, .....

i3 8
Q) tl.l ..... "'Oil
t:: .QQ 0 B tl.l
0 ~ 0
eo ·-
roI ~"' ....
·~ Q tl.l Oil Q
-~ ·;::: ~ ..><itl.l
u ..... .s 8::I ,g
"0.. Q)Cl., 0 Q ..><: Q) ts
0.. Q) tl.l .Q Q) ro
.... Q ·;:::
.... ::I p...
Materials ~ CZltl.l r:n8 1=0 ~

Baypren (CR)
Polysar (SBR) ~- '.:: -~~
n~ ~,~.&":~
Perbunan (NBR) ·:__.<
-.-~-:x;tx~:~,, -·•
Therban (HNBR)
~->·~l':·:'::'-' '·';~· "'·"'"
Buna EP (EPDM)
BunaCB (BR) --<<li::~;,
Buna SL (SBR) l' '-"-'.;;~:~,~'J:~
. - ~c
f •cJ"~"'";•>.c '?,:,
Krylene (SBR)
Durethan (PA) •'

Polyurethanes Paean (PBT)

Desmopan (TPE-U) <~t :c'.
Polyurethanes Polyurethane (PUR)


4.1. Injection moulding

Injection moulding is the most important cyclic

procedure of processing polymers and it is the most
widely applied procedure in manufacturing automo-
bile parts.
Injection moulding of polymers is a cyclic proce-
dure of shaping by injecting the polymeric substance
of a required shear viscosity from the preparation
units into the temperature regulated mould cavity. By
polyreaction and/or crosslinking or cooling the prod-
uct, the mould part becomes suitable for demoulding
The injection moulding procedure can be auto-
mated and it is suitable for manufacturing moulded
parts of high dimensional stability and complexity, as
well as of different sizes. Injection moulding can be
applied for low-viscous liquids (e. g. integral-polyure-
thane foams) or polymeric melts (e. g. thermoplastic
Figure 4- Front transversal support, Ford Focus [14] melts).

Promet- Traffic - Traffico, Vol. 17, 2005, No. 3, 149-160 157

N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

Before, the main principle of injection was piston tom, is squeezed by the mould and welded. The other
injection, and today it is injection moulding with end of the pipe is cut off and the blow moulding ma-
screw. The material enters a heated melting cylinder chine is inserted in it. By pressing the blow moulding
through a funnel, where it is caught by the screw. The machine, the neck of the future product is formed.
material melts, and gathers at the top of the screw. Compressed air is then blown through the blow
When enough molten material is collected, the whole moulding machine, which widens the pipe and pushes
screw moves forwards and injects the melt through a it to the mould wall [16].
nozzle into the mould feed system. At the beginning of Injection blow moulding also consists of two work
cooling the material contracts, and the melt continues phases. In the first, the preform is made by injection
to remain under post-pressure. Later, the screw re- blow moulding, after completed pressing the moulded
turns into the initial position and prepares for the new part remains on the core and is transferred usually by
quantity of material, and the mould opens and the turning the core, into the mould for blow moulding.
product is demoulded [16). Compressed air is then blown through the blow
The injection moulding machines contain only one moulding machine core and the product continues to
screw, and big injection moulding machines can inject be shaped as described for extrusion blow moulding.
up to 175 litres of melt at a time. However, unlike extrusion blow moulding, the prod-
Successful development of injection moulding of ucts of injection blow moulding feature higher quality
thermosets has significantly expanded their field of surfaces since there are no welded edges and conse-
application. The injection moulding of thermosets is quently no flash or waste material either.
especially competitive in the production of thick-wall
moulding parts, due to the much shorter cycle dura- 4.3. Heat forming
tion. For injection moulding of thermoset melts a ma-
chine can be used which is also used for injection The films, foils or plates cut from extruded or cal-
moulding of thermoplastics. endered strips are used as preforms for heat forming.
Elastomeres can also be injection moulded, and The preforms are also made by direct and indirect
elasto-thermoplastics are injection moulded in com- pressing, casting and compression forming of poly-
pliance with the rules of injection moulding of ther- propylene. Many thermoplastics are suitable for heat
moplastics. forming.
In order to be formed, the preform must be in rub-
ber state. Therefore sometimes the still non-cooled
4.2. Blow moulding
strip is conducted directly to the forming machine, but
Blow moulding is a cyclic procedure of forming a more often the preform must be heated, usually by ex-
preform into a product, hollow body which strength- posing it to infrared beams or by contact with heated
part of the machine [16].
ens its shape by cooling.
Out of the heat forming procedures stretching is
Blow moulding is a very important processing pro-
most widely used, that can be caused by mechanical
cedure, meant for production of hollow articles or
compression, air pressure or sub-pressure action, and
one-side open hollow bodies. In the first phase of the
combination thereof. The most frequent are the fol-
production of hollow bodies by blow moulding a pre-
lowing forming procedures by stretching [16]:
form is produced by extrusion or injection moulding.
In the second phase the workpiece is shaped. Accord- - free stamp forming, unheated preform is formed
ing to the method of producing the preform the extru- freely (i. e. without matrix) by pressing the heated
sion blow moulding and injection blow moulding are stamp,
distinguished [16). - forming by compressed air, the heated preform is
Extrusion blow moulding is most often used for the printed by compressed air into the matrix,
production of items of many thermoplastics such as - free forming by compressed air,
polyolefins (PP, PE), acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene - forming in the matrix with sub-pressure, the pre-
graft copolymer (ABS), rigid and flexible poly(vi- form is drawn into the matrix due to the sub-pres-
nyl-chloride) (PVC), polyamide (PA) etc. The prod- sure in it,
ucts can be axis-symmetrical, but also of irregular - forming in the matrix with stamp and sub-pressure,
shape (e. g. fuel tanks in automobiles). the preform is stamp printed into the matrix from
The semi-product of the first phase of extrusion which the air is drawn out, and the preform clings
blow moulding, preform, is obtained from the extrud- closely to the matrix,
er in the form of a flexible pipe (hose). A part of the - forming on stamp with sub-pressure, the preform
pipe is then enveloped in a mould made of light metal is stretched by stamp in which there is sub-pres-
because of efficient heat supply. The mould is closed sure, and it clings along the stamp and acquires its
and in the process one end of the pipe, usually the bot- shape.

158 Promet- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 17, 2005, No. 3, 149-160

N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

4.4. Extrusion Although reduction of the mass of parts is the main

reason for selecting polymeric materials, the future
Extrusion is the most widely used processing pro- growth in the usage of polymeric materials will lead to
cedure of polymeric materials. Extrusion is used to new applications in automobile related to comfort,
produce the so-called continuous products or semi- safety and especially the possibility of integrating
-products (extrudates), i. e. such products whose di- parts.
mensions are not all final nor precisely defined (such The work provides a systematization of the main
as e. g. rigid and flexible pipes, sticks, coated cables). automotive assemblies that are made of polymeric
Extrusion is a procedure of continuous primary materials, and gives certain concrete examples of ap-
shaping, by pressing the liquefied polymers through plication. Automobile parts that are made of poly-
nozzles. The extruded polymer hardens in the prod- meric materials have been classified in four main cate-
uct, extrudate by cooling, crosslinking or polymerisa- gories.
tion. Extrudate is stacked or winded. The cyclic piston - internal parts;
pressing is called extrusion. The thermosets and ther-
- external parts;
moplastic poly( tetraphluorethylene) are extruded
[16]. - large-size bodywork,
The basic elements of extrusion line are the ex- - small-size bodywork parts,
truder (machine) and the mould. The extruder serves - lighting instruments and light signalization and
to press the liquefied thermoplastic obtained by soft- glazed bodywork surfaces.
ening or solving. It is pressed by worm rolls, screws or - parts in the engine compartment,
plates. The most frequent are the single-worm extrud- - bodywork and engine parts.
ers, but the extruders with several worms are also Polymeric materials are very easily shaped into the
used. necessary forms, their surface is smooth eliminating
Solid polymer in the form of granules or powder the need for further machining, they are chemically
enters the extruder through a funnel. The entry of resistant eliminating the need for surface protection,
polymer is often enhanced by pre-pressure or sub- they are lighter than metal and glass and good insula-
-pressure. The elastomeres usually enter the extruder tors. All this makes the experts and designers more in-
in the form of strips. The polymer falls into the cylin- terested in the study of the widespread use of these
der and then it is caught by the rotating worm screw materials in the future of the automotive industry.
and pressed towards the extruder head. During the
process the polymer is compressed, its volume is re-
duced, and it is also heated. If the heating of polymer 6. USED ACRONYMS AND
caused by friction is not sufficient, the extruder cylin- ABBREVIATIONS
der is heated on the outside by the electro-resistant
band heaters. By passing through the cylinder the soft-
ened polymer can be very well mixed, and thermally ABS - acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene
and mechanically homogenized [16]. ABS+ PA- thermoplastic alloy acrylonitrile/buta-
diene/styrene +polyamide
ASA- acrylonitrile/styrene/acrylate
ASA +PC - thermoplastic alloy acrylonitrile/
In the last thirty years the polymeric materials have /styrene/acryla te + pol ycarbona te
become reliable materials in the design of automo- BMC- bulk moulding compound
biles. The use of polymeric materials is constantly in- LFr- long fibre reinforced thermoplastic
creasing and this trend is expected to continue. PA 11 - polyamide 11
Whereas some thirty years ago, the average share of PA 12 - polyamide 12
polymeric materials amounted to only 6% of the over-
PA 46 - polyamide 4.6
all mass of middle class automobiles, today this share
exceeds 13%. PA 610- polyamide 6.10
The most important reasons for applying poly- PA 6-3-T - amorphous polyamide
meric materials compared to other materials are: PA 66 - polyamide 6.6
- low mass structures; PA6 - polyamide 6
- comfort; PBT - poly(butylene-terephthalate)
- safety; PBT +PET- thermoplastic alloy poly(butylene-
- savings, i. e. lower production costs; -terephthalate) +poly( ethylene-
- greater freedom in design; -terephthalate)
- and integration of parts. PC - polycarbonate

Promet Traffic Traffico, Vol. 17,2005, No. 3, 149-160 159

N. Strumberger, A. Gospocic, C. Bratulic: Polymeric Materials in Automobiles

PC+ ABS - thermoplastic alloy polycarbonate + slobode pri konstruiranju, a u mnogim slucajevima samo poli-
+ acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene memi materijali mogu omoguCiti siguma geometrijska ili eko-
nomicna rjesenja za konstrukcijske dijelove.
PC+ PBT- thermoplastic alloy polycarbonate+
PDAP - poly(diallyl-phthalate) resin
PEEK- poly( ether-ether-ketone) polimemi materijali, funkcionalnost, ekonomicnost
PE-HD - high density polyethylene
PE-LD- low density polyethylene
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PET- poly( ethylene-terephthalate) Zagreb, 1992.
PF - phenol-formaldehyde resin [2] N. N.: Bug d. o. o., Autonet, Hrvatski automobilski
PMMA- poly(methyl-methacrylate) Internet magazin, Sept., 2003. URL:
POM- poly(oxymethylene)
PP - polypropylene [3] N. N.: Gradska plinara Zagreb, Predvidanje kraja raz-
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dustry, Car! Hanser Verlag Miinchen Wien, 2000.
PPE (PPO) - poly(phenylene-ether)
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oxide)+ polyamide [6] N. N.: Bayer AG, Bayer Plastics Techcenter, Appli-
PPS - poly(phenylene-sulfide) cations, Oct. 2003. URL:
PS - polystyrene
PTFE- poly(tetrafluoroethylene) [7] N. N.: Bayer AG, Bayer Plastics Techcenter, Products
& Data sheets, Oct. 2003. URL:
PUR - polyurethane
PVC- poly(vinyl-chloride) [8] N. N.: Bayer AG, Bayer Polymers, Applications, Auto-
RIM - reaction injection moulding motive Industry, Oct. 2003. URL:
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RTM- resin transfer moulding cms.nsf/id/300010en
SMC- sheet moulding compound [9] Raos, P.; Hnatko, E.; StoiC, M.: Plastics in automotive
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SUI - internal combustion engines +IV-64
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PES - polyester tions with Bayer materials for automotive engineering,
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160 Promet- Traffic- Traffico, Vol. 17,2005, No. 3, 149-160

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