Atividade Inglês Instrumental

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Atividade de Revisão

1) Leia o texto abaixo e responda:

History of Radiography
X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) who was a
Professor at Wuerzburg University in Germany. Working with a cathode-ray tube in his laboratory,
Roentgen observed a fluorescent glow of crystals on a table near his tube. The tube that Roentgen was
working with consisted of a glass envelope (bulb) with positive and negative electrodes encapsulated
in it. The air in the tube was evacuated, and when a high voltage was applied, the tube produced a
fluorescent glow. Roentgen shielded the tube with heavy black paper, and discovered a green colored
fluorescent light generated by a material located a few feet away from the tube.
He concluded that a new type of ray was being emitted from the tube. This ray was capable of
passing through the heavy paper covering and exciting the phosphorescent materials in the room. He
found that the new ray could pass through most substances casting shadows of solid objects. Roentgen
also discovered that the ray could pass through the tissue of humans, but not bones and metal objects.
One of Roentgen's first experiments late in 1895 was a film of the hand of his wife, Bertha. It is
interesting that the first use of X-rays were for an industrial (not medical) application, as Roentgen
produced a radiography of a set of weights in a box to show his colleagues.

Escreva Verdadeiro(V) ou Falso (F) de acordo com o texto:

1- Raios-x foram descobertos em 1985. ( )
2- Wilhelm Conrad Roentegen morreu aos 78 anos. ( )
3- Roentgen foi professor da Universidade de Wuerzburg que fica na Alemanha. ( )
4- Roentgen estava trabalhando em seu laboratório com um tubo de raio catódico. ( )
5- Quando o ar do tubo foi evacuado e uma alta voltagem foi aplicada, o tubo produziu um
brilho fluorescente. ( )
6- Roentgen descobriu que o raio passava pelo tecido humano, mas não por ossos e objetos
de metal. ( )
7- A primeira experiência de Roentgen no final de 1985 foi um filme da mão de sua irmã
Bertha. ( )
8- O raio-x foi aplicado inicialmente na área industrial, não na médica. ( )

2) Associe as colunas abaixo:

1 - skull ( ) ombro
2 – nose ( ) corpo
3 – mouth ( ) costela
4 – chest ( ) virilha
5 – rib ( ) barriga
6 – arm ( ) nariz
7 – shoulder ( ) boca
8 – elbow ( ) braço
9 – hand ( ) tronco
10 - bone ( ) cotovelo
11 – groin ( ) crânio
12 – torso ( ) membro
13 – limb ( ) osso
14 – body ( ) tórax
15 – belly ( ) mão

3) Transforme as frases afirmativas em negativas e interrogativas.

a) Radiologists are medical doctors specializing in imaging interpretation
b) Ultrasound is safe for imaging during pregnancy
c) Mammography is crucial for early detection of breast cancer.
d) Dogs are loyal companions
e) The sky is blue on a clear day

4) Text: Radiology Nature of the Work

Radiology technologists and technicians take x-rays and administer nonradioactive materials
into patients' bloodstreams for diagnostic purposes. Some specialize in diagnostic imaging
technologies, such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Radiology technologists and technicians, also referred to as radiographers, produce x-ray
films (radiographs) of parts of the human body for use in diagnosing medical problems. They prepare
patients for radiology examinations by explaining the procedure, removing articles such as jewelry,
through which x-rays cannot pass, and positioning patients so that the parts of the body can be
appropriately radiographed. To prevent unnecessary radiation exposure, these workers surround the
exposed area with radiation protection devices, such as lead shields, or limit the size of the x-ray
beam. Radiographers position radiographic equipment at the correct angle and height over the
appropriate area of a patient's body. Using instruments similar to a measuring tape, they may measure
the thickness of the section to be radiographed and set controls on the x-ray machine to produce
radiographs of the appropriate density, detail, and contrast. They place the x-ray film under the part of
the patient's body to be examined and make the exposure. They then remove the film and develop it.

Experienced radiographers may perform more complex imaging procedures. For

fluoroscopies, radiographers prepare a solution of contrast medium for the patient to drink, allowing
the radiologist (a physician who interprets radiographs) to see soft tissues in the body. Some
radiographers, called CT technologists, operate CT scanners to produce cross-sectional images of
patients. Radiographers who operate machines that use strong magnets and radio waves, rather than
radiation, to create an image are called MRI technologists. Radiology technologists and technicians
must follow physicians' orders precisely and conform to regulations concerning the use of radiation to
protect themselves, their patients, and their coworkers from unnecessary exposure. In addition to
preparing patients and operating equipment, radiology technologists and technicians keep patient
records and adjust and maintain equipment. They also may prepare work schedules, evaluate
equipment purchases, or manage a radiology department.

1) Sublinhe todas as cognatas do texto e circule as conhecidas.

2) Retire do texto em inglês as expressões abaixo:
a) Tecnólogos em radiologia realizam raios-x.

b) Tecnólogos em radiologia administram material não radioativo nas correntes sanguíneas dos

c) Tecnólogos em radiologia produzem filmes de raios-x de partes do corpo humano.

d) Tecnólogos em radiologia preparam pacientes para exames radiológicos.

e) Tecnólogos em radiologia posicionam o equipamento radiográfico no ângulo e altura corretos.

5) Complete as frases com o verbo “To Be” e o sujeito em parêntesis na sua forma correta,
interrogativa ou negativa.
1. __________ they going to the game tonight?
2. The sheets ________________ clean. (neg.)
3. She __________________ a very polite waitress. (neg.)
4. ______________ you available to take me to the mall
5. _____________ we visiting the museum or the park today?
6. I ______________ tired, let’s go to a nightclub. (neg.)

6) Traduza o texto abaixo

The human body is composed of head, torso and limbs. The head bone is known as a skull. On the face
we find the eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin and ears. They are part of the torso neck, the thorax or
chest, which serves as a shelter for lung and heart, and abdomen or belly, where several organs are
important to the functioning of our body.

7) Sumários podem nos ajudar a prever os assuntos abordados em um livro. Com base nas
informações contidas no sumário abaixo, responda as questões que seguem:

a) Que capítulo aborda exploradores continentais?

b) Que páginas oferecem informações sobre as viagens de Colombo?
c) Esses capítulos abordam as explorações ocorridas antes de 1500?
d) O Cabo da boa Esperança está localizado no extremo sul da África. Quem navegou ao seu redor?
e) Por que você acha que esses capítulos não mencionam as explorações polares?
f) A que tipo de livro o sumário acima provavelmente pertence?

8) Marque a alternativa correta sobre Falso Cognato

Qual destas frases apresenta um falso cognato?
a) Actually, she did the right thing.
b) I am a doctor.
c) They are students.
d) Never say it again!
e) Where are you now?
a) They are excited about the party.
b) He is a diligent student.
c) I am going to visit the library.
d) She is a successful actress.
e) The cat is sleeping on the bed.
a) She is a patient person.
b) They are having a discussion.
c) I am considering the proposal.
d) He is a dedicated employee.
e) The dog is barking loudly.

9) -Escolha a opção que melhor traduz os termos em inglês.




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