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Medieval India (C) The Mughal Empire 9

/ W
of the
The second book deals with the servants
SYLLABUS emperor, the military and
civil services. The
Medieval India thirdbook deals with the imperial administration.
(C) The Mughal Empire It consists of the regulations for the judicial and
departments, and the divisions of
Sources: Ain-i-Akbari, Taj Mahal, Jama
empire. The fourth book contains information
Masjid and Red Fort.
Political history and administration (Babur, about Hindu philosophy, science, social customs
Akbar and Aurangzeb). and literature. The fifth book contains
wise sayings of Akbar. This also contains

account of the ancestry and biography of the

On the eve of Babur's invasion of India in 1526, author, Abul Fazl.
India was ruled by breakaway kingdoms of the 2. The Taj Mahal, Agra: It was built by
Delhi Sultanate and there was no powerful Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife
Mumtaz Mahal. It is the mausoleum of both
Central authority. Bengal, Jaunpur, Gujarat,
Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. It is built at
Malwa and Mewar had all become independent.
These States were always fighting against one Agra the banks of the River Yamuna. It was

another with the result that a sense of insecurity designed by Ustad Isha Khan and it is made
of pure white marble. The main structure is
and tension reigned supreme throughout the
constructed on a high platform. On each of
country. However, these regional kingdoms, one
the four corners of this platform there is a
by one, came under the control of the Mughals. minaret. The central dome rises to a height

SOURCEs of 56.1 metres. The interior has an octagonal

The main sources of information about the

Mughals are:
1. Ain-i-Akbari: It was written by Abul

Fazl, the minister and of the Nine jewels at


Akbar's court. It was a part of a large project

of history writing commissioned by Akbar. It
Is regarded as a precious source material for

knowing the administration and culture during

the reign of Akbar.
The Ain-i-Akbari is divided into five
Taj Mahal
The first book deals with the imperial household.

The Mughal Empire

Chamber. The marble dome in the centre look
hke an
inverted lotus. The actual graves a
lower chamber, underground.
entire structure of Taj Mahal is made or
marble and the walls
are decorated with
designs made of
method of semi-precious stones. This
decoration is called pietra dura. Thne
Ta Mahal
brought together all the architectura
developed by the Mughals like massive
kiosks (chhatris). pietra dura inlay work
a Red Fort, Delhi
Taj Mahal
designated as a UNESCO to Delhi. It is located on
the ho
one of
Heritage site in 1983 and was declared as Yamuna. Red dstone banks
the Seven Wonders and
of the World in 2007. used in its construction. The marh
fort ha.
walls and two gateways. The
is known as the Lahori
Gate. This gatGaten
used for the emperor's
Among the many impressive
complex are Diwan-i-Aam and
The Diwan-i-Khas is the Diwan-i.m
hall where the Peacock lavishly ornae
Throne was 1amente
hall was used by the placer T
emperor to
to the
princes of the royal family, audie
other important
dignitaries. Aurangzebnobles
the Moti Masjid in the laterh
Red Fort. It is
of pure marble. The Red Fort is m
Jama Masjid
historical monument. an
3. The Jama Many
connected with this fort. Thehistorical eventsa
Jahan and is the
Masjid: It was built by Shah Prime Ministeri
biggest mosque in India. Its India every year unfurls
courtyard has the capacity the national
ramparts on Independence Day fag
its im
thousands of people at a time. accommodate (August
It is built on
lofty basement with MUGHAL DYNASTY
leading to the imposing majestic flights of steps
of the gateways on three sides BABUR
courtyard. It has three gateways,
towers and two 40m four Babur, whose
high minarets constructed
of red
sandstone and white marble. The full name was
gate has 39 steps, the eastern northern Zahir- ud-din
steps and the
gate has 35 M uh a
southern gate has 33 m ma d
The face of its
spacious prayer-hall consists steps. Babur was a
eleven arches of which the central arch
of descendant of
far above the roof level. rises Timur, the Mongol
4. The Red Fort, Delhi:
Ruler. At Kabul,
It was he carved
Shah Jahan after he decided to shift built by out
small principalitya
his capital
for himself. Having
80 History and Civics-IX
Mhala In the e w m d httle Rhan
ARBARS EMPIRE he Muhal lel hy
wa a n
deteate e m ARe
a n A R A A a Aptue
ael in Delhi
MAlWa m dodwana, Rental, i j n a
ne v e n t u r e l hevon
aabmi And Kabul aRer afift a
Deran and
he Vindvan in
cal rulera
eaintae, deteated


ASAAV erar ard K h a d e a h

' n a l l Abmadnagar,
MAT Mughal empire
Wee anneked
tMWANA AA al Rllued the Naipni prinea,
renult, the tameua affle of
AY Mewar A a

ealdaxati waa fght in 15/0
ulet fMewar
MaharAna P'a(a), the
ablished hinmsel at haluul, Balbn tmed hix Ad the Mughal am led v Naja Man Ningh
Maharana l'hata fought with matehleaa ourage
when he
but hal t eseae fhom the battlefield
Daulat Khan Lodi, tlhe dioneunor of Punjal Was heavily wonded
vited bur to oust brahim lodhi tton the
throne. ln the Arst a t e o anznat (152o) Akbar died in 1o0s Ry the time Akbar died, his
Rabrdeteatod Ibwahim Lodhi ani oupind elhi authonitv had extended t h m Aaaam i n the
fo the arras bevond tlhe north w e a t e n
atnd ANra. Babur had to w a r tu other wars,
A a b u l and Randahar i n the west In the
one aainst Nana Sanga Mewar, and the
Decan his dominions incude Ahmadnagar
other against the castern Afghans, betonr he Rhandesh and ierar The Kimgdoms of Multan,
uld consolidate i s hold on this aea. The Sindh. Gujarat, Kashmir and Bengal eased
Rattle of Khanuva (1527) Mas tiennely fough
between Babur and Rana Sangas tonces, Rana
Akbar's RAiput Poliey The Raiput olie
Sanga's forces wee defeated. The Battle of
of Akbar proved to be one of his RTeatet
Khanwa secured Babur's position in the Delhi
achievennents. He enterd into mariagr alliances
Agra region. ln 1529, Babur met the combined
forces ofthe Afghans and Nusrat Shah of Bengal
at the Battle of G}hagra, near the junction of
Ghagra river with the Ganges. Babur crossed
the river and compelled the Bengal and the
Afghan amies to retreat. However, he could not
win a decisive victory. He died in 1530, even
before he could stabilise the Mughal empie.
He was the greatest of Mughal rulers of
India. He was only thirteen vears old when
he ascended the throne and was guided by
his tutor, Bairam Khan. AKbar succcedei to a

aifheult position and had to virtually econquer

is empire. The Afghans were regrouping theu
orces under the leadership of Hemu, the Wazir AAbar
O Adil Shah, for a final showdown with the

The Mughal Spire

of a society based on e
their relig
citizens, irrespective

2. To strengthen
Akbar enrolled a
number f Hpri
the nobility. While most ofof
Rajput rajas, many of whor
matrimonial alliances with
(position or nk) were gjven Akbarenth
the basis of their competence
3. In 1575, Akbar built a hall calle
Khana or the Hall of Prayer as
Sikri. At this hall, he used to
all v
theologians of all
intellectuals and discuss mystic reli
spiritual matters with them,

4, Akbar issued a Declaration or

Akbar in the Ibadat Khana
which made Akbar the suprene
with the Rajputs. Bhara Mal, the ruler of Amber, arbiter in religious matters and Ter
married his younger daughter, Harkha Bai to the power of the ulema
by the pme
Akbar. Akbar not only the Emperor.
gave complete religious
freedom to his wives who
followed Hinduism but
also gave a n honoured
5. Akbar promulgated a new
faith re
place to their parents Din-i-llahi.
It was based on the
and relations in the
nobility. Thus, the Rajput of oneness of God. The new prince
policy of Akbar ended the centuries-old animosity relig
stressed onvirtues like courage,
between the Muslim rulers and the
Rajputs. and justice. It also demanded
Since the Rajputs were made in
equal partners the Emperor. The basic purpose of
Mughal government, it considerably affected Din-i-11lahi was Sulh-kul or univers
public policies
of the Mughals and greatly
helped in the growth of a composite culture. harmony which governed all public poice
of Akbar.
Steps Towards Integration: Akbar took 6. Akbar set up a big translation
a number of measures to promote greater departm
for translating works in Sanskrit, Arabica
understanding between the Hindus and the
Greek into Persian. Thus, the Singhas
Muslims. Through these measures he created
Battisi, the Atharva Veda and the B
an atmosphere in which liberal views could
grow were taken up for translation. These w
and finally cultural and emotional integration
followed by the Quran, the Mahabhar
of the people could develop. Some of these
the Gita and the Ramayana.
measures were the following:
1. Akbar abolished the poll tax or jizyah, which SocIAL AND EDUCATIONAL REFORMS
the non-Muslims w e r e required to pay. Akbar introduced a
He also abolished the pilgrim tax on
number of social
educational reforms:
bathing at holy places such as Prayag and
1. Akbar issued orders to the
Benaras. Further, he abolished the practice kotwals
check the forcible practice of Sati or
of forcibly converting prisoners of war to
Islam. All these steps laid the foundation burning of a widow on the funeral py
her husband. However, the women

Total History and Ctvlcs-IX

c o m m i t t e d Sati of their own free will were tolerance. He spent the
to do
last days of his reign

egalised widow remarriage. attempting to suppress

3. Akbar was
against anyone having more rebellions.
than one wife unless the first wife could Under Aurangzeb, the
not bear children. Mughal empire reached
the age of but
marriage to 14 for its largest extent,
and 16 for boys also witnessed a series
5. Akbar revised the educational syllabus, of political disturbances.
laving more emphasis on moral education Aurangzeb died in
and mathematics and on secular subjects He left behind an empire,
such as agriculture, geometry, astronomy, which was on the verge Aurangzeb

logic and history. of collapse.

The other Mughal emperors also were
atrons of education and there was considerable THE MUGHALS
development in this area. In fact one of the duties centralised
established a
The Mughal Emperors
the public works department, Shuhra-i-am on two
o It rested
State based on military power.
wAs to
build schools and colleges. Emperor
pillars- the absolute authority of the
Jahangir passed a law, whereby if a rich man
However, the Mughal
and the strength of the army.
die without an heir, his assets would be to accommodate
was to rulers made a conscious attempt
e d by the State to help in the development in the country.
the different traditions prevalent
and maintenance educational institutes. Shah
1ahan although more interested in building
Monarch: There are a number of references in the
Mughals which show the
court chronicles of the
monuments, took some significant educational
like providing scholarships to assist
Female education also existed in some Peshawar

form during the Mughal period. Girls from rich Lahore

families were usually able to have an education, Sikhs

through private tuitions at home. The Middle Jats

class girls were usually able to attend the same Assam
schools as the boys. Bundelas
Aurangzeb ascended the throne after a long
and fierce struggle with his father and three
brothers. His long reign of 50 years was
devoted to wars in different parts of the
Arabian Sea
country. At its height, his rule extended over

almost the entire subcontinent-from Kashmir

in the north to river Kaveri in the south
and from Kabul in the west to Chittagong in
the east. He reversed Akbar's policy of religious INDIANOCEAN

The Mughal Empire

UNUally manaabdar of high
eliet that the power of the Mughal kingA On
diectly hwm lod
inotionn ineuded malntenance
ol mperial decrees
aw and
admioth neollee
Acoonding to Abut Paral, the oltiee ot a t of oriminal Juatice and the nmo
mler was a very
enonaidble depenled ome which
of revenue.
The provincial di
divme ilmination. Thus, the Mughal adminstratlon of the nn inehing
pen endowed with the divine light wn
gAnded the vice regent of lod on arth.
of revenue
Benlden the
were ilar
to those o
rovince, N
te uled the empire with aternal ove
towan diwan. he
N N u j e c t a w i t h o t diatinotion of aect or ereed
other mportant offhclala in the
The Rmperor waa the head of the Cxecutive, njdar, kotwal, bakihshi, sadr qari and mub
LegtNlatute, Judiciary and he Amy. He wan the The Centre appointed the
the ofe
eme commander of the armed oreen and all
Other commmandera were appointed and remOveu
Narkars an
parganas. Hence
divintona were directly reapons
nsible to the
yhim He made
lawa and inaued admintatrative Mannabdarl Syntem: The mansabda
Ondinanees, The oyal ustuh (amall ainget ring dari
WaR atixed
to tarmana granting appointmenta,
introduced by Akbar WaN a wyaen
unique eature
titles, jagirs, eto the administrative syatenn ot the
Mughal. e
Ministers: In the daya of Rabur and Hunmayuin, Under thia ayatem, everyofofticer WAN emplie
there used to be a Prime Miniater, known as rank (mansab). Thus, the term mansabda 18signed
to an indivicdual wlo holds a mansab, refen
NIA, Who was entrusted with large powera n meeanins
civil and military atlairs.
During the early years
of Akbar's
reign Bairam Khan was the vakil. TIMELIN
However, after Bairam Khan'a death, the oftlee
1530 Acceasion of Humayun
of vakil was
stripped oft all its powers and it
became more less 1540 End of the Mughal
empire; Battle at
The head of the revenue the
Kannauj; Eatablishment
of the
department was
empire by Sher Shah Suri
warir, known a s diuan or diwan i ala.
The diwan 1545 Death of Sher Shah Suri.
responsible all income and expenditure,

The head of the 1555 End of the Suri empire; Re

military department wans establishment
called the mir bakhshi. The mir of the Mughal empire.
bakhshi was
also the head of the 1556 Death of Humayun; Accession
intelligence and information of Akbar,
agencies of the empire. Second Battle of Panipat.
Judiciary: The judicial department was headed 1605 Death of Akbar; Accession of
by the qazi. This
post was sometimes combined 1627 Death of
with that of the chief sadarwho was Jahangir; Birth of Shivaji.
for all charitable and
responsible 1628 Accession of Shah Jahan.
religious nmatters 1658 Accession of
Provincial Government: Akbar Aurangzeb.
attention to the
paid great 1675 Execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur by
of the Provincial
gOvernment. The emnpire was divided into Aurangzeb.
twelve provinces or subahs, which was 1707 Death of
further Aurangzeb; Accessin o
subdivided into sarkars and each sarkar into Bahadur Shahl.
parganas or mahals. 1837 Accession of Bahadur Shah
Each Subah was headed by one 1858 End of the
was called the subahdar or sipah salar
governor who Mughal dynasty:
Shah Zatfar exiled to
or nazim. Myanmar.

84 Hlstory and Clules-IX
n or rank. The
mansabdars formed whie tne
ng gTOup in the Mughal empire. Almost the
the collected from them by their servants
mansabdars themselves served
nodl the
bureaucr as well as
the part the country
hierarchy. had mansabs. The lowest mansabdari system
in the syste was 10. and the Jahangir maintained the
n nobles It was highest was developed by Akbar. But he reduced
the average
for a
grading system used rate of zat salary from Rs. 240 per
he Mughals to fix rank. salary and military to 200 per annum. Shah Jahan
onsibilities. hese ranks
divided into
the number of sawars a noble
was required

namey.zat and Zat fxed the

and the salary due personal
maintain. Thus. a noble was expected to

atus of
a person
rank and
higher the zat. the more
him à quota of only one-third of his sawar
the noble's positior in court and the larger his
in some cases, one-fourth. During
the reign of
increase in the
rank Aurangzeb. there was a
The sawar
indicated the number of number of mansabdars. These and other
aarymen or ar a mansabdar was required cTeated a shortage in the number of jagirs.
For every ten

snsabdar had to maintain twenty horses.

the cavalrymen. Land Revenue System: A uniform system

measurement was established for calculating

The mansabdars received their salaries as the land t a r Todar Mal drew up schemes tor
enue ssignments called jagirs. However, most effective tax collection. This system ennched
the mansabdars did not actualy reside in loans to
statetreasury. The state also gave
dminister their jagirs. They only had rights in
poor farmers. This ushered in progress
t h e reenue ot their assignments which was
agricuiture. trade and industry

I. Short Answer Questions
1. Name wo important sources which provide information about the Mughals

2. Name the author of Ain-i-Akbari. Name any mo subjects of this book.

3. Who invited Babur to India? Why?

4. Berween whom was the First Battle of Panipat fough:? What a s the outecome of the battle?
5. Between whom was the Battle of Haldighati fought? Who was defeated by Akbar at this Bartie

6. Mention any two steps taken by Akbar to promote better understanding berween the Hindus
and the Muslims.

7. Name the two taxes abolished by Akbar.

8. What principles did Akbar's Din-i-lahi promote?
9. Why did Akbar build the Ibadat Khana?
10. Name the title given to the heads of the revenue department and the military department
respectively in the Mughal Empire.
11. Who were mansabdars? How were they paid?
12. List any two social reforms that were introduced by Akbar.

The Mughal Empire

II. Structured Questions
the sIgnincance
of the ft

W i t h reference to the Mughal

Empire, explain briefly
l owing
(a) Ain i-Akbari.
(b) Taj Mahal
(c) Red Fort
2. With reference to the Mughal rule, state brie

(a Akbar's policy towards the Rajputs.

Akbar's policy of religious tolerance.

(c) Social Reforms introduced by Akbar

with reference to the administrative system in the Mughal Period, answer th
questions: folowing
(a) What was the position of the monarch?
(6) Who were the three important ministers?
() How was the provincial government organised?
.With reference to the Mansabdari system, answer the following questions:

(a) What was the Mansabdari system?

(6 What was meant by zat and sawar rank?
(cTrace the changes in the system from the rule of
Jahangir to Auranzeb.
5. Study the picture and answer the following questions:
(a) Who built this fort?
Where is it
located? State its
ceremonial importance in the
(b) Mention three
important buildings within the fort.
(c) Mention two architectural
features of the fort.
6. Study the picture and answer the
(a) Who built this monument? questions: following
Where is it located? Of
which material is this
monument built?
(b) Name the person who
was the
designed this monument.
monument erected? What is
the method of
decoration of this monument
(c) State the four
features of this
reflect the Mughal monument which
style of

86 Total
History and Civlcs-IX

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