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{A. Wiseman, 2014} This article signifes how white people have dominated the Uk
film industry.

{BBC, 2017} The definition of what the word representation means.

{BBC Bitesize, 2020} This website from the BBC shows how directors of ethnic
shows and shows how the stertoypes should be use in a more comedic light hearted

{K. Barling, 2022} This is the study done to signify the representation of race and
ethnicity in the early days of British cinema.

{M. McMillan, 2024, A} The textual analysis that was conducted of 3 different British
films which are ‘This is England, East is East and Bullet Boy’.

{M. McMillan, 2024, B} This was a focus group that was conducted where I showed
the audience members 3 different British trailers and scenes from British films and
asked them a series of questions about how they represent race and ethnicity.

{M. McMillan, 2024, C} This is the interview that I have conducted with Pipe where I
asked him a variety of questions to gain how someone of colour feels about the way
the UK film industry represents race and ethnicity.

{M. McMillan, 2024, D} This was my questionnaire that I conducted about the
representation of race and ethnicity.

Michael, 2012} This is a dissertation from someone who has investigated the way
1960’s British cinema represented race and ethnicity.

{R.Murphy, 2009, P118} Title- The British cinema book, Published- P. Macmillan
{S. Hall, 2019} Stuart Hall’s explanation in his theory of representation in film
and media.

{S. O’Hagan, 2020} This is an article about Steve McQueen (British director) as he
gives us his insight to more of the representational struggles of race and ethnicity in
the UK film industry.

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