Comparative Data MBR and MBBR revJB12

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Project No.:
Date: August 2015
COMPARATIVE DATA BETWEEN MBR AND MBBR (1,000 cu.m. per day plant capacity)
Item No. Description of Item Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR)
1 How it works? Wastewater is treated by high (MBBR) is a biofilm wastewater treatment process. In the MBBR process, the microorganisms grow
concentrated bacteria, MLSS in biofilms attached to biocarriers. The biocarriers move freely, suspended in the liquid of the
and membranes. Solid-liquid reactor (basin). Effluent screens (referred to as sieves) keep the biocarriers in the reactor.
separation achieves clean
permeate. No clarifier. Biofilms growing on BIOcarriers provide a more resilient, dense treatment population per unit
volume compared to conventional suspended growth activated sludge systems. The selection of a
biofilm process often translates into smaller treatment volumes (i.e. smaller foot print) and a
greater capacity, when compared to suspended growth processes, to successfully treat incoming
organic loads. All of the biology growing on the BIOcarriers in an MBBR process is self regulating.
The MBBR system does not require the biological solids to be returned to the head of the process
train as does the activated sludge process and MBRs. Therefore, the MBBR process does not
require the operational expertise to maintain the correct balance of microorganisms in each part of
the process as does the activated sludge process and MBRs

MBBR process technology is more resistant to washout conditions during peak flows than
comparable suspended growth activated sludge processes. The application of innovative effluent
sieve design ensures the biocarriers remain in the specific reactors even during peak flow events.
Thus, the biofilm, which contains the treatment organisms, remains in the reactor. After a peak
flow event, when flows return to normal, the organisms in the biofilm are “ready” to treat the
incoming wastewater. There is no noticeable time lag needed to “re- grow” the treatment organism
population after a peak flow event as can happen in a suspended growth activated sludge process.
The biofilm also provides a more stable “home” for the bacteria to grow, so there is less space
required compared to other biological systems and far less controls. Essentially nutrient levels and
DO levels are the only control points for the system. MBBRs can be designed for new facilities to
remove BOD/COD from wastewater streams or for nitrogen removal. Existing activated sludge
plants can be upgraded to achieve nitrogen and phosphorus removal or higher BOD/COD capacity
(up to 500% increases have been obtained). The reliability and ease of operation has provided
satisfaction to over 500 customers worldwide.
2 How will each treatment Normal MBR facility, biological MBBR can easily easily achieve TSE quality standards for unrestricted and restricted irrigation and
system achieve a TSE treatment tank(s) and offer the smallest footprint solution. A typical process schematic is: inlet works, comprising of
quality standards for membrane, will be sufficient for 6mm screens, grit removal, followed by biological treatment with mbbr, the generated solids will
unrestricted and restricted achieving high quality treated be removed by a secondary clarifier or a DAF. tertiary treatment is provided by sandfilters and final
irrigation by MOMRA? water. disinfection before discharge by chlorine or UV. the sludge generated from mbbr is less than
What are the equipment compared with mbr. if a clarifier is provided0, sludge thickening is recommended and/or
required? dewatering depending on the sludge disposal route. however if a daf is provided the sludge
produced is already at 4%DS and can be tankered or further dewatered depending on the sludge
disposal route.
3 Which has a smaller an mbbr has a v small footprint as it has only 2hrs HRT. A solids removal step is required after mbbr
footprint and why? treatment and it can be a daf (v small footprint) or a clarifier. Overall mbbr offers a smaller

4 How can it cope with low By adjusting number of MBBR is a attached growth process, there is no MLSS to maintain, therefore mbbr performs v well
flow condition especially at membrane modules or trains in under low flow conditions. Coupled with a short HRT this miminises risk of endogenous respiration.
start when occupancy load operation. Or by reducing the The biolfim growth on the media is self regulating so under low flow conditions a thin film as
is low? flow from the system. MBR opposed to a thick film develop. plant performance is not effected under low flow conditions.
requires a minimum MLSS to furthermore if necessary the mbbr plant can operate with less media for low flow conditions and
operate otherwise risk of when incoming flow increases more media can be added to handle the additional loads
membrane fouling, in order to
main a MLSS of 10,000 mg/l. A
certain minimum flow is
required normally 30% of the
design flow.
5 What is the capital cost see separate document
that includes buildings
structures, tertiary
filtration, etc. for STP
capacity of 1,000 m3/day?
6 Which will have lower Factors: regular membrane MBBR requires no chemical cleaning or media replacement. Media design life is 20 years. The
O&M cost and what are the replacement, scouring air. High aeration system is coarse bubble and therefore maintenance free.
factors? energy cost because of air
required for biological
treatment and also air scouring.
Periodical O&M can be applied
to reduce personnel cost.
Fouling on membranes is a
major issue, this cannot be
eliminated but only minimised
by frequent chemical cleaning,
scouring or backwash.
7 Which will have lower approximately 70-80% of the MBBR only require air for biological treatment. DO levels are 3-4mg/l. VFD blowers can be
electricity cost and why? total plant power cost is considered to reduce power consumption.
because of aeration (blowers).
In mbr there are two air
requirements, one for
biological treatment and the
other for air scouring. This
results in more power costs.
8 How will the STP cope with By adding more modules MBBR is an ideal solution for upgrading, retrofitting existing tanks to increase capacity and improve
future expansion demands? and/or more membrane tanks. performance. The media provides an ideal solution for increasing capacity, by adding more media
This will either require the specific surface area available for biofilm growth increases without the increase in overall
additional civil works, or surface area. MBBR capacity can increase upto 3-4 times depending on hydraulic of the plant.
provided room within existing
tanks for future modules. The
capacity increase is normally
limited to approx 20-30%.
9 Is there an expiry dates of Yes, depending on operational media design life is 20 years.
membrane and plastic status. Membrane needs to be
biofilm? replaced in the course of time.
Every 5 years or less.
Membranes require a
dedicated O&M team.
10 Summary analysis of each Excellent treated water with small footprint solution, low in operation and maintenance. Can easily handle low flows and peak
STP system in few words. moderate operation work, high loads. Consistent effluent quality suitable for restricted or unrestricted irrigation
in O&M, high opex cost due to
power consumption and

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