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Between Smt. Sutapa Ghosh, Wife of Shri Purnendu
Ghosh, by faith Hindu, by occupation-House- wife,
residing at 22/198/1 Raja Manindra Road, Kolkata -
(hereinafter referred to as LICENSOR) of the ONE PART


Smt. Priti Das (Roy) wife of Shri Sujit Rudra by faith

Hindu, by occupation house-wife, residing at 20/1/1,
Belgachia Road, Kolkata- 700037.

(Hereinafter referred to as LICENSEE of the


WHEREAS the LICENSEE approached the Licensor for

permission for the portion of her property viz. Northern
side of Second oor consisting of 2 Bed room, 2
Bathroom (attached), 1 Kitchen, 1 study Room i.e. total
area 800 sq. ft (Approx) at being premises No.
22/198/1, Raja Manindra Road, Kolkata-700037 for
domestic purpose for a period not exceeding Eleven
month only from the date of signing of this Agreement
which the licensor has agreed to grant reserving for
herself the case, maintenance and service to property
and on the basis of a leave and license only (which will
sta ipso facto revoked on the expiry of the said term).
Now, it is hereby expressly agreed and declared by and
between the parties as follows: -

1. This writing shall never be construed as any tenancy

agreement or lease nor otherwise creating any other
right of interest in the property in favours of the licensee
which is not at all the intention of the parties but on the
contrary merely a temporary agreement or agreement
simply to allow the licensee to use and occupy portion
of the premises for domestic purpose under the control
and supervision of Licensor.

2. The Licensee shall, in consideration of such
accommodation at here under provided, pay to the
Licensor a xed sum of Rs. 1,00,000/- (One Lakh only)
as license fee such temporary occupation for the period
of 11 (Eleven) months (ie. 1st September, 2023 to 30th
July 2024) which sum still be paid at the rate of Rs.
8,000/ - (Rupees Eight thousand only) per month on the
5th day of every next without delay or default.

3. The licensee shall also pay to the Licensor on

account of Municipal all existing rate and taxes of the
property, if any, during the period of their occupation
and shall otherwise keep the Licensor and her estate
indemni ed as against any loss if any arising out of
such non-payment or non-observance of any of the
covenants herein contained.

4. The occupiers shall on expiry of the period of 11

Months (1st September, 2023 to 30th July 2024) and
license hereunder granted or earlier revocation there of
surrender the property and deliver the same to the

5. Provided, however, and not withstanding anything

hereinbefore contained, it is hereby expressly agreed by
and between the parties hereto that Licensor or other
appropriate authorities the Licensor shall be entitled to
and shall have always the power to revoke the License

here under granted at her absolute discretion and

reoccupy the said portion of the property without
subjecting herself to any liability on the account and
notwithstanding any intermediate negotiations or waiver
of breach thereof when and in such an event the
Licensee shall surrender the occupied portion of the
property as here-under Licensee contemplated.

6. The Licensee and her relatives shall right to use the

Licensee's portion on the second oor, except the non-
licensed portion at any time and enter upon the
licensed portion at any time in respect of the premises.

7. The Licensee shall pay the Electric Charges and

waters on the basis of actual consumption by the

8. The Licensee shall not use the licensed portion

except for domestic purpose its business.

9. The Licensee is given on a personal basis and the

Licensee will not be entitled to transfer the bene t of
this agreement or give a sublicense to anybody else.

10. The Licensee undertakes and to cause any

damage or defacement o the ceiling walls or oors of
the licensed portion.

11. The Licensee shall not carry out any structural

repairs additions to the neighbours or store any
hazardous goods or do anything which would damage
the premises or jeopardise others.

12. Or any breach of any of the agreement the

Licensor will be entitled to terminate the licensee by
giving Seven days notice.

13. On termination of the licensee or on expiry

period of the licensee the Licensee shall make over
vacant and peaceful possession of the licensed portion
to the Licensor in good condition.

14. It is agreed that by these presents the Licensee

does not acquire any right, title on interest in the said
licensed portion during the currency of this agreement
as a more Licensee.

15. WHEREAS the Licensee shall keep with Licensor

a sum of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only security
deposit bearing no interest. On the date of expiry or the
termination of the leave and licensee agreement or on
the date of the surrender of leave and licensee
whichever is earlier, the sum of Rs. 1,00,000/ -

(Rupees One Lakh only) only will be refunded to the

Licensee by the Licensor.

16. That the Licensor shall not wait and vacant the
said at or any part thereof without giving at least 1
(one) month's clear notice in writing and without paying
o all outstanding licensee fees or any other for,
charges payable by the Licensee.

17. The Licensee shall have no right to make

addition or alternation to the property except removable
of wooden partitions by way of a adjustment but shall
be entitled to make interior decorations only by
temporary wooden partition which they shall time of
surrender of the said portion of the property on the arm
of the Licensee hereby granted or earlier evocation
thereof and repair all the damages, if any, caused to the


executed this agreement


(Sutapa Ghosh)
In the presence of Licensee


(Priti Das (Roy))

In the presence of Licensor


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