Brainerd Reyna 2002 Fuzzy Trace Theory and False Memory

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Fuzzy-Trace Theory and False Memory between adequacy and parsimony

such that increased adequacy can
C.J. Brainerd1 and V.F. Reyna be purchased in the coin of re-
duced parsimony, which means
Department of Surgery (C.J.B., V.F.R.), Department of Special Education, Rehabilita-
that successful theories achieve a
tion, and School Psychology (C.J.B.), and Department of Medicine (V.F.R.), Univer-
sity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona balance between empirical breadth
and assumptive frugality.
Thus, explanatory progress con-
sists of improving adequacy, parsi-
ground facts—getting the gist— mony, or both. In false-memory re-
Abstract search, the most pressing problem
A key problem confronting and that, in contrast, remembering
their exact content is not usually at the moment is to improve ade-
theories of false memory is that quacy. The reason is apparent in
false-memory phenomena are crucial (for a review, see Reyna &
Brainerd, 1995). A surprising find- Table 1, which exhibits 10 false-
so diverse: Some are character- memory effects, arranged in ap-
istic of controlled laboratory ing was that reasoning accuracy
was largely independent of mem- proximate historical order, each of
tasks, others of everyday life; which has an associated literature.
some occur for traumatic ory accuracy.
Research on human false memo- The diversity of these phenomena
events with legal conse- is great: Some are produced by
quences, others for innocuous ries intensified during the mid-
1990s, and since then, FTT’s as- controlled laboratory tasks, others
events; some are characteristic by real-world experiences; some
of one developmental level, sumptions have been used to gain
leverage on such phenomena. The involve innocuous events, others
others of another developmen- emotionally charged events with
tal level. Fuzzy-trace theory ex- theory’s explanations and predic-
tions of false-memory effects are legal consequences; some are char-
plains false memories via a acteristic of adults, others of chil-
small set of principles that im- the topics of the present article.
First, we sketch general criteria for dren. Therefore, although it is very
plement a single representa- desirable to be able to explain, say,
tional distinction. Those a successful theory of false mem-
ory. Next, we summarize princi- false memories that arise when un-
principles generate new pre- dergraduates study word lists (Ex-
dictions, some of which are ples that FTT’s account of false
memory relies upon. Last, we de- amples 3 and 4), the compass of a
counterintuitive. successful theory will have to be
scribe a series of novel predictions
about false memory that fall out of far broader, so that the theory will
Keywords be applicable to topics as varied as
fuzzy-trace theory; false mem- those principles.
comprehension of narratives, psy-
ory; explanation; prediction chotherapy, forensic interviews,
and human development.
CONSTRAINTS ON THEORIES Although the diversity of the
Fuzzy-trace theory (FTT) is not OF FALSE MEMORY phenomena in Table 1 seems
so much a model of false memory daunting, there is a common
as a model of the interface between Successful theories perform two thread: Falsely remembered infor-
memory and higher reasoning pro- principal tasks, explanation and mation is consistent with the gist of
cesses. In origin, it was a response prediction. We postpone the issue subjects’ experience (e.g., an un-
to findings about how the validity of prediction until later. Explana- dergraduate falsely remembers
of solutions to reasoning problems tion, telling why the data are as reading doctor after reading several
(e.g., decision making, deductive they are, has two aspects, ade- medical words, a high school stu-
inference, quantitative judgment) quacy and parsimony. Adequacy dent falsely remembers hearing the
is related to memory for back- refers to explanatory breadth: statement The coffee is hotter than the
ground facts that determine which Other things being equal, explain- cocoa after hearing The coffee is hot-
solutions are valid (e.g., the pre- ing more facts is preferable to ex- ter than the tea and The tea is hotter
mises in deductive-inference prob- plaining fewer. Parsimony refers to than the cocoa, a child-abuse victim
lems). Contrary to then-current in- explanatory frugality: Other things falsely remembers being touched
formation processing models, the being equal, explaining known facts on the right breast rather than cor-
data suggested that the key mem- with fewer assumptions is prefera- rectly remembering being touched
ory support for reasoning lies in ble to explaining them with more on the left breast, an adult crime
having the right take on the back- assumptions. There is a trade-off witness who knows that the prime

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(meanings, relations, patterns) that

Table 1. Ten demonstrations of false memory have been retrieved as a result of
encoding items’ surface forms. Al-
Example Phenomenon
though it was once supposed that
1 After children observe a series of objects that ascend in meaning content is extracted from
magnitude (e.g., a series of rods that increase in length), their previously stored verbatim memo-
recall of the objects’ appearance (e.g., the rods’ lengths) is ries, it is now known that meaning
distorted upward.
2 Over repeated retellings, recall of the details of folk stories is processing begins as early as 20 to
distorted in ways that preserve their themes. 30 ms after the onset of a stimulus,
3 After studying a short word list (e.g., nurse, hospital, sick, cure, well before the processing of the
ill, . . .) whose members share a familiar semantic associate item’s surface form is completed.
(doctor), subjects falsely recall (and recognize) the associate Gist traces can be stored at various
when asked to recall (or recognize) only list words.
4 After studying a long word list containing a few exemplars of a levels of specificity (e.g., reading
familiar semantic concept (e.g., elm, maple, pine), subjects spaniel may cause the concepts
falsely recognize unpresented exemplars of that concept “hunting dog,” “farm animal,” and
(e.g., oak). “pet” to be stored).
5 After reading a narrative, subjects falsely recognize
unpresented sentences that connect the meaning of several
narrative sentences.
6 Witnesses to crimes falsely recognize events that are consistent Principle 2: Dissociated Retrieval
with the nature of the crimes, especially following of Verbatim and Gist Traces
7 Witnesses to crimes falsely recognize faces of innocent people Memory performance is based
that have the same gender and ethnicity as police suspects.
8 During interviews that focus on possible sexual abuse, children on the retrieval of both verbatim
falsely recall incidents of abuse. and gist traces. The mix of verba-
9 During psychotherapy, clients who believe that they may be tim and gist retrieval, which deter-
victims of abuse falsely recall being sexually abused as mines the level of false memory for
children. gist-consistent information, turns
10 After reading metaphorical prose, subjects falsely recognize
unstated metaphors that are consistent with the stated on factors such as (a) retrieval cues,
metaphors. (b) the relative accessibility of ver-
batim and gist memories, and (c)
forgetting. Concerning retrieval
cues, items that were experienced
(e.g., spaniel ) are better retrieval
police suspect is a Hispanic male most of the explanatory load is cues for verbatim traces than items
identifies a photograph of an inno- borne by the following five princi- that were not, and nonexperienced
cent Hispanic male). It is this fre- ples, all of which implement a sin- items that preserve the meaning of
quent feature of false-memory phe- gle representational distinction— experience (e.g., collie) are usually
nomena—that otherwise disparate namely, the distinction between ver- better retrieval cues for gist traces
falsely remembered objects and batim and gist traces of experience. than for verbatim traces. However,
events fit with the gist of experi- retrieval can be slanted in one di-
ence—that allows them to be ex- rection or the other by instructions
plained with a common set of prin- Principle 1: Parallel Storage of that tell subjects how to use re-
ciples. Verbatim and Gist Traces trieval cues. Concerning relative
accessibility, verbatim retrieval is
Subjects process the surface favored when verbatim traces are
form and meaning content of expe- strong relative to gist traces (as
EXPLANATORY PRINCIPLES rience in parallel, storing dissoci- when the same item, e.g., spaniel,
ated representations of the former has been repeatedly presented),
It might be thought, considering (verbatim traces) and the latter and gist retrieval is favored when
the diversity of false-memory phe- (gist traces). Verbatim traces are gist traces are strong relative to
nomena, that a comprehensive the- episodically instantiated represen- verbatim traces (as when different
ory would have to be quite com- tations of the surface forms of ex- exemplars of a meaning are pre-
plex. Research has shown, however, perienced items, including contex- sented but no exemplar is re-
that this need not be the case. In tual cues, and gist traces are peated, e.g., hound, poodle, retriever,
FTT’s account of false memory, episodic interpretations of concepts spaniel ). Concerning forgetting, a

Copyright © 2002 American Psychological Society


familiar finding is that over time, the ability to connect meaning structivism) or a common retrieval
memory for surface form declines across different items improves. process (source monitoring).
more rapidly than memory for These abilities decline during late
meaning, suggesting that verbatim adulthood, but declines are more
traces become inaccessible more marked for verbatim memory. Dissociations and Associations
rapidly than gist. Between True and
Principle 5: Verbatim and Gist False Memories
Processing Both Cause
Principle 3: Dual-Opponent Vivid Remembering In memory research, two phe-
Processes2 in False Memory nomena are said to be positively as-
Retrieval of verbatim traces sup- sociated if higher frequencies of
Verbatim and gist retrieval both ports a vivid form of remembering, one produce higher frequencies of
support true memory for experi- sometimes called recollection, in the other and lower frequencies of one
enced items, either because the cor- which subjects consciously reexpe- produce lower frequencies of the
responding experiences are speci- rience items’ occurrence in specific other. Otherwise, the phenomena
fically recollected (verbatim retrieval) contexts. Retrieval of gist traces are said to be dissociated. Positive
or because items’ meanings are fa- usually supports a more generic associations between true and false
miliar. However, verbatim and gist form of remembering, sometimes memories are basal predictions of
retrieval have opposite effects on called familiarity, in which nonex- one-process approaches (Reyna &
false memory for items that pre- perienced items are perceived to Brainerd, 1995). In contrast, FTT
serve the meaning of experience (e.g., resemble experienced items but predicts that true-false dissocia-
collie when spaniel was presented). their occurrence is not explicitly re- tions will be observed under cer-
Gist retrieval supports false mem- called. However, when gist traces tain conditions, and associations
ory because items’ meanings seem are especially strong, they can sup- will be observed under others.
familiar, but verbatim retrieval sup- port high levels of phantom recol- These predictions fall out of Princi-
presses false memory by neutraliz- lective experience for certain types ples 1 through 3, according to
ing meaning familiarity, either at of nonexperienced items—namely, which subjects retrieve dissociated
the level of individual items (“No, I items that are good cues for the gist verbatim and gist traces, with true
distinctly remember hearing span- of experience. responses being supported by both
iel, not collie”) or at the level of gen- kinds of traces and false responses
eral cognitive strategies (”I won’t being supported by gist traces
accept any word unless I have an only. Thus, dissociations should be
auditory image of its presenta- PREDICTIONS ABOUT observed in situations that foster
tion”). An important exception to this FALSE MEMORY reliance on verbatim traces as the
rule occurs when false items have basis for true responses (e.g., when
been presented as suggestions The other task of a theory is to memory for memorable material is
(e.g., Example 6 in Table 1). In such forecast new phenomena. Some tested immediately after its presen-
circumstances, both gist retrieval predictions are more probative tation), so that true and false re-
and retrieval of verbatim traces of than others, and the most interest- sponses will be based on different
suggestions support false memory, ing ones are those that seem coun- representations. Data confirming
while retrieval of verbatim traces of terintuitive, either from the per- this prediction have been reported
original experiences suppresses false spective of currently accepted (Reyna & Kiernan, 1994, Experiment
memory.3 theories or from the perspective of 1, and 1995, Experiment 1; Roediger,
common sense. Predictions of this Watson, McDermott, & Gallo, 2001).
sort have been emphasized in ap- In contrast, positive associations
Principle 4: Developmental plications of FTT to false memory. between true and false memory
Variability These predictions have often been should be observed in situations
contrasted with those of one-pro- that foster reliance on gist traces as
Acquisition, retention, and re- cess approaches, such as construc- the basis for true responses (e.g.,
trieval of both verbatim and gist tivism (Bransford & Franks, 1971) when memory testing is delayed
memories improve as the child de- or the source-monitoring frame- for several days and subjects are
velops into an adult. Gist memory work (Johnson, Hashtroudi, & instructed to rely on the meaning
improves during development be- Lindsay, 1993), which assume that content of experience), so that true
cause both the ability to process the true and false memories are based and false responses will be based
meaning of individual items and on a common memory code (con- on the same representations. Con-

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firmatory data have been reported children, it is acknowledged that tion if young children are able to
for this prediction as well (Reyna & false memories can be implanted store and retrieve the relevant gist
Kiernan, 1994, Experiment 2, and by investigative interviews that traces; in this case, false memories
1995, Experiment 2). suggest to witnesses events that will decrease with developmental
support charges against defen- improvements in the ability of ver-
False Persistence dants. However, it is also assumed batim retrieval to suppress false-
that as long as interviewers do not memory responses. By the same
Common sense suggests that offer suggestions and merely pro- principle, false memories will vio-
true memories will be far more sta- vide recall prompts (e.g., “Tell me late the generalization if young
ble than false ones because the about the robber.”) and recognition children are unable to store or re-
events that figure in the former probes (e.g., “Did the robber have a trieve the relevant gist traces, so
were actually experienced, gun in his hand?”), such interviews that false memories will increase
whereas those that figure in the lat- do not elevate levels of false report- with developmental improvements
ter were not. This idea occupies a ing during subsequent interviews in these abilities.
prominent position in the law, and sworn testimony and that, in- An example is provided by a
where it is known as the consis- deed, their principal effect is to in- simple ability that is surprisingly
tency principle of testimonial cred- oculate true memories against for- slow to develop in children—
ibility: Events that witnesses report getting. However, FTT predicts, on namely, the formation of gist mem-
consistently over time are regarded the basis of Principles 2 and 3, that ories that involve spontaneously
as more likely to be true than neutral, nonsuggestive memory connecting meaning across several
events that they report inconsis- questions can substantially elevate distinct events. (Examples 3 and 4
tently. However, FTT predicts, on later false memory when subjects in Table 1, which involve the gist
the basis of Principles 2 and 3, that respond to the questions by re- memories “a bunch of medical
false memories can be highly per- trieving gist traces. False-memory words” and “a bunch of tree
sistent and that, surprisingly, they levels ought to rise under such con- names,” are illustrative.) Because
can be more persistent than true ditions because subjects become this ability develops slowly, FTT
memories under certain condi- practiced at processing the very predicts that false-memory re-
tions. Persistence of false memories types of representations that sup- sponses that depend on connecting
is predicted because they arise port false-memory responses. Ex- meaning across distinct events will
from particularly stable memory periments have shown steady in- also develop slowly. Confirmatory
representations—namely, gist creases in false-memory responses data have been reported (Brainerd,
traces. The conditions under which over a series of nonsuggestive rec- Reyna, & Forrest, in press).
false memories are expected to be ognition or recall tests (Brainerd &
more persistent than true memo- Reyna, 1996; Payne et al., 1996). Phantom Recollection
ries are ones in which the events in
the false memories are especially FTT predicts (Principle 5) that
good retrieval cues for strong gist Developmental Increases in certain false memories will be ac-
memories (e.g., Examples 3 and 4 False Memory companied by high levels of phan-
in Table 1), and initial true-mem- tom recollection (illusory vivid
ory responses are based on less sta- A familiar generalization, in the mental reinstatement of events’
ble verbatim traces. Several experi- law as well as the psychological lit- “occurrence”). Confirmatory data
ments have shown high levels of erature, is that children, particu- have been reported for tasks like
false-memory persistence, includ- larly young children, are especially those referred to in Examples 3
ing greater persistence of false than prone to false memories. Although through 5 in Table 1 (e.g., Payne et
true memories (Brainerd, Reyna, & there is much empirical support for al., 1996). A further prediction that
Brandse, 1995; Payne, Elie, Black- this generalization (for a review, follows from Principle 5 is that
well, & Neuschatz, 1996; Toglia, see Ceci & Bruck, 1993), FTT pre- phantom recollection should be
Neuschatz, & Goodwin, 1999). dicts, on the basis of Principles 3 dissociated from true recollection
and 4, that only certain false mem- (i.e., vivid mental experience that
Creation of False Memories by ories conform to this generalization accompanies true-memory re-
Mere Testing and that, further, some important sponses) by manipulations that se-
forms of adult false memory will lectively affect gist and verbatim
In the law, particularly in eye- be largely absent in children. Ac- memory, respectively. Confirma-
witness-identification cases and cases cording to Principle 4, false memo- tory data have also been reported
in which evidence is provided by ries will conform to this generaliza- for this prediction (Brainerd,

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Wright, Reyna, & Mojardin, 2001;

Payne et al., 1996).

Repetition Has Different Effects

on True and False Memory

Repeated presentation of target

material (i.e., the event to be re-
membered) is one of the oldest ma-
nipulations in memory research.
By Principles 2 and 3, repetition
should increase false-memory re-
sponses if gist traces are not yet
available, but should decrease
false-memory responses if gist
traces are already available (by
strengthening the verbatim traces
that can be used to suppress such
responses; Reyna & Lloyd, 1997).
Because gist traces are more stable Fig. 1. False recognition (false alarm probability) of meaning-preserving items as a
function of list repetition in two experiments by Seamon et al. (2002). Example 3 in
than verbatim traces, repetition has Table 1 illustrates the task used. Target lists were presented either 0, 1, 5, or 10 times
disproportionate effects on verba- (Experiment 1) or 0, 1, 5, or 25 times (Experiment 2).
tim traces once gist traces have
been stored. Seamon and his asso-
ciates (e.g., Seamon et al., 2002)
ing surface overlap ought to have diversity of these phenomena not-
have proposed that with standard
two opposing effects. On the one withstanding, a small set of princi-
experimental procedures for pre-
hand, high surface resemblance be- ples that implement a core repre-
senting stimuli, the differential ef-
tween true and false items should sentational distinction has proved
fects of repetition on verbatim and
make it more difficult to discrimi- useful in explaining false memory
gist traces should lead to an in-
nate the two when the latter are and generating new predictions
verted-U relation between repeti-
presented on memory tests, thereby about it. False-memory research is
tion and false-memory responses—
increasing false responding. On the still in its infancy, however, and
that is, such responses should in-
other hand, because verbatim theoretical principles could change
crease with initial repetitions but
traces are representations of sur- considerably down the road.
then decrease with subsequent rep-
face information, increasing the
etitions as verbatim traces are
surface resemblance between true Recommended Reading
strengthened. Experiments con-
and false items should make the
ducted by Seamon et al. (2002) con- Brainerd, C.J., & Reyna, V.F. (2001).
latter better retrieval cues for ver-
firmed this prediction (see Fig. 1). Fuzzy-trace theory: Dual-pro-
batim traces of the former, thereby
cesses in reasoning, memory, and
decreasing false responding. Find- cognitive neuroscience. Advances
Similarity Can Be Distinctive ings that various surface-similarity in Child Development and Behavior,
manipulations either failed to in- 28, 49–100.
A seemingly self-evident claim crease or decreased false respond- Koriat, A., Goldsmith, M., & Pansky,
A. (2000). Toward a psychology of
about false-memory responses is ing are consistent with this predic-
memory accuracy. Annual Review
that they will increase as their simi- tion (see the review by Reyna & of Psychology, 51, 481–538.
larity to experienced material in- Lloyd, 1997). Schacter, D.L., Norman, K.A., &
creases (e.g., for Example 4 in Table Koutstaal, W. (1998). The cogni-
1, oak will produce more false rec- tive neuroscience of constructive
memory. Annual Review of Psychol-
ognition than, say, fern). However,
CONCLUSION ogy, 51, 289–318.
according to FTT, this relation
should hold consistently for mean-
ing overlap but not for surface FTT has been applied to false Acknowledgments— This research was
overlap (Reyna & Lloyd, 1997). This memories in a range of laboratory supported by a National Science Founda-
tion grant (SBR-9730143), by National In-
prediction follows because increas- tasks and real-world situations. The

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stitutes of Health grants (NIH31620 and References Reyna, V.F., & Brainerd, C.J. (1995). Fuzzy-trace
theory: An interim synthesis. Learning and Indi-
P50AT00008), and by a Schering Plough/ vidual Differences, 7, 1–75.
Brainerd, C.J., & Reyna, V.F. (1996). Mere memory
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testing creates false memories in children. De- Reyna, V.F., & Kiernan, B. (1994). The develop-
velopmental Psychology, 32, 467–476. ment of gist versus verbatim memory in sen-
Brainerd, C.J., Reyna, V.F., & Brandse, E. (1995). tence recognition: Effects of lexical familiarity,
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than their true memories? Psychological Science, retention interval. Developmental Psychology,
Notes 6, 359–364. 30, 178–191.
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1. Address correspondence to C.J. press). Are young children susceptible to the Reyna, V.F., & Kiernan, B. (1995). Children’s mem-
false-memory illusion? Child Development. ory and interpretation of psychological meta-
Brainerd, Departments of Surgery and phors. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 10, 309–
Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Brainerd, C.J., Wright, R., Reyna, V.F., & Mojardin,
A.H. (2001). Conjoint recognition and phan-
School Psychology, University of Ari- tom recollection. Journal of Experimental Psy-
zona, Tucson, AZ 85721; e-mail: Reyna, V.F., & Lloyd, F. (1997). Theories of false
chology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 27, memory in children and adults. Learning and 307–327. Individual Differences, 9, 95–123.
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that two distinct processes are in- tion of linguistic ideas. Cognitive Psychology, 3, Roediger, H.L., III, Watson, J.M., McDermott, K.B.,
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volved in false memory, but they have false recall: A multiple regression analysis.
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3. In the interest of brevity, we ig- Seamon, J.G., Luo, C.R., Schwartz, M.A., Jones,
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tention to the standard situation in tin, 114, 3–28. rate and false recognition. Journal of Memory
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schatz, J.S. (1996). Memory illusions: Recalling,
false-memory responses are not avail- recognizing, and recollecting events that never Toglia, M.P., Neuschatz, J.S., & Goodwin, K.A.
able and such responses therefore arise occurred. Journal of Memory and Language, 35, (1999). Recall accuracy and illusory memories:
from gist processing. 261–285. When more is less. Memory, 7, 233–256.

Sources of Bias in Memory for Emotions How accurately can people remem-
ber their own past emotions? Clini-
Linda J. Levine and Martin A. Safer1 cians routinely ask individuals to
rate the intensity and frequency
Department of Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine,
with which they have experienced
California (L.J.L.), and Department of Psychology, Catholic University of America,
Washington, DC (M.A.S.) affective states such as depression
and anger over the past weeks or
months. Diagnostic and treatment
decisions concerning mental disor-
ders are based partly on such self-
Abstract of enduring personality traits.
reports. In nonclinical settings,
How accurately can people People’s memories for emo-
memories for emotions inform
remember how they felt in the tions provide highly con-
people’s current actions and future
past? Although some investi- densed and accessible
plans. Remembering emotions may
gators hold that emotional summaries of the relevance of
alleviate the need to store detailed
memories are resistant to past experiences to current
information about the past, while
change, we review evidence goals.
still enabling rapid decisions based
that current emotions, apprais-
on that information. For example,
als, and coping efforts, as well Keywords
one may retain “gut feelings” that
as personality traits, are all as- memory; recall; emotion; af-
guide decisions to seek out or
sociated with bias in recalling fect; bias
avoid a person or situation, with-
past emotions. Bias occurs as
out remembering the specific de-
memories of emotional states
tails that led to those feelings.
are updated in light of subse-
Most research on emotional Thus, it is important to determine
quent experience and goals. Bi-
memories focuses on how accu- how people recall their emotions,
ased memories in turn influence
rately people remember the events and what factors might be associ-
future plans and emotions, and
that elicited emotions. In this arti- ated with the accuracy or distor-
may contribute to the formation
cle, we ask a different question: tion of these memories over time.

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