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Questions To Think About Before The Test

1) What is a Force?
2) What is an unbalanced/balanced force?
3) What can unbalanced force do?
4) Newtons 1st law is?
5) What types of forces can you name?
6) What are energy stores? What types exist?
7) What are Energy Pathways? What Types Exist?
8) What types of energy do Humans use?
9) What is Energy efficiency? What unit is used for energy?
10) How does a Sankey diagram represent efficiency? What things need to be considered before
drawing a Sankey Diagram?
11) What is the difference between speed and velocity?
12) What is the difference between distance and displacement?
13) On a speed time graph, what does the gradient represent? What does the gradient change?
14) On a distance time graph, what does the gradient represent? What does the gradient change?
15) How do you calculate speed? What are some units that are generally used?
16) What is a turning force? What is the other name for it?
17) What is the unit for turning forces? How is it calculated?
18) What are the two types of turning forces? When are they used?
19) What directions can turning force be?
20) What is the purpose of simple machines? What machines can you name that are used in daily
21) What factors limit speed, in terms of what we have learnt so far?
22) What is the stopping distance? What are the two distances that make it up?
23) What is the thinking distance? What makes it shorter/longer?
24) What is the braking distance? What makes it shorter/longer?
25) Where does energy come from? What is required to make energy?
26) What can energy transform into?
27) What are the two types of energy that can be produced?
28) What is the advantages/disadvantages of non-renewable energy?
29) Name non-renewable energy types
30) What is the advantages/disadvantages renewable energy?
31) Name renewable energy types
32) What is a scientific model? What do they aim to achieve?
33) When designing a model, what must be considered?
34) Give an example of a model, and explain what it explains well but fails in another aspect.
35) What is a wave?
36) What is the MAIN difference between transverse and longitudinal wave. Using correct
vocabulary is essential.
37) Define peak, trough, compression, rarefaction.
38) What is frequency? How is it related to time period? What are their units?
39) What is wavelength? As wavelength changes, what other factor changes?
40) What are the electromagnetic waves? How are they ordered?
41) What is reflection? State the law of reflection.
42) How are the angles calculated in reflection? What must be drawn in order to calculate them?
43) When does refraction occur? State the two possible situations.
44) What is the doppler effect? What are the two situations. What can the doppler effect help
define in space?

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