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Introduction to Child Psychopathology (CLP 4134)

Fall 2011 Erika Coles, Ph.D.

Course Description
Survey course
General issues Specific disorders

Required Text
Mash, E.J. & Wolfe, D.A. (2010). Abnormal Child Psychology, (4th ed.). Belmont, CA:Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Changes, announcement, etc.

Four examinations Drop lowest; NO MAKEUP EXAMS

Attendance and academic honesty Office Hours

By appointment only AHC I, Room 146 (Center for Children and Families

Defining Child Psychopathology

What is Normal?
Rachel is a 14-year-old with no prior history of psychological problems. She is dressed in shorts, a sleeveless tee, and combat boots. She was brought in by her mother with complaints of feeling bad. She is irritable, sleeps poorly, eats little, and has lost 10 lbs. in the last few months. She appears disinterested in many of the activities she previously enjoyed, such as shopping with her mother. Instead, she lies around the house, communicates little with her family, and appears to have little energy or selfdirection.

What is Normal?
Emma is a 5-year-old girl who has always been somewhat quiet and shy. As time for kindergarten approaches, Emma is becoming more uncomfortable around others, preferring to stay home and close to her mother. She has been displaying new fears about the dark, strangers, and getting lost at her new school building. Emma has been crying more frequently and seems almost constantly on edge.

Psychological Disorder

Distress Disability Future suffering or harm

Abnormal Child Behavior

Developmental Cultural and Ethnic Gender Situational

Other factors
Adults Society

Rates of Child Problems

Prevalence vs. incidence Varying rates
Developmental level Role of gender Methodological issues

Barriers to service

Negative attitudes and beliefs
Trivialize Blame Overestimate

Crazy, nuts, retarded, psycho, lunatic

Historical Influences
Early explanations
Adult focus Demonology Somatogenesis

Nineteenth century
Emil Kraepelin Identification

Historical Influences
Freud and Psychoanalytic Theory
Structures of the mind

Developmental perspective
Psychosexual theory Defense mechanisms

Modern psychoanalytic theory

Anna Freud Melanie Klein

Historical Influences
Behaviorism and learning theory
Classical conditioning Law of Effect Operant learning Observational learning

Application in treatment
Behavior Modification and cognitive behavioral therapy

Historical Influences
Mental hygiene movement
A Mind That Found Itself Institutional effects

Child guidance movement

Lightner Witmer (1896) American Orthopsychiatric Association (1924)

Historical Influences
Scientific study of youth
G. Stanley Hall Alfred Binet and Theophil Simon Arnold Gessell

Shift of focus Individuals with Disabilities and Education Act (IDEA; 1975)
Individualized Education Program

UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2007)

Current Study and Practice

Diverse theories Sophisticated methods Dynamic and multidisciplinary Goals
Identify Describe Classify Determine etiology Treatment and prevention

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