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Pathology 1

Week 6 Assignment Pathology

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Pathology 2

Week 3 Assignment Pathology

Question 1- Urticaria Causes

Hives or Urticaria can develop on any skin part; the affected area is full of redness and

wheals that come with itches. Hives result from various environmental factors, such as dust,

animals, pollen grains, foodstuffs, mold, and cigarette smoke. Other scientific evidence also

confirms its occurrence to result from various systemic conditions, medications, malignancies,

emotional stress, and hyperthyroidism. As a type 1 allergic reaction, it can also be due to

infections, insects, and medicines in young children. There are exceptions where a middle school

kid incurs the condition within ten minutes of play. Without having a predetermined opinion, the

situation can result from various environmental factors because it is impossible to tie hives to a

single element. It could be due to an insect bite, soccer practice anxiety, direct exposure to

intense heat, or increased emotional stress. (Kayrian et al,2019)

Question 2 – Cellular mechanism

The combination of immunoglobulin E- and non-immunoglobulin E-mediated mast cells,

plus the production of histamines, vasoactive agents, and various inflammatory mediators, are

causative urticaria factors. Histamines' production aids in controlling bronchoconstriction and

vasodilation, where H1 and H2 help discerning the same. In curbing inflammation, histamines

respond by generating cytokines, leukotrienes, and chemokines. Some of the signs involve the

skins' reaction to produce histamine granules, which results in inflammation effects.

Pathology 3

Question 3- Symptoms and Inflammation

Through observation, the twelve-year-old kid never displayed any signs of breath shortness

and angioedema. He had clear lungs and normal skin without oral swelling. However, there were

other concerns. He demonstrated different symptoms such as hives when playing, high

permeability inflammatory mediators, and vasoactive agents plus pain and pruritus resulting

from skin-activated sensory endings. The feared signs imply an advanced inflammation stage

because they came with an additional package. (Kanani et al,2018)

Question 4 – Pharmacological and Non pharmacological intervention

The process of putting on tight outfits and avoiding branded triggers is non-pharmacologic.

However, the motivation is unexplained in the 12-year-old subject in the case study; it would be

unfair to bar the child from sports participation when uncertainty rules.

The first urticaria treatment option would be the second-generation H1 antihistamine, which

comes after refuting the possibility of anaphylaxis. An improved approach would be necessary

for ineffectiveness where a different version of the second-generation H1 antihistamine, its first-

generation, or incorporate leukotriene receptor. It is perfect to adopt a robust option that is

widely acknowledged in the operation field. Finally, it would be vital to implement Sandimmune

and Xolair to finalize the treatment process. (Vethachalam,Persaud,2020)

Question 5- Complications
Pathology 4

Various case study examples indicate urticaria recurrence in a smaller interval, less than six

weeks. Such rapid replication implies acute cases since it should take longer. While hives,

angioedema, pruritis, and anaphylaxis are the most common examples of this condition, several

factors might indicate severe cases, as outlined below.

• There are reported cases where hives disappear within 24 hours.

• The occurrence of angioedema in sensitive connective tissues results in swallowing

challenges, hoarseness, and trachea blockage. If the above symptoms persevere, they can lead to

patient death.

• The immune system reacts due to antigen introduction, which brings overreaction, and

anaphylaxis is an example of such cases. (Fine,Bernstein,2016)

Question 6- Teaching

The health care provider needs to educate both parties on causative agents and risk factors

of these conditions while stressing the prevention mechanism noting its significance ahead of

treatment. It explains why an extensive lesion on risk prevention is necessary. Therefore, given

allergy risks, the provider must warn them to be distant from allergens and urticarial concerns.

Following the identified inflammatory and hives' symptoms, the parent and child should be

taught about the need to stay clear of topical creams and like pole foodstuffs. The parent and

child should also understand various intervention risks and benefits to help choose the optimal
Pathology 5

approach to curb the possibility of selecting a causative medication option.

Pathology 6


Dabija D, Tadi P.(2020, Chronic Urticaria..In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL):

StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-. Available from:

Kayiran, M. A., & Akdeniz, N. (2019). Diagnosis and treatment of urticaria in primary care.

Northern clinics of Istanbul, 6(1), 93–99.

Kanani, A., Betschel, S. D., & Warrington, R. (2018). Urticaria and angioedema. Allergy,

asthma, and clinical immunology : official journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and

Clinical Immunology, 14(Suppl 2), 59.

Fine, L. M., & Bernstein, J. A. (2016). Guideline of Chronic Urticaria Beyond. Allergy, asthma

& immunology research, 8(5), 396–403.

Vethachalam S, Persaud Y. (2020) Contact Urticaria. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island

(FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-. Available from:

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