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Some people want governments to spend money looking for life on other

planets. Others, however, think this is a waste of public money when there
are so many problems on Earth. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

DOL sẽ trình bày quan điểm qua 1 đoạn mở bài (introduction), 2 đoạn thân
bài (body paragraph), và 1 đoạn kết bài (conclusion).

Mở bài: Sau khi paraphrase lại đề bài, DOL sẽ đưa ra một Thesis Statement
(luận điểm) để nêu quan điểm.
 Body 1: DOL phân tích lý do một vài người ủng hộ quan điểm nên mở
rộng không gian sống trên các hành tinh khác.
 Body 2: DOL phân tích 2 lý do tại sao mở rộng không gian sống trên
các hành tinh khác là một sự lãng phí.

Kết bài: DOL kết luận và khẳng định lại quan điểm của mình.

Body paragraph 1:
Extensive space exploration for other habitable planets.

 Reason: A more favorable living environment >>> Explain: the natural habitat has been
damaged >>> If living on another planet, the challenges could no longer.
 Antithesis: Invested an enormous sum >< life on other planets remains an enigma.

Body paragraph 2:
This is a waste of public money to look for life on other planets.

 Reason 1: Humans’ activities cause current problems >>> unless resolving these
problems, life could be destroyed once again on a new planet.
 Reason 2: Many projects are not accessible to the general public due to exorbitant costs.


Opinions are divided on whether government funding should be allocated to

research into life on other planets or whether such an investment is wasteful
as numerous problems on Earth have not been addressed. While I
acknowledge the reasons behind the former view, I still strongly advocate the
Granted, proponents of extensive space exploration for other habitable
planets out there in the Universe might point to the untapped potential for
creating a more favorable living environment compared to the existing one on
Earth. At present, the natural habitat has suffered from widespread damage
as well as countless detrimental impacts of climate change, all of which make
life on Earth increasingly challenging. If there is a gateway to another planet
wherein there is a seed of life, and many of the challenges currently facing
Earth could no longer plague humanity. Humans, nonetheless, have invested
an enormous sum over the years to discover what the Universe has to offer,
yet life on other planets remains an enigma. Given this, I reckon that it is
more feasible and practical to dedicate time and financial resources to
tackling issues on Earth.
From my perspective, humans’ activities are the major contributor to a great
number of current problems ranging from a deteriorating environment
to resource depletion. Unless we shoulder the responsibility and attempt to
resolve these problems, life could easily be pushed to the verge of destruction
once again even on a new planet. Furthermore, humans, in reality, have made
remarkable progress in solving pressing problems on Earth such as
the invention of lab-grown meat to deal with a serious dearth of food sources
or the use of alternative energy so as to tackle the exhaustion of fossil fuel.
However, many of these projects are not accessible to the general public due
to exorbitant costs. This is why I opine that it would be better if government
funding could be channeled to solving immediate problems and revitalizing
life on Earth.
In conclusion, while it is understandable why some desire to explore life on
other planets, I still believe that it is more beneficial and essential to invest in
working toward solutions for our current problems on Earth.

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