Vignesh HDFC Complaint Letter

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10, Meena Bagh,Opp.

Nirman Bhavan
H New Delhi- 110 011
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)
Pollachi Constituency, Tamilnadu.
rr 26, Perumalpudur, Kumaralingam (PO),
Member Madathukulam (TK), TiruPur (DT),
. Standing Committee on Tamilnadu -642204.

Social Justice and EmPowerment

. Consultative Committee on
rs+dqst o *gt -9566900600
Road Tnansport and HighwaYs
. Coconut Development Board oL .05, aoA+


The Finance }"{inister.

Gol,emment of India.

llonourable Madam.
Itrust this communicatioii finds ,vou u.ell" I am wi:iting to bring to yoiir attention a
matter ol ,{rave concerll pertaining to persistent dela,vs in the subsid,v claim process in the
Pollachi branch of HDFC Bank^ within the Pollachi Con-qtituenc)'.

T'he dela5, irr the subsid,v disbursement process is adversely affecting rlumerous
benetieia,ries u'ho are ar,:ailing themselv-es of the sul-rsidies under varior-rs government sehemes.
including the Prime Minister's Emplo.vment Generation Programme (PMEGP). It has come to
my attention that the situation is par-ticularl-v ehalienging f'or entreprenerirs iike Mr. Vignesh
an<i others in our constituency wi:ro are eageri.v awaiting tire frnanciai support cruciai flor their
business eudeavors. I lbund the staff's working at HDFC Poilachi Branch repeatedly diverging
their duties from one person to another especially Mr. Ragul Nandhan. The Beneficiarv
lv{r. Vignesh has repeatedly pleaded tbr claim but stafis didn't provide necessary guidelines to

The Pollachi Br:anch of IIDFC Bank in orir constituency seem to be lacing systemic
issues in processing subsidl, claims efficiently- leading to unwarranted delays and causing
r-rndue llnaneial strain on our constitr:ents. l-his delay is not onl;,hindering the econc'rmtc gror.r.,th
of our region but is also impeding the government's efforts to promote entrepreneurship and
employment generation.

l, thereflore. eamestly request your immediate intervention to investigate and rectif5r the
issues causing these cielarvs in subsidy disbursement at HDFC Bank branches in and around
Poiiachi. Timeil, resoiution of this matter is essentiai to ensure that the intencieci benefits of
govemment schemes reach the deserving beneficiaries without further

Member of Parliament'
Pollachi ConstituencY
10, Meena Bagh,OPP. Nirman Bhavan
H New Delhi- 110 011
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)
Pollachi Constituency, Tamilnadu. (|i
rr 26, Perumalpudur, Kumanalingam (PO),
Madathukulam (TK), TiruPur (DJ)'
Tamilnadu '642204.
o Standing Committee on
Social Justice and EmPowerment (dq+dqqt @ +91 -9566900600
. Consultative Committee on
Road TransPort and HighwaYs

o Coconut DeveloPment Board

I of the urgenc;- of this matter and your commitment to

appr-eciate your understanding
int'er','ention '*i11 not
ensuring G effective implementation of governr:rent programs. Your
to tire overall
oni5, alleviate the financial burden on our constituents but u'i11 also contribute
economic development of our region'

I look forward to yor:r prompt action on this matter and appreciate your continued
oi'ottr citizens'
efforls in builcling a robnst and responsive financial system for the benefit

Thank you tbr -Your attention to this plessing issue'

Copy to:

I. Hon'bie [ :nicn Minister o1' l- inancc- Govet'nment ol' lndia

2. Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empoweflrent
3. Secretalv. l.tlinistr-v of Finance
4. Banking Ombudsman for HDFC Bank Limited. Reserve Bank of India
5. MD and CEO. HDFC Bank Lirnited
6" Regional N.4anager. Tiruppur Region. HDFC Bank I imited


Member of parliament
. PollachiConstituency
TamilNadu I

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