Financial Appeal Letter

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Dear ______,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is ______, and I am a 12th grader currently
enrolled at ______ High School for the Gifted in Vietnam. I am reaching out to respectfully
request a reconsideration of the decision regarding my financial aid package for the upcoming
school years at ______.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deep gratitude for the opportunity to attend such a
prestigious institution, which is my top choice. Affording the full cost of tuition for university in the
U.S. can pose challenges to my family's financial situation. Tuition costs, living expenses, and
currency exchange rates have heightened financial strain for international students like myself.

In Vietnam, my family's annual income is approximately ______, which, as you know, is

relatively modest compared to the cost of living in the United States. A partial of this amount
supports our entire family while covering all of our living expenses. The cost of living in our area
is continuously increasing, and my parents' salaries have not kept pace. Necessities such as
housing, food, transportation, and other living costs consume nearly half of my parents’ annual

Considering the current aid package I have received, I am expected to pay ______ out of
pocket, which would impose an extreme financial burden on my family. Therefore, I kindly
request the consideration of additional grants or scholarships to reduce my expected
contribution to a more reasonable level, ideally around ______. This means the financial aid
package will be ______. This revised amount would be within a range that my family could
manage through necessary sacrifices.

The transformative impact of financial aid support extends beyond mere financial relief; it holds
the power to bridge the gap between the possibility of obtaining a college degree and the stark
reality of its unattainability.

I sincerely hope you will reconsider my appeal and provide the necessary assistance so that I
do not have to withdraw due to unaffordability. I am truly grateful for the time and consideration
you have dedicated to reviewing my appeal. I hope to hear back from you by the end of March
at the latest, to allow for necessary preparations on my part. (bold/highlight "by the end of

Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide to support my case.
Thank you once again for your attention.


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