AI TOOLS Project

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MBA SEM IV- Mid Term Assignment

Artificial Intelligence Driven Marketing

[MKT 8718]

TOPIC: Artificial Intelligence Driven


Submitted To: Himani Bharadwaj

Submitted by: Kuldeep Kumar (220010301005)

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence program that generates dialogue. Created
by Open AI, this high-capable chatbot uses machine learning algorithms to
process and analyze large amounts of data to generate responses to user
inquiries. This language processing program is able to understand human
language as it is spoken and written, allowing it to understand the information it
is fed, and what to spit back out. A student can type in a question, and ChatGPT
spits back out an easily understandable answer – in a variety of formats with
precise stipulations.

Features and Limitations of ChatGPT

One of the key features of chat GPT is its ability to generate responses like
humans in real-time, based on the user’s input. It can give natural answers to
questions in a conversational tone and can generate stories, essays, and poems.
Moreover, Chat GPT can:

 Answer questions
 Solve math equations
 Translate between languages
 Debug and fix code
 Write a story/poem
 Classify things

Perhaps more amazing is the ease at which ChatGPT produces these responses.
Students could potentially spend hours researching and drafting an essay on
quantum mechanics, whereas ChatGPT can produce a well-written alternative in
While ChatGPT can populate a pristine essay on the cultural impact of the
Spanish-American War, there are limitations. Due to its infancy, the chatbot may
generate incorrect information or have a comprehensive understanding of a
topic because answers are based on data that is limited to 2020 and prior.
How does it work?
Pulling from a large dataset of text, Chat GPT uses this dataset to learn about
language, grammar, and the structure and meaning of words and sentences.
This enables it to understand the context and intent of user queries and
generate appropriate responses.

The Impact on Learning

While ChatGPT is a huge advancement in technology, it poses serious concerns

and challenges for learning. This appears to be the newest wave of academic
dishonesty, which is quickly turning into a tsunami. There are technologies such
as GPTZero that can detect plagiarism, but the greater concern is that students
are not engaging in the writing process and missing opportunities for research,
critical thinking, and formulating their own response.
How can Chat GPT actually help faculty or students in the

Teachers can use ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, in the
classroom to engage and educate students in a variety of ways. Here are a few
As a writing prompt generator: ChatGPT can help teachers generate engaging
writing prompts for students to respond to. For example, a teacher could ask
ChatGPT to generate a story starter or a creative writing prompt, and then have
students use the prompt as the basis for their own writing. This can be a fun and
interactive way to get students excited about writing.
As a reading comprehension tool: ChatGPT can be used to help students
improve their reading comprehension skills. Teachers can ask ChatGPT to
generate a passage on a topic that students are studying, and then have students
read the passage and answer questions about it. This can be a helpful way to
assess students’ understanding of the material and to identify areas where they
may need additional support.
As a vocabulary builder: ChatGPT can help students expand their vocabulary by
generating sentences using words that students may not be familiar with.
Teachers can ask ChatGPT to generate sentences using a particular word, and
then have students guess the meaning of the word based on the context of the
sentence. This can be a fun and interactive way to help students learn new
words and improve their vocabulary.
Overall, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for teachers looking to engage and
educate their students in new and exciting ways. By using ChatGPT in the
classroom, teachers can help students develop important skills such as writing,
reading comprehension, and vocabulary building.
Why I am using this tool ?

Get concise answers

Have you ever gotten stuck on a certain topic or text and struggled to get clarity? ChatGPT
can now help you in such tricky situations by explaining concepts in a simple, easy-to-
understand manner. Much like a personal tutor, it can give you instant support and help
clarify all your doubts. Whether you are taking online classes or studying in a regular
classroom, this tool will work alongside you offering real-time answers and simplifying
challenging topics. It will give you concise answers that are easy to read and comprehend,
making it easier for you to make notes and understand difficult concepts.

Personalised recommendations
Amazon makes shopping an easy experience by providing personalised recommendations and
ChatGPT does something similar with your learning process.It is like a smart computer
programme that looks at what you’ve previously learnt and uses that information to give you
personalised tips and suggestions. It figures out what you need help with and gives you
advice on how to improve in specific subject areas. So, you can get guidance that is
specifically tailored to you and your learning needs.

Makes learning an engaging experience

ChatGPT has a wealth of resources and information and with the right prompts, you can
access all of it. This simple process also makes learning fun as it gives students the right
support and guidance. With so much at your disposal, students can dive deep into subjects
and topics, gaining a much deeper understanding of their curriculum. The best part is that
they can do all this in a very engaging manner and enjoy the process of learning.

Improve your skills

ChatGPT for students is a brilliant learning tool because it offers study support. Whether
you’re stuck on a subject or need assistance starting a new assignment, ChatGPT can give
you personalised advice and help. It can even pinpoint areas where you can improve and give
you useful resources.

Get feedback
Getting the right feedback is very important for students looking to improve their skills or
address an area of concern. ChatGPT can be used to enhance writing skills, try a new writing
style, and even get ideas for assignments.Another benefit of ChatGPT for students is that it
can offer feedback and suggestions on their work and help improve their grammar and
writing. It is often difficult for students to get access to their teacher for feedback when they
are working on assignments, so this AI tool definitely comes in handy.

Time management
Managing your time well is really important for students, but time management can be tough
to learn. Luckily, ChatGPT can assist you in improving your time management skills. It offers
helpful tips and strategies to handle your workload efficiently. Moreover, the chatbot can
support you in setting and reaching goals while keeping track of your progress as time goes

Solving Problem of Data Analytics to Understanding Data

Quick Access to Information: Data analysts often need to refer to documentation, libraries,
and programming languages while working on their analysis tasks. ChatGPT can provide
quick access to information by answering questions, explaining concepts, and providing code
snippets, reducing the time spent searching for resources.

On-Demand Support: Data analysts can rely on ChatGPT as an on-demand support system.
They can ask questions, seek clarifications, or request guidance on various data analysis
topics and tips for further analysis. ChatGPT can provide immediate responses, allowing
analysts to overcome roadblocks or gain insights without having to wait for assistance from
colleagues or superiors.

Data Preprocessing and Cleaning: Data analysts spend a significant amount of time
preparing and cleaning data before analysis. ChatGPT can provide recommendations on data
preprocessing techniques, handling missing values, dealing with outliers, and resolving
quality issues in customer data. This can help streamline the data preparation process and
ensure quality analysis.

Statistical Analysis and Modeling: ChatGPT can assist data analysts in performing
statistical analyses and building models. Analysts can seek guidance on selecting the
appropriate statistical tests, understanding model assumptions, interpreting results, and
choosing the right machine learning algorithms.

Handling Large Datasets: Data analysts often work with large datasets that can be time-
consuming to process and analyze. ChatGPT can assist in handling such datasets by
providing suggestions on efficient data manipulation techniques, data cleaning methods, and
data visualization options. This can help analysts streamline their workflow and improve

Solving the problem of content creation

Idea Generation:One of the most challenging aspects of content creation is coming up with
new and engaging ideas. Chat GPT can help by generating a list of potential topics based on a
given keyword or phrase.

Content Summarization:ChatGPT can be used to summarize lengthy pieces of content into

shorter, more manageable pieces. This can be especially useful for creating social media posts
or blog summaries.

Content Summarization:ChatGPT can be used to summarize lengthy pieces of content into

shorter, more manageable pieces. This can be especially useful for creating social media posts
or blog summaries.

Efficiency:Chat GPT can generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently, freeing up
time for content creators to focus on other aspects of their work.

Consistency:ChatGPT can ensure consistency in tone and style across multiple pieces of
content, helping to create a cohesive brand identity.

Creativity:Chat GPT can generate new and innovative ideas that may not have been
considered otherwise, helping to keep content fresh and engaging.

Solving the Problem of Digital Marketing

1. Campaign strategy – the platform helps develop a digital marketing strategy tailored
to unique goals and target audiences. By analyzing customer data, market trends, and
industry best practices, ChatGPT can suggest ideas for campaign themes, channels,
and tactics.
2. Channel selection – ChatGPT can suggest the most effective channels for a particular
campaign based on the target audience, campaign goals and budget. Channels include
social media platforms, email marketing, search engine marketing and other digital
marketing channels.
3. Performance analyses help businesses monitor and analyze digital marketing
campaigns’ performance by providing insights into what works and does not. This
information can be used to adjust the campaign strategy and tactics in real-time to
optimize results.
4. Content creation for blog posts, social media updates and other types of content.
With a topic or keyword, the chatbot can suggest headlines, opening sentences and
even complete paragraphs for use in marketing materials.
5. Audience research helps digital marketers understand their target audience better. By
analyzing large volumes of data, ChatGPT can identify standard customer segments’
shared characteristics, behaviors, and preferences.
6. Customer engagement on social media or other platforms. Chatbots like ChatGPT
can be programmed to answer common questions, provide customer support and even
make product recommendations.
7. Data analysis helps digital marketers analyze large data sets to identify trends,
patterns, and insights. Marketers make data-driven decisions about their campaigns
and strategies by researching large data sets.
8. Personalized customer experiences. By analyzing customer data, ChatGPT can
provide recommendations for products or content tailored to individual interests and
needs. ChatGPT can help businesses create unique experiences for new audiences,
increase engagement and foster trust.
9. SEO optimization improves search engine results which drive traffic to its site by
analyzing search queries and identifying relevant keywords.

Solving the problem of Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Conduct Keyword Research: Brainstorm a pool of keywords with ChatGPT, then use a tool
like Semrush to evaluate their effectiveness and choose the ones that give your content the
most visibility.

Group Keywords Based on Semantic Relevance: Semantic relevance refers to how

keywords relate to each other in terms of meaning or context. Grouping them helps you know
which words to put together in a piece of content for better ranking. You can ask ChatGPT to
classify a list of keywords based on semantic relevance.
When you optimize your content using semantically related keywords, you create a richer,
more thorough context. This helps search engines understand search intent

Create Topic Clusters: Topic clusters are categories of related topics linked with one central
“pillar” topic. They help users navigate your content and signal to search engines that your
website has a high degree of authority on the subject.

Generate Headline Ideas: Click-worthy headlines encourage readers to engage with your
content. Provide ChatGPT with the headline’s keyword, character limit, and purpose to
generate headline ideas.

Craft Content Outlines: Use ChatGPT to create an article outline. Supplement the output
with your research to flesh out the details and add a unique perspective to your content.

Create Content: Use AI to aid your writing process and speed up content creation.
Supplement ChatGPT with your expertise and research to create engaging, informative

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